--mySQL client library ffi binding. --Written by Cosmin Apreutesei. Public domain. --Supports mysql Connector/C 6.1. --Based on mySQL 5.7 manual. local ffi = require'ffi' local bit = require'bit' require'mysql_h' local myok, myC = pcall(ffi.load, ffi.abi'win' and 'libmysql' or 'mysqlclient') local maok, maC = pcall(ffi.load, ffi.abi'win' and 'libmariadb' or 'mariadb') local C = assert((myok and myC) or (maok and maC), 'mysql or mariadb client library not found') local M = {C = C} --we compare NULL pointers against NULL instead of nil for compatibility with luaffi. local NULL = ffi.cast('void*', nil) local function ptr(p) --convert NULLs to nil if p == NULL then return nil end return p end local function cstring(data) --convert null-term non-empty C strings to lua strings if data == NULL or data[0] == 0 then return nil end return ffi.string(data) end --error reporting local function myerror(mysql, stacklevel) local err = cstring(C.mysql_error(mysql)) if not err then return end error(string.format('mysql error: %s', err), stacklevel or 3) end local function checkz(mysql, ret) if ret == 0 then return end myerror(mysql, 4) end local function checkh(mysql, ret) if ret ~= NULL then return ret end myerror(mysql, 4) end local function enum(e, prefix) local v = type(e) == 'string' and (prefix and C[prefix..e] or C[e]) or e return assert(v, 'invalid enum value') end --client library info function M.thread_safe() return C.mysql_thread_safe() == 1 end function M.client_info() return cstring(C.mysql_get_client_info()) end function M.client_version() return tonumber(C.mysql_get_client_version) end --connections local function bool_ptr(b) return ffi.new('my_bool[1]', b or false) end local function uint_bool_ptr(b) return ffi.new('uint32_t[1]', b or false) end local function uint_ptr(i) return ffi.new('uint32_t[1]', i) end local function proto_ptr(proto) --proto is 'MYSQL_PROTOCOL_*' or mysql.C.MYSQL_PROTOCOL_* return ffi.new('uint32_t[1]', enum(proto)) end local function ignore_arg() return nil end local option_encoders = { MYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN = bool_ptr, MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE = uint_bool_ptr, MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL = proto_ptr, MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT = uint_ptr, MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT = uint_ptr, MYSQL_OPT_USE_REMOTE_CONNECTION = ignore_arg, MYSQL_OPT_USE_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION = ignore_arg, MYSQL_OPT_GUESS_CONNECTION = ignore_arg, MYSQL_SECURE_AUTH = bool_ptr, MYSQL_REPORT_DATA_TRUNCATION = bool_ptr, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT = bool_ptr, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT = bool_ptr, MYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN = bool_ptr, MYSQL_OPT_CAN_HANDLE_EXPIRED_PASSWORDS = bool_ptr, } function M.connect(t, ...) local host, user, pass, db, charset, port local unix_socket, flags, options, attrs local key, cert, ca, capath, cipher if type(t) == 'string' then host, user, pass, db, charset, port = t, ... else host, user, pass, db, charset, port = t.host, t.user, t.pass, t.db, t.charset, t.port unix_socket, flags, options, attrs = t.unix_socket, t.flags, t.options, t.attrs key, cert, ca, capath, cipher = t.key, t.cert, t.ca, t.capath, t.cipher end port = port or 0 local client_flag = 0 if type(flags) == 'number' then client_flag = flags elseif flags then for k,v in pairs(flags) do local flag = enum(k, 'MYSQL_') --'CLIENT_*' or mysql.C.MYSQL_CLIENT_* enum client_flag = v and bit.bor(client_flag, flag) or bit.band(client_flag, bit.bnot(flag)) end end local mysql = assert(C.mysql_init(nil)) ffi.gc(mysql, C.mysql_close) if options then for k,v in pairs(options) do local opt = enum(k) --'MYSQL_OPT_*' or mysql.C.MYSQL_OPT_* enum local encoder = option_encoders[k] if encoder then v = encoder(v) end assert(C.mysql_options(mysql, opt, ffi.cast('const void*', v)) == 0, 'invalid option') end end if attrs then for k,v in pairs(attrs) do assert(C.mysql_options4(mysql, C.MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD, k, v) == 0) end end if key then checkz(mysql, C.mysql_ssl_set(mysql, key, cert, ca, capath, cipher)) end checkh(mysql, C.mysql_real_connect(mysql, host, user, pass, db, port, unix_socket, client_flag)) if charset then mysql:set_charset(charset) end return mysql end local conn = {} --connection methods function conn.close(mysql) C.mysql_close(mysql) ffi.gc(mysql, nil) end function conn.set_charset(mysql, charset) checkz(mysql, C.mysql_set_character_set(mysql, charset)) end function conn.select_db(mysql, db) checkz(mysql, C.mysql_select_db(mysql, db)) end function conn.change_user(mysql, user, pass, db) checkz(mysql, C.mysql_change_user(mysql, user, pass, db)) end function conn.set_multiple_statements(mysql, yes) checkz(mysql, C.mysql_set_server_option(mysql, yes and C.MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_ON or C.MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_OFF)) end --connection info function conn.charset(mysql) return cstring(C.mysql_character_set_name(mysql)) end function conn.charset_info(mysql) local info = ffi.new'MY_CHARSET_INFO' checkz(C.mysql_get_character_set_info(mysql, info)) assert(info.name ~= NULL) assert(info.csname ~= NULL) return { number = info.number, state = info.state, name = cstring(info.csname), --csname and name are inverted from the spec collation = cstring(info.name), comment = cstring(info.comment), dir = cstring(info.dir), mbminlen = info.mbminlen, mbmaxlen = info.mbmaxlen, } end function conn.ping(mysql) local ret = C.mysql_ping(mysql) if ret == 0 then return true elseif C.mysql_error(mysql) == C.MYSQL_CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR then return false end myerror(mysql) end conn.thread_id = C.mysql_thread_id --NOTE: result is cdata on x64! function conn.stat(mysql) return cstring(checkh(mysql, C.mysql_stat(mysql))) end function conn.server_info(mysql) return cstring(checkh(mysql, C.mysql_get_server_info(mysql))) end function conn.host_info(mysql) return cstring(checkh(mysql, C.mysql_get_host_info(mysql))) end function conn.server_version(mysql) return tonumber(C.mysql_get_server_version(mysql)) end conn.proto_info = C.mysql_get_proto_info function conn.ssl_cipher(mysql) return cstring(C.mysql_get_ssl_cipher(mysql)) end --transactions function conn.commit(mysql) checkz(mysql, C.mysql_commit(mysql)) end function conn.rollback(mysql) checkz(mysql, C.mysql_rollback(mysql)) end function conn.set_autocommit(mysql, yes) checkz(mysql, C.mysql_autocommit(mysql, yes == nil or yes)) end --queries function conn.escape_tobuffer(mysql, data, size, buf, sz) size = size or #data assert(sz >= size * 2 + 1) return tonumber(C.mysql_real_escape_string(mysql, buf, data, size)) end function conn.escape(mysql, data, size) size = size or #data local sz = size * 2 + 1 local buf = ffi.new('uint8_t[?]', sz) sz = conn.escape_tobuffer(mysql, data, size, buf, sz) return ffi.string(buf, sz) end function conn.query(mysql, data, size) checkz(mysql, C.mysql_real_query(mysql, data, size or #data)) end --query info conn.field_count = C.mysql_field_count local minus1_uint64 = ffi.cast('uint64_t', ffi.cast('int64_t', -1)) function conn.affected_rows(mysql) local n = C.mysql_affected_rows(mysql) if n == minus1_uint64 then myerror(mysql) end return tonumber(n) end conn.insert_id = C.mysql_insert_id --NOTE: result is cdata on x64! function conn.errno(conn) local err = C.mysql_errno(conn) if err == 0 then return end return err end function conn.sqlstate(mysql) return cstring(C.mysql_sqlstate(mysql)) end conn.warning_count = C.mysql_warning_count function conn.info(mysql) return cstring(C.mysql_info(mysql)) end --query results function conn.next_result(mysql) --multiple statement queries return multiple results local ret = C.mysql_next_result(mysql) if ret == 0 then return true end if ret == -1 then return false end myerror(mysql) end function conn.more_results(mysql) return C.mysql_more_results(mysql) == 1 end local function result_function(func) return function(mysql) local res = checkh(mysql, func(mysql)) return ffi.gc(res, C.mysql_free_result) end end conn.store_result = result_function(C.mysql_store_result) conn.use_result = result_function(C.mysql_use_result) local res = {} --result methods function res.free(res) C.mysql_free_result(res) ffi.gc(res, nil) end function res.row_count(res) return tonumber(C.mysql_num_rows(res)) end res.field_count = C.mysql_num_fields function res.eof(res) return C.mysql_eof(res) ~= 0 end --field info local field_type_names = { [C.MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL] = 'decimal', --DECIMAL or NUMERIC [C.MYSQL_TYPE_TINY] = 'tinyint', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT] = 'smallint', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG] = 'int', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT] = 'float', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE] = 'double', --DOUBLE or REAL [C.MYSQL_TYPE_NULL] = 'null', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP] = 'timestamp', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG] = 'bigint', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_INT24] = 'mediumint', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATE] = 'date', --pre mysql 5.0, storage = 4 bytes [C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIME] = 'time', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME] = 'datetime', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR] = 'year', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE] = 'date', --mysql 5.0+, storage = 3 bytes [C.MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR] = 'varchar', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_BIT] = 'bit', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP2] = 'timestamp', --mysql 5.6+, can store fractional seconds [C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME2] = 'datetime', --mysql 5.6+, can store fractional seconds [C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIME2] = 'time', --mysql 5.6+, can store fractional seconds [C.MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL] = 'decimal', --mysql 5.0+, Precision math DECIMAL or NUMERIC [C.MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM] = 'enum', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_SET] = 'set', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB] = 'tinyblob', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB] = 'mediumblob', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB] = 'longblob', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB] = 'text', --TEXT or BLOB [C.MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING] = 'varchar', --VARCHAR or VARBINARY [C.