## `local mysql = require'mysql_client'` MySQL client protocol in Lua. Ripped from OpenResty, modified to work with [sock], added prepared statements, better interpretation of field metadata (consistent with [sqlpp], [schema] and [xrowset][x-widges]), and other minor changes. ## Example ```lua local mysql = require'mysql_client' assert(mysql.connect{ host = '', port = 3306, user = 'bar', password = 'baz', schema = 'foo', charset = 'utf8mb4', max_packet_size = 1024 * 1024, }) assert(cn:query('drop table if exists cats')) local res = assert(cn:query('create table cats ' .. '(id serial primary key, ' .. 'name varchar(5))')) local res = assert(cn:query('insert into cats (name) ' .. "values ('Bob'),(''),(null)")) print(res.affected_rows, ' rows inserted into table cats ', '(last insert id: ', res.insert_id, ')') require'pp'(assert(cn:query('select * from cats order by id asc', 10))) assert(cn:close()) ``` ## API ### `mysql.connect(options) -> ok | nil,err,errcode,sqlstate` Connect to a MySQL server. The `options` argument is a Lua table holding the following keys: * `host`: server's IP address (required). * `port`: server's port (optional, defaults to 3306). * `user`: user name. * `password`: password (optional). * `schema`: the schema to set as current schema (optional). * `collation`: the collation used for the connection (`charset` is implied by this). * use `'server'` to get the server's collation and charset for the connection. * `charset`: the character set used for the connection. * if `collation` not set, the default collation for the charset is selected. * `max_packet_size`: the upper limit for the reply packets sent from the server (defaults to 16 MB). * `ssl`: if `true`, then uses SSL to connect to MySQL (defaults to `false`). If the server does not have SSL support (or just disabled), the error string "ssl disabled on server" is returned. * `ssl_verify`: if `true`, then verifies the validity of the server SSL certificate (default is `false`). * `to_lua = f(v, col) -> v` -- custom value converter (defaults to `mysql.to_lua`). ### `cn:close() -> 1 | nil,err` Closes the current mysql connection and returns the status. ### `cn:send_query(query) -> bytes | nil,err` Sends the query to the remote MySQL server without waiting for its replies. Returns the bytes successfully sent out. Use `read_result()` to read the replies. ### `cn:read_result([options]) -> res,nil|'again',cols | nil,err,errcode,sqlstate` Reads in the next result set returned from the server. The `options` arg can contain: * `compact = true` -- return an array of arrays instead of an array of `{column->value}` maps. * `to_array = true` -- return an array of values for single-column results. * `null_value = val` -- value to use for `null` (defaults to `nil`). * `to_lua = f(v, col) -> v` -- custom value converter. * `field_attrs = {name -> attr}` -- extra field attributes. For queries that return a result set, it returns an array of rows. For other queries it returns a Lua table with information such as the autoincrement value if any and the affected rows. If more results are following the current result, a second return value `'again'` is returned. One should always check this value and call this method again to retrieve more results. This usually happens when the original query contains multiple statements (separated by semicolon in the same query string) or calling a stored procedure. In case of errors, this method returns at most 4 values: `nil`, `err`, `errcode`, and `sqlstate`. The `err` return value contains a string describing the error, the `errcode` return value holds the MySQL error code (a numerical value), and finally, the `sqlstate` return value contains the standard SQL error code that consists of 5 characters. Note that, the `errcode` and `sqlstate` might be `nil` if MySQL does not return them. __NOTE:__ decimals and 64 bit integers are converted to Lua numbers by default. That limits the useful range of number types to 15 significant digits. If you have other needs, provide your own `to_lua` (which you can set at module, connection and query level, and even per field with `field_attrs`). ### `cn:query(query, [options]) -> res,nil,cols | nil,err,errcode,sqlstate` This is a shortcut for combining the [send_query](#send_query) call and the first [read_result](#read_result) call. You should always check if the `err` return value is `again` in case of success because this method will only call [read_result](#read_result) once for you. ### `cn:prepare(query, [opt]) -> stmt` Prepare a statement. Options can contain: * `cursor`: 'read_only', 'update', 'scrollabe', 'none' (default: 'none'). ### `stmt:exec(params...)` Execute a statement. Use `cn:read_result()` to get the results. ### `stmt:free()` Free statement. ### `cn.server_ver` The MySQL server version string. ### `mysql.esc_utf8(s) -> s` Escape string to be used inside SQL string literals. Only works on connections for which the charset is ASCII or an ASCII superset (ascii, utf8). ### `cn:esc(s) -> s` Escape string to be used inside SQL string literals. This only works if the current collation is known (see `collation` arg on `connect()`). ### Multiple result set support For a SQL query that produces multiple result-sets, it is always your duty to check the 'again' error message returned by the query, and keep pulling more result sets by calling the `read_result()` until no 'again' error message returned (or some other errors happen). ## Limitations ### Authentication By default, of all authentication methods, only [Old Password Authentication(mysql_old_password)](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/old-password-authentication.html) and [Secure Password Authentication(mysql_native_password)](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/secure-password-authentication.html) are suppored. ## TODO * implement the data compression support in the protocol.