forked from nalc/nalc-server
Modification du script d'installation et de fermeture du serveur.
* ./ : Modification des arguments de ligne de commande, * ./ : Ajout d'arguments pour pouvoir faire une sauvegarde du serveur et/ou le redémarrer. * Ajout de minetest-dev.conf et minetest-stable.conf * Renommage de minetest-0.4.conf vers minetest-1.0.conf
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ error() {
usage() {
echo "Usage: ./ [options] [--] <arg>"
echo "Usage: ./ [options] [--] <version>"
echo "Options :"
echo -e "\t-h --help\tAffiche l'aide."
echo -e "\t-j --makeopt\tNombre de threads de compilation."
@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ usage() {
echo -e "\t\tSi l'option --ssh est passée en option, il s'agira du chemin distant."
echo -e "\t-i --irrlicht\tChemin personnalisé des sources irrlicht."
echo -e "\t-p --postgresql\tSi vous voulez que le serveur soit configuré avec postgresql"
echo "Arguments :"
echo -e "\t5.0 : Installation du serveur avec minetest-5.x. Suivez les instructions... (Non stable !)"
echo -e "\t0.4 : Installation du serveur avec minetest-0.4.x. Suivez les instructions... (Stable)"
echo -e "\tmaster : Installation du serveur avec la branche master de minetest. Suivez les instructions... (Non Stable !)"
echo "version :"
echo -e "\tstable : Installation du serveur depuis sa branche stable. Suivez les instructions... (À priori stable)"
echo -e "\t1.0 : Installation du serveur compatible avec minetest-0.4.17.x. Suivez les instructions... (Stable)"
echo -e "\tdev : Installation de la version en cours de developpement du serveur. Suivez les instructions... (Non Stable !)"
exit 0
@ -75,38 +75,6 @@ postgresql() {
echo "pgsql_player_connection = host=$pg_url user=$pg_user password=$pg_password dbname=players-$pg_dbname" >>
install_0.4() {
if [[ -d server-0.4 ]]; then
echo "Installation précédente détecté. Voulez-vous faire la mise à jour ?"
read -p "Votre choix ? (y, n, clean) " continuer
if [[ $continuer == "y" ]]; then
cd server-0.4
git pull
git -c http.sslVerify=false submodule update --init --recursive
cd ..
elif [[ $continuer == "clean" ]]; then
rm -rf server-0.4
git -c http.sslVerify=false clone --depth 1 $URL/server-nalc.git server-0.4
cd server-0.4
git -c http.sslVerify=false submodule update --init --recursive
cd ..
echo "Mise à jour annulée"
git -c http.sslVerify=false clone --depth 1 $URL/server-nalc.git server-0.4
cd server-0.4
git -c http.sslVerify=false submodule update --init --recursive
cd ..
install_minetest() {
if [[ -z $makeopt ]]; then
local makeopt=$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)
@ -138,12 +106,12 @@ install_minetest() {
if [[ ! -d minetest ]]; then
local branch="-b master"
if [[ $ver == "0.4" ]]; then
if [[ $ver == "stable" || $ver == "1.0" ]]; then
branch="-b stable-0.4"
elif [[ $ver == "5.0" ]]; then
branch="-b stable-5.0"
elif [[ $ver == "dev" ]]; then
branch="-b stable-5"
git clone --depth 1 $branch
git clone --depth 1 $branch
@ -185,10 +153,12 @@ install_minetest_game() {
if [[ ! -d nalc_game ]]; then
local branch="-b master"
if [[ $ver == "0.4" ]]; then
if [[ $ver == "1.0" ]]; then
branch="-b nalc-1.0.0"
elif [[ $ver == "stable" ]];then
branch="-b nalc"
elif [[ $ver == "5.0" ]]; then
branch="-b stable-5.0"
elif [[ $ver == "dev" ]]; then
branch="-b nalc-dev"
git clone --depth 1 $branch $URL/nalc_game.git
@ -204,7 +174,7 @@ install_minetest_game() {
install_world() {
local world_name="nalc"
local world_name="nalc-$ver"
if [[ -n $pg_dbname ]]; then
@ -239,8 +209,6 @@ install_world() {
