Notre Ami Le Cube

Dépôts de jeux et mods Minetest utilisés pour le serveur "Notre Ami Le Cube".

Creative Areas is a minetest mod allowing areas defined by the Areas mod to be designated as creative/sandbox areas adjusting players privliges and inventory formspecs appropriately as they leave or enter these areas.
Updated 2020-08-16 13:34:59 +02:00
Mod for minetest that adds digital circuitry [=minecraft redstone]
Updated 2023-11-22 23:44:26 +01:00
Provides many of the signs and a few models formerly found in signs_lib (which is now just the API and default wood/steel wall signs)
Updated 2023-12-13 20:55:42 +01:00
Adds signs with readable text.
Updated 2023-11-25 15:35:42 +01:00
Stained Glass mod for Minetest
Updated 2021-03-25 22:08:25 +01:00
A minetest mod
Updated 2022-08-20 20:25:18 +02:00
Mapper script for minetest
Updated 2021-09-02 18:04:45 +02:00
A mod that adds fully functioning hang-gliders to minetest!
Updated 2023-11-22 23:39:26 +01:00
Mod handling action timers
Updated 2022-06-29 21:25:01 +02:00
Mirror of dead unifiedwool mod by mtmodder148
Updated 2022-07-07 21:18:12 +02:00

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