-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- morefarming mod -- by sys4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local redo = farming.mod and farming.mod == "redo" local plus = minetest.get_modpath("farming_plus") -- Wild carrot minetest.override_item("moreflowers:wild_carrot", { drop = { max_items = 1, items = { { items = {"morefarming:seed_wild_carrot"}, rarity = 12}, { items = {"moreflowers:wild_carrot"}}, } }}) farming.register_plant("morefarming:wild_carrot", { description = "Wild Carrot seed", inventory_image = "morefarming_wild_carrot_seed.png", steps = 8, minlight = 13, maxlight = default.LIGHT_MAX, fertility = {"grassland"}, groups = {flammable = 4}, }) local carrot_seed = "morefarming:seed_carrot" if redo then carrot_seed = "farming:carrot" end if plus then carrot_seed = "farming_plus:carrot_seed" end minetest.override_item("morefarming:wild_carrot_8", { drop = { max_items = 3, items = { { items = {"morefarming:seed_wild_carrot"}, rarity = 6}, { items = {carrot_seed}, rarity = 8}, { items = {"morefarming:wild_carrot"}, rarity = 2}, { items = {"moreflowers:wild_carrot"}}, } }}) minetest.override_item("morefarming:wild_carrot", { on_use = minetest.item_eat(1) }) if not redo and not plus then -- Carrot farming.register_plant("morefarming:carrot", { description = "Carrot seed", paramtype2 = "meshoptions", inventory_image = "morefarming_carrot_seed.png", steps = 8, minlight = 13, maxlight = default.LIGHT_MAX, fertility = {"grassland"}, groups = {flammable = 4}, place_param2 = 3, }) minetest.override_item("morefarming:carrot", { on_use = minetest.item_eat(4) }) end local carrot_item = "morefarming:carrot" if plus then carrot_item = "farming_plus:carrot_item" end if not redo then -- golden carrot minetest.register_craftitem("morefarming:carrot_gold", { description = "Golden Carrot", inventory_image = "morefarming_carrot_gold.png", on_use = minetest.item_eat(6), }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "morefarming:carrot_gold", recipe = { {"", "default:gold_lump", ""}, {"default:gold_lump", carrot_item, "default:gold_lump"}, {"", "default:gold_lump", ""}, } }) elseif plus then minetest.register_craft({ output = "farming:carrot_gold", recipe = { {"", "default:gold_lump", ""}, {"default:gold_lump", carrot_item, "default:gold_lump"}, {"", "default:gold_lump", ""}, } }) end if not redo and not plus and minetest.get_modpath("maidroid_core") then minetest.registered_items["moreflowers:wild_carrot"].groups["seed"] = 1 dofile(minetest.get_modpath("morefarming").."/maidroid_core_morefarming.lua") end