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING] = 'char', --CHAR or BINARY [C.MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY] = 'spatial', --Spatial field } local binary_field_type_names = { [C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB] = 'blob', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING] = 'varbinary', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING] = 'binary', } local field_flag_names = { [C.MYSQL_NOT_NULL_FLAG] = 'not_null', [C.MYSQL_PRI_KEY_FLAG] = 'pri_key', [C.MYSQL_UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG] = 'unique_key', [C.MYSQL_MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG] = 'key', [C.MYSQL_BLOB_FLAG] = 'is_blob', [C.MYSQL_UNSIGNED_FLAG] = 'unsigned', [C.MYSQL_ZEROFILL_FLAG] = 'zerofill', [C.MYSQL_BINARY_FLAG] = 'is_binary', [C.MYSQL_ENUM_FLAG] = 'is_enum', [C.MYSQL_AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG] = 'autoincrement', [C.MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_FLAG] = 'is_timestamp', [C.MYSQL_SET_FLAG] = 'is_set', [C.MYSQL_NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG] = 'no_default', [C.MYSQL_ON_UPDATE_NOW_FLAG] = 'on_update_now', [C.MYSQL_NUM_FLAG] = 'is_number', } local function field_type_name(info) local type_flag = tonumber(info.type) local field_type = field_type_names[type_flag] --charsetnr 63 changes CHAR into BINARY, VARCHAR into VARBYNARY, TEXT into BLOB field_type = info.charsetnr == 63 and binary_field_type_names[type_flag] or field_type return field_type end --convenience field type fetcher (less garbage) function res.field_type(res, i) assert(i >= 1 and i <= res:field_count(), 'index out of range') local info = C.mysql_fetch_field_direct(res, i-1) local unsigned = bit.bor(info.flags, C.MYSQL_UNSIGNED_FLAG) ~= 0 return field_type_name(info), tonumber(info.length), unsigned, info.decimals end function res.field_info(res, i) assert(i >= 1 and i <= res:field_count(), 'index out of range') local info = C.mysql_fetch_field_direct(res, i-1) local t = { name = cstring(info.name, info.name_length), org_name = cstring(info.org_name, info.org_name_length), table = cstring(info.table, info.table_length), org_table = cstring(info.org_table, info.org_table_length), db = cstring(info.db, info.db_length), catalog = cstring(info.catalog, info.catalog_length), def = cstring(info.def, info.def_length), length = tonumber(info.length), max_length = tonumber(info.max_length), decimals = info.decimals, charsetnr = info.charsetnr, type_flag = tonumber(info.type), type = field_type_name(info), flags = info.flags, extension = ptr(info.extension), } for flag, name in pairs(field_flag_names) do t[name] = bit.band(flag, info.flags) ~= 0 end return t end --convenience field name fetcher (less garbage) function res.field_name(res, i) assert(i >= 1 and i <= res:field_count(), 'index out of range') local info = C.mysql_fetch_field_direct(res, i-1) return cstring(info.name, info.name_length) end --convenience field iterator, shortcut for: for i=1,res:field_count() do local field = res:field_info(i) ... end function res.fields(res) local n = res:field_count() local i = 0 return function() if i == n then return end i = i + 1 return i, res:field_info(i) end end --row data fetching and parsing ffi.cdef('double strtod(const char*, char**);') local function parse_int(data, sz) --using strtod to avoid string creation return ffi.C.strtod(data, nil) end local function parse_float(data, sz) return tonumber(ffi.cast('float', ffi.C.strtod(data, nil))) --because windows is missing strtof() end local function parse_double(data, sz) return ffi.C.strtod(data, nil) end ffi.cdef('int64_t strtoll(const char*, char**, int) ' ..(ffi.os == 'Windows' and ' asm("_strtoi64")' or '') .. ';') local function parse_int64(data, sz) return ffi.C.strtoll(data, nil, 10) end ffi.cdef('uint64_t strtoull(const char*, char**, int) ' ..(ffi.os == 'Windows' and ' asm("_strtoui64")' or '') .. ';') local function parse_uint64(data, sz) return ffi.C.strtoull(data, nil, 10) end local function parse_bit(data, sz) data = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', data) --force unsigned local n = data[0] --this is the msb: bit fields always come in big endian byte order if sz > 6 then --we can cover up to 6 bytes with only Lua numbers n = ffi.new('uint64_t', n) end for i=1,sz-1 do n = n * 256 + data[i] end return n end local function parse_date_(data, sz) assert(sz >= 10) local z = ('0'):byte() local year = (data[0] - z) * 1000 + (data[1] - z) * 100 + (data[2] - z) * 10 + (data[3] - z) local month = (data[5] - z) * 10 + (data[6] - z) local day = (data[8] - z) * 10 + (data[9] - z) return year, month, day end local function parse_time_(data, sz) assert(sz >= 8) local z = ('0'):byte() local hour = (data[0] - z) * 10 + (data[1] - z) local min = (data[3] - z) * 10 + (data[4] - z) local sec = (data[6] - z) * 10 + (data[7] - z) local frac = 0 for i = 9, sz-1 do frac = frac * 10 + (data[i] - z) end return hour, min, sec, frac end local function format_date(year, month, day) return string.format('%04d-%02d-%02d', year, month, day) end local function format_time(hour, min, sec, frac) if frac and frac ~= 0 then return string.format('%02d:%02d:%02d.