Generate 2 solid layers at bottom of pit

To prevent lava escaping
This commit is contained in:
Wuzzy 2019-08-23 13:30:33 +02:00
parent 20f0c8a845
commit f1a7d039e7

@ -586,9 +586,21 @@ local function replace(str, iy, code_table, deco, column_style)
return code_table[str]
local function replace2(str, iy, code_table)
if iy == 0 and str == "~" then str = "t"
elseif iy < 3 and str == "~" then str = " " end
local function replace2(str, iy, depth, code_table)
if iy == depth then
-- Sandstone at the bottom-most layer
str = "s"
elseif iy == depth-1 then
-- Brick at the layer above
str = "S"
elseif iy == 0 and str == "~" then
-- Trap stones at the top layer
str = "t"
elseif iy < depth-3 and str == "~" then
-- Air below the trap stones
str = " "
-- Everything else is untouched (will stay pyramid material)
return code_table[str]
@ -733,12 +745,19 @@ function tsm_pyramids.make_traps(pos, stype, rotations)
local hole = {x=pos.x+7,y=pos.y, z=pos.z+7}
local layout = rotate_layout(layout_traps, ROOM_WIDTH, rotations)
for iy=0,4,1 do
-- Depth is total depth of trap area:
-- * top layer with trap stones
-- * followed by air layers
-- * followed by 2 layer of lava
-- * and 2 layers of sandstone/brick at the bottom (to prevent lava escaping)
-- The depth of air between trap stones and lava layer is <depth> - 4
local depth = 7
for iy=0,depth,1 do
for ix=0,8,1 do
for iz=0,8,1 do
local n_str = layout[tonumber(ix*9+iz+1)]
local p2 = 0
minetest.set_node({x=hole.x+ix,y=hole.y-iy,z=hole.z+iz}, {name=replace2(n_str, iy, code_table), param2=p2})
minetest.set_node({x=hole.x+ix,y=hole.y-iy,z=hole.z+iz}, {name=replace2(n_str, iy, depth, code_table), param2=p2})