local path = minetest.get_modpath"vector_extras" local funcs = {} local r_corr = 0.25 --remove a bit more nodes (if shooting diagonal) to let it -- look like a hole (sth like antialiasing) -- this doesn't need to be calculated every time local f_1 = 0.5-r_corr local f_2 = 0.5+r_corr --returns information about the direction local function get_used_dir(dir) local abs_dir = {x=math.abs(dir.x), y=math.abs(dir.y), z=math.abs(dir.z)} local dir_max = math.max(abs_dir.x, abs_dir.y, abs_dir.z) if dir_max == abs_dir.x then local tab = {"x", {x=1, y=dir.y/dir.x, z=dir.z/dir.x}} if dir.x >= 0 then tab[3] = "+" end return tab end if dir_max == abs_dir.y then local tab = {"y", {x=dir.x/dir.y, y=1, z=dir.z/dir.y}} if dir.y >= 0 then tab[3] = "+" end return tab end local tab = {"z", {x=dir.x/dir.z, y=dir.y/dir.z, z=1}} if dir.z >= 0 then tab[3] = "+" end return tab end local function node_tab(z, d) local n1 = math.floor(z*d+f_1) local n2 = math.floor(z*d+f_2) if n1 == n2 then return {n1} end return {n1, n2} end local function return_line(pos, dir, range) --range ~= length local tab = {} local num = 1 local t_dir = get_used_dir(dir) local dir_typ = t_dir[1] local f_tab if t_dir[3] == "+" then f_tab = {0, range, 1} else f_tab = {0, -range, -1} end local d_ch = t_dir[2] if dir_typ == "x" then for d = f_tab[1],f_tab[2],f_tab[3] do local x = d local ytab = node_tab(d_ch.y, d) local ztab = node_tab(d_ch.z, d) for _,y in ipairs(ytab) do for _,z in ipairs(ztab) do tab[num] = {x=pos.x+x, y=pos.y+y, z=pos.z+z} num = num+1 end end end elseif dir_typ == "y" then for d = f_tab[1],f_tab[2],f_tab[3] do local xtab = node_tab(d_ch.x, d) local y = d local ztab = node_tab(d_ch.z, d) for _,x in ipairs(xtab) do for _,z in ipairs(ztab) do tab[num] = {x=pos.x+x, y=pos.y+y, z=pos.z+z} num = num+1 end end end else for d = f_tab[1],f_tab[2],f_tab[3] do local xtab = node_tab(d_ch.x, d) local ytab = node_tab(d_ch.y, d) local z = d for _,x in ipairs(xtab) do for _,y in ipairs(ytab) do tab[num] = {x=pos.x+x, y=pos.y+y, z=pos.z+z} num = num+1 end end end end return tab end function funcs.rayIter(pos, dir) -- make a table of possible movements local step = {} for i in pairs(pos) do local v = math.sign(dir[i]) if v ~= 0 then step[i] = v end end local p return function() if not p then -- avoid skipping the first position p = vector.round(pos) return vector.new(p) end -- find the position which has the smallest distance to the line local choose = {} local choosefit = vector.new() for i in pairs(step) do choose[i] = vector.new(p) choose[i][i] = choose[i][i] + step[i] choosefit[i] = vector.dot(vector.normalize(vector.subtract(choose[i], pos)), dir) end p = choose[vector.get_max_coord(choosefit)] return vector.new(p) end end function funcs.fine_line(pos, dir, range) if not range then --dir = pos2 dir, range = vector.direction(pos, dir), vector.distance(pos, dir) end local result,n = {},1 for p in vector.rayIter(pos, dir) do if vector.distance(p, pos) > range then break end result[n] = p n = n+1 end return result end function funcs.line(pos, dir, range, alt) --assert_vector(pos) if alt then if not range then --dir = pos2 dir, range = vector.direction(pos, dir), vector.distance(pos, dir) end return return_line(pos, dir, range) end if range then dir = vector.round(vector.multiply(dir, range)) else --dir = pos2 dir = vector.subtract(dir, pos) end local line,n = {},1 for _,i in