ln -s $(pwd)/ minetest/worlds/$world_name/
cp -r world/* minetest/worlds/$world_name/
mkdir minetest/worlds/$world_name/runes
@ -264,7 +232,14 @@ install_mods() {
if [[ ! -d nalc-server-mods ]]; then
git clone $URL/nalc-server-mods.git
local branch="master"
if [[ $ver == "dev" ]]; then
elif [[ $ver == "1.0" ]]; then
git clone -b $branch $URL/nalc-server-mods.git
cd nalc-server-mods
git submodule update --init --recursive
@ -290,7 +265,11 @@ install_mods() {
local i=0
local md[1]="" # Mods to disable
for mod in 3d_armor_ip 3d_armor_sfinv worldedit_brush; do
local mods="3d_armor_ip 3d_armor_sfinv worldedit_brush"
if [[ $ver == "dev" ]]; then
mods="3d_armor_ip 3d_armor_sfinv"
for mod in $mods; do
i=$(( $i+1 ))
@ -384,7 +363,7 @@ init() {
action() {
local arg=$(strip $1)
if [[ $arg == "5.0" || $arg == "0.4" || $arg == "master" ]]; then
if [[ $arg == "dev" || $arg == "stable" || $arg == "1.0" ]]; then
init $arg
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
name = sys4
default_game = nalc_game
# Logs parameters - 0 = none, 1 = warning, 2 = action, 3 = info, 4 = verbose
debug_log_level = action
# Profiling (mod needed because the minetest cmdline sucks)
profiler.load = true
# profilerdumper.interval = 300
# Permet aux vieux client de minetest de ce connecter
strict_protocol_version_checking = true
# Options pour le type du serveur
creative_mode = false
enable_damage = true
disallow_empty_password = true
server_dedicated = true
ipv6_server = true
# 1 day-night cycle lasts 24 minutes instead of 20.
time_speed = 30
# Slightly higher player limit by default.
max_users = 12
# Give basics privileges to new players.
default_privs = home, spawn
basic_privs = areas, areas_high_limit, baker, ban, bring, diglocks, faction_admin, faction_user, fast, fly, fp_create, interact, inv, kick, megabuilder, nether, notice, openlocks, password, protection_bypass, rollback, shop, shout, sign_editor, teleport, warp_admin, warp_user, whois, worldedit
# If true, actions are recorded for rollback
enable_rollback_recording = true
# Activate fire
disable_fire = true
# Enable TNT
enable_tnt = true
# Si false, les pseudos des joueurs sont cachés à partir d'une distance de 50 blocs
unlimited_player_transfer_distance = false
# Activated the minimap usage if true
enable_minimap = true
# Fix the deleted item when die if your bags/craft grid/inventory is full
#max_objects_per_block = 150 # default value is 49
#max_forceloaded_blocks = 100
max_objects_per_block = 49
max_block_generate_distance = 6 # 4 for better performances
max_block_send_distance = 8 # 6 for better performances
max_forceloaded_blocks = 13
max_simultaneous_block_sends_per_client = 5 # 6 for better performances
max_simultaneous_block_sends_server_total = 60 # 125 for better performances
time_send_interval = 10
active_block_range = 1
#active_object_send_range_blocks = 3
server_map_save_interval = 10.3
sqlite_synchronous = 0
block_send_optimize_distance = 4
server_side_occlusion_culling = true
server_name = NotreAmiLeCube (Survival & PVP) [FR/EN]
server_description = Server hosted by sys4. This highly modded server is intended to be balanced and offers you multiple possibilities in the way you play. Be a builder, engineer, warrior or even a magician. The possibilities are almost endless. But be warned, surviving it will be a real challenge. [This server was originally a fork of the MinetestForFun Classic server. Now he's following his own path].
motd = Bienvenue sur le serveur "NotreAmiLeCube (Survie & PVP) [FR/EN]" ! / Welcome to "NotreAmiLeCube (Survival & PVP) [EN/FR]" server!
