mirror of
synced 2025-03-30 09:10:21 +02:00
Merge and update translations (#186)
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ stds.minetest = {
read_globals = {
read_globals = {
@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ circular_saw = {}
circular_saw.known_stairs = setmetatable({}, {
circular_saw.known_stairs = setmetatable({}, {
__newindex = function(k, v)
__newindex = function(k, v)
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
print(("WARNING: mod %s tried to add node %s to the circular saw"
print(("WARNING: mod %s tried to add node %s to the circular saw manually."):format(modname, v))
.. " manually."):format(modname, v))
@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ function circular_saw:reset(pos)
local owned_by = meta:get_string("owner")
local owned_by = meta:get_string("owner")
if owned_by and owned_by ~= "" then
if owned_by and owned_by ~= "" then
owned_by = (" (%s)"):format(S("owned by @1", meta:get_string("owner")))
owned_by = (" ("..S("owned by @1", meta:get_string("owner"))..")")
owned_by = ""
owned_by = ""
@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ function circular_saw:update_inventory(pos, amount)
local owned_by = meta:get_string("owner")
local owned_by = meta:get_string("owner")
if owned_by and owned_by ~= "" then
if owned_by and owned_by ~= "" then
owned_by = (" (%s)"):format(S("owned by @1", meta:get_string("owner")))
owned_by = (" ("..S("owned by @1", meta:get_string("owner"))..")")
owned_by = ""
owned_by = ""
@ -377,15 +376,16 @@ function circular_saw.on_construct(pos)
fancy_inv = default.gui_bg..default.gui_bg_img..default.gui_slots
fancy_inv = default.gui_bg..default.gui_bg_img..default.gui_slots
--FIXME Not work with @n in this part bug in minetest/minetest#7450.
"formspec", "size[11,10]"..fancy_inv..
"formspec", "size[11,10]"..fancy_inv..
"label[0,0;" ..F(S("Input\nmaterial")).. "]" ..
"label[0,0;" ..S("Input material").. "]" ..
"list[current_name;input;1.5,0;1,1;]" ..
"list[current_name;input;1.7,0;1,1;]" ..
"label[0,1;" ..F(S("Left-over")).. "]" ..
"label[0,1;" ..F(S("Left-over")).. "]" ..
"list[current_name;micro;1.5,1;1,1;]" ..
"list[current_name;micro;1.7,1;1,1;]" ..
"label[0,2;" ..F(S("Recycle\noutput")).. "]" ..
"label[0,2;" ..F(S("Recycle output")).. "]" ..
"list[current_name;recycle;1.5,2;1,1;]" ..
"list[current_name;recycle;1.7,2;1,1;]" ..
"field[0.3,3.5;1,1;max_offered;" ..F(S("Max")).. ":;${max_offered}]" ..
"field[0.3,3.5;1,1;max_offered;" ..F(S("Max")).. ":;${max_offered}]" ..
"button[1,3.2;1,1;Set;" ..F(S("Set")).. "]" ..
"button[1,3.2;1.7,1;Set;" ..F(S("Set")).. "]" ..
"list[current_name;output;2.8,0;8,6;]" ..
"list[current_name;output;2.8,0;8,6;]" ..
"list[current_player;main;1.5,6.25;8,4;]" ..
"list[current_player;main;1.5,6.25;8,4;]" ..
"listring[current_name;output]" ..
"listring[current_name;output]" ..
@ -12,9 +12,7 @@ moreblocks = {}
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("moreblocks")
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("moreblocks")
local S, NS = dofile(modpath .. "/intllib.lua")
moreblocks.S = minetest.get_translator("moreblocks")
moreblocks.S = S
moreblocks.NS = NS
dofile(modpath .. "/config.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "/config.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "/sounds.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "/sounds.lua")
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-- Fallback functions for when `intllib` is not installed.
-- Code released under Unlicense <http://unlicense.org>.