%d', hour, min, sec, frac) else return string.format('%02d:%02d:%02d', hour, min, sec) end end local function datetime_tostring(t) local date, time if t.year then date = format_date(t.year, t.month, t.day) end if t.sec then time = format_time(t.hour, t.min, t.sec, t.frac) end if date and time then return date .. ' ' .. time else return assert(date or time) end end local datetime_meta = {__tostring = datetime_tostring} local function datetime(t) return setmetatable(t, datetime_meta) end local function parse_date(data, sz) local year, month, day = parse_date_(data, sz) return datetime{year = year, month = month, day = day} end local function parse_time(data, sz) local hour, min, sec, frac = parse_time_(data, sz) return datetime{hour = hour, min = min, sec = sec, frac = frac} end local function parse_datetime(data, sz) local year, month, day = parse_date_(data, sz) local hour, min, sec, frac = parse_time_(data + 11, sz - 11) return datetime{year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour, min = min, sec = sec, frac = frac} end local field_decoders = { --other field types not present here are returned as strings, unparsed [C.MYSQL_TYPE_TINY] = parse_int, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT] = parse_int, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG] = parse_int, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT] = parse_float, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE] = parse_double, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP] = parse_datetime, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG] = parse_int64, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_INT24] = parse_int, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATE] = parse_date, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIME] = parse_time, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME] = parse_datetime, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE] = parse_date, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP2] = parse_datetime, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME2] = parse_datetime, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIME2] = parse_time, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR] = parse_int, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_BIT] = parse_bit, } local unsigned_decoders = { [C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG] = parse_uint64, } local function mode_flags(mode) local assoc = mode and mode:find'a' local numeric = not mode or not assoc or mode:find'n' local decode = not mode or not mode:find's' local packed = mode and mode:find'[an]' local fetch_fields = assoc or decode --if assoc we need field_name, if decode we need field_type return numeric, assoc, decode, packed, fetch_fields end local function fetch_row(res, numeric, assoc, decode, field_count, fields, t) local values = C.mysql_fetch_row(res) if values == NULL then if res.conn ~= NULL then --buffered read: check for errors myerror(res.conn, 4) end return nil end local sizes = C.mysql_fetch_lengths(res) for i=0,field_count-1 do local v = values[i] if v ~= NULL then local decoder if decode then local ftype = tonumber(fields[i].type) local unsigned = bit.bor(fields[i].flags, C.MYSQL_UNSIGNED_FLAG) ~= 0 decoder = unsigned and unsigned_decoders[ftype] or field_decoders[ftype] or ffi.string else decoder = ffi.string end v = decoder(values[i], tonumber(sizes[i])) if numeric then t[i+1] = v end if assoc then local k = ffi.string(fields[i].name, fields[i].name_length) t[k] = v end end end return t end function res.fetch(res, mode, t) local numeric, assoc, decode, packed, fetch_fields = mode_flags(mode) local field_count = C.mysql_num_fields(res) local fields = fetch_fields and C.mysql_fetch_fields(res) local row = fetch_row(res, numeric, assoc, decode, field_count, fields, t or {}) if packed then return row else return true, unpack(row) end end function res.rows(res, mode, t) local numeric, assoc, decode, packed, fetch_fields = mode_flags(mode) local field_count = C.mysql_num_fields(res) local fields = fetch_fields and C.mysql_fetch_fields(res) local i = 0 res:seek(1) return function() local row = fetch_row(res, numeric, assoc, decode, field_count, fields, t or {}) if not row then return end i = i + 1 if packed then return i, row else return i, unpack(row) end end end res.tell = C.mysql_row_tell function res.seek(res, where) --use in conjunction with res:row_count() if type(where) == 'number' then C.mysql_data_seek(res, where-1) else C.mysql_row_seek(res, where) end end --reflection local function list_function(func) return function(mysql, wild) local res = checkh(mysql, func(mysql, wild)) return ffi.gc(res, C.mysql_free_result) end end