Vanessa Ezekowitz
removed a couple of *~ files.
2012-12-03 12:53:52 -05:00
Vanessa Ezekowitz
Fixed waterlilies to only grow in water about 3 nodes deep or less. Decreased
guard radius around them to allow them to get a bit more dense. Decreased the
perlin limit slightly, makes the biomes a little bigger.
2012-12-02 19:22:33 -05:00
Vanessa Ezekowitz
one of the previous changes screwed up spawning jungle grass while trying to
fix the waterlily bug. Reverted it.
This should, however, finally fix jungle grass turning into dry shrubs when it
shouldn't, and the list of growing surfaces seems to work properly now. Will
fix the waterlily bug later.
2012-12-02 17:51:17 -05:00
Vanessa Ezekowitz
Fixed a bug in the placement of seaweed, fixing it extends the API slightly.
Updated API.txt accordingly.
2012-12-02 02:09:31 -05:00
Vanessa Ezekowitz
Added default setting for seed_diff (0). Accidentally left it out, it is
needed to allow old mods to use the new function without changes.
2012-12-01 18:19:19 -05:00
Vanessa Ezekowitz
Made growing plants require the same surfaces under them as are needed to
spawn, so plants places on e.g. cobble or a flower poit don't change.
2012-11-30 00:46:27 -05:00
Vanessa Ezekowitz
Changed default debug to 'false'
2012-11-29 23:02:04 -05:00
Vanessa Ezekowitz
initial commit
2012-11-29 22:59:45 -05:00