-- Get the latest version of this file at:
-- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minetest-mods/intllib/master/lib/intllib.lua
local function format(str, ...)
local args = { ... }
local function repl(escape, open, num, close)
if escape == "" then
local replacement = tostring(args[tonumber(num)])
if open == "" then
replacement = replacement..close
return replacement
return "@"..open..num..close
return (str:gsub("(@?)@(%(?)(%d+)(%)?)", repl))
local gettext, ngettext
if minetest.get_modpath("intllib") then
if intllib.make_gettext_pair then
-- New method using gettext.
gettext, ngettext = intllib.make_gettext_pair()
-- Old method using text files.
gettext = intllib.Getter()
-- Fill in missing functions.
gettext = gettext or function(msgid, ...)
return format(msgid, ...)
ngettext = ngettext or function(msgid, msgid_plural, n, ...)
return format(n==1 and msgid or msgid_plural, ...)
return gettext, ngettext
@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
# German translation for More Blocks.
# Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
# This file is distributed under the same license as the More Blocks package.
# Xanthin, 2014.
# CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>, 2018.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: More Blocks\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-13 12:37+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw"
msgstr "Kreissäge"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Left-over"
msgstr "Rest"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Max"
msgstr "Anzahl"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Set"
msgstr "Ok"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "owned by @1"
msgstr "gehört @1"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw is empty"
msgstr "Kreissäge ist leer"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw is working on @1"
msgstr "Kreissäge arbeitet mit @1"
#: init.lua
msgid "[moreblocks] loaded."
msgstr "[moreblocks] geladen."
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Deprecated"
msgstr "veraltet"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Acacia Tree"
msgstr "allseitiger Akazienbaumstamm"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Aspen Tree"
msgstr "allseitiger Espenbaumstamm"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Jungle Tree"
msgstr "allseitiger Tropenbaumstamm"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Pine Tree"
msgstr "allseitiger Kieferbaumstamm"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Tree"
msgstr "allseitiger Baumstamm"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Cactus Brick"
msgstr "Kaktusziegel"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Cactus Checker"
msgstr "Kaktus-Mosaik"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Centered Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Holzfliese mittig"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Checker Stone Tile"
msgstr "Stein-Mosaik"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Circle Stone Bricks"
msgstr "Kreissteinziegel"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Clean Glass"
msgstr "Klares Glas"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Checker"
msgstr "Kohlen-Mosaik"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Glass"
msgstr "Kohleglas"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Stone"
msgstr "Kohlestein"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Stone Bricks"
msgstr "Kohlesteinziegel"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Cobblestone"
msgstr "Gepresster Kopfsteinpflaster"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Desert Cobblestone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Dirt"
msgstr "Gepresste Erde"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Copper Patina Block"
msgstr "Kupfer Edelrostblock"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Empty Shelf"
msgstr "Leeres Regal"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Full Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Vollholzfliese"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Glow Glass"
msgstr "Leuchtglas"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Checker"
msgstr "Metall-Mosaik"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Glass"
msgstr "metallisiertes Glas"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Stone"
msgstr "Eisenstein"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Stone Bricks"
msgstr "Eisensteinziegel"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Plankstone"
msgstr "Brettstein"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Rope"
msgstr "Seil"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Split Stone Tile"
msgstr "Geteilte Steinfliese"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Stone Bricks"
msgstr "Steinziegel"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Stone Tile"
msgstr "Steinfliese"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Super Glow Glass"
msgstr "Superleuchtglas"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Sweeper"
msgstr "Besen"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Teer"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Desert Stone"
msgstr "Wüstensteinfalle"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Glass"
msgstr "Glasfalle"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Glow Glass"
msgstr "Leuchtglasfalle"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Obsidian"
msgstr "Obsidianfalle"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Obsidian Glass"
msgstr "Obsidianglasfalle"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Sandstone"
msgstr "Sandsteinfalle"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Stone"
msgstr "Steinfalle"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Super Glow Glass"
msgstr "Superleuchtglasfalle"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Holzfliese"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Offset Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Holzfliese versetzt"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Downwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Holzfliese unten"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Leftwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Holzfliese links"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Rightwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Holzfliese rechts"
#: ownership.lua
msgid "Sorry, @1 owns that spot."
msgstr "Tut mir leid, dieser Bereich gehört @1."