conn.list_dbs = list_function(C.mysql_list_dbs) conn.list_tables = list_function(C.mysql_list_tables) conn.list_processes = result_function(C.mysql_list_processes) --remote control function conn.kill(mysql, pid) checkz(mysql, C.mysql_kill(mysql, pid)) end function conn.shutdown(mysql, level) checkz(mysql, C.mysql_shutdown(mysql, enum(level or C.MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_DEFAULT, 'MYSQL_'))) end function conn.refresh(mysql, t) --options are 'REFRESH_*' or mysql.C.MYSQL_REFRESH_* enums local options = 0 if type(t) == 'number' then options = t else for k,v in pairs(t) do if v then options = bit.bor(options, enum(k, 'MYSQL_')) end end end checkz(mysql, C.mysql_refresh(mysql, options)) end function conn.dump_debug_info(mysql) checkz(mysql, C.mysql_dump_debug_info(mysql)) end --prepared statements local function sterror(stmt, stacklevel) local err = cstring(C.mysql_stmt_error(stmt)) if not err then return end error(string.format('mysql error: %s', err), stacklevel or 3) end local function stcheckz(stmt, ret) if ret == 0 then return end sterror(stmt, 4) end local function stcheckbool(stmt, ret) if ret == 1 then return end sterror(stmt, 4) end local function stcheckh(stmt, ret) if ret ~= NULL then return ret end sterror(stmt, 4) end function conn.prepare(mysql, query) local stmt = checkh(mysql, C.mysql_stmt_init(mysql)) ffi.gc(stmt, C.mysql_stmt_close) stcheckz(stmt, C.mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, query, #query)) return stmt end local stmt = {} --statement methods function stmt.close(stmt) stcheckbool(stmt, C.mysql_stmt_close(stmt)) ffi.gc(stmt, nil) end function stmt.exec(stmt) stcheckz(stmt, C.mysql_stmt_execute(stmt)) end function stmt.next_result(stmt) local ret = C.mysql_stmt_next_result(stmt) if ret == 0 then return true end if ret == -1 then return false end sterror(stmt) end function stmt.store_result(stmt) stcheckz(stmt, C.mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt)) end function stmt.free_result(stmt) stcheckbool(stmt, C.mysql_stmt_free_result(stmt)) end function stmt.row_count(stmt) return tonumber(C.mysql_stmt_num_rows(stmt)) end function stmt.affected_rows(stmt) local n = C.mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt) if n == minus1_uint64 then sterror(stmt) end return tonumber(n) end stmt.insert_id = C.mysql_stmt_insert_id function stmt.field_count(stmt) return tonumber(C.mysql_stmt_field_count(stmt)) end function stmt.param_count(stmt) return tonumber(C.mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt)) end function stmt.errno(stmt) local err = C.mysql_stmt_errno(stmt) if err == 0 then return end return err end function stmt.sqlstate(stmt) return cstring(C.mysql_stmt_sqlstate(stmt)) end function stmt.result_metadata(stmt) local res = stcheckh(stmt, C.mysql_stmt_result_metadata(stmt)) return res and ffi.gc(res, C.mysql_free_result) end function stmt.fields(stmt) local res = stmt:result_metadata() if not res then return nil end local fields = res:fields() return function() local i, info = fields() if not i then res:free() end return i, info end end function stmt.fetch(stmt) local ret = C.mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt) if ret == 0 then return true end if ret == C.MYSQL_NO_DATA then return false end if ret == C.MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED then return true, 'truncated' end sterror(stmt) end function stmt.reset(stmt) stcheckz(stmt, C.mysql_stmt_reset(stmt)) end stmt.tell = C.mysql_stmt_row_tell function stmt.seek(stmt, where) --use in conjunction with stmt:row_count() if type(where) == 'number' then C.mysql_stmt_data_seek(stmt, where-1) else C.mysql_stmt_row_seek(stmt, where) end end function stmt.write(stmt, param_number, data, size) stcheckz(stmt, C.mysql_stmt_send_long_data(stmt, param_number, data, size or #data)) end function stmt.update_max_length(stmt) local attr = ffi.new'my_bool[1]' stcheckz(stmt, C.mysql_stmt_attr_get(stmt, C.STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTH, attr)) return attr[0] == 1 end function stmt.set_update_max_length(stmt, yes) local attr = ffi.new('my_bool[1]', yes == nil or yes) stcheckz(stmt, C.mysql_stmt_attr_set(stmt, C.STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE, attr)) end function stmt.cursor_type(stmt) local attr = ffi.new'uint32_t[1]' stcheckz(stmt, C.mysql_stmt_attr_get(stmt, C.STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE, attr)) return attr[0] end function stmt.set_cursor_type(stmt, cursor_type) local attr = ffi.new('uint32_t[1]', enum(cursor_type, 'MYSQL_')) stcheckz(stmt, C.mysql_stmt_attr_set(stmt, C.STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE, attr)) end function stmt.prefetch_rows(stmt) local attr = ffi.new'uint32_t[1]' stcheckz(stmt, C.mysql_stmt_attr_get(stmt, C.STMT_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS, attr)) return attr[0] end function stmt.set_prefetch_rows(stmt, n) local attr = ffi.new('uint32_t[1]', n) stcheckz(stmt, C.mysql_stmt_attr_set(stmt, C.STMT_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS, attr)) end --prepared statements / bind buffers --see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/c-api-prepared-statement-type-codes.html