serverlist_url =
server_url =
server_announce = false
server_address =
port = 30002
# curl default 5sec but timeout, fix to 15sec
curl_timeout = 15000
# Slightly decreased compared to minetest_next.
#movement_acceleration_default = 2.4
# Same acceleration in air and on the ground, to fix some movement glitches. Also is easier to play.
#movement_acceleration_air = 1.2
# Almost instant acceleration in fast mode for more control.
#movement_acceleration_fast = 24
# Walking is 20 % faster than in minetest_game. Makes playing without the "fast" privilege less boring.
#movement_speed_walk = 4.8
# Half the speed of walking, just like the animation.
#movement_speed_crouch = 2.4
# 5 times faster than walking.
#movement_speed_fast = 24
# Makes climbing speed faster than rising in the water. Also makes ladders more useful.
#movement_speed_climb = 4.8
# Faster movement in liquids. Jumping at the water surface also speeds up swimming.
#movement_liquid_fluidity = 1.6 (default = 1)
# Ralentissement à la surface de l'eau
#movement_liquid_fluidity_smooth = 0.5
# Vitesse à laquelle le joueur coule
#movement_liquid_sink = 15
# Slightly less gravity.
#movement_gravity = 9.5
# Jump height slightly reduced.
#movement_speed_jump = 6.5
# Emplacement du static spawn point
static_spawnpoint = 144, 25, 261
# Emplacment du static spawn pour le nether
nether_static_spawnpoint = 79, -20018, -45
# Désactivation de l'anti-cheat qui fait ce téléporter en arrière si l'on va trop vite
disable_anticheat = true
# A chosen map seed for a new map, leave empty for random
#fixed_map_seed = 13107546752813893513
fixed_map_seed = 1681440164076556961
# Enable dungeons on new worlds.
mg_flags = caves, dungeons, decorations
# Enable jungles on new worlds, disable biome blend and mud flow (faster, looks better).
#mgv6_spflags = jungles, nobiomeblend, nomudflow
# Less deserts, more beaches.
#mgv6_freq_desert = 0.6
#mgv6_freq_beach = -0.15
# Tweeked "valleys" mapgen
#mg_biome_np_heat = 50, 50, (350,350,350), 5349, 3, 0.5, 2.0
#mg_biome_np_humidity = 50, 50, (350,350,350), 842, 3, 0.5, 2.0
mg_name = valleys
mgvalleys_lava_depth = 1
#mg_valleys_spflags = altitude_chill,humid_rivers
#mgvalleys_altitude_chill = 90
#mgvalleys_large_cave_depth = -33
#mgvalleys_lava_features = 0
#mgvalleys_massive_cave_depth = -256
#mgvalleys_river_depth = 4
#mgvalleys_river_size = 5
#mgvalleys_water_features = 0
#mgvalleys_cave_width = 0.09
secure.trusted_mods = irc,track_players,global_exchange
log_mods = true
# craftguide #
craftguide_progressive_mode = true
# moremesecons #
moremesecons_jammer.enable_lbm = false
moremesecons_sayer.use_speech_dispatcher = false
# GIVE_INITIAL_STUFF MOD - Equipement pour les nouveaux joueurs : 10 torches, 2 saplings, 5 apples. Edit mods/misc/give_initial_stuff.lua to change.