#: ownership.lua
msgid "someone"
msgstr "jemand"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Microblock"
msgstr "%smikroblock"
#: stairsplus/common.lua stairsplus/slabs.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Slab"
msgstr "%splatte"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Slope"
msgstr "%sneigung"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Panel"
msgstr "%spaneel"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Stairs"
msgstr "%streppe"
@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
# Spanish translation for More Blocks.
# Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
# This file is distributed under the same license as the More Blocks package.
# kaeza, 2013.
# CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>, 2018.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: More Blocks\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-13 12:37+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: es\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw"
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Left-over"
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Max"
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Set"
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "owned by @1"
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw is empty"
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw is working on @1"
msgstr ""
#: init.lua
msgid "[moreblocks] loaded."
msgstr "[moreblocks] cargado."
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Deprecated"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Acacia Tree"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Aspen Tree"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Jungle Tree"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Pine Tree"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Tree"
msgstr "Tronco de Árbol"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Cactus Brick"
msgstr "Ladrillos de Cactus"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Cactus Checker"
msgstr "Cuadros de Cactus"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Centered Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Parquet Centrado"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Checker Stone Tile"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Circle Stone Bricks"
msgstr "Bloques de Piedra Circulares"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Clean Glass"
msgstr "Cristal Limpio"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Checker"
msgstr "Cuadros de Carbón"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Glass"
msgstr "Cristal con Carbón"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Stone"
msgstr "Carbón y Piedra"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Stone Bricks"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Cobblestone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Desert Cobblestone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Dirt"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Copper Patina Block"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Empty Shelf"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Full Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Parquet Completo"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Glow Glass"
msgstr "Cristal Brillante"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Checker"
msgstr "Cuadros de Hierro"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Glass"
msgstr "Cristal con Hierro"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Stone"
msgstr "Hierro y Piedra"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Stone Bricks"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Plankstone"
msgstr "Tablones de piedra"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Rope"
msgstr "Soga"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Split Stone Tile"
msgstr "Baldosas de Piedra Partida"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Stone Bricks"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Stone Tile"
msgstr "Baldosa de Piedra"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Super Glow Glass"
msgstr "Cristal Súper Brillante"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Sweeper"
msgstr "Limpiador"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Desert Stone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Glass"
msgstr "Cristal Trampa"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Glow Glass"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Obsidian"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Obsidian Glass"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Sandstone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Stone"
msgstr "Piedra Trampa"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Super Glow Glass"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Parquet"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Offset Wooden Tile"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Downwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Leftwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Rightwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr ""
#: ownership.lua
msgid "Sorry, @1 owns that spot."
msgstr ""
#: ownership.lua
msgid "someone"
msgstr ""
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Microblock"
msgstr "Microbloque de %s"
#: stairsplus/common.lua stairsplus/slabs.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Slab"
msgstr "Losa de %s"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Slope"
msgstr ""
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Panel"
msgstr "Panel de %s"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Stairs"
msgstr "Escalera de %s"
@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
# French translation for More Blocks.
# Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
# This file is distributed under the same license as the More Blocks package.
# Hugo Locurcio <hugo.locurcio@hugo.pro>, 2013-2019.
# Jat15, 2013.
# CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>, 2018.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: More Blocks\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-13 12:37+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-03-20 21:10+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Hugo Locurcio <hugo.locurcio@hugo.pro>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw"
msgstr "Scie circulaire"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Left-over"
msgstr "Reste"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Max"
msgstr "Max"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Sortie à\n"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Set"
msgstr "Définir"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "owned by @1"
msgstr "propriété de @1"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw is empty"
msgstr "Scie circulaire vide"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw is working on @1"
msgstr "Scie circulaire manipulant @1"
#: init.lua
msgid "[moreblocks] loaded."
msgstr "[moreblocks] a été chargé."