ipairs(vector.threeline(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z)) do line[n] = {x=pos.x+i[1], y=pos.y+i[2], z=pos.z+i[3]} n = n+1 end return line end local twolines = {} function funcs.twoline(x, y) local pstr = x.." "..y local line = twolines[pstr] if line then return line end line = {} local n = 1 local dirx = 1 if x < 0 then dirx = -dirx end local ymin, ymax = 0, y if y < 0 then ymin, ymax = ymax, ymin end local m = y/x --y/0 works too local dir = 1 if m < 0 then dir = -dir end for i = 0,x,dirx do local p1 = math.max(math.min(math.floor((i-0.5)*m+0.5), ymax), ymin) local p2 = math.max(math.min(math.floor((i+0.5)*m+0.5), ymax), ymin) for j = p1,p2,dir do line[n] = {i, j} n = n+1 end end twolines[pstr] = line return line end local threelines = {} function funcs.threeline(x, y, z) local pstr = x.." "..y.." "..z local line = threelines[pstr] if line then return line end if x ~= math.floor(x) then minetest.log("error", "[vector_extras] INFO: The position used for " .. "vector.threeline isn't round.") end local two_line = vector.twoline(x, y) line = {} local n = 1 local zmin, zmax = 0, z if z < 0 then zmin, zmax = zmax, zmin end local m = z/math.hypot(x, y) local dir = 1 if m < 0 then dir = -dir end for _,i in ipairs(two_line) do local px, py = unpack(i) local ph = math.hypot(px, py) local z1 = math.max(math.min(math.floor((ph-0.5)*m+0.5), zmax), zmin) local z2 = math.max(math.min(math.floor((ph+0.5)*m+0.5), zmax), zmin) for pz = z1,z2,dir do line[n] = {px, py, pz} n = n+1 end end threelines[pstr] = line return line end function funcs.sort_positions(ps, preferred_coords) preferred_coords = preferred_coords or {"z", "y", "x"} local a,b,c = unpack(preferred_coords) local function ps_sorting(p1, p2) if p1[a] == p2[a] then if p1[b] == p2[a] then if p1[c] < p2[c] then return true end elseif p1[b] < p2[b] then return true end elseif p1[a] < p2[a] then return true end end table.sort(ps, ps_sorting) end -- Tschebyschew norm function funcs.maxnorm(v) return math.max(math.max(math.abs(v.x), math.abs(v.y)), math.abs(v.z)) end function funcs.sumnorm(v) return math.abs(v.x) + math.abs(v.y) + math.abs(v.z) end function funcs.pnorm(v, p) return (math.abs(v.x)^p + math.abs(v.y)^p + math.abs(v.z)^p)^(1 / p) end function funcs.straightdelay(s, v, a) if not a then return s/v end return (math.sqrt(v*v+2*a*s)-v)/a end function funcs.sun_dir(time) if not time then time = minetest.get_timeofday() end local t = (time-0.5)*5/6+0.5 --the sun rises at 5 o'clock, not at 6 if t < 0.25 or t > 0.75 then return end local tmp = math.cos(math.pi*(2*t-0.5)) return {x=tmp, y=math.sqrt(1-tmp*tmp), z=0} end function funcs.inside(pos, minp, maxp) for _,i in pairs({"x", "y", "z"}) do if pos[i] < minp[i] or pos[i] > maxp[i] then return false end end return true end function funcs.minmax(pos1, pos2) local p1 = vector.new(pos1) local p2 = vector.new(pos2) for _,i in ipairs({"x", "y", "z"}) do if p1[i] > p2[i] then p1[i], p2[i] = p2[i], p1[i] end end return p1, p2 end function funcs.move(p1, p2, s) return vector.round( vector.add( vector.multiply( vector.direction( p1, p2 ), s ), p1 ) ) end function funcs.from_number(i) return {x=i, y=i, z=i} end local adammil_fill = dofile(path .. "/adammil_flood_fill.lua") function funcs.search_2d(go_test, x0, y0, allow_revisit, give_map) local marked_places = adammil_fill(go_test, x0, y0, allow_revisit) if give_map then return marked_places end local l = {} for vi in pairs(marked_places) do