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synced 2025-03-28 07:30:36 +01:00
Code cleaning
This commit is contained in:
@ -786,19 +786,19 @@ local function get_tooltip(name, info)
return fmt("tooltip[%s;%s]", name, ESC(tooltip))
local function get_output_fs(data, fs, L)
local custom_recipe = craft_types[L.recipe.type]
local function get_output_fs(data, fs, rcp, shapeless, right, btn_size, _btn_size, spacing, rarity)
local custom_recipe = craft_types[rcp.type]
if custom_recipe or L.shapeless or L.recipe.type == "cooking" then
if custom_recipe or shapeless or rcp.type == "cooking" then
local icon = custom_recipe and custom_recipe.icon or
L.shapeless and "shapeless" or "furnace"
shapeless and "shapeless" or "furnace"
if not custom_recipe then
icon = fmt("craftguide_%s.png^[resize:16x16", icon)
local pos_x = L.rightest + L.btn_size + 0.1
local pos_y = YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 1.55 or -0.45) + L.spacing
local pos_x = right + btn_size + 0.1
local pos_y = YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 1.55 or -0.45) + spacing
if sub(icon, 1, 18) == "craftguide_furnace" then
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.animated_image,
@ -808,21 +808,21 @@ local function get_output_fs(data, fs, L)
local tooltip = custom_recipe and custom_recipe.description or
L.shapeless and S"Shapeless" or S"Cooking"
shapeless and S"Shapeless" or S"Cooking"
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.tooltip, pos_x, pos_y, 0.5, 0.5, ESC(tooltip))
local arrow_X = L.rightest + (L._btn_size or 1.1)
local arrow_X = right + (_btn_size or 1.1)
local output_X = arrow_X + 0.9
local Y = YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 2 or 0) + L.spacing
local Y = YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 2 or 0) + spacing
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.image, arrow_X, Y + 0.2, 0.9, 0.7, PNG.arrow)
if L.recipe.type == "fuel" then
if rcp.type == "fuel" then
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.animated_image, output_X, Y, 1.1, 1.1, PNG.fire_anim, 8, 180)
local item = L.recipe.output
local item = rcp.output
item = clean_name(item)
local name = match(item, "%S*")
@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ local function get_output_fs(data, fs, L)
unknown = not def or nil,
burntime = fuel_cache[name],
repair = repairable(name),
rarity = L.rarity,
rarity = rarity,
newline = check_newline(def),
@ -850,11 +850,11 @@ local function get_output_fs(data, fs, L)
if infos.burntime then
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.image,
output_X + 1, YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 2 or 0.1) + L.spacing,
output_X + 1, YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 2 or 0.1) + spacing,
0.6, 0.4, PNG.arrow)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.animated_image,
output_X + 1.6, YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 1.85 or 0) + L.spacing,
output_X + 1.6, YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 1.85 or 0) + spacing,
0.6, 0.6, PNG.fire_anim, 8, 180)
@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ local function get_grid_fs(data, fs, rcp, spacing)
local width = rcp.width or 1
local replacements = rcp.replacements
local rarity = rcp.rarity
local rightest, btn_size, _btn_size = 0, 1.1
local right, btn_size, _btn_size = 0, 1.1
local cooktime, shapeless
if rcp.type == "cooking" then
@ -915,8 +915,8 @@ local function get_grid_fs(data, fs, rcp, spacing)
(sfinv_only and 5.81 or 3.92) + x_y) * (0.86 - (x_y / 5))
if X > rightest then
rightest = X
if X > right then
right = X
local groups
@ -968,39 +968,53 @@ local function get_grid_fs(data, fs, rcp, spacing)
fs[#fs + 1] = "style_type[item_image_button;border=false]"
get_output_fs(data, fs, {
recipe = rcp,
shapeless = shapeless,
rightest = rightest,
btn_size = btn_size,
_btn_size = _btn_size,
spacing = spacing,
rarity = rarity,
get_output_fs(data, fs, rcp, shapeless, right, btn_size, _btn_size, spacing, rarity)
local function get_panels(data, fs)
local _recipes = {name = "recipes", dat = data.recipes or {}, height = 3.5}
local _usages = {name = "usages", dat = data.usages or {}, height = 3.5}
local panels = {_recipes, _usages}
local function get_rcp_lbl(data, fs, panel, spacing, rn, is_recipe)
local lbl
if not sfinv_only then
insert(panels, 1, {name = "title", height = 1.2})
insert(panels, 4, {name = "favs", height = 1.91})
panels = data.show_usages and {_usages} or {_recipes}
if (not sfinv_only and is_recipe) or
(sfinv_only and not data.show_usages) then
lbl = ES("Recipe @1 of @2", data.rnum, rn)
elseif not sfinv_only or (sfinv_only and data.show_usages) then
lbl = ES("Usage @1 of @2", data.unum, rn)
elseif sfinv_only then
lbl = data.show_usages and
ES("Usage @1 of @2", data.unum, rn) or
ES("Recipe @1 of @2", data.rnum, rn)
for idx, v in pairs(panels) do
local spacing = 0
local _rn = tostring(rn)
local xu = tostring(data.unum) .. _rn
local xr = tostring(data.rnum) .. _rn
xu = max(-0.3, -((#xu - 3) * 0.05))
xr = max(-0.3, -((#xr - 3) * 0.05))
if idx > 1 then
for _idx = idx - 1, 1, -1 do
spacing = spacing + panels[_idx].height + 0.1
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.label,
XOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 2.3 or 1.6) + (is_recipe and xr or xu),
YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 3.4 or 1.5 + spacing), lbl)
if rn > 1 then
local btn_suffix = is_recipe and "recipe" or "usage"
local prev_name = fmt("prev_%s", btn_suffix)
local next_name = fmt("next_%s", btn_suffix)
local x_arrow = XOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 1.7 or 1)
local y_arrow = YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 3.3 or 1.4 + spacing)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(mul_elem(FMT.arrow, 2),
x_arrow + (is_recipe and xr or xu), y_arrow,
PNG.prev, prev_name, "",
x_arrow + 1.8, y_arrow, PNG.next, next_name, "")
if v.name == "title" and not sfinv_only then
local rcp = is_recipe and panel.rcp[data.rnum] or panel.rcp[data.unum]
get_grid_fs(data, fs, rcp, spacing)
local function get_title_fs(data, fs, spacing)
local desc = ESC(get_desc(data.query_item))
desc = #desc > 33 and fmt("%s...", sub(desc, 1, 30)) or desc
local t_desc = data.query_item
@ -1011,13 +1025,7 @@ local function get_panels(data, fs)
fmt("<item name=%s float=right width=64 height=64 rotate=yes>" ..
