mirror of
synced 2024-11-05 10:00:26 +01:00
648 lines
17 KiB
648 lines
17 KiB
minetest.register_node("watershed:appleleaf", {
description = "Appletree leaves",
drawtype = "allfaces_optional",
visual_scale = 1.3,
tiles = {"default_leaves.png"},
paramtype = "light",
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {snappy=3, flammable=2, leaves=1},
drop = {
max_items = 1,
items = {
{items = {"watershed:appling"},rarity = 20},
{items = {"watershed:appleleaf"}}
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("watershed:appling", {
description = "Appletree sapling",
drawtype = "plantlike",
visual_scale = 1.0,
tiles = {"default_sapling.png"},
inventory_image = "default_sapling.png",
wield_image = "default_sapling.png",
paramtype = "light",
walkable = false,
is_ground_content = false,
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-0.3, -0.5, -0.3, 0.3, 0.35, 0.3}
groups = {snappy=2,dig_immediate=3,flammable=2,attached_node=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("watershed:acaciatree", {
description = "Acacia tree",
tiles = {"watershed_acaciatreetop.png", "watershed_acaciatreetop.png", "watershed_acaciatree.png"},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {tree=1,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=1,flammable=2},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_place = minetest.rotate_node
minetest.register_node("watershed:acacialeaf", {
description = "Acacia leaves",
drawtype = "allfaces_optional",
visual_scale = 1.3,
tiles = {"watershed_acacialeaf.png"},
paramtype = "light",
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {snappy=3, flammable=2, leaves=1},
drop = {
max_items = 1,
items = {
{items = {"watershed:acacialing"},rarity = 20},
{items = {"watershed:acacialeaf"}}
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("watershed:acacialing", {
description = "Acacia tree sapling",
drawtype = "plantlike",
visual_scale = 1.0,
tiles = {"watershed_acacialing.png"},
inventory_image = "watershed_acacialing.png",
wield_image = "watershed_acacialing.png",
paramtype = "light",
walkable = false,
is_ground_content = false,
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-0.3, -0.5, -0.3, 0.3, 0.35, 0.3}
groups = {snappy=2,dig_immediate=3,flammable=2,attached_node=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("watershed:pinetree", {
description = "Pine tree",
tiles = {"watershed_pinetreetop.png", "watershed_pinetreetop.png", "watershed_pinetree.png"},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {tree=1,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=1,flammable=2},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_place = minetest.rotate_node
minetest.register_node("watershed:needles", {
description = "Pine needles",
drawtype = "allfaces_optional",
visual_scale = 1.3,
tiles = {"watershed_needles.png"},
paramtype = "light",
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {snappy=3},
drop = {
max_items = 1,
items = {
{items = {"watershed:pineling"},rarity = 20},
{items = {"watershed:needles"}}
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("watershed:pineling", {
description = "Pine sapling",
drawtype = "plantlike",
visual_scale = 1.0,
tiles = {"watershed_pineling.png"},
inventory_image = "watershed_pineling.png",
wield_image = "watershed_pineling.png",
paramtype = "light",
walkable = false,
is_ground_content = false,
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-0.3, -0.5, -0.3, 0.3, 0.35, 0.3}
groups = {snappy=2,dig_immediate=3,flammable=2,attached_node=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("watershed:jungleleaf", {
description = "Jungletree leaves",
drawtype = "allfaces_optional",
visual_scale = 1.3,
tiles = {"default_jungleleaves.png"},
paramtype = "light",
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {snappy=3, flammable=2, leaves=1},
drop = {
max_items = 1,
items = {
{items = {"watershed:jungling"},rarity = 20},
{items = {"watershed:jungleleaf"}}
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("watershed:jungling", {
description = "Jungletree sapling",
drawtype = "plantlike",
visual_scale = 1.0,
tiles = {"default_junglesapling.png"},
inventory_image = "default_junglesapling.png",
wield_image = "default_junglesapling.png",
paramtype = "light",
walkable = false,
is_ground_content = false,
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-0.3, -0.5, -0.3, 0.3, 0.35, 0.3}
groups = {snappy=2,dig_immediate=3,flammable=2,attached_node=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("watershed:dirt", {
description = "Dirt",
tiles = {"default_dirt.png"},
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {crumbly=3,soil=1},
drop = "default:dirt",
sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("watershed:icydirt", {
description = "Icy dirt",
tiles = {"watershed_icydirt.png"},
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {crumbly=1},
drop = "default:dirt",
sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults({
footstep = {name="default_snow_footstep", gain=0.15},
dug = {name="default_snow_footstep", gain=0.45},
minetest.register_node("watershed:grass", {
description = "Grass",
tiles = {"default_grass.png", "default_dirt.png", "default_grass.png"},
