local S = minetest.get_translator("unified_inventory") local F = minetest.formspec_escape local ui = unified_inventory local function is_recipe_craftable(recipe) -- Ensure the ingedients exist for _, itemname in pairs(recipe.items) do local groups = string.find(itemname, "group:") if groups then if not ui.get_group_item(string.sub(groups, 8)).item then return false end else -- Possibly an item local itemname_cleaned = ItemStack(itemname):get_name() if not minetest.registered_items[itemname_cleaned] or minetest.get_item_group(itemname_cleaned, "not_in_craft_guide") ~= 0 then return false end end end return true end -- Create detached creative inventory after loading all mods minetest.after(0.01, function() local rev_aliases = {} for original, newname in pairs(minetest.registered_aliases) do if not rev_aliases[newname] then rev_aliases[newname] = {} end table.insert(rev_aliases[newname], original) end -- Filtered item list ui.items_list = {} for name, def in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do if ui.is_itemdef_listable(def) then table.insert(ui.items_list, name) -- Alias processing: Find recipes that belong to the current item name local all_names = rev_aliases[name] or {} table.insert(all_names, name) for _, itemname in ipairs(all_names) do local recipes = minetest.get_all_craft_recipes(itemname) for _, recipe in ipairs(recipes or {}) do if is_recipe_craftable(recipe) then ui.register_craft(recipe) end end end end end table.sort(ui.items_list) ui.items_list_size = #ui.items_list print("Unified Inventory. Inventory size: "..ui.items_list_size) -- Analyse dropped items -> custom "digging" recipes for _, name in ipairs(ui.items_list) do local def = minetest.registered_items[name] -- Simple drops if type(def.drop) == "string" then local dstack = ItemStack(def.drop) if not dstack:is_empty() and dstack:get_name() ~= name then ui.register_craft({ type = "digging", items = {name}, output = def.drop, width = 0, }) end -- Complex drops. Yes, it's really complex! elseif type(def.drop) == "table" then --[[ Extract single items from the table and save them into dedicated tables to register them later, in order to avoid duplicates. These tables counts the total number of guaranteed drops and drops by chance (“maybes”) for each item. For “maybes”, the final count is the theoretical maximum number of items, not neccessarily the actual drop count. ]] local drop_guaranteed = {} local drop_maybe = {} -- This is for catching an obscure corner case: If the top items table has -- only items with rarity = 1, but max_items is set, then only the first -- max_items will be part of the drop, any later entries are logically -- impossible, so this variable is for keeping track of this local max_items_left = def.drop.max_items -- For checking whether we still encountered only guaranteed only so far; -- for the first “maybe” item it will become false which will cause ALL -- later items to be considered “maybes”. -- A common idiom is: -- { max_items 1, { items = { -- { items={"example:1"}, rarity = 5 }, -- { items={"example:2"}, rarity = 1 }, }}} -- example:2 must be considered a “maybe” because max_items is set and it -- appears after a “maybe” local max_start = true -- Let's iterate through the items madness! -- Handle invalid drop entries gracefully. local drop_items = def.drop.items or { } for i=1,#drop_items do if max_items_left ~= nil and max_items_left <= 0 then break end local itit = drop_items[i] for j=1,#itit.items do local dstack = ItemStack(itit.items[j]) if not dstack:is_empty() and dstack:get_name() ~= name then local dname = dstack:get_name() local dcount = dstack:get_count() -- Guaranteed drops AND we are not yet in “maybe mode” if #itit.items == 1 and itit.rarity == 1 and max_start then if drop_guaranteed[dname] == nil then drop_guaranteed[dname] = 0 end drop_guaranteed[dname] = drop_guaranteed[dname] + dcount if max_items_left ~= nil then max_items_left = max_items_left - 1 if max_items_left <= 0 then break end end -- Drop was a “maybe” else if max_items_left ~= nil then max_start = false end if drop_maybe[dname] == nil then drop_maybe[dname] = 0 end drop_maybe[dname] = drop_maybe[dname] + dcount end end end end for itemstring, count in pairs(drop_guaranteed) do ui.register_craft({ type = "digging", items = {name}, output = itemstring .. " " .. count, width = 0, }) end for itemstring, count in pairs(drop_maybe) do ui.register_craft({ type = "digging_chance", items = {name}, output = itemstring .. " " .. count, width = 0, }) end end end -- Step 1: Initialize cache for looking up groups unified_inventory.init_matching_cache() -- Step 2: Find all matching items for the given spec (groups) local get_matching_spec_items = unified_inventory.get_matching_items for outputitemname, recipes in pairs(ui.crafts_for.recipe) do -- List of crafts that return this item string (variable "_") -- Problem: The group cache must be initialized after all mods finished loading -- thus, invalid recipes might be indexed. Hence perform filtering with `new_recipe_list` local new_recipe_list = {} for _, recipe in ipairs(recipes) do local ingredient_items = {} for _, spec in pairs(recipe.items) do -- Get items that fit into this spec (group or item name) local specname = ItemStack(spec):get_name() for item_name, _ in pairs(get_matching_spec_items(specname)) do ingredient_items[item_name] = true end end for name, _ in pairs(ingredient_items) do if not ui.crafts_for.usage[name] then ui.crafts_for.usage[name] = {} end table.insert(ui.crafts_for.usage[name], recipe) end if next(ingredient_items) then -- There's at least one known ingredient: mark as good recipe -- PS: What whatll be done about partially incomplete recipes? table.insert(new_recipe_list, recipe) end end ui.crafts_for.recipe[outputitemname] = new_recipe_list end -- Remove unknown items from all categories local total_removed = 0 for cat_name, cat_def in pairs(ui.registered_category_items) do for itemname, exists in pairs(cat_def) do if exists and not minetest.registered_items[itemname] then total_removed = total_removed + 1 --[[ -- For analysis minetest.log("warning", "[unified_inventory] Removed item '" .. itemname .. "' from category '" .. cat_name .. "'. Reason: item not registered") ]] cat_def[itemname] = nil end end end if total_removed > 0 then minetest.log("info", "[unified_inventory] Removed " .. total_removed .. " unknown items from the categories.") end for _, callback in ipairs(ui.initialized_callbacks) do callback() end end) ---------------- Home API ---------------- local function load_home() local input = io.open(ui.home_filename, "r") if not input then ui.home_pos = {} return end while true do local x = input:read("*n") if not x then break end local y = input:read("*n") local z = input:read("*n") local name = input:read("*l") ui.home_pos[name:sub(2)] = {x = x, y = y, z = z} end io.close(input) end load_home() function ui.set_home(player, pos) local player_name = player:get_player_name() ui.home_pos[player_name] = vector.round(pos) -- save the home data from the table to the file local output = io.open(ui.home_filename, "w") if not output then minetest.log("warning", "[unified_inventory] Failed to save file: " .. ui.home_filename) return end for k, v in pairs(ui.home_pos) do output:write(v.x.." "..v.y.." "..v.z.." "..k.."\n") end io.close(output) end function ui.go_home(player) local pos = ui.home_pos[player:get_player_name()] if pos then player:set_pos(pos) return true end return false end ---------------- Crafting API ---------------- function ui.register_craft(options) if not options.output then return end local itemstack = ItemStack(options.output) if itemstack:is_empty() then return end if options.type == "normal" and options.width == 0 then options = { type = "shapeless", items = options.items, output = options.output, width = 0 } end local item_name = itemstack:get_name() if not ui.crafts_for.recipe[item_name] then ui.crafts_for.recipe[item_name] = {} end table.insert(ui.crafts_for.recipe[item_name],options) for _, callback in ipairs(ui.craft_registered_callbacks) do callback(item_name, options) end end local craft_type_defaults = { width = 3, height = 3, uses_crafting_grid = false, } function ui.craft_type_defaults(name, options) if not options.description then options.description = name end setmetatable(options, {__index = craft_type_defaults}) return options end function ui.register_craft_type(name, options) ui.registered_craft_types[name] = ui.craft_type_defaults(name, options) end ui.register_craft_type("normal", { description = F(S("Crafting")), icon = "ui_craftgrid_icon.png", width = 3, height = 3, get_shaped_craft_width = function (craft) return craft.width end, dynamic_display_size = function (craft) local w = craft.width local h = math.ceil(table.maxn(craft.items) / craft.width) local g = w < h and h or w return { width = g, height = g } end, uses_crafting_grid = true, }) ui.register_craft_type("shapeless", { description = F(S("Mixing")), icon = "ui_craftgrid_icon.png", width = 3, height = 3, dynamic_display_size = function (craft) local maxn = table.maxn(craft.items) local g = 1 while g*g < maxn do g = g + 1 end return { width = g, height = g } end, uses_crafting_grid = true, }) ui.register_craft_type("cooking", { description = F(S("Cooking")), icon = "default_furnace_front.png", width = 1, height = 1, }) ui.register_craft_type("digging", { description = F(S("Digging")), icon = "default_tool_steelpick.png", width = 1, height = 1, }) ui.register_craft_type("digging_chance", { description = "Digging (by chance)", icon = "default_tool_steelpick.png^[transformFY.png", width = 1, height = 1, }) ---------------- GUI registrations ---------------- function ui.register_page(name, def) ui.pages[name] = def end function ui.register_button(name, def) if not def.action then def.action = function(player) ui.set_inventory_formspec(player, name) end end def.name = name table.insert(ui.buttons, def) end ---------------- Callback registrations ---------------- function ui.register_on_initialized(callback) if type(callback) ~= "function" then error(("Initialized callback must be a function, %s given."):format(type(callback))) end table.insert(ui.initialized_callbacks, callback) end function ui.register_on_craft_registered(callback) if type(callback) ~= "function" then error(("Craft registered callback must be a function, %s given."):format(type(callback))) end table.insert(ui.craft_registered_callbacks, callback) end ---------------- List getters ---------------- function ui.get_recipe_list(output) return ui.crafts_for.recipe[output] end function ui.get_registered_outputs() local outputs = {} for item_name, _ in pairs(ui.crafts_for.recipe) do table.insert(outputs, item_name) end return outputs end ---------------- Player utilities ---------------- function ui.is_creative(playername) return minetest.check_player_privs(playername, {creative=true}) or minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") end ---------------- Formspec helpers ---------------- function ui.single_slot(xpos, ypos, bright) return string.format("background9[%f,%f;%f,%f;ui_single_slot%s.png;false;16]", xpos, ypos, ui.imgscale, ui.imgscale, (bright and "_bright" or "") ) end function ui.make_trash_slot(xpos, ypos) return ui.single_slot(xpos, ypos).. "image["..xpos..","..ypos..";1.25,1.25;ui_trash_slot_icon.png]".. "list[detached:trash;main;"..(xpos + ui.list_img_offset)..","..(ypos + ui.list_img_offset)..";1,1;]" end function ui.make_inv_img_grid(xpos, ypos, width, height, bright) local tiled = {} local n=1 for y = 0, (height - 1) do for x = 0, (width -1) do tiled[n] = ui.single_slot(xpos + (ui.imgscale * x), ypos + (ui.imgscale * y), bright) n = n + 1 end end return table.concat(tiled) end