give_initial_stuff = true
initial_stuff = "default:axe_wood 1,default:torch 10,default:sapling 2,default:apple 5"
areas.self_protection = true
areas.self_protection_max_size = {x=128, y=128, z=128}
areas.self_protection_max_areas = 30
remove_far_mobs = true
mobs_spawn_protected = false
mob_difficulty = 1.5
mob_chance_multiplier = 1
# MOBS custom spawn chance and number
#mobs_animal:bee = 9000,2
#mobs_animal:bunny = 15000,2
#mobs_animal:chicken = 15000,2
#mobs_animal:cow = 15000,2
#mobs_animal:goat = 20000,2
#mobs_animal:kitten = 122000,2
#mobs_animal:penguin = 20000,2
#mobs_animal:rat = 15000,2
#mobs_animal:sheep_white = 15000,2
#mobs_animal:pumba = 15000,2
#pmobs:npc = 500000,1
#pmobs:npc_female = 500000,1
#pmobs:wolf = 100000,1
#pmobs:yeti = 7000,2
#kpgmobs:deer = 51000,1
#kpgmobs:jeraf = 51000,1
#kpgmobs:medved = 100000,1
creeper:creeper = 100000,1
#mob_horse:horse = 60000,1
#mobs_turtles:turtle = 30000,1
#mobs_turtles:seaturtle = 30000,1
# food #
food_sweet_use_2d = 1
# Armor Configuration
# -------------------
# Set false to disable individual armor materials.
armor_material_wood = true
armor_material_cactus = true
armor_material_steel = true
armor_material_bronze = true
armor_material_diamond = true
armor_material_gold = true
armor_material_mithril = true
armor_material_crystal = false
armor_material_reinforcedleather = true
armor_material_hardenedleather = true
armor_material_blackmithril = true
# Increase this if you get initialization glitches when a player first joins.
#armor_init_delay = 1
# Number of initialization attempts.
# Use in conjunction with armor_init_delay if initialization problems persist.
#armor_init_times = 1
# Increase this if armor is not getting into bones due to server lag.
#armor_bones_delay = 1
# How often player armor items are updated.
#armor_update_time = 1
# Drop armor when a player dies.
# Uses bones mod if present, otherwise items are dropped around the player.
armor_drop = true
# Pulverise armor when a player dies, overrides armor_drop.
armor_destroy = false
# You can use this to increase or decrease overall armor effectiveness,
# eg: level_multiplier = 0.5 will reduce armor level by half.
armor_level_multiplier = 1
# You can use this to increase or decrease overall armor healing,
# eg: armor_heal_multiplier = 0 will disable healing altogether.
armor_heal_multiplier = 1
# Enable water protection (periodically restores breath when activated)
armor_water_protect = true
# Enable fire protection (defaults true if using ethereal mod)
armor_fire_protect = true
# Enable punch damage effects.
armor_punch_damage = true
# Enable migration of old armor inventories
#armor_migrate_old_inventory = true
# DROPONDIE MOD - si false, les sacs des joueurs sont vidées à leurs mort
#keepInventory = false
# RANDOM_MESSAGES MOD - paramétrage de l'interval entre deux messages, 30min actuellement
random_messages_interval = 1800
# FAIL MOD - permettant failpoints et cookies
#fp_pubmsg = true
#fp_strict_checking = false
# MESECONS MOD - paramétrage des outils logiques
#mesecon.overheat_max = 60
# MAPFIX MOD - Recalculate the flowing liquids and the light of a chunk
#mapfix_default_size = 40
#mapfix_max_size = 50
#mapfix_delay = 5
# TIME REGULATION - turned off by default
disable_time_regulation = true
# Tweak the mapgen chunksize (16 per 16 nodes, default is "5"), will be applied on many mods
#chunksize = 3
# Reduce Mesecons "blinky_plant" speed
#mesecon.blinky_plant_interval = 7
# Set default mana regeneration to 3
mana_default_regen = 10
mana_default_max = 200
mana_regen_time = 10
#hudbars_sorting = health=0, mana=1, satiation=2, sprint=3, breath=4, armor=5
hudbars_tick = 0.3
hudbars_bar_type = statbar_modern
hbarmor_tick = 0.5
#hudbars_start_offset_left_y = -100
#hudbars_start_offset_right_y = -100
# Snow #
snow_disable_mapgen = false
snow_enable_snowfall = false
snow_christmas_content = true
### IRC CHAT ###
irc.server =
|||| = #NALC
irc.interval = 2.0
irc.nick = nalc-dev
#irc.password = #vide car aucun mdp pour le channel
irc.debug = false
irc.disable_auto_connect = false
irc.disable_auto_join = false
irc.send_join_part = true
|||| = true
irc.port = 6697
## Player Anim ##
playeranim.model_version = MTG_4_Nov_2017
# item_drop
item_drop.enable_item_drop = false
item_drop.enable_pickup_key = false
item_drop.pickup_keyinvert = true
item_drop.magnet_radius = 1
item_drop.pickup_age = 0.5
# Home decor
homedecor.disable_coin_crafting = false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