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Deprecated"
msgstr "déprécié"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Acacia Tree"
msgstr "Tronc d'arbre d'acacia (toutes faces)"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Aspen Tree"
msgstr "Tronc d'arbre de peuplier (toutes faces)"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Jungle Tree"
msgstr "Tronc d'arbre de jungle (toutes faces)"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Pine Tree"
msgstr "Tronc d'arbre de pin (toutes faces)"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Tree"
msgstr "Tronc d'arbre (toutes faces)"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Cactus Brick"
msgstr "Briques de cactus"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Cactus Checker"
msgstr "Damier en cactus"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Centered Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Dalle en bois centrée"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Checker Stone Tile"
msgstr "Damier de dalle en pierre"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Circle Stone Bricks"
msgstr "Briques en pierre circulaires"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Clean Glass"
msgstr "Verre propre"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Checker"
msgstr "Damier en charbon"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Glass"
msgstr "Verre de charbon"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Stone"
msgstr "Pierre de charbon"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Stone Bricks"
msgstr "Briques en pierre de charbon"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Cobblestone"
msgstr "Pierre taillée compressée"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Desert Cobblestone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Dirt"
msgstr "Terre compressée"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Copper Patina Block"
msgstr "Bloc de patine de cuivre"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Empty Shelf"
msgstr "Étagère vide"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Full Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Dalle en bois complète"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Glow Glass"
msgstr "Verre brillant"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Checker"
msgstr "Damier de fer"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Glass"
msgstr "Verre de fer"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Stone"
msgstr "Pierre de fer"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Stone Bricks"
msgstr "Briques en pierre de fer"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Plankstone"
msgstr "Pierre-bois"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Rope"
msgstr "Corde"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Split Stone Tile"
msgstr "Dalle en pierre découpée"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Stone Bricks"
msgstr "Briques en pierre"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Stone Tile"
msgstr "Dalle en pierre"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Super Glow Glass"
msgstr "Verre très brillant"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Sweeper"
msgstr "Balai"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Bitume"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Desert Stone"
msgstr "Pierre du désert traversable"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Glass"
msgstr "Verre traversable"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Glow Glass"
msgstr "Verre brillant traversable"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Obsidian"
msgstr "Obsidienne traversable"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Obsidian Glass"
msgstr "Verre d'obsidienne traversable"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Sandstone"
msgstr "Grès traversable"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Stone"
msgstr "Pierre traversable"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Super Glow Glass"
msgstr "Verre très brillant traversable"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Dalle en bois"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Offset Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Dalle en bois décalée"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Downwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Dalle en bois vers le bas"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Leftwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Dalle en bois vers la gauche"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Rightwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Dalle en bois vers la droite"
#: ownership.lua
msgid "Sorry, @1 owns that spot."
msgstr "Désolé, @1 possède cet endroit."
#: ownership.lua
msgid "someone"
msgstr "quelqu'un"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Microblock"
msgstr "Microbloc en %s"
#: stairsplus/common.lua stairsplus/slabs.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Slab"
msgstr "Demi-dalle en %s"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Slope"
msgstr "Pente en %s"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Panel"
msgstr "Barre en %s"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Stairs"
msgstr "Escaliers en %s"
@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
# Italian translation for More Blocks.
# Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
# This file is distributed under the same license as the More Blocks package.
# Emon, 2016.
# CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>, 2018.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: More Blocks\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-13 12:37+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: it\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw"
msgstr "Sega circolare"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Left-over"
msgstr "Scarto"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Max"
msgstr "Max."
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Set"
msgstr "Imp."
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "owned by @1"
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw is empty"
msgstr "Sega circolare, vuota"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw is working on @1"
msgstr "Sega circolare, in funzione su @1"
#: init.lua
msgid "[moreblocks] loaded."
msgstr "[moreblocks] caricato."
