local elevator = { hp_max = 400, can_punch = true, physical = true, collisionbox = {-1, -0.5, -1, 1, 2.5, 1}, visual = "mesh", mesh = "elevator.x", textures = {"technology_elevator.png"}, item = "technology:elevator", marks = {}, -- list of floors to stop to passengers = {}, -- list of current passengers direction = 0, direction_change = false, -- enable for step to take the direction change in count target = 0, -- altitude to reach } local elevator_radius = 1 local elevator_speed = 3 local elevator_rail = "technology:elevator_rail" local elevator_mark = "default:sign_wall_steel" local elevator_entity = "technology:elevator_entity" function yaw(object) if object:is_player() then return object:get_look_horizontal() else return object:getyaw() end end function elevator:is_player_inside(player) print(player:get_player_name().." enter an elevator as passenger n°"..#self.passengers.."") for i,passenger in pairs(self.passengers) do if player == passenger then return true end end return false end function elevator:set_direction(direction) print("elevator take direction "..direction.." to target "..self.target) self.direction = direction self.direction_change = true if self.sound_loop then minetest.sound_stop(self.sound_loop) end if direction==0 then self.sound_loop = minetest.sound_play("elevator_close", {object=self.object, max_hear_distance = 10, loop=false}) self.target = 0 else if self.sound_loop then minetest.sound_stop(self.sound_loop) end self.sound_loop = minetest.sound_play("elevator_loop", {object=self.object, max_hear_distance = 10, loop=true}) end end function elevator:on_punch(puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, direction) if self:is_player_inside(puncher) then -- punch an elevator to go up or down if self.direction == 0 then local look = puncher:get_look_vertical() local p = self.object:getpos() self:regenerate_marks() -- search for a mark, that can haven't been already searched if #self.marks == 0 then return end if look < 0 then -- look up local i=1 while i<=#self.marks and self.marks[i]<=p.y do i = i+1 end if self.marks[i] == p.y then return end self.target = self.marks[i] self:set_direction(1) else -- look down local i=#self.marks while i>0 and self.marks[i]>=p.y do i = i-1 end if self.marks[i] == p.y then return end self.target = self.marks[i] self:set_direction(-1) end else self:set_direction(0) -- uncomment it if elevators mustn't be stopped from the interior end elseif puncher:get_wielded_item():get_name() == "technology:wrench" then puncher:get_inventory():add_item("technology:elevator", 1) self.object:remove() end end function elevator:on_rightclick(clicker) if self:is_player_inside(clicker) then -- the passenger exits local y = yaw(clicker) local pos = self.object:getpos() local p = { x=pos.x + -(elevator_radius+0.5)*math.sin(y), y=pos.y+0.5, z=pos.z + -(elevator_radius+0.5)*-math.cos(y) } if (not minetest.get_node({x=p.x, y=pos.y, z=p.z}).walkable) and (not minetest.get_node({x=p.x, y=pos.y+1, z=p.z}).walkable) then clicker:setpos(p) clicker:set_detach(self.object) for i,passenger in pairs(self.passengers) do if passenger==clicker then break end end table.remove(self.passengers, i) minetest.after(0.2, function() clicker:setpos(p) end) else minetest.chat_send_player(clicker:get_player_name(), "area is too small to bail out") end else -- the player enter the elevator -- the program comes here if the clicker is not a passenger -- make it become one table.insert(self.passengers, clicker) clicker:set_attach(self.object, "", {x=0,y=0,z=10}, {x=0,y=0,z=-10}) end end function elevator:on_step(dtime) -- check up for direction change if self.direction_change then self.object:set_velocity({x=0,y=self.direction*elevator_speed,z=0}) self.direction_change = false else -- wait for a stop local p = self.object:getpos() if self.direction > 0 and p.y+elevator_speed*dtime >= self.target then self.object:setpos({x=p.x, y=self.target, z=p.z}) self.object:set_velocity({x=0, y=0, z=0}) self:set_direction(0) elseif self.direction < 0 and p.y-elevator_speed*dtime <= self.target then self.object:setpos({x=p.x, y=self.target, z=p.z}) self.object:set_velocity({x=0, y=0, z=0}) self:set_direction(0) end end if self.object:get_hp() <= 5 then self.object:remove() return end end local r = elevator_radius+0.7 local elevator_marks_slots = { {r,-0.5},{r,0.5}, {-0.5,r},{0.5,r}, {-r,-0.5},{-r,0.5}, {-0.5,-r},{0.5,-r} } local elevator_mark_height = 1.5 function elevator:regenerate_marks() local y = self.object:getyaw() local p = self.object:getpos() rail_x = p.x + (elevator_radius+0.5) * math.cos(y) -- rail on the side rail_z = p.z + (elevator_radius+0.5) * math.sin(y) rail_y = p.y+elevator_mark_height+1 while minetest.get_node({x=rail_x, y=rail_y, z=rail_z}).name == elevator_rail do for i,place in pairs(elevator_marks_slots) do if minetest.get_node({x=p.x + place[1], y=rail_y, z=p.z + place[2]}).name == elevator_mark then table.insert(self.marks, rail_y-elevator_mark_height) break end end rail_y = rail_y+1 end rail_y = p.y+elevator_mark_height-1 while minetest.get_node({x=rail_x, y=rail_y, z=rail_z}).name == elevator_rail do for i,place in pairs(elevator_marks_slots) do if minetest.get_node({x=p.x + place[1], y=rail_y, z=p.z + place[2]}).name == elevator_mark then table.insert(self.marks, 1, rail_y-elevator_mark_height) break end end rail_y = rail_y-1 end end minetest.register_entity(elevator_entity, elevator) minetest.register_craftitem("technology:elevator", { description = "Elevator", inventory_image="technology_elevator_item.png", wield_image = "technology_elevator_item.png", wield_scale = {x=6, y=6, z=2}, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local p = pointed_thing.under local y = yaw(placer) -- select direction to place to print(y) local o = 0 if 7*math.pi/4 < y or y <= math.pi/4 then o = 0 elseif math.pi/4 < y and y <= 3*math.pi/4 then o = math.pi/2 elseif 3*math.pi/4 < y and y <= 5*math.pi/4 then o = math.pi else o = 3*math.pi/2 end p.y = p.y + 0.5 p.x = p.x + 1.5*math.sin(o) + 0.5*math.cos(o) p.z = p.z - 1.5*math.cos(o) + 0.5*math.sin(o) local obj = minetest.add_entity(p, elevator_entity) obj:setyaw(o) if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then itemstack:take_item() end return itemstack end, }) local ec = 0.05 -- size of electric cables local sc = 0.1 -- size of support cables local zmin = -0.5 local zmax = 0.5 minetest.register_node("technology:elevator_rail", { description = "Vertical rail for elevator", node_placement_prediction = "", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", drawtype = "nodebox", node_box = {type = "fixed", fixed = { { -0.05, zmin, 0.2, 0.05, zmax, 0.5 }, -- guidance rail { -0.1, zmin, 0.45, 0.1, zmax, 0.5 }, -- guidance rail part 2 { 0.4, zmin, -0.1, 0.4+sc, zmax, -0.1+sc }, -- support cable { -0.3, zmin, 0.4, -0.3+ec, zmax, 0.4+ec }, -- electric cable { -0.4, zmin, 0.4, -0.4+ec, zmax, 0.4+ec }, -- electric cable }}, selection_box = {type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, zmin, 0.2, 0.5, zmax, 0.5}, }}, tiles = { "technology_elevator_rail_front.png", --top "technology_elevator_rail_front.png", --bottom "technology_elevator_rail_right.png", --right "technology_elevator_rail_left.png", --left "technology_elevator_rail_back.png", --back "technology_elevator_rail_front.png" --front }, walkable = true, groups = {mechanic=1, oddly_breakable_by_hand=1}, on_punch = metal_punch, sounds = metal_footstep, }) technology.register_plan("ELEVATOR", "technology:elevator", nil, { "technic:hv_transformer 1", "technic:motor 1", "technology:wire 2", "default:bronze_ingot 6", }) technology.register_plan("ELEVATOR_RAIL", "technology:elevator_rail", nil, { "technology:wire 1", "default:steel_ingot 1", })