name = sys4
# Logs parameters - 0 = none, 1 = warning, 2 = action, 3 = info, 4 = verbose
debug_log_level = action
# Profiling (mod needed because the minetest cmdline sucks)
profiler.load = true
# profilerdumper.interval = 300
# Permet aux vieux client de minetest de ce connecter
strict_protocol_version_checking = true
# Options pour le type du serveur
creative_mode = false
enable_damage = true
disallow_empty_password = true
server_dedicated = true
ipv6_server = true
# 1 day-night cycle lasts 24 minutes instead of 20.
time_speed = 30
# Slightly higher player limit by default.
max_users = 12
# Give basics privileges to new players.
default_privs = home, spawn, zoom
basic_privs = areas, areas_high_limit, baker, ban, bring, diglocks, faction_admin, faction_user, fast, fly, fp_create, interact, inv, kick, megabuilder, nether, notice, openlocks, password, protection_bypass, rollback, shop, shout, sign_editor, teleport, warp_admin, warp_user, whois, worldedit
# If true, actions are recorded for rollback
enable_rollback_recording = true
# Activate fire
disable_fire = true
# Enable TNT
enable_tnt = true
# Si false, les pseudos des joueurs sont cachés à partir d'une distance de 50 blocs
unlimited_player_transfer_distance = false
# Activated the minimap usage if true
enable_minimap = true
# Fix the deleted item when die if your bags/craft grid/inventory is full
#max_objects_per_block = 150 # default value is 49
#max_forceloaded_blocks = 100
max_objects_per_block = 49
max_block_generate_distance = 6 # 4 for better performances
max_block_send_distance = 8 # 6 for better performances
max_forceloaded_blocks = 13
max_simultaneous_block_sends_per_client = 5 # 6 for better performances
max_simultaneous_block_sends_server_total = 60 # 125 for better performances
time_send_interval = 10
active_block_range = 2
active_object_send_range_blocks = 3
server_map_save_interval = 10.3
sqlite_synchronous = 0
block_send_optimize_distance = 4
server_side_occlusion_culling = true
server_name = NotreAmiLeCube (Survival & PVP) [FR/EN]
server_description = Server hosted by sys4. This highly modded server is intended to be balanced and offers you multiple possibilities in the way you play. Be a builder, engineer, warrior or even a magician. The possibilities are almost endless. But be warned, surviving it will be a real challenge. [This server is a fork from MinetestForFun Classic]
motd = Bienvenue sur le serveur "NotreAmiLeCube (Survie & PVP) [FR/EN]" ! / Welcome to "NotreAmiLeCube (Survival & PVP) [EN/FR]" server!