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Deprecated"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Acacia Tree"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Aspen Tree"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Jungle Tree"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Pine Tree"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Tree"
msgstr "Albero su ogni lato"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Cactus Brick"
msgstr "Mattoni di cactus"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Cactus Checker"
msgstr "Scacchiera in cactus"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Centered Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Mattonella in legno centrata"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Checker Stone Tile"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Circle Stone Bricks"
msgstr "Mattoni concentrici in pietra"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Clean Glass"
msgstr "Vetro pulito"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Checker"
msgstr "Scacchiera in carbone"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Glass"
msgstr "Vetro e carbone"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Stone"
msgstr "Pietra in carbone"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Stone Bricks"
msgstr "Mattoni di pietra in carbone"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Cobblestone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Desert Cobblestone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Dirt"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Copper Patina Block"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Empty Shelf"
msgstr "Scaffale Vuoto"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Full Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Mattonella in legno pieno"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Glow Glass"
msgstr "Vetro luminoso"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Checker"
msgstr "Scacchiera in ferro"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Glass"
msgstr "Vetro e ferro"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Stone"
msgstr "Pietra in ferro"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Stone Bricks"
msgstr "Mattoni di pietra in ferro"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Plankstone"
msgstr "Pietra e legno"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Rope"
msgstr "Corda"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Split Stone Tile"
msgstr "Mattonella in pietra divisa"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Stone Bricks"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Stone Tile"
msgstr "Mattonella in pietra"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Super Glow Glass"
msgstr "Super vetro luminoso"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Sweeper"
msgstr "Spazzola"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Desert Stone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Glass"
msgstr "Vetro trappola"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Glow Glass"
msgstr "Vetro luminoso trappola"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Obsidian"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Obsidian Glass"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Sandstone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Stone"
msgstr "Pietra trappola"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Super Glow Glass"
msgstr "Super vetro luminoso trappola"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Mattonella in legno"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Offset Wooden Tile"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Downwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Leftwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Rightwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr ""
#: ownership.lua
msgid "Sorry, @1 owns that spot."
msgstr "Spiacente, quel punto è di proprietà di @1"
#: ownership.lua
msgid "someone"
msgstr "qualcuno"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Microblock"
msgstr "Microblocco %s"
#: stairsplus/common.lua stairsplus/slabs.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Slab"
msgstr "Lastra - %s"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Slope"
msgstr ""
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Panel"
msgstr "Pannello - %s"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Stairs"
msgstr "Scale - %s"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
# textdomain: moreblocks
# German translation for More Blocks.
# Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
# This file is distributed under the same license as the More Blocks package.
# Xanthin, 2014.
# CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>, 2018.
#: circular_saw.lua
Circular Saw=Kreissäge
Input material=Ausgangs-@nmaterial
Recycle output=Wiederver-@nwerten
owned by @1=gehört @1
Circular Saw is empty=Kreissäge ist leer
Circular Saw is working on @1=Kreissäge arbeitet mit @1
#: init.lua
[moreblocks] loaded.=[moreblocks] geladen.
#: nodes.lua
All-faces Acacia Tree=allseitiger Akazienbaumstamm
All-faces Aspen Tree=allseitiger Espenbaumstamm
All-faces Jungle Tree=allseitiger Tropenbaumstamm
All-faces Pine Tree=allseitiger Kieferbaumstamm
All-faces Tree=allseitiger Baumstamm
Cactus Brick=Kaktusziegel
Cactus Checker=Kaktus-Mosaik
Centered Wooden Tile=Holzfliese mittig
Checker Stone Tile=Stein-Mosaik
Circle Stone Bricks=Kreissteinziegel
Clean Glass=Klares Glas
Coal Checker=Kohlen-Mosaik
Coal Glass=Kohleglas
Clean Super Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Super Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Glass=
Clean Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Glow Glass=
Coal Stone=Kohlestein
Coal Stone Bricks=Kohlesteinziegel
Compressed Cobblestone=Gepresster Kopfsteinpflaster
Compressed Desert Cobblestone=
Compressed Dirt=Gepresste Erde
Copper Patina Block=Kupfer Edelrostblock
Empty Shelf=Leeres Regal
Full Wooden Tile=Vollholzfliese
Glow Glass=Leuchtglas
Iron Checker=Metall-Mosaik
Iron Glass=metallisiertes Glas
Iron Stone=Eisenstein
Iron Stone Bricks=Eisensteinziegel
Split Stone Tile=Geteilte Steinfliese
Stone Bricks=Steinziegel
Stone Tile=Steinfliese
Super Glow Glass=Superleuchtglas
Trap Desert Stone=Wüstensteinfalle
Trap Glass=Glasfalle
Trap Glow Glass=Leuchtglasfalle
Trap Obsidian=Obsidianfalle
Trap Obsidian Glass=Obsidianglasfalle
Trap Sandstone=Sandsteinfalle
Trap Stone=Steinfalle
Trap Super Glow Glass=Superleuchtglasfalle
Wooden Tile=Holzfliese
Offset Wooden Tile=Holzfliese versetzt
Downwards Wooden Tile=Holzfliese unten
Leftwards Wooden Tile=Holzfliese links
Rightwards Wooden Tile=Holzfliese rechts
#: ownership.lua
Sorry, @1 owns that spot.=Tut mir leid, dieser Bereich gehört @1.
