local S if intllib then S = intllib.Getter() else S = function(s) return s end end unified_inventory.hud_colors = { {"#FFFFFF", 0xFFFFFF, S("White")}, {"#DBBB00", 0xf1d32c, S("Yellow")}, {"#DD0000", 0xDD0000, S("Red")}, {"#2cf136", 0x2cf136, S("Green")}, {"#2c4df1", 0x2c4df1, S("Blue")}, } unified_inventory.hud_colors_max = #unified_inventory.hud_colors unified_inventory.register_page("waypoints", { get_formspec = function(player) local waypoints = datastorage.get_container (player, "waypoints") local formspec = "background[0,4.5;8,4;ui_main_inventory.png]".. "image[0,0;1,1;ui_waypoints_icon.png]".. "label[1,0;"..S("Waypoints").."]" -- Tabs buttons: local i for i = 1, 5, 1 do formspec = formspec .. "image_button[0.0,".. 0.2 + i*0.7 ..";.8,.8;".. (i == waypoints.selected and "ui_blue_icon_background.png^" or "").. "ui_"..i.."_icon.png;".. "select_waypoint"..i..";;;;;".. minetest.formspec_escape(S("Select Waypoint #%d"):format(i)).."]" end i = waypoints.selected -- Main buttons: formspec = formspec .. "image_button[4.5,3.7;.8,.8;".. "ui_waypoint_set_icon.png;".. "set_waypoint"..i..";;;;;".. minetest.formspec_escape(S("Set waypoint to current location")).."]" formspec = formspec .. "image_button[5.2,3.7;.8,.8;".. (waypoints[i].active and "ui_on_icon.png" or "ui_off_icon.png")..";".. "toggle_waypoint"..i..";;;;;".. minetest.formspec_escape(S("Make waypoint "..(waypoints[i].active and "invisible" or "visible"))).."]" formspec = formspec .. "image_button[5.9,3.7;.8,.8;".. (waypoints[i].display_pos and "ui_green_icon_background.png" or "ui_red_icon_background.png").."^ui_xyz_icon.png;".. "toggle_display_pos"..i..";;;;;".. minetest.formspec_escape(S((waypoints[i].display_pos and "Disable" or "Enable").." display of waypoint coordinates")).."]" formspec = formspec .. "image_button[6.6,3.7;.8,.8;".. "ui_circular_arrows_icon.png;".. "toggle_color"..i..";;;;;".. minetest.formspec_escape(S("Change color of waypoint display")).."]" formspec = formspec .. "image_button[7.3,3.7;.8,.8;".. "ui_pencil_icon.png;".. "rename_waypoint"..i..";;;;;".. minetest.formspec_escape(S("Edit waypoint name")).."]" -- Waypoint's info: if waypoints[i].active then formspec = formspec .. "label[1,0.8;"..S("Waypoint active").."]" else formspec = formspec .. "label[1,0.8;"..S("Waypoint inactive").."]" end if waypoints[i].edit then formspec = formspec .. "field[1.3,3.2;6,.8;rename_box" .. i .. ";;"..waypoints[i].name.."]" .. "image_button[7.3,2.9;.8,.8;".. "ui_ok_icon.png;".. "confirm_rename"..i.. ";;;;;".. minetest.formspec_escape(S("Finish editing")).."]" end formspec = formspec .. "label[1,1.3;"..S("World position")..": " .. minetest.pos_to_string(waypoints[i].world_pos) .. "]" .. "label[1,1.8;"..S("Name")..": ".. waypoints[i].name .. "]" .. "label[1,2.3;"..S("HUD text color")..": " .. unified_inventory.hud_colors[waypoints[i].color][3] .. "]" return {formspec=formspec} end, }) unified_inventory.register_button("waypoints", { type = "image", image = "ui_waypoints_icon.png", tooltip = S("Waypoints"), }) unified_inventory.update_hud = function (player, waypoint) local name if waypoint.display_pos then name = "(".. waypoint.world_pos.x .. "," .. waypoint.world_pos.y .. "," .. waypoint.world_pos.z .. ")" if waypoint.name ~= "" then name = name .. ", " .. waypoint.name end else name = waypoint.name end if waypoint.hud then player:hud_remove(waypoint.hud) end if waypoint.active then waypoint.hud = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "waypoint", number = unified_inventory.hud_colors[waypoint.color][2] , name = name, text = "m", world_pos = waypoint.world_pos }) else waypoint.hud = nil end end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname ~= "" then return end local update_formspec = false local update_hud = false local waypoints = datastorage.get_container (player, "waypoints") for i = 1, 5, 1 do if fields["select_waypoint"..i] then waypoints.selected = i update_formspec = true end if fields["toggle_waypoint"..i] then waypoints[i].active = not (waypoints[i].active) update_hud = true update_formspec = true end if fields["set_waypoint"..i] then local pos = player:getpos() pos.x = math.floor(pos.x) pos.y = math.floor(pos.y) pos.z = math.floor(pos.z) waypoints[i].world_pos = pos update_hud = true update_formspec = true end if fields["rename_waypoint"..i] then waypoints[i].edit = true update_formspec = true end if fields["toggle_display_pos"..i] then waypoints[i].display_pos = not waypoints[i].display_pos update_hud = true update_formspec = true end if fields["toggle_color"..i] then local color = waypoints[i].color color = color + 1 if color > unified_inventory.hud_colors_max then color = 1 end waypoints[i].color = color update_hud = true update_formspec = true end if fields["confirm_rename"..i] then waypoints[i].edit = false waypoints[i].name = fields["rename_box"..i] update_hud = true update_formspec = true end if update_hud then unified_inventory.update_hud (player, waypoints[i]) end if update_formspec then unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, "waypoints") end end end) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local waypoints = datastorage.get_container (player, "waypoints") local need_save = false -- Create new waypoints data for i = 1, 5, 1 do if waypoints[i] == nil then need_save = true waypoints[i] = { edit = false, active = false, display_pos = true, color = 1, name = "Waypoint ".. i, world_pos = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, } end end if need_save then datastorage.save_container (player) end -- Initialize waypoints minetest.after(0.5, function() waypoints.selected = 1 for i = 1, 5, 1 do waypoints[i].edit = false unified_inventory.update_hud (player, waypoints[i]) end end) end)