Tell the admin off if the mod isn't configured.

This commit is contained in:
Amaz 2016-05-05 11:32:32 +01:00
parent 773365f644
commit 07d8a4e457
2 changed files with 19 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
interact = {}
interact.configured = false --Change this to true when you've configured the mod!
--Which screens to show.
interact.screen1 = true --The welcome a first question screen.
interact.screen2 = true --The visit or interact screen.

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@ -63,6 +63,16 @@ local function make_formspec4(player)
return table.concat(size)
local server_formspec = "size[10,4]" ..
"label[0.5,0.5;Hey, you! Yes, you, the admin! What do you think you're doing]" ..
"label[0.5,0.9;ignoring warnings in the terminal? You should watch it carefully!]" ..
"label[0.5,1.5;Before you do anything else, open rules.lua in the interact mod]" ..
"label[0.5,1.9;and put your rules there. Then, open config.lua, and look at the]" ..
"label[0.5,2.3;settings. Configure them so that they match up with your rules.]" ..
"label[0.5,2.7;Then, set interact.configured to true, and this message will go away]" ..
"label[0.5,3.1;once you've restarted the server.]" ..
"label[0.5,3.6;Thank you!]"
minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
if formname ~= "interact_welcome" then return end
local name = player:get_player_name()
@ -227,7 +237,11 @@ minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player)
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_rules", make_formspec3(player))
elseif minetest.get_player_privs(name).server and interact.configured == false then
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_no_changes_made", server_formspec)
if not interact.configured then
minetest.log("warning", "Mod \"Interact\" has not been configured! Please open config.lua in its folder and configure it. See the readme of the mod for more details.")