"<big><b>%s</b></big>\n<style color=#7bf font=mono>%s</style>",
data.query_item, desc, t_desc))
if not sfinv_only then
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("background9[8.1,%f;6.6,%f;%s;false;%d]",
-0.2 + spacing, v.height, PNG.bg_full, 10)
if v.name == "title" then
local fav = is_fav(data)
local nfavs = #data.favs
@ -1026,11 +1034,9 @@ local function get_panels(data, fs)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(
fmt("craftguide_fav%s.png", fav and "" or "_off"),
fav_marked, fav_marked)
fmt("craftguide_fav%s.png", fav and "" or "_off"), fav_marked, fav_marked)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.image_button,
8.25, spacing + 0.15, 0.5, 0.45, "", "fav", "")
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.image_button, 8.25, spacing + 0.15, 0.5, 0.45, "", "fav", "")
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("tooltip[fav;%s]",
fav and ES"Unmark this item" or ES"Mark this item")
@ -1046,19 +1052,41 @@ local function get_panels(data, fs)
ES"Cannot mark this item. Limit of bookmarks reached.")
local function get_panels(data, fs)
local title = {name = "title", height = 1.2}
local favs = {name = "favs", height = 1.91}
local recipes = {name = "recipes", rcp = data.recipes, height = 3.5}
local usages = {name = "usages", rcp = data.usages, height = 3.5}
local panels = {title, recipes, usages, favs}
if sfinv_only then
panels = {data.show_usages and usages or recipes}
local rn = v.dat and #v.dat or -1
local _rn = tostring(rn)
local xu = tostring(data.unum) .. _rn
local xr = tostring(data.rnum) .. _rn
xu = max(-0.3, -((#xu - 3) * 0.05))
xr = max(-0.3, -((#xr - 3) * 0.05))
for idx = 1, #panels do
local panel, spacing = panels[idx], 0
local is_recipe = sfinv_only and not data.show_usages or v.name == "recipes"
local lbl = ""
if idx > 1 then
for _idx = idx - 1, 1, -1 do
spacing = spacing + panels[_idx].height + 0.1
if not sfinv_only and rn == 0 then
local rn = panel.rcp and #panel.rcp
local is_recipe = sfinv_only and not data.show_usages or panel.name == "recipes"
local recipe_or_usage = panel.name == "recipes" or panel.name == "usages"
if rn then
get_rcp_lbl(data, fs, panel, spacing, rn, is_recipe)
if sfinv_only then return end
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("background9[8.1,%f;6.6,%f;%s;false;%d]",
-0.2 + spacing, panel.height, PNG.bg_full, 10)
if recipe_or_usage and not rn then
local X = XOFFSET - 0.7
local Y = YOFFSET - 0.4 + spacing
@ -1067,44 +1095,10 @@ local function get_panels(data, fs)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.tooltip,
X, Y, 2, 2, is_recipe and ES"No recipes" or ES"No usages")
elseif (not sfinv_only and is_recipe) or
(sfinv_only and not data.show_usages) then
lbl = ES("Recipe @1 of @2", data.rnum, rn)
elseif panel.name == "title" then
get_title_fs(data, fs, spacing)
elseif not sfinv_only or (sfinv_only and data.show_usages) then
lbl = ES("Usage @1 of @2", data.unum, rn)
elseif sfinv_only then
lbl = data.show_usages and
ES("Usage @1 of @2", data.unum, rn) or
ES("Recipe @1 of @2", data.rnum, rn)
if v.name == "recipes" or v.name == "usages" then
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.label,
XOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 2.3 or 1.6) + (is_recipe and xr or xu),
YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 3.4 or 1.5 + spacing), lbl)
if rn > 1 then
local btn_suffix = is_recipe and "recipe" or "usage"
local prev_name = fmt("prev_%s", btn_suffix)
local next_name = fmt("next_%s", btn_suffix)
local x_arrow = XOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 1.7 or 1)
local y_arrow = YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 3.3 or 1.4 + spacing)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(mul_elem(FMT.arrow, 2),
x_arrow + (is_recipe and xr or xu), y_arrow,
PNG.prev, prev_name, "",
x_arrow + 1.8, y_arrow, PNG.next, next_name, "")
local rcp = v.dat and (is_recipe and v.dat[data.rnum] or v.dat[data.unum])
if rcp then
get_grid_fs(data, fs, rcp, spacing)
if v.name == "favs" and not sfinv_only then
elseif panel.name == "favs" then
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.label, 8.3, spacing - 0.15, ES"Bookmarks")
for i = 1, #data.favs do
Reference in New Issue
Block a user