skycolor = { -- Should be activated before do any effect. active = false, -- Update interval. update_interval = 15, -- Main sky colors: starts from midnight to midnight. colors = {}, -- Update sky color. If players not specified update sky for all players. update_sky_color = function(players) local timeofday = minetest.get_timeofday() local rounded_time = math.floor(timeofday * 1000) local color = skycolor.utils.convert_to_rgb(0, 1000, rounded_time, skycolor.colors) if players == nil or #players == 0 then players = minetest.get_connected_players() end for _, player in ipairs(players) do player:set_sky(color, "plain", nil) end end, -- Reset sky color to game default. If players not specified update sky for all players. set_default_sky = function(players) if players == nil or #players == 0 then players = minetest.get_connected_players() end for _, player in ipairs(players) do player:set_sky(nil, "regular", nil) end end, utils = { convert_to_rgb = function(minval, maxval, current_val, colors) local max_index = #colors - 1 local val = (current_val-minval) / (maxval-minval) * max_index + 1.0 local index1 = math.floor(val) local index2 = math.min(math.floor(val)+1, max_index + 1) local f = val - index1 local c1 = colors[index1] local c2 = colors[index2] return {r=math.floor(c1.r + f*(c2.r - c1.r)), g=math.floor(c1.g + f*(c2.g-c1.g)), b=math.floor(c1.b + f*(c2.b - c1.b))} end }, } local timer = -1 minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) if ~= true then return end -- exceptional first time update if timer <= 0 then skycolor.update_sky_color() timer = 0 return end -- regular updates based on iterval timer = timer + dtime; if timer >= skycolor.update_interval then skycolor.update_sky_color() timer = 0 end end)