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {crumbly=3,soil=1},
drop = "default:dirt",
sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults({
footstep = {name="default_grass_footstep", gain=0.25},
minetest.register_node("watershed:redstone", {
description = "Red stone",
tiles = {"default_desert_stone.png"},
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {cracky=3},
drop = "watershed:redcobble",
sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("watershed:redcobble", {
description = "Red cobblestone",
tiles = {"watershed_redcobble.png"},
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {cracky=3, stone=2},
sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("watershed:stone", {
description = "Stone",
tiles = {"default_stone.png"},
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {cracky=3},
drop = "default:cobble",
sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("watershed:cactus", {
description = "Cactus",
tiles = {"default_cactus_top.png", "default_cactus_top.png", "default_cactus_side.png"},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {snappy=1,choppy=3,flammable=2},
drop = "default:cactus",
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_place = minetest.rotate_node
minetest.register_node("watershed:goldengrass", {
description = "Golden grass",
drawtype = "plantlike",
tiles = {"watershed_goldengrass.png"},
inventory_image = "watershed_goldengrass.png",
wield_image = "watershed_goldengrass.png",
paramtype = "light",
walkable = false,
buildable_to = true,
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {snappy=3,flammable=3,flora=1,attached_node=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -5/16, 0.5},
minetest.register_node("watershed:drygrass", {
description = "Dry grass",
tiles = {"watershed_drygrass.png"},
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {crumbly=1,soil=1},
drop = "default:dirt",
sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults({
footstep = {name="default_grass_footstep", gain=0.4},
minetest.register_node("watershed:permafrost", {
description = "Permafrost",
tiles = {"watershed_permafrost.png"},
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {crumbly=1},
drop = "default:dirt",
sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("watershed:vine", {
description = "Jungletree vine",
drawtype = "airlike",
paramtype = "light",
walkable = false,
climbable = true,
pointable = false,
diggable = false,
buildable_to = true,
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1},
minetest.register_node("watershed:freshice", {
description = "Fresh ice",
tiles = {"watershed_freshice.png"},
is_ground_content = false,
paramtype = "light",
groups = {cracky=3},
sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("watershed:cloud", {
description = "Cloud",
drawtype = "glasslike",
tiles = {"watershed_cloud.png"},
paramtype = "light",
is_ground_content = false,
sunlight_propagates = true,
walkable = false,
pointable = false,
diggable = false,
buildable_to = true,
post_effect_color = {a=23, r=241, g=248, b=255},
minetest.register_node("watershed:luxore", {
description = "Lux ore",
tiles = {"watershed_luxore.png"},
paramtype = "light",
light_source = 14,
groups = {cracky=3},
drop = "watershed:luxcrystal 8",
sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("watershed:light", {
description = "Light",
tiles = {"watershed_light.png"},
paramtype = "light",
light_source = 14,
groups = {cracky=3},
sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("watershed:acaciawood", {
description = "Acacia wood planks",
tiles = {"watershed_acaciawood.png"},
groups = {choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,flammable=3,wood=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("watershed:pinewood", {
description = "Pine wood planks",
tiles = {"watershed_pinewood.png"},
groups = {choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,flammable=3,wood=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("watershed:freshwater", {
description = "Freshwater source",
inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube("watershed_freshwater.png"),
drawtype = "liquid",
tiles = {
aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=2.0}
special_tiles = {
aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=2.0},
backface_culling = false,
alpha = WATER_ALPHA,
paramtype = "light",
is_ground_content = false,
walkable = false,
pointable = false,
diggable = false,
buildable_to = true,
drop = "",
drowning = 1,
liquidtype = "source",
liquid_alternative_flowing = "watershed:freshwaterflow",
liquid_alternative_source = "watershed:freshwater",
liquid_viscosity = WATER_VISC,
liquid_renewable = false,
liquid_range = 2,
post_effect_color = {a=64, r=100, g=150, b=200},
groups = {water=3, liquid=3, puts_out_fire=1},
minetest.register_node("watershed:freshwaterflow", {
description = "Flowing freshwater",
inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube("watershed_freshwater.png"),
drawtype = "flowingliquid",
tiles = {"watershed_freshwater.png"},
special_tiles = {
animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=0.8}
animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=0.8}
alpha = WATER_ALPHA,
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "flowingliquid",
is_ground_content = false,
walkable = false,
pointable = false,
diggable = false,
buildable_to = true,
drop = "",
drowning = 1,
liquidtype = "flowing",
liquid_alternative_flowing = "watershed:freshwaterflow",
liquid_alternative_source = "watershed:freshwater",
liquid_viscosity = WATER_VISC,
liquid_renewable = false,
liquid_range = 2,
post_effect_color = {a=64, r=100, g=150, b=200},
groups = {water=3, liquid=3, puts_out_fire=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
minetest.register_node("watershed:lava", {
description = "Lava source",
inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube("default_lava.png"),
drawtype = "liquid",
tiles = {
{name="default_lava_source_animated.png", animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=3.0}}
special_tiles = {
aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=3.0},
backface_culling = false,
paramtype = "light",
light_source = 14,
is_ground_content = false,
walkable = false,
pointable = false,
diggable = false,
buildable_to = true,
drop = "",
drowning = 1,
liquidtype = "source",
liquid_alternative_flowing = "watershed:lavaflow",
liquid_alternative_source = "watershed:lava",
liquid_viscosity = LAVA_VISC,
liquid_renewable = false,
liquid_range = 2,
damage_per_second = 8,
post_effect_color = {a=192, r=255, g=64, b=0},
groups = {lava=3, liquid=2, hot=3, igniter=1},
minetest.register_node("watershed:lavaflow", {
description = "Flowing lava",
inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube("default_lava.png"),
drawtype = "flowingliquid",
tiles = {"default_lava.png"},
special_tiles = {
aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=3.3}
aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=3.3}
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "flowingliquid",
light_source = 14,
is_ground_content = false,
walkable = false,
pointable = false,
diggable = false,
buildable_to = true,
drop = "",
drowning = 1,
liquidtype = "flowing",
liquid_alternative_flowing = "watershed:lavaflow",
liquid_alternative_source = "watershed:lava",
liquid_viscosity = LAVA_VISC,
liquid_renewable = false,
liquid_range = 2,
damage_per_second = 8,
post_effect_color = {a=192, r=255, g=64, b=0},
groups = {lava=3, liquid=2, hot=3, igniter=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
minetest.register_node("watershed:mixwater", {
description = "Mixed water source",
inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube("watershed_mixwater.png"),
drawtype = "liquid",
tiles = {
aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=2.0}
special_tiles = {
aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=2.0},
backface_culling = false,
alpha = WATER_ALPHA,
paramtype = "light",
is_ground_content = false,
walkable = false,
pointable = false,
diggable = false,
buildable_to = true,
drop = "",
drowning = 1,
liquidtype = "source",
liquid_alternative_flowing = "watershed:mixwaterflow",
liquid_alternative_source = "watershed:mixwater",
liquid_viscosity = WATER_VISC,
liquid_renewable = false,
liquid_range = 2,
post_effect_color = {a=64, r=100, g=120, b=200},
groups = {water=3, liquid=3, puts_out_fire=1},
minetest.register_node("watershed:mixwaterflow", {
description = "Flowing mixed water",
inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube("watershed_mixwater.png"),
drawtype = "flowingliquid",
tiles = {"watershed_mixwater.png"},
special_tiles = {
animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=0.8}
animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=0.8}
alpha = WATER_ALPHA,
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "flowingliquid",
is_ground_content = false,
walkable = false,
pointable = false,
diggable = false,
buildable_to = true,
drop = "",
drowning = 1,
liquidtype = "flowing",
liquid_alternative_flowing = "watershed:mixwaterflow",
liquid_alternative_source = "watershed:mixwater",
liquid_viscosity = WATER_VISC,
liquid_renewable = false,
liquid_range = 2,
post_effect_color = {a=64, r=100, g=120, b=200},
groups = {water=3, liquid=3, puts_out_fire=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
-- Items
minetest.register_craftitem("watershed:luxcrystal", {
description = "Lux crystal",
inventory_image = "watershed_luxcrystal.png",
-- Crafting
type = "cooking",
output = "default:desert_stone",
recipe = "watershed:redcobble",
output = "watershed:light 8",
recipe = {
{"default:glass", "default:glass", "default:glass"},
{"default:glass", "watershed:luxcrystal", "default:glass"},
{"default:glass", "default:glass", "default:glass"},
output = "watershed:acaciawood 4",
recipe = {
output = "watershed:pinewood 4",
recipe = {
-- Buckets
"WS Fresh Water Bucket"
"WS Lava Bucket"
-- Fuel
type = "fuel",
recipe = "watershed:bucket_lava",
burntime = 60,
replacements = {{"watershed:bucket_lava", "bucket:bucket_empty"}},
-- Register stairs and slabs
stairs.register_stair_and_slab("acaciawood", "watershed:acaciawood",
"Acaciawood stair",
"Acaciawood slab",
stairs.register_stair_and_slab("pinewood", "watershed:pinewood",
"Pinewood stair",
"Pinewood slab",