function unified_inventory.get_formspec(player, page) if not player then return "" end local player_name = player:get_player_name() unified_inventory.current_page[player_name] = page local formspec = "size[14,10]" -- Player inventory formspec = formspec .. "list[current_player;main;0,4.5;8,4;]" -- Background formspec = formspec .. "background[-0.19,-0.2;14.38,10.55;ui_form_bg.png]" -- Current page if unified_inventory.pages[page] then formspec = unified_inventory.pages[page].get_formspec(player, formspec) else return "" -- Invalid page name end -- Main buttons for i, def in pairs(unified_inventory.buttons) do if def.type == "image" then formspec = formspec.."image_button[" ..(0.65 * (i - 1))..",9;0.8,0.8;" ..minetest.formspec_escape(def.image)..";" ..minetest.formspec_escape(";]" end end -- Controls to flip items pages local start_x = 9.2 formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x + 0.6 * 0)..",9;.8,.8;ui_skip_backward_icon.png;start_list;]" formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x + 0.6 * 1)..",9;.8,.8;ui_doubleleft_icon.png;rewind3;]" formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x + 0.6 * 2)..",9;.8,.8;ui_left_icon.png;rewind1;]" formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x + 0.6 * 3)..",9;.8,.8;ui_right_icon.png;forward1;]" formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x + 0.6 * 4)..",9;.8,.8;ui_doubleright_icon.png;forward3;]" formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x + 0.6 * 5)..",9;.8,.8;ui_skip_forward_icon.png;end_list;]" -- Search box formspec = formspec .. "field[9.5,8.325;3,1;searchbox;;]" formspec = formspec .. "image_button[12.2,8.1;.8,.8;ui_search_icon.png;searchbutton;]" -- Items list local list_index = unified_inventory.current_index[player_name] local page = math.floor(list_index / (80) + 1) local pagemax = math.floor((unified_inventory.filtered_items_list_size[player_name] - 1) / (80) + 1) local image = nil local item = {} for y = 0, 9 do for x = 0, 7 do name = unified_inventory.filtered_items_list[player_name][list_index] if minetest.registered_items[name] then formspec = formspec.."item_image_button[" ..(8.2 + x * 0.7).."," ..(1 + y * 0.7)..";.81,.81;"";item_button" ..list_index..";]" list_index = list_index + 1 end end end formspec = formspec.."label[8.2,0;Page:]" formspec = formspec.."label[9,0;"" of "..pagemax.."]" formspec = formspec.."label[8.2,0.4;Filter:]" formspec = formspec.."label[9,0.4;"..unified_inventory.activefilter[player_name].."]" return formspec end function unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, page) if player then local formspec = unified_inventory.get_formspec(player, page) player:set_inventory_formspec(formspec) end end --apply filter to the inventory list (create filtered copy of full one) function unified_inventory.apply_filter(player, filter) local player_name = player:get_player_name() local size = 0 local lfilter = string.lower(filter) if lfilter ~= "" then for i=1, lfilter:len() do if lfilter:sub(i, i) == '[' then str_temp1 = "" break end end end unified_inventory.filtered_items_list[player_name]={} for name, def in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do if (not def.groups.not_in_creative_inventory or def.groups.not_in_creative_inventory == 0) and def.description and def.description ~= "" then local lname = string.lower(name) local ldesc = string.lower(def.description) if string.find(lname, lfilter) or string.find(ldesc, lfilter) then table.insert(unified_inventory.filtered_items_list[player_name], name) size = size + 1 end end end table.sort(unified_inventory.filtered_items_list[player_name]) unified_inventory.filtered_items_list_size[player_name] = size unified_inventory.current_index[player_name] = 1 unified_inventory.activefilter[player_name] = filter unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, unified_inventory.current_page[player_name]) end -- update_recipe function unified_inventory.update_recipe(player, stack_name, alternate) local inv = minetest.get_inventory({ type = "detached", name = player:get_player_name().."craftrecipe" }) for i = 0, inv:get_size("build") do inv:set_stack("build", i, nil) end inv:set_stack("output", 1, nil) alternate = tonumber(alternate) or 1 local crafts = unified_inventory.crafts_table[stack_name] --print(dump(crafts)) if next(crafts) == nil then -- No craft recipes return end if alternate < 1 or alternate > #crafts then alternate = 1 end local craft = crafts[alternate] inv:set_stack("output", 1, craft.output) local items = craft.items if craft.type == "cooking" or craft.type == "fuel" or craft.type == "grinding" or craft.type == "extracting" or craft.type == "compressing" then def = unified_inventory.find_item_def(craft["items"][1]) if def then inv:set_stack("build", 1, def) end return end if craft.width == 0 then for i = 1, 3 do if craft.items[i] then def = unified_inventory.find_item_def(craft.items[i]) if def then inv:set_stack("build", i, def) end end end end if craft.width == 1 then local build_table={1, 4, 7} for i = 1, 3 do if craft.items[i] then def = unified_inventory.find_item_def(craft.items[i]) if def then inv:set_stack("build", build_table[i], def) end end end end if craft.width == 2 then local build_table = {1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8} for i=1, 6 do if craft.items[i] then def = unified_inventory.find_item_def(craft.items[i]) if def then inv:set_stack("build", build_table[i], def) end end end end if craft.width == 3 then for i=1, 9 do if craft.items[i] then def = unified_inventory.find_item_def(craft.items[i]) if def then inv:set_stack("build", i, def) end end end end end function unified_inventory.find_item_def(def) if type(def) ~= "string" then return nil end if string.find(def, "group:") then def = string.gsub(def, "group:", "") def = string.gsub(def, "\"", "") if minetest.registered_nodes["default:"..def] then return "default:"..def end local items = unified_inventory.items_in_group(def) return items[1] else return def end end function unified_inventory.items_in_group(groups) local items = {} for name, item in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do for _, group in pairs(groups:split(',')) do if item.groups[group] then table.insert(items, name) end end end return items end