local S if intllib then S = intllib.Getter() else S = function(s) return s end end local chest_mark_colors = { {"black", S("Black")}, {"blue", S("Blue")}, {"brown", S("Brown")}, {"cyan", S("Cyan")}, {"dark_green", S("Dark Green")}, {"dark_grey", S("Dark Grey")}, {"green", S("Green")}, {"grey", S("Grey")}, {"magenta", S("Magenta")}, {"orange", S("Orange")}, {"pink", S("Pink")}, {"red", S("Red")}, {"violet", S("Violet")}, {"white", S("White")}, {"yellow", S("Yellow")}, } local function colorid_to_postfix(id) return chest_mark_colors[id] and "_"..chest_mark_colors[id][1] or "" end local function get_color_buttons(loleft, lotop) local buttons_string = "" for y = 0, 3 do for x = 0, 3 do local file_name = "technic_colorbutton"..(y * 4 + x)..".png" buttons_string = buttons_string.."image_button[" ..(loleft + 8.1 + x * 0.7)..","..(lotop + 0.1 + y * 0.7) ..";0.8,0.8;"..file_name..";color_button" ..(y * 4 + x + 1)..";]" end end return buttons_string end local function check_color_buttons(pos, meta, chest_name, fields) for i = 1, 16 do if fields["color_button"..i] then technic.swap_node(pos, chest_name..colorid_to_postfix(i)) meta:set_string("color", i) return end end end local function set_formspec(pos, data, page) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local formspec = data.formspec local lowidth = data.color and 11 or 8 local ovwidth = math.max(lowidth, data.width) local hileft = (ovwidth - data.width) / 2 local loleft = (ovwidth - lowidth) / 2 local lotop = data.height + 2 if data.autosort then local status = meta:get_int("autosort") formspec = formspec.."button["..(hileft+2)..","..(data.height+1.1)..";3,0.8;autosort_to_"..(1-status)..";"..S("Auto-sort is %s"):format(status == 1 and S("On") or S("Off")).."]" end if data.infotext then local formspec_infotext = minetest.formspec_escape(meta:get_string("infotext")) if page == "main" then formspec = formspec.."image_button["..(hileft+2.1)..",0.1;0.8,0.8;" .."technic_pencil_icon.png;edit_infotext;]" .."label["..(hileft+3)..",0;"..formspec_infotext.."]" elseif page == "edit_infotext" then formspec = formspec.."image_button["..(hileft+2.1)..",0.1;0.8,0.8;" .."technic_checkmark_icon.png;save_infotext;]" .."field["..(hileft+3.3)..",0.2;4.8,1;" .."infotext_box;"..S("Edit chest description:")..";" ..formspec_infotext.."]" end end if data.color then local colorID = meta:get_int("color") local colorName if chest_mark_colors[colorID] then colorName = chest_mark_colors[colorID][2] else colorName = S("None") end formspec = formspec.."label["..(loleft+8.2)..","..(lotop+3)..";"..S("Color Filter: %s"):format(colorName).."]" end meta:set_string("formspec", formspec) end local function sort_inventory(inv) local inlist = inv:get_list("main") local typecnt = {} local typekeys = {} for _, st in ipairs(inlist) do if not st:is_empty() then local n = st:get_name() local w = st:get_wear() local m = st:get_metadata() local k = string.format("%s %05d %s", n, w, m) if not typecnt[k] then typecnt[k] = { name = n, wear = w, metadata = m, stack_max = st:get_stack_max(), count = 0, } table.insert(typekeys, k) end typecnt[k].count = typecnt[k].count + st:get_count() end end table.sort(typekeys) local outlist = {} for _, k in ipairs(typekeys) do local tc = typecnt[k] while tc.count > 0 do local c = math.min(tc.count, tc.stack_max) table.insert(outlist, ItemStack({ name = tc.name, wear = tc.wear, metadata = tc.metadata, count = c, })) tc.count = tc.count - c end end if #outlist > #inlist then return end while #outlist < #inlist do table.insert(outlist, ItemStack(nil)) end inv:set_list("main", outlist) end local function get_receive_fields(name, data) local lname = name:lower() return function(pos, formname, fields, sender) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local page = "main" if fields.sort or (data.autosort and fields.quit and meta:get_int("autosort") == 1) then sort_inventory(meta:get_inventory()) end if fields.edit_infotext then page = "edit_infotext" end if fields.autosort_to_1 then meta:set_int("autosort", 1) end if fields.autosort_to_0 then meta:set_int("autosort", 0) end if fields.infotext_box then meta:set_string("infotext", fields.infotext_box) end if data.color then -- This sets the node local nn = "technic:"..lname..