serverlist_url =
server_url =
server_announce = false
server_address =
port = 30002
# curl default 5sec but timeout, fix to 15sec
curl_timeout = 15000
# Slightly decreased compared to minetest_next.
#movement_acceleration_default = 2.4
# Same acceleration in air and on the ground, to fix some movement glitches. Also is easier to play.
#movement_acceleration_air = 1.2
# Almost instant acceleration in fast mode for more control.
#movement_acceleration_fast = 24
# Walking is 20 % faster than in minetest_game. Makes playing without the "fast" privilege less boring.
#movement_speed_walk = 4.8
# Half the speed of walking, just like the animation.
#movement_speed_crouch = 2.4
# 5 times faster than walking.
#movement_speed_fast = 24
# Makes climbing speed faster than rising in the water. Also makes ladders more useful.
#movement_speed_climb = 4.8
# Faster movement in liquids. Jumping at the water surface also speeds up swimming.
#movement_liquid_fluidity = 1.6 (default = 1)
# Ralentissement à la surface de l'eau
#movement_liquid_fluidity_smooth = 0.5
# Vitesse à laquelle le joueur coule
#movement_liquid_sink = 15
# Slightly less gravity.
#movement_gravity = 9.5
# Jump height slightly reduced.
#movement_speed_jump = 6.5
# Emplacement du static spawn point
static_spawnpoint = 144, 25, 261
# Emplacment du static spawn pour le nether
nether_static_spawnpoint = 79, -20018, -45
# Désactivation de l'anti-cheat qui fait ce téléporter en arrière si l'on va trop vite
disable_anticheat = true
# A chosen map seed for a new map, leave empty for random
#fixed_map_seed = 13107546752813893513
fixed_map_seed = 1681440164076556961
# Enable dungeons on new worlds.
mg_flags = trees, caves, dungeons, decorations
# Enable jungles on new worlds, disable biome blend and mud flow (faster, looks better).
mgv6_spflags = jungles, nobiomeblend, nomudflow
# Less deserts, more beaches.
#mgv6_freq_desert = 0.6
#mgv6_freq_beach = -0.15
# Tweeked "valleys" mapgen
#mg_biome_np_heat = 50, 50, (350,350,350), 5349, 3, 0.5, 2.0
#mg_biome_np_humidity = 50, 50, (350,350,350), 842, 3, 0.5, 2.0
mg_name = valleys
mg_valleys_spflags = altitude_chill,humid_rivers
mgvalleys_altitude_chill = 90
mgvalleys_large_cave_depth = -33
mgvalleys_lava_features = 0
mgvalleys_massive_cave_depth = -256
mgvalleys_river_depth = 4
mgvalleys_river_size = 5
mgvalleys_water_features = 0
mgvalleys_cave_width = 0.09
secure.trusted_mods = irc,track_players,global_exchange
log_mods = true
# craftguide #
craftguide_progressive_mode = true
# moremesecons #
moremesecons_jammer.enable_lbm = false
moremesecons_sayer.use_speech_dispatcher = false
# GIVE_INITIAL_STUFF MOD - Equipement pour les nouveaux joueurs : 10 torches, 2 saplings, 5 apples. Edit mods/misc/give_initial_stuff.lua to change.
give_initial_stuff = true
initial_stuff = "default:axe_wood 1,default:torch 10,default:sapling 2,default:apple 5"