local x = (vi % 65536) - 32768 local y = (math.floor(x / 65536) % 65536) - 32768 l[#l+1] = {x, y} end return l end local fallings_search = dofile(path .. "/fill_3d.lua") local moves_touch = { {x = -1, y = 0, z = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, -- FIXME should this be here? {x = 1, y = 0, z = 0}, {x = 0, y = -1, z = 0}, {x = 0, y = 1, z = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0, z = -1}, {x = 0, y = 0, z = 1}, } local moves_near = {} for z = -1,1 do for y = -1,1 do for x = -1,1 do moves_near[#moves_near+1] = {x = x, y = y, z = z} end end end function funcs.search_3d(can_go, startpos, apply_move, moves) local visited = {} local found = {} local function on_visit(pos) local vi = minetest.hash_node_position(pos) if visited[vi] then return false end visited[vi] = true local valid_pos = can_go(pos) if valid_pos then found[#found+1] = pos end return valid_pos end if apply_move == "touch" then apply_move = vector.add moves = moves_touch elseif apply_move == "near" then apply_move = vector.add moves = moves_near end fallings_search(on_visit, startpos, apply_move, moves) end local explosion_tables = {} function funcs.explosion_table(r) local table = explosion_tables[r] if table then return table end --~ local t1 = os.clock() local tab, n = {}, 1 local tmp = r*r + r for x=-r,r do for y=-r,r do for z=-r,r do local rc = x*x+y*y+z*z if rc <= tmp then local np={x=x, y=y, z=z} if math.floor(math.sqrt(rc) +0.5) > r-1 then tab[n] = {np, true} else tab[n] = {np} end n = n+1 end end end end explosion_tables[r] = tab --~ minetest.log("info", string.format("[vector_extras] table created after ca. %.2fs", os.clock() - t1)) return tab end local default_nparams = { offset = 0, scale = 1, seed = 1337, octaves = 6, persist = 0.6 } function funcs.explosion_perlin(rmin, rmax, nparams) local t1 = os.clock() local r = math.ceil(rmax) nparams = nparams or {} for i,v in pairs(default_nparams) do nparams[i] = nparams[i] or v end nparams.spread = nparams.spread or vector.from_number(r*5) local pos = {x=math.random(-30000, 30000), y=math.random(-30000, 30000), z=math.random(-30000, 30000)} local map = minetest.get_perlin_map(nparams, vector.from_number(r+r+1) ):get3dMap_flat(pos) local id = 1 local bare_maxdist = rmax*rmax local bare_mindist = rmin*rmin local mindist = math.sqrt(bare_mindist) local dist_diff = math.sqrt(bare_maxdist)-mindist mindist = mindist/dist_diff local pval_min, pval_max local tab, n = {}, 1 for z=-r,r do local bare_dist_z = z*z for y=-r,r do local bare_dist_yz = bare_dist_z + y*y for x=-r,r do local bare_dist = bare_dist_yz + x*x local add = bare_dist < bare_mindist local pval, distdiv if not add and bare_dist <= bare_maxdist then distdiv = math.sqrt(bare_dist)/dist_diff-mindist pval = math.abs(map[id]) -- strange perlin values… if not pval_min then pval_min = pval pval_max = pval else pval_min = math.min(pval, pval_min) pval_max = math.max(pval, pval_max) end add = true--distdiv < 1-math.abs(map[id]) end if add then tab[n] = {{x=x, y=y, z=z}, pval, distdiv} n = n+1 end id = id+1 end end end -- change strange values local pval_diff = pval_max - pval_min pval_min = pval_min/pval_diff for k,i in pairs(tab) do if i[2] then local new_pval = math.abs(i[2]/pval_diff - pval_min) if i[3]+0.33 < new_pval then tab[k] = {i[1]} elseif i[3] < new_pval then tab[k] = {i[1], true} else tab[k] = nil end end end