mirror of https://github.com/sys4-fr/server-nalc.git synced 2025-03-24 13:20:39 +01:00
crabman77 1df5323482 fix bug in openfarming
fix usebug in openfarming, when node is plant any node can be placed
fix bug due to news protection in farming mod V1.12
add default:papyrus can be placed, no dig
2015-03-16 02:30:48 +01:00

112 lines
4.2 KiB
Executable File

--plants to place in openfarming
local plants = { ["farming:blueberries"]=1, ["farming:muffin_blueberry"]=1, ["farming:carrot"]=1, ["farming:carrot_gold"]=1, ["farming:cocoa_beans"]=1, ["farming:cookie"]=1, ["farming:chocolate_dark"]=1, ["farming:coffee_beans"]=1, ["farming:corn"]=1, ["farming:corn_cob"]=1, ["farming:bottle_ethanol"]=1, ["farming:cotton"]=1, ["farming:cucumber"]=1, ["farming:donut"]=1, ["farming:donut_chocolate"]=1, ["farming:donut_apple"]=1, ["farming:melon_slice"]=1, ["farming:potato"]=1, ["farming:baked_potato"]=1, ["farming:pumpkin_slice"]=1, ["farming:pumpkin_bread"]=1, ["farming:pumpkin_dough"]=1, ["farming:raspberries"]=1, ["farming:smoothie_raspberry"]=1, ["farming:rhubarb"]=1, ["farming:rhubarb_pie"]=1, ["farming:sugar"]=1, ["farming:tomato"]=1, ["farming:wheat"]=1, ["farming:seed_cotton"]=1, ["farming:seed_wheat"]=1, ["default:papyrus"]=1 }
--tools to dig in openfarming
local in_hand = { ["hand"]=1, ["vines:shears"]=1, ["multitest:shears"]=1 , ["multitest:wood_shears"]=1,["multitest:stone_shears"]=1 }
-- Returns a list of areas that include the provided position
function areas:getAreasAtPos(pos)
local a = {}
local px, py, pz = pos.x, pos.y, pos.z
for id, area in pairs(self.areas) do
local ap1, ap2 = area.pos1, area.pos2
if px >= ap1.x and px <= ap2.x and
py >= ap1.y and py <= ap2.y and
pz >= ap1.z and pz <= ap2.z then
a[id] = area
return a
-- Checks if the area is unprotected or owned by you
function areas:canInteract(pos, name)
if minetest.check_player_privs(name, self.adminPrivs) then
return true
local owned = false
if pos == nil then return not owned end -- pour éviter crash avec nénuphar
for _, area in pairs(self:getAreasAtPos(pos)) do
if area.owner == name or area.open then
return true
elseif area.openfarming then
-- if area is openfarming
local node = minetest.get_node(pos).name
if not minetest.registered_nodes[node] then return false end
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
if not player then return false end
local wstack = player:get_wielded_item():get_name()
if wstack == "" then wstack = "hand" end
if node == "air" and plants[wstack] ~= nil then
return true
if minetest.get_item_group(node, "plant") == 1 and in_hand[wstack] ~= nil then
return true
owned = true
owned = true
return not owned
-- Returns a table (list) of all players that own an area
function areas:getNodeOwners(pos)
local owners = {}
for _, area in pairs(self:getAreasAtPos(pos)) do
table.insert(owners, area.owner)
return owners
--- Checks if the area intersects with an area that the player can't interact in.
-- Note that this fails and returns false when the specified area is fully
-- owned by the player, but with multiple protection zones, none of which
-- cover the entire checked area.
-- @param name (optional) player name. If not specified checks for any intersecting areas.
-- @param allow_open Whether open areas should be counted as is they didn't exist.
-- @return Boolean indicating whether the player can interact in that area.
-- @return Un-owned intersecting area id, if found.
function areas:canInteractInArea(pos1, pos2, name, allow_open)
if name and minetest.check_player_privs(name, self.adminPrivs) then
return true
areas:sortPos(pos1, pos2)
-- First check for a fully enclosing owned area.
if name then
for id, area in pairs(self.areas) do
-- A little optimization: isAreaOwner isn't necessary
-- here since we're iterating through all areas.
if area.owner == name and
self:isSubarea(pos1, pos2, id) then
return true
-- Then check for intersecting (non-owned) areas.
for id, area in pairs(self.areas) do
local p1, p2 = area.pos1, area.pos2
if (p1.x <= pos2.x and p2.x >= pos1.x) and
(p1.y <= pos2.y and p2.y >= pos1.y) and
(p1.z <= pos2.z and p2.z >= pos1.z) then
-- Found an intersecting area.
-- Return if the area is closed or open areas aren't
-- allowed, and the area isn't owned.
if (not allow_open or not area.open) and
(not name or not areas:isAreaOwner(id, name)) then
return false, id
return true