areas.self_protection = true
areas.self_protection_max_size = {x=128, y=128, z=128}
areas.self_protection_max_areas = 30
remove_far_mobs = true
mobs_spawn_protected = false
mob_difficulty = 1.5
mob_chance_multiplier = 1
# MOBS custom spawn chance and number
#mobs_animal:bee = 9000,2
#mobs_animal:bunny = 15000,2
#mobs_animal:chicken = 15000,2
#mobs_animal:cow = 15000,2
#mobs_animal:goat = 20000,2
#mobs_animal:kitten = 122000,2
#mobs_animal:penguin = 20000,2
#mobs_animal:rat = 15000,2
#mobs_animal:sheep_white = 15000,2
#mobs_animal:pumba = 15000,2
#pmobs:npc = 500000,1
#pmobs:npc_female = 500000,1
#pmobs:wolf = 100000,1
#pmobs:yeti = 7000,2
#kpgmobs:deer = 51000,1
#kpgmobs:jeraf = 51000,1
#kpgmobs:medved = 100000,1
creeper:creeper = 100000,1
#mob_horse:horse = 60000,1
#mobs_turtles:turtle = 30000,1
#mobs_turtles:seaturtle = 30000,1
# food #
food_sweet_use_2d = 1
# Armor Configuration
# -------------------
# Set false to disable individual armor materials.
armor_material_wood = true
armor_material_cactus = true
armor_material_steel = true
armor_material_bronze = true
armor_material_diamond = true
armor_material_gold = true
armor_material_mithril = true
armor_material_crystal = false
armor_material_reinforcedleather = true
armor_material_hardenedleather = true
armor_material_blackmithril = true
# Increase this if you get initialization glitches when a player first joins.
#armor_init_delay = 1
# Number of initialization attempts.
# Use in conjunction with armor_init_delay if initialization problems persist.
#armor_init_times = 1
# Increase this if armor is not getting into bones due to server lag.
#armor_bones_delay = 1
# How often player armor items are updated.
#armor_update_time = 1
# Drop armor when a player dies.
# Uses bones mod if present, otherwise items are dropped around the player.
armor_drop = true
# Pulverise armor when a player dies, overrides armor_drop.
armor_destroy = false
# You can use this to increase or decrease overall armor effectiveness,
# eg: level_multiplier = 0.5 will reduce armor level by half.
armor_level_multiplier = 1
# You can use this to increase or decrease overall armor healing,
# eg: armor_heal_multiplier = 0 will disable healing altogether.
armor_heal_multiplier = 1
# Enable water protection (periodically restores breath when activated)
armor_water_protect = true
# Enable fire protection (defaults true if using ethereal mod)
armor_fire_protect = true
# Enable punch damage effects.
armor_punch_damage = true
# Enable migration of old armor inventories
#armor_migrate_old_inventory = true
# DROPONDIE MOD - si false, les sacs des joueurs sont vidées à leurs mort
#keepInventory = false
# RANDOM_MESSAGES MOD - paramétrage de l'interval entre deux messages, 30min actuellement
random_messages_interval = 1800
# FAIL MOD - permettant failpoints et cookies
#fp_pubmsg = true
#fp_strict_checking = false
# MESECONS MOD - paramétrage des outils logiques
#mesecon.overheat_max = 60
# MAPFIX MOD - Recalculate the flowing liquids and the light of a chunk
#mapfix_default_size = 40
#mapfix_max_size = 50
#mapfix_delay = 5
# TIME REGULATION - turned off by default
disable_time_regulation = true
# Tweak the mapgen chunksize (16 per 16 nodes, default is "5"), will be applied on many mods
#chunksize = 3
# Reduce Mesecons "blinky_plant" speed
#mesecon.blinky_plant_interval = 7
# Set default mana regeneration to 3
mana_default_regen = 10
mana_default_max = 200
mana_regen_time = 10
#hudbars_sorting = health=0, mana=1, satiation=2, sprint=3, breath=4, armor=5
hudbars_tick = 0.3
hudbars_bar_type = statbar_modern
hbarmor_tick = 0.5
#hudbars_start_offset_left_y = -100
#hudbars_start_offset_right_y = -100
# Snow #
snow_disable_mapgen = false
snow_enable_snowfall = false
snow_christmas_content = true
### IRC CHAT ###
irc.server =
|||| = #NALC
irc.interval = 2.0
irc.nick = nalc
#irc.password = #vide car aucun mdp pour le channel
irc.debug = false
irc.disable_auto_connect = false
irc.disable_auto_join = false
irc.send_join_part = true
|||| = true
irc.port = 6697
## Player Anim ##
player_model_version = default_character_v2
# item_drop
item_drop.enable_item_drop = false
item_drop.enable_pickup_key = false
item_drop.pickup_keyinvert = true
item_drop.magnet_radius = 1
item_drop.pickup_age = 0.5
# Home decor
homedecor.disable_coin_crafting = false
@ -1,11 +1,44 @@
kill -s TERM $(pidof minetestserver)
sleep 10
action() {
kill -s TERM $(pidof minetestserver)
sleep 10
kill -s TERM $(pidof -x $serverpath/
kill -s TERM $(pidof -x $serverpath/
exit 0
[[ $bak -eq 1 ]] && $serverpath/
[[ $restart -eq 1 ]] && $serverpath/
exit 0
# Pas de paramètre
#[[ $# -lt 1 ]] && error
# ou
[[ $# -lt 1 ]] && action
# -o : Options courtes
# -l : options longues
OPT=$(getopt -o b,r -l bak,restart -- "$@")
# éclatement de $options en $1, $2...
set -- $OPT
while true; do
case "$1" in
Reference in New Issue
Block a user