local bb_types_input = { --conversion-free types tinyint = C.MYSQL_TYPE_TINY, smallint = C.MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT, int = C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, integer = C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, --alias of int bigint = C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, float = C.MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT, double = C.MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE, time = C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIME, date = C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATE, datetime = C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, timestamp = C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, text = C.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, char = C.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, varchar = C.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, blob = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, binary = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, varbinary = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, null = C.MYSQL_TYPE_NULL, --conversion types (can only use one of the above C types) mediumint = C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, real = C.MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE, decimal = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, numeric = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, year = C.MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT, tinyblob = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, tinytext = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, mediumblob = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, mediumtext = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, longblob = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, longtext = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, bit = C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, --MYSQL_TYPE_BIT is not available for input params set = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, enum = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, } local bb_types_output = { --conversion-free types tinyint = C.MYSQL_TYPE_TINY, smallint = C.MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT, mediumint = C.MYSQL_TYPE_INT24, --int32 int = C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, integer = C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, --alias of int bigint = C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, float = C.MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT, double = C.MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE, real = C.MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE, decimal = C.MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL, --char[] numeric = C.MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL, --char[] year = C.MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT, time = C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIME, date = C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATE, datetime = C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, timestamp = C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, char = C.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, binary = C.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, varchar = C.MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING, varbinary = C.MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING, tinyblob = C.MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB, tinytext = C.MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB, blob = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, text = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, mediumblob = C.MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB, mediumtext = C.MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB, longblob = C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB, longtext = C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB, bit = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BIT, --conversion types (can only use one of the above C types) null = C.MYSQL_TYPE_TINY, set = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, enum = C.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, } local number_types = { [C.MYSQL_TYPE_TINY] = 'int8_t[1]', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT] = 'int16_t[1]', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG] = 'int32_t[1]', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_INT24] = 'int32_t[1]', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG] = 'int64_t[1]', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT] = 'float[1]', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE] = 'double[1]', } local uint_types = { [C.MYSQL_TYPE_TINY] = 'uint8_t[1]', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT] = 'uint16_t[1]', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG] = 'uint32_t[1]', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_INT24] = 'uint32_t[1]', [C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG] = 