minetest.log("info", string.format("[vector_extras] table created after ca. %.2fs", os.clock() - t1)) return tab end local circle_tables = {} function funcs.circle(r) local table = circle_tables[r] if table then return table end local t1 = os.clock() local tab, n = {}, 1 for i = -r, r do for j = -r, r do if math.floor(math.sqrt(i*i+j*j)+0.5) == r then tab[n] = {x=i, y=0, z=j} n = n+1 end end end circle_tables[r] = tab minetest.log("info", string.format("[vector_extras] table created after ca. %.2fs", os.clock() - t1)) return tab end local ring_tables = {} function funcs.ring(r) local table = ring_tables[r] if table then return table end local t1 = os.clock() local tab, n = {}, 1 local tmp = r*r local p = {x=math.floor(r+0.5), z=0} while p.x > 0 do tab[n] = p n = n+1 local p1, p2 = {x=p.x-1, z=p.z}, {x=p.x, z=p.z+1} local dif1 = math.abs(tmp-p1.x*p1.x-p1.z*p1.z) local dif2 = math.abs(tmp-p2.x*p2.x-p2.z*p2.z) if dif1 <= dif2 then p = p1 else p = p2 end end local tab2 = {} n = 1 for _,i in ipairs(tab) do for _,j in ipairs({ {i.x, i.z}, {-i.z, i.x}, {-i.x, -i.z}, {i.z, -i.x}, }) do tab2[n] = {x=j[1], y=0, z=j[2]} n = n+1 end end ring_tables[r] = tab2 minetest.log("info", string.format("[vector_extras] table created after ca. %.2fs", os.clock() - t1)) return tab2 end local function get_parabola_points(pos, vel, gravity, waypoints, max_pointcount, time) local pointcount = 0 -- the height of the 45° angle point local yswitch = -0.5 * (vel.x^2 + vel.z^2 - vel.y^2) / gravity + pos.y -- the times of the 45° angle point local vel_len = math.sqrt(vel.x^2 + vel.z^2) local t_raise_end = (-vel_len + vel.y) / gravity local t_fall_start = (vel_len + vel.y) / gravity if t_fall_start > 0 then -- the right 45° angle point wasn't passed yet if t_raise_end > 0 then -- put points from before the 45° angle for y = math.ceil(pos.y), math.floor(yswitch +.5) do local t = (vel.y - math.sqrt(vel.y^2 + 2 * gravity * (pos.y - y))) / gravity if t > time then return end local p = { x = math.floor(vel.x * t + pos.x +.5), y = y, z = math.floor(vel.z * t + pos.z +.5), } pointcount = pointcount+1 waypoints[pointcount] = {p, t} if pointcount == max_pointcount then return end end end -- smaller and bigger horizonzal pivot local shp, bhp if math.abs(vel.x) > math.abs(vel.z) then shp = "z" bhp = "x" else shp = "x" bhp = "z" end -- put points between the 45° angles local cstart, cdir local cend = math.floor(vel[bhp] * t_fall_start + pos[bhp] +.5) if vel[bhp] > 0 then cstart = math.floor(math.max(pos[bhp], vel[bhp] * t_raise_end + pos[bhp]) +.5) cdir = 1 else cstart = math.floor(math.min(pos[bhp], vel[bhp] * t_raise_end + pos[bhp]) +.5) cdir = -1 end for i = cstart, cend, cdir do local t = (i - pos[bhp]) / vel[bhp] if t > time then return end local p = { [bhp] = i, y = math.floor(-0.5 * gravity * t * t + vel.y * t + pos.y +.5), [shp] = math.floor(vel[shp] * t + pos[shp] +.5), } pointcount = pointcount+1 waypoints[pointcount] = {p, t} if pointcount == max_pointcount then return end end end -- put points from after the 45° angle local y = yswitch if vel.y < 0 and pos.y < yswitch then y = pos.y end y = math.floor(y +.5) while pointcount < max_pointcount do local t = (vel.y + math.sqrt(vel.y^2 + 2 * gravity * (pos.y - y))) / gravity if t > time then return end local p = { x = math.floor(vel.x * t + pos.x +.5), y = y, z = math.floor(vel.z * t + pos.z +.5), } pointcount = pointcount+1 waypoints[pointcount] = {p, t} y = y-1 end