#: stairsplus/common.lua
@1 Microblock=@1mikroblock
@1 Slab=@1platte
@1 Slope=@1neigung
@1 Panel=@1paneel
@1 Stairs=@1treppe
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
# textdomain: moreblocks
# Spanish translation for More Blocks.
# Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
# This file is distributed under the same license as the More Blocks package.
# kaeza, 2013.
# CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>, 2018.
# Carlos Barraza 2020.
#: circular_saw.lua
Circular Saw=Sierra circular
Input material=Material de@nentrada
Recycle output=Reciclar@nsalida
owned by @1=protegido por @1
Circular Saw is empty=La sierra circular está vacia
Circular Saw is working on @1=Sierra circular trabajando en @1
#: nodes.lua
All-faces Acacia Tree=Árbol de Acacia, todas las caras
All-faces Aspen Tree=Álamo temblón, todas las caras
All-faces Jungle Tree=Árbol de Selva, todas las caras
All-faces Pine Tree=Pino, todas las caras
All-faces Tree=Tronco de Árbol
Cactus Brick=Ladrillos de Cactus
Cactus Checker=Cuadros de Cactus
Centered Wooden Tile=Parqué Centrado
Checker Stone Tile=Cuadros de Baldosa de Piedra
Circle Stone Bricks=Bloques de Piedra Circulares
Clean Glass=Cristal Limpio
Coal Checker=Cuadros de Carbón
Coal Glass=Cristal con Carbón
Clean Super Glow Glass=Cristal Súper Brillante Limpio
Trap Clean Super Glow Glass=Cristal Súper Brillante Limpio Falso
Trap Clean Glass=Cristal Limpio Falso
Clean Glow Glass=Cristal Brillante Limpio
Trap Clean Glow Glass=Cristal Brillante Limpio Falso
Coal Stone=Carbón y Piedra
Coal Stone Bricks=Ladrillos de Piedra de Carbon
Compressed Cobblestone=Adoquín Comprimido
Compressed Desert Cobblestone=Adoquín del Desierto Comprimido
Compressed Dirt=Tierra Comprimida
Copper Patina Block=Bloque de Pátina de Cobre
Empty Shelf=Estante vacio
Full Wooden Tile=Parqué Completo
Glow Glass=Cristal Brillante
Iron Checker=Cuadros de Hierro
Iron Glass=Cristal con Hierro
Iron Stone=Hierro y Piedra
Iron Stone Bricks=Ladrillo de Piedra de Hierro
Plankstone=Tablones de piedra
Split Stone Tile=Baldosas de Piedra Partida
Stone Bricks=Ladrillos de Piedra
Stone Tile=Baldosa de Piedra
Super Glow Glass=Cristal Súper Brillante
Trap Desert Stone=Piedra del Desierto Falsa
Trap Glass=Cristal Falso
Trap Glow Glass=Cristal Brillante Falso
Trap Obsidian=Obsidiana Falsa
Trap Obsidian Glass=Vidrio de Obsidiana Falso
Trap Sandstone=Arenisca Falsa
Trap Stone=Piedra Falsa
Trap Super Glow Glass=Cristal Súper Brillante Falso
Wooden Tile=Parqué
Offset Wooden Tile=Parqué Ajustado
Downwards Wooden Tile=Parqué hacia Abajo
Leftwards Wooden Tile=Parqué hacia la Izquierda
Rightwards Wooden Tile=Parqué hacia la Derecha
#: ownership.lua
Sorry, @1 owns that spot.=Lo siento, @1 es dueño de ese lugar.