'uint64_t[1]', } local time_types = { [C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIME] = true, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATE] = true, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME] = true, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP] = true, } local time_struct_types = { [C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIME] = C.MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATE] = C.MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME] = C.MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME, [C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP] = C.MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME, } local params = {} --params bind buffer methods local params_meta = {__index = params} local fields = {} --params bind buffer methods local fields_meta = {__index = fields} -- "varchar(200)" -> "varchar", 200; "decimal(10,4)" -> "decimal", 12; "int unsigned" -> "int", nil, true local function parse_type(s) s = s:lower() local unsigned = false local rest = s:match'(.-)%s+unsigned$' if rest then s, unsigned = rest, true end local rest, sz = s:match'^%s*([^%(]+)%s*%(%s*(%d+)[^%)]*%)%s*$' if rest then s, sz = rest, assert(tonumber(sz), 'invalid type') if s == 'decimal' or s == 'numeric' then --make room for the dot and the minus sign sz = sz + 2 end end return s, sz, unsigned end local function bind_buffer(bb_types, meta, types) local self = setmetatable({}, meta) self.count = #types self.buffer = ffi.new('MYSQL_BIND[?]', #types) self.data = {} --data buffers, one for each field self.lengths = ffi.new('unsigned long[?]', #types) --length buffers, one for each field self.null_flags = ffi.new('my_bool[?]', #types) --null flag buffers, one for each field self.error_flags = ffi.new('my_bool[?]', #types) --error (truncation) flag buffers, one for each field for i,typedef in ipairs(types) do local stype, size, unsigned = parse_type(typedef) local btype = assert(bb_types[stype], 'invalid type') local data if stype == 'bit' then if btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG then --for input: use unsigned int64 and ignore size data = ffi.new'uint64_t[1]' self.buffer[i-1].is_unsigned = 1 size = 0 elseif btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_BIT then --for output: use mysql conversion-free type size = size or 64 --if missing size, assume maximum size = math.ceil(size / 8) assert(size >= 1 and size <= 8, 'invalid size') data = ffi.new('uint8_t[?]', size) end elseif number_types[btype] then assert(not size, 'fixed size type') data = ffi.new(unsigned and uint_types[btype] or number_types[btype]) self.buffer[i-1].is_unsigned = unsigned size = ffi.sizeof(data) elseif time_types[btype] then assert(not size, 'fixed size type') data = ffi.new'MYSQL_TIME' data.time_type = time_struct_types[btype] size = 0 elseif btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_NULL then assert(not size, 'fixed size type') size = 0 else assert(size, 'missing size') data = size > 0 and ffi.new('uint8_t[?]', size) or nil end self.null_flags[i-1] = true self.data[i] = data self.lengths[i-1] = 0 self.buffer[i-1].buffer_type = btype self.buffer[i-1].buffer = data self.buffer[i-1].buffer_length = size self.buffer[i-1].is_null = self.null_flags + (i - 1) self.buffer[i-1].error = self.error_flags + (i - 1) self.buffer[i-1].length = self.lengths + (i - 1) end return self end local function params_bind_buffer(types) return bind_buffer(bb_types_input, params_meta, types) end local function fields_bind_buffer(types) return bind_buffer(bb_types_output, fields_meta, types) end local function bind_check_range(self, i) assert(i >= 1 and i <= self.count, 'index out of bounds') end --realloc a buffer using supplied size. only for varsize fields. function params:realloc(i, size) bind_check_range(self, i) assert(ffi.istype(data, 'uint8_t[?]'), 'attempt to realloc a fixed size field') local data = size > 0 and ffi.new('uint8_t[?]', size) or nil self.null_flags[i-1] = true self.data[i] = data self.lengths[i-1] = 0 self.buffer[i-1].buffer = data self.buffer[i-1].buffer_length = size end fields.realloc = params.realloc function fields:get_date(i) bind_check_range(self, i) local btype = tonumber(self.buffer[i-1].buffer_type) local date = btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATE or btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME or btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP local time = btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIME or btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME or btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP assert(date or time, 'not a date/time type') if self.null_flags[i-1] == 1 then return nil end local tm = self.data[i] return date and tm.year or nil, date and tm.month or nil, date and tm.day or nil, time and tm.hour or nil, time and tm.minute or nil, time and tm.second or nil, time and tm.second_part or nil end function params:set_date(i, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, frac) bind_check_range(self, i) local tm = self.data[i] local btype = tonumber(self.buffer[i-1].buffer_type) local date = btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATE or btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME or btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP local time = btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIME or btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME or btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP assert(date or time, 'not a date/time type') local tm = self.data[i] tm.year = date and math.max(0, math.min(year or 0, 9999)) or 0 tm.month = date and math.max(1, math.min(month or 0, 12)) or 0 tm.day = date and math.max(1, math.min(day or 0, 31)) or 0 tm.hour = time and math.max(0, math.min(hour or 0, 59)) or 0 tm.minute = time and math.max(0, math.min(min or 0, 59)) or 0 tm.second = time and math.max(0, math.min(sec or 0, 59)) or 0 tm.second_part = time and math.max(0, math.min(frac or 0, 999999)) or 0 self.null_flags[i-1] = false end function params:set(i, v, size) bind_check_range(self, i) v = ptr(v) if v == nil then self.null_flags[i-1] = true return end local btype = tonumber(self.buffer[i-1].buffer_type) if btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_NULL then error('attempt to set a null type param') elseif number_types[btype] then --this includes bit type which is LONGLONG self.data[i][0] = v self.null_flags[i-1] = false elseif time_types[btype] then self:set_date(i, v.year, v.month, v.day, v.hour, v.min, v.sec, v.frac) else --var-sized types and raw bit blobs size = size or #v local bsize = tonumber(self.buffer[i-1].buffer_length) assert(bsize >= size, 'string too long') ffi.copy(self.data[i], v, size) self.lengths[i-1] = size self.null_flags[i-1] = false end end function fields:get(i) bind_check_range(self, i) local btype = tonumber(self.buffer[i-1].buffer_type) if btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_NULL or self.null_flags[i-1] == 1 then return nil end if number_types[btype] then return self.data[i][0] --ffi converts this to a number or int64 type, which maches result:fetch() decoding elseif time_types[btype] then local t = self.data[i] if t.time_type == C.MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME then return datetime{hour = t.hour, min = t.minute, sec = t.second, frac = t.second_part} elseif t.time_type == C.MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE then return datetime{year = t.year, month = t.month, day = t.day} elseif t.time_type == C.MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME then return datetime{year = t.year, month = t.month, day = t.day, hour = t.hour, min = t.minute, sec = t.second, frac = t.second_part} else error'invalid time' end else local sz = math.min(tonumber(self.buffer[i-1].buffer_length), tonumber(self.lengths[i-1])) if btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_BIT then return parse_bit(self.data[i], sz) else return ffi.string(self.data[i], sz) end end end function fields:is_null(i) --returns true if the field is null bind_check_range(self, i) local btype = self.buffer[i-1].buffer_type return btype == C.MYSQL_TYPE_NULL or self.null_flags[i-1] == 1 end function fields:is_truncated(i) --returns true if the field value was truncated bind_check_range(self, i) return self.error_flags[i-1] == 1 end local varsize_types = { char = true, binary = true, varchar = true, varbinary = true, tinyblob = true, tinytext = true, blob = true, text = true, mediumblob = true, mediumtext = true, longblob = true, longtext = true, bit = true, set = true, enum = true, } function stmt.bind_result_types(stmt, maxsize) local types = {} local field_count = stmt:field_count() local res = stmt:result_metadata() if not res then return nil end for i=1,field_count do local ftype, size, unsigned, decimals = res:field_type(i) if ftype == 'decimal' then ftype = string.format('%s(%d,%d)', ftype, size-2, decimals) elseif varsize_types[ftype] then size = math.min(size, maxsize or 65535) ftype = string.format('%s(%d)', ftype, size) end ftype = unsigned and ftype..' unsigned' or ftype types[i] = ftype end res:free() return types end function stmt.bind_params(stmt, ...) local types = type((...)) == 'string' and {...} or ... or {} assert(stmt:param_count() == #types, 'wrong number of param types') local bb = params_bind_buffer(types) stcheckz(stmt, C.mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bb.buffer)) return bb end function stmt.bind_result(stmt, arg1, ...) local types if type(arg1) == 'string' then types = {arg1, ...} elseif type(arg1) == 'number' then types = stmt:bind_result_types(arg1) elseif arg1 then types = arg1 else types = stmt:bind_result_types() end assert(stmt:field_count() == #types, 'wrong number of field types') local bb = fields_bind_buffer(types) stcheckz(stmt, C.mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, bb.buffer)) return bb end --publish methods if not rawget(_G, '__MYSQL__') then __MYSQL__ = true ffi.metatype('MYSQL', {__index = conn}) ffi.metatype('MYSQL_RES', {__index = res}) ffi.metatype('MYSQL_STMT', {__index = stmt}) end --publish classes (for introspection, not extending) M.conn = conn M.res = res M.stmt = stmt M.params = params M.fields = fields if not ... then require'mysql_test' end return M