--[[ shutdown par turbogus, code sous licence gpl2 ou sup déclaration du "timer" par Jat ( du mod annonce ) Affiche l'heure dans le chat toute les minutes et arrête votre serveur "proprement" à une heure précise afin de créer une sauvegarde ]]-- -- compatibility with soundset mod local SOUNDVOLUME = 1 local get_volume if (minetest.get_modpath("soundset")) ~= nil then get_volume = soundset.get_gain else get_volume = function (player_name, sound_type) return SOUNDVOLUME end end local function sound_play_all(sound) for _, p in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local player_name = p:get_player_name() if player_name then minetest.sound_play(sound, {to_player=player_name, gain=get_volume(player_name, "other")}) end end end local timer = 0 if not core.colorize then core.colorize = function(c, m) return m end end local function send(msg, col) core.chat_send_all(core.colorize(col, msg)) end local function tick() local heure = os.date("%H") local minute = os.date("%M") -- Warn every days if heure == "06" then if minute == "00" then send("Rappel : Redémarrage journalier du serveur dans 30 minutes. (Dure 30 minutes)", "#ffff00") send("Reminder : Daily reboot of the server in 30 minutes. (Lasts 30 minutes)", "#ffff00") sound_play_all("shutdown_shutdown") elseif minute == "15" then send("Rappel : Redémarrage journalier du serveur dans 15 minutes. (Dure 30 minutes)", "#FF6600") send("Reminder : Daily reboot of the server in 15 minutes. (Lasts 30 minutes)", "#FF6600") sound_play_all("shutdown_shutdown") elseif minute == "25" then send("Rappel : Redémarrage journalier du serveur dans 5 minutes - Pensez à vous deconnecter !", "#ff0000") send("Reminder : Daily reboot of the server in 5 minutes - Prepare to log out!", "#ff0000") sound_play_all("shutdown_shutdown") elseif minute == "29" then send("=== ARRET DU SERVEUR - DE NOUVEAU EN LIGNE DANS 30 MIN ===", "#ff0000") send("=== SERVER SHUTTING DOWN - ONLINE AGAIN IN 30 MIN ===", "#ff0000") sound_play_all("shutdown_shutdown") -- minetest.request_shutdown() end end minetest.after(60, tick) end minetest.after(0, function() -- When server has just started -- Calculate time until next minute to start laps (+1 sec to be sure) minetest.after(61 - tonumber(os.date("%S")), function() tick() end) end)