(data.locked and "_locked" or "").."_chest" check_color_buttons(pos, meta, nn, fields) end meta:get_inventory():set_size("main", data.width * data.height) set_formspec(pos, data, page) end end function technic.chests:definition(name, data) local lname = name:lower() name = S(name) local lowidth = data.color and 11 or 8 local ovwidth = math.max(lowidth, data.width) local hileft = (ovwidth - data.width) / 2 local loleft = (ovwidth - lowidth) / 2 local lotop = data.height + 2 local ovheight = lotop + 4 local locked_after_place = nil local front = {"technic_"..lname.."_chest_front.png"} data.formspec = "invsize["..ovwidth..","..ovheight..";]".. "label[0,0;"..S("%s Chest"):format(name).."]".. "list[current_name;main;"..hileft..",1;"..data.width..","..data.height..";]".. "list[current_player;main;"..loleft..","..lotop..";8,4;]".. "background[-0.19,-0.25;"..(ovwidth+0.4)..","..(ovheight+0.75)..";ui_form_bg.png]".. "background["..hileft..",1;"..data.width..","..data.height..";technic_"..lname.."_chest_inventory.png]".. "background["..loleft..","..lotop..";8,4;ui_main_inventory.png]" if data.sort then data.formspec = data.formspec.."button["..hileft..","..(data.height+1.1)..";1,0.8;sort;"..S("Sort").."]" end if data.color then data.formspec = data.formspec..get_color_buttons(loleft, lotop) end if data.locked then locked_after_place = function(pos, placer) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("owner", placer:get_player_name() or "") meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Locked Chest (owned by %s)") :format(name, meta:get_string("owner"))) end table.insert(front, "technic_"..lname.."_chest_lock_overlay.png") end local desc if data.locked then desc = S("%s Locked Chest"):format(name) else desc = S("%s Chest"):format(name) end local def = { description = desc, tiles = {"technic_"..lname.."_chest_top.png", "technic_"..lname.."_chest_top.png", "technic_"..lname.."_chest_side.png", "technic_"..lname.."_chest_side.png", "technic_"..lname.."_chest_side.png", table.concat(front, "^")}, paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = self.groups, tube = self.tube, legacy_facedir_simple = true, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), after_place_node = locked_after_place, on_construct = function(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Chest"):format(name)) set_formspec(pos, data, "main") local inv = meta:get_inventory() inv:set_size("main", data.width * data.height) end, can_dig = self.can_dig, on_receive_fields = get_receive_fields(name, data), on_metadata_inventory_move = self.on_inv_move, on_metadata_inventory_put = self.on_inv_put, on_metadata_inventory_take = self.on_inv_take, } if data.locked then def.allow_metadata_inventory_move = self.inv_move def.allow_metadata_inventory_put = self.inv_put def.allow_metadata_inventory_take = self.inv_take end return def end function technic.chests:register(name, data) local def = technic.chests:definition(name, data) local nn = "technic:"..name:lower()..(data.locked and "_locked" or "").."_chest" minetest.register_node(":"..nn, def) if data.color then local mk_front if string.find(def.tiles[6], "%^") then mk_front = function (overlay) return def.tiles[6]:gsub("%^", "^"..overlay.."^") end else mk_front = function (overlay) return def.tiles[6].."^"..overlay end end for i = 1, 15 do local postfix = colorid_to_postfix(i) local colordef = {} for k, v in pairs(def) do colordef[k] = v end colordef.drop = nn colordef.groups = self.groups_noinv colordef.tiles = { def.tiles[1], def.tiles[2], def.tiles[3], def.tiles[4], def.tiles[5], mk_front("technic_chest_overlay"..postfix..".png") } minetest.register_node(":"..nn..postfix, colordef) end end end