Vanessa Ezekowitz 17348122fc Created a script to aid in the creation of new textures for whatever mods
depend on unifieddyes.  Rewrote README and expanded it to document the usage of
that script.
2012-07-13 17:19:29 -04:00

57 lines
2.0 KiB
Executable File

# This line defines the base of the filename, e.g. cotton_xxx_xxx.png
# This defines the name of the bright red source texture that will
# be used to generate all of the others.
base_colors="red orange yellow lime green aqua cyan skyblue blue violet magenta redviolet"
echo -e "\nCurrently configured to generate filenames based on "$TEXTURE"."
if [ ! -e "$base_texture" ] ; then {
echo -e "\nPlease supply a proper base texture from which to generate all"
echo "of the colors. It must be named "$base_texture" and must"
echo -e "be placed in the directory you ran this script from.\n"
exit 1
} fi
pushd . >/dev/null
mkdir generated-textures
cd generated-textures
for name in $base_colors ; do
hue2=`echo "scale=10; ("$hue"*200/360)+100" |bc`
echo $name "("$hue" degrees)"
echo " dark"
convert ../$base_texture -modulate 33,100,$hue2 $TEXTURE"_dark_"$name".png"
echo " medium"
convert ../$base_texture -modulate 66,100,$hue2 $TEXTURE"_medium_"$name".png"
echo " bright"
convert ../$base_texture -modulate 100,100,$hue2 $TEXTURE"_"$name".png"
echo " dark, 50% saturation"
convert ../$base_texture -modulate 33,50,$hue2 $TEXTURE"_dark_"$name"_s50.png"
echo " medium, 50% saturation"
convert ../$base_texture -modulate 66,50,$hue2 $TEXTURE"_medium_"$name"_s50.png"
echo " bright, 50% saturation"
convert ../$base_texture -modulate 100,50,$hue2 $TEXTURE"_"$name"_s50.png"
echo "greyscales"
echo " black"
convert ../$base_texture -modulate 15,0,0 $TEXTURE"_black.png"
echo " dark grey"
convert ../$base_texture -modulate 50,0,0 $TEXTURE"_darkgrey.png"
echo " medium grey"
convert ../$base_texture -modulate 100,0,0 $TEXTURE"_mediumgrey.png"
echo " light grey"
convert ../$base_texture -modulate 150,0,0 $TEXTURE"_lightgrey.png"
echo " white"
convert ../$base_texture -modulate 190,0,0 $TEXTURE"_white.png"
popd >/dev/null