local modname = minetest.get_current_modname() local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(modname) local thismod = { enabled = false, } _G[modname] = thismod local singleplayer = minetest.is_singleplayer() -- Caching is OK since you can't open a game to -- multiplayer unless you restart it. if not minetest.setting_get(modname .. '.enable_singleplayer') and singleplayer then minetest.log('action', modname .. ": Not enabling because of singleplayer game") return end thismod.enabled = true local function setoverlay(tab, orig) local mt = getmetatable(tab) or {} mt.__index = function (tab, key) if rawget(tab, key) ~= nil then return rawget(tab, key) else return orig[key] end end setmetatable(tab, mt) end local function string_splitdots(s) local temp = {} local index = 0 local last_index = string.len(s) while true do local i, e = string.find(s, '%.', index) if i and e then local next_index = e + 1 local word_bound = i - 1 table.insert(temp, string.sub(s, index, word_bound)) index = next_index else if index > 0 and index <= last_index then table.insert(temp, string.sub(s, index, last_index)) elseif index == 0 then temp = nil end break end end return temp end local mysql do -- MySQL module loading local env = { require = function (module) if module == 'mysql_h' then return dofile(modpath .. '/mysql/mysql_h.lua') else return require(module) end end } setoverlay(env, _G) local fn, msg = loadfile(modpath .. '/mysql/mysql.lua') if not fn then error(msg) end setfenv(fn, env) local status status, mysql = pcall(fn, {}) if not status then error(modname .. ' failed to load MySQL FFI interface: ' .. tostring(mysql)) end thismod.mysql = mysql end function thismod.mkget(modname) local get = function (name) return minetest.setting_get(modname .. '.' .. name) end local cfgfile = get('cfgfile') if type(cfgfile) == 'string' and cfgfile ~= '' then local file = io.open(cfgfile, 'rb') if not file then error(modname .. ' failed to load specified config file at ' .. cfgfile) end local cfg, msg = minetest.deserialize(file:read('*a')) file:close() if not cfg then error(modname .. ' failed to parse specified config file at ' .. cfgfile .. ': ' .. msg) end get = function (name) if type(name) ~= 'string' or name == '' then return nil end local parts = string_splitdots(name) if not parts then return cfg[name] end local tbl = cfg[parts[1]] for n = 2, #parts do if tbl == nil then return nil end tbl = tbl[parts[n]] end return tbl end end return get end local get = thismod.mkget(modname) do local conn, dbname -- MySQL API backend mysql.config(get('db.api')) local connopts = get('db.connopts') if (get('db.db') == nil) and (type(connopts) == 'table' and connopts.db == nil) then error(modname .. ": missing database name parameter") end if type(connopts) ~= 'table' then connopts = {} -- Traditional connection parameters connopts.host, connopts.user, connopts.port, connopts.pass, connopts.db = get('db.host') or 'localhost', get('db.user'), get('db.port'), get('db.pass'), get('db.db') end connopts.charset = 'utf8' connopts.options = connopts.options or {} connopts.options.MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT = true conn = mysql.connect(connopts) dbname = connopts.db minetest.log('action', modname .. ": Connected to MySQL database " .. dbname) thismod.conn = conn thismod.dbname = dbname -- LuaPower's MySQL interface throws an error when the connection fails, no need to check if -- it succeeded. -- Ensure UTF-8 is in use. -- If you use another encoding, kill yourself (unless it's UTF-32). conn:query("SET NAMES 'utf8'") conn:query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8") conn:query("SET character_set_results = 'utf8', character_set_client = 'utf8'," .. "character_set_connection = 'utf8', character_set_database = 'utf8'," .. "character_set_server = 'utf8'") local set = function(setting, val) conn:query('SET ' .. setting .. '=' .. val) end pcall(set, 'wait_timeout', 3600) pcall(set, 'autocommit', 1) pcall(set, 'max_allowed_packet', 67108864) end local function ping() if thismod.conn then if not thismod.conn:ping() then minetest.log('error', modname .. ": failed to ping database") end end minetest.after(1800, ping) end minetest.after(10, ping) local shutdown_callbacks = {} function thismod.register_on_shutdown(func) table.insert(shutdown_callbacks, func) end minetest.register_on_shutdown(function() if thismod.conn then minetest.log('action', modname .. ": Shutting down, running callbacks") for _, func in ipairs(shutdown_callbacks) do func() end thismod.conn:close() thismod.conn = nil minetest.log('action', modname .. ": Cosed database connection") end end) function thismod.table_exists(name) thismod.conn:query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" .. name .. "'") local res = thismod.conn:store_result() local exists = (res:row_count() ~= 0) res:free() return exists end