#: stairsplus/common.lua
@1 Microblock=Microbloque de @1
@1 Slab=Losa de @1
@1 Slope=Pendiente de @1
@1 Panel=Panel de @1
@1 Stairs=Escalera de @1
#: stairsplus/registrations.lua
Brass Block=Bloque de latón
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# textdomain: moreblocks
# French translation for More Blocks.
# Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
# This file is distributed under the same license as the More Blocks package.
# Hugo Locurcio <hugo.locurcio@hugo.pro>, 2013-2019.
# Jat15, 2013.
# CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>, 2018.
#: circular_saw.lua
Circular Saw=Scie circulaire
Input material=Matériau@nd'entrée
Recycle output=Sortie à@nrecycler
owned by @1=propriété de @1
Circular Saw is empty=Scie circulaire vide
Circular Saw is working on @1=Scie circulaire manipulant @1
#: init.lua
[moreblocks] loaded.=[moreblocks] a été chargé.
#: nodes.lua
All-faces Acacia Tree=Tronc d'arbre d'acacia (toutes faces)
All-faces Aspen Tree=Tronc d'arbre de peuplier (toutes faces)
All-faces Jungle Tree=Tronc d'arbre de jungle (toutes faces)
All-faces Pine Tree=Tronc d'arbre de pin (toutes faces)
All-faces Tree=Tronc d'arbre (toutes faces)
Cactus Brick=Briques de cactus
Cactus Checker=Damier en cactus
Centered Wooden Tile=Dalle en bois centrée
Checker Stone Tile=Damier de dalle en pierre
Circle Stone Bricks=Briques en pierre circulaires
Clean Glass=Verre propre
Coal Checker=Damier en charbon
Coal Glass=Verre de charbon
Clean Super Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Super Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Glass=
Clean Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Glow Glass=
Coal Stone=Pierre de charbon
Coal Stone Bricks=Briques en pierre de charbon
Compressed Cobblestone=Pierre taillée compressée
Compressed Desert Cobblestone=
Compressed Dirt=Terre compressée
Copper Patina Block=Bloc de patine de cuivre
Empty Shelf=Étagère vide
Full Wooden Tile=Dalle en bois complète
Glow Glass=Verre brillant
Iron Checker=Damier de fer
Iron Glass=Verre de fer
Iron Stone=Pierre de fer
Iron Stone Bricks=Briques en pierre de fer
Split Stone Tile=Dalle en pierre découpée
Stone Bricks=Briques en pierre
Stone Tile=Dalle en pierre
Super Glow Glass=Verre très brillant
Trap Desert Stone=Pierre du désert traversable
Trap Glass=Verre traversable
Trap Glow Glass=Verre brillant traversable
Trap Obsidian=Obsidienne traversable
Trap Obsidian Glass=Verre d'obsidienne traversable
Trap Sandstone=Grès traversable
Trap Stone=Pierre traversable
Trap Super Glow Glass=Verre très brillant traversable
Wooden Tile=Dalle en bois
Offset Wooden Tile=Dalle en bois décalée
Downwards Wooden Tile=Dalle en bois vers le bas
Leftwards Wooden Tile=Dalle en bois vers la gauche
Rightwards Wooden Tile=Dalle en bois vers la droite
#: ownership.lua
Sorry, @1 owns that spot.=Désolé, @1 possède cet endroit.
#: stairsplus/common.lua
@1 Microblock=Microbloc en @1
@1 Slab=Demi-dalle en @1
@1 Slope=Pente en @1
@1 Panel=Barre en @1
@1 Stairs=Escaliers en @1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
# textdomain: moreblocks
# Italian translation for More Blocks.
# Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
# This file is distributed under the same license as the More Blocks package.
# Emon, 2016.
# CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>, 2018.
#: circular_saw.lua
Circular Saw=Sega circolare
Input material=Materiale@niniziale
Recycle output=Ricicla@nