Vanessa Dannenberg 3836215268 API changes to allow for more mounting styles

The base name of a node can be whatever you want.  The basic wall sign
will keep the node name you give, while its hanging, on-pole, and yard
variants will, where applicable, use the same name, with "_onpole",
"_hanging", or "_yard" appended.

One exception:

If your node has "_wall" in its name, that bit will be stripped-out when
generating the above node variations.  For example:


...will become...



The base sign model and entity files must now be named:

sign:   mymod_foosign_wall.obj

entity: mymod_foosign_entity_wall.obj

their other variants, where applicable, must be:



For `facedir` signs, the "_facedir" in the base sign model filename is
automatically stripped from the name when generating the entity model
filename, as entities don't have a concept of wallmounted/facedir/etc.
For example:


...will become...


* allow passing custom onpole, hanging, and yard sign models, for
situations where the filename(s) thereof can't be derived from the base
sign model filename.

* allow passing a custom pole mount, hanging, and yard sign stick
textures as the third, fourth, and fifth tiles{} entries, respectively
(independent of the above model file option)

* fine-tuned the pole mount on the standard sign models to eliminate
overlapping faces (so it looks better with basic_signs' glass sign.

* Move basic_signs wooden yard sign back to signs_lib.
2019-09-26 00:48:53 -04:00

64 lines
2.5 KiB

-- Definitions for standard minetest_game wooden and steel wall signs
signs_lib.register_sign("default:sign_wall_wood", {
description = "Wooden wall sign",
inventory_image = "signs_lib_sign_wall_wooden_inv.png",
tiles = {
-- items 3 - 5 are not set, so signs_lib will use its standard pole
-- mount, hanging, and yard sign stick textures.
entity_info = "standard",
allow_hanging = true,
allow_widefont = true,
allow_onpole = true,
allow_onpole_horizontal = true,
allow_yard = true
signs_lib.register_sign("default:sign_wall_steel", {
description = "Steel wall sign",
inventory_image = "signs_lib_sign_wall_steel_inv.png",
tiles = {
nil, -- not set, so it'll use the standard pole mount texture
nil, -- not set, so it'll use the standard hanging chains texture
"default_steel_block.png" -- for the yard sign's stick
groups = signs_lib.standard_steel_groups,
sounds = signs_lib.standard_steel_sign_sounds,
locked = true,
entity_info = "standard",
allow_hanging = true,
allow_widefont = true,
allow_onpole = true,
allow_onpole_horizontal = true,
allow_yard = true
minetest.register_alias("default:sign_wall_wood_onpole", "default:sign_wood_onpole")
minetest.register_alias("default:sign_wall_wood_hanging", "default:sign_wood_hanging")
minetest.register_alias("signs:sign_hanging", "default:sign_wood_hanging")
minetest.register_alias("basic_signs:hanging_sign", "default:sign_wood_hanging")
minetest.register_alias("default:sign_wall_wood_yard", "default:sign_wood_yard")
minetest.register_alias("signs:sign_yard", "default:sign_wood_yard")
minetest.register_alias("basic_signs:yard_sign", "default:sign_wood_yard")
table.insert(signs_lib.lbm_restore_nodes, "signs:sign_hanging")
table.insert(signs_lib.lbm_restore_nodes, "basic_signs:hanging_sign")
table.insert(signs_lib.lbm_restore_nodes, "signs:sign_yard")
table.insert(signs_lib.lbm_restore_nodes, "basic_signs:yard_sign")
table.insert(signs_lib.lbm_restore_nodes, "default:sign_wood_yard")
table.insert(signs_lib.lbm_restore_nodes, "default:sign_wall_wood_yard")
-- insert the old wood sign-on-fencepost into signs_lib's conversion LBM
table.insert(signs_lib.old_fenceposts_with_signs, "signs:sign_post")
signs_lib.old_fenceposts["signs:sign_post"] = "default:fence_wood"
signs_lib.old_fenceposts_replacement_signs["signs:sign_post"] = "default:sign_wall_wood_onpole"