mirror of https://github.com/sys4-fr/server-nalc.git synced 2025-03-22 20:20:40 +01:00
sys4-fr 1db80b9ec5 Change default config files for NotreAmiLeCube Server
Add and activate TNT mod
Activate Fire propagation
Add Technic modpack
Add technic_armor mod
Add bakedclay
Remove burned_clay
Add bonemeal
Add digilines
Add enchanting
Add experience
Add lightning
Add maidroid
Add meshnode
Add morefarming
Add moreflowers
Add moreplants
Add pdisc
Add playeranim
Add playereffects
Change cyberpangolin skin
Add weather_pack
Add witchcraft
2017-03-12 15:39:36 +01:00

164 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File

name = sys4
# Logs parameters - 0 = none, 1 = warning, 2 = action, 3 = info, 4 = verbose
debug_log_level = action
# Profiling (mod needed because the minetest cmdline sucks)
profiler.load = true
profilerdumper.interval = 300
# Permet aux vieux client de minetest de ce connecter
strict_protocol_version_checking = false
# Options pour le type du serveur
creative_mode = false
enable_damage = true
disallow_empty_password = true
server_dedicated = true
# 1 day-night cycle lasts 24 minutes instead of 20.
time_speed = 60
# Slightly higher player limit by default.
max_users = 5
# Give basics privileges to new players.
default_privs = home, spawn, faction_user
# If true, actions are recorded for rollback
enable_rollback_recording = true
# Activate fire
disable_fire = false
# Enable TNT
enable_tnt = true
# Si false, les pseudos des joueurs sont cachés à partir d'une distance de 50 blocs
unlimited_player_transfer_distance = false
# Activated the minimap usage if true
enable_minimap = true
# Fix the deleted item when die if your bags/craft grid/inventory is full
max_objects_per_block = 150 # default value is 49
max_forceloaded_blocks = 100
max_block_generate_distance = 16 # 4 for better performances
max_block_send_distance = 8 # 6 for better performances
max_simultaneous_block_sends_per_client = 24 # 6 for better performances
max_simultaneous_block_sends_server_total = 500 # 125 for better performances
time_send_interval = 10
active_block_range = 1
server_map_save_interval = 60
sqlite_synchronous = 0
server_name = NotreAmiLeCube (Survival & PVP) [FR/EN]
server_description = Server hosted by sys4. This server have a class system(Warrior, Hunter, Wizard) and is highly modded, content-rich, good luck to survive and have fun! [This server is a fork from MinetestForFun Classic]
motd = Welcome to "NotreAmiLeCube (Survival & PVP) [EN/FR]" server! / Bienvenue sur le serveur "NotreAmiLeCube (Survie & PVP) [FR/EN]" !
serverlist_url = servers.minetest.net
server_url = http://mff.sys4.fr/
server_announce = false
server_address =
port = 30002
# curl default 5sec but timeout, fix to 15sec
curl_timeout = 15000
# Slightly decreased compared to minetest_next.
movement_acceleration_default = 2.4
# Same acceleration in air and on the ground, to fix some movement glitches. Also is easier to play.
movement_acceleration_air = 1.2
# Almost instant acceleration in fast mode for more control.
movement_acceleration_fast = 24
# Walking is 20 % faster than in minetest_game. Makes playing without the "fast" privilege less boring.
movement_speed_walk = 4.8
# Half the speed of walking, just like the animation.
movement_speed_crouch = 2.4
# 5 times faster than walking.
movement_speed_fast = 24
# Makes climbing speed faster than rising in the water. Also makes ladders more useful.
movement_speed_climb = 4.8
# Faster movement in liquids. Jumping at the water surface also speeds up swimming.
movement_liquid_fluidity = 1.6 (default = 1)
# Ralentissement à la surface de l'eau
movement_liquid_fluidity_smooth = 0.5
# Vitesse à laquelle le joueur coule
movement_liquid_sink = 15
# Slightly less gravity.
movement_gravity = 9.5
# Jump height slightly reduced.
movement_speed_jump = 6.5
# Emplacement du static spawn point
static_spawnpoint = 144, 25, 261
# Emplacment du static spawn pour le nether
nether_static_spawnpoint = 43, -20020, -12
# Désactivation de l'anti-cheat qui fait ce téléporter en arrière si l'on va trop vite
disable_anticheat = true
# A chosen map seed for a new map, leave empty for random
#fixed_map_seed = 13107546752813893513
fixed_map_seed = 5841458415838469071
# Enable dungeons on new worlds.
mg_flags = trees, caves, dungeons
# Enable jungles on new worlds, disable biome blend and mud flow (faster, looks better).
mgv6_spflags = jungles, nobiomeblend, nomudflow
# Less deserts, more beaches.
mgv6_freq_desert = 0.6
mgv6_freq_beach = -0.15
# Tweeked "valleys" mapgen
mg_biome_np_heat = 50, 50, (350,350,350), 5349, 3, 0.5
mg_biome_np_humidity = 50, 50, (350,350,350), 842, 0.5
mg_name = valleys
# GIVE_INITIAL_STUFF MOD - Equipement pour les nouveaux joueurs : Give 1 axe_wood, 10 torches, 2 saplings, 5 apples. Edit mods/misc/give_initial_stuff.lua to change.
give_initial_stuff = true
areas.self_protection = true
areas.self_protection_max_size = {x=128, y=128, z=128}
areas.self_protection_max_areas = 30
# DROPONDIE MOD - si false, les sacs des joueurs sont vidées à leurs mort
keepInventory = false
# RANDOM_MESSAGES MOD - paramétrage de l'interval entre deux messages, 30min actuellement
random_messages_interval = 1800
# FAIL MOD - permettant failpoints et cookies
fp_pubmsg = true
fp_strict_checking = false
# MESECONS MOD - paramétrage des outils logiques
mesecon.overheat_max = 60
# MAPFIX MOD - Recalculate the flowing liquids and the light of a chunk
mapfix_default_size = 40
mapfix_max_size = 50
mapfix_delay = 5
# TIME REGULATION - turned off by default
disable_time_regulation = true
# Tweak the mapgen chunksize (16 per 16 nodes, default is "5"), will be applied on many mods
chunksize = 3
# Reduce Mesecons "blinky_plant" speed
mesecon.blinky_plant_interval = 7
# Set default mana regeneration to 3
mana_default_regen = 3
hudbars_sorting = health=0, mana=1, satiation=2, sprint=3, breath=4, armor=5
hudbars_tick = 0.4
hudbars_start_offset_left_y = -100
hudbars_start_offset_right_y = -100
# Mysql Auth, config file path
#mysql_auth.cfgfile = /home/quentinbd/mysql_auth/mff-classic_config
# CHRISTMAS_CRAFT, active snow when winter(december/january)
is_winter = false
### IRC CHAT ###
#irc.server = irc.inchra.chat
#irc.channel = #minetestforfun
#irc.interval = 2.0
#irc.nick = MFF-Bot
#irc.password = #vide car aucun mdp pour le channel
secure.trusted_mods = irc, snow, stacktraceplus
#irc.debug = false
#irc.disable_auto_connect = false
#irc.disable_auto_join = false
#irc.send_join_part = true
## Player Anim ##
player_model_version = default_character_v1