end --[[ minetest.override_item("default:axe_wood", { on_use = function(_, player) local dir = player:get_look_dir() local pos = player:getpos() local grav = 0.03 local ps = vector.throw_parabola(pos, dir, grav, 80) for i = 1,#ps do minetest.set_node(ps[i], {name="default:stone"}) end --~ for t = 0,50,3 do --~ local p = { --~ x = dir.x * t + pos.x, --~ y = -0.5*grav*t*t + dir.y*t + pos.y, --~ z = dir.z * t + pos.z --~ } --~ minetest.set_node(p, {name="default:sandstone"}) --~ end end, })--]] function funcs.throw_parabola(pos, vel, gravity, point_count, time) local waypoints = {} get_parabola_points(pos, vel, gravity, waypoints, point_count, time or math.huge) local ps = {} local ptscnt = #waypoints local i = 1 while i < ptscnt do local p,t = unpack(waypoints[i]) i = i+1 local p2,t2 = unpack(waypoints[i]) ps[#ps+1] = p local dist = vector.distance(p, p2) if dist < 1.1 then if dist < 0.9 then -- same position i = i+1 end -- touching elseif dist < 1.7 then -- common edge -- get a list of possible positions between local diff = vector.subtract(p2, p) local possible_positions = {} for c,v in pairs(diff) do if v ~= 0 then local pos_moved = vector.new(p) pos_moved[c] = pos_moved[c] + v possible_positions[#possible_positions+1] = pos_moved end end -- test which one fits best t = 0.5 * (t + t2) local near_p = { x = vel.x * t + pos.x, y = -0.5 * gravity * t * t + vel.y * t + pos.y, z = vel.z * t + pos.z, } local d = math.huge for k = 1,2 do local pos_moved = possible_positions[k] local dist_current = vector.distance(pos_moved, near_p) if dist_current < d then p = pos_moved d = dist_current end end -- add it ps[#ps+1] = p elseif dist < 1.8 then -- common vertex for k = 1,2 do -- get a list of possible positions between local diff = vector.subtract(p2, p) local possible_positions = {} for c,v in pairs(diff) do if v ~= 0 then local pos_moved = vector.new(p) pos_moved[c] = pos_moved[c] + v possible_positions[#possible_positions+1] = pos_moved end end -- test which one fits best t = k / 3 * (t + t2) local near_p = { x = vel.x * t + pos.x, y = -0.5 * gravity * t * t + vel.y * t + pos.y, z = vel.z * t + pos.z, } local d = math.huge assert(#possible_positions == 4-k, "how, number positions?") for j = 1,4-k do local pos_moved = possible_positions[j] local dist_current = vector.distance(pos_moved, near_p) if dist_current < d then p = pos_moved d = dist_current end end -- add it ps[#ps+1] = p end else minetest.log("warning", "[vector_extras] A gap: " .. dist) --~ error("A gap, it's a gap!: " .. dist) end end if i == ptscnt then ps[#ps+1] = waypoints[i] end return ps end function funcs.chunkcorner(pos) return {x=pos.x-pos.x%16, y=pos.y-pos.y%16, z=pos.z-pos.z%16} end function funcs.point_distance_minmax(pos1, pos2) local p1 = vector.new(pos1) local p2 = vector.new(pos2) local min, max, vmin, vmax, num for _,i in ipairs({"x", "y", "z"}) do num = math.abs(p1[i] - p2[i]) if not vmin or num < vmin then vmin = num min = i end if not vmax or num > vmax then vmax = num max = i end end return min, max end function funcs.collision(p1, p2) local clear, node_pos = minetest.line_of_sight(p1, p2) if clear then return false end local collision_pos = {} local _, max = funcs.point_distance_minmax(node_pos, p2) if node_pos[max] > p2[max] then collision_pos[max] = node_pos[max] - 0.5 else collision_pos[max] = node_pos[max] + 0.5 end local dmax = p2[max] - node_pos[max] local dcmax = p2[max] - collision_pos[max] local pt = dcmax / dmax for _,i in ipairs({"x", "y", "z"}) do collision_pos[i] = p2[i] - (p2[i] - node_pos[i]) * pt end return true, collision_pos, node_pos end function funcs.update_minp_maxp(minp, maxp, pos) for _,i in pairs({"z", "y", "x"}) do minp[i] = math.min(minp[i], pos[i]) maxp[i] = math.max(maxp[i], pos[i]) end end function funcs.unpack(pos) return pos.z, pos.y, pos.x end function funcs.get_max_coord(vec) if vec.x < vec.y then if vec.y < vec.z then return "z" end return "y" end if vec.x < vec.z then return "z" end return "x" end function funcs.get_max_coords(pos) if pos.x < pos.y then if pos.y < pos.z then return "z", "y", "x" end if pos.x < pos.z then return "y", "z", "x" end return "y", "x", "z" end if pos.x < pos.z then return "z", "x", "y" end if pos.y < pos.z then return "x", "z", "y" end return "x", "y", "z" end function funcs.serialize(vec) return "{x=" .. vec.x .. ",y=" .. vec.y .. ",z=" .. vec.z .. "}" end function funcs.triangle(pos1, pos2, pos3) local normal = vector.cross(vector.subtract(pos2, pos1), vector.subtract(pos3, pos1)) -- Find the biggest absolute component of the normal vector local dir = vector.get_max_coord({ x = math.abs(normal.x), y = math.abs(normal.y), z = math.abs(normal.z), }) -- Find the other directions for the for loops local all_other_dirs = { x = {"z", "y"}, y = {"z", "x"}, z = {"y", "x"}, } local other_dirs = all_other_dirs[dir] local odir1, odir2 = other_dirs[1], other_dirs[2] local pos1_2d = {pos1[odir1], pos1[odir2]} local pos2_2d = {pos2[odir1], pos2[odir2]} local pos3_2d = {pos3[odir1], pos3[odir2]} -- The boundaries of the 2D AABB along other_dirs local p1 = {} local p2 = {} for i = 1,2 do p1[i] = math.floor(math.min(pos1_2d[i], pos2_2d[i], pos3_2d[i])) p2[i] = math.ceil(math.max(pos1_2d[i], pos2_2d[i], pos3_2d[i])) end -- https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/rasterization-practical-implementation/rasterization-stage local function edgefunc(vert1, vert2, pos) return (pos[1] - vert1[1]) * (vert2[2] - vert1[2]) - (pos[2] - vert1[2]) * (vert2[1] - vert1[1]) end -- eps is used to prevend holes in neighbouring triangles -- It should be smaller than the smallest possible barycentric value -- FIXME: I'm not sure if it really does what it should. local eps = 0.5 / math.max(p2[1] - p1[1], p2[2] - p1[2]) local a_all_inv = 1.0 / edgefunc(pos1_2d, pos2_2d, pos3_2d) local step_k3 = - (pos2_2d[1] - pos1_2d[1]) * a_all_inv local step_k1 = - (pos3_2d[1] - pos2_2d[1]) * a_all_inv -- Calculate the triangle points local points = {} local barycentric_coords = {} local n = 0 -- It is possible to further optimize this for v1 = p1[1], p2[1] do local p = {v1, p1[2]} local k3 = edgefunc(pos1_2d, pos2_2d, p) * a_all_inv local k1 = edgefunc(pos2_2d, pos3_2d, p) * a_all_inv for _ = p1[2], p2[2] do local k2 = 1 - k1 - k3 if k1 >= -eps and k2 >= -eps and k3 >= -eps then -- On triangle local h = math.floor(k1 * pos1[dir] + k2 * pos2[dir] + k3 * pos3[dir] + 0.5) n = n+1 points[n] = {[odir1] = v1, [odir2] = p[2], [dir] = h} barycentric_coords[n] = {k1, k2, k3} end p[2] = p[2]+1 k3 = k3 + step_k3 k1 = k1 + step_k1 end end return points, n, barycentric_coords end for name,func in pairs(funcs) do if vector[name] then minetest.log("error", "[vector_extras] vector."..name.. " already exists.") else -- luacheck: globals vector vector[name] = func end end minetest.log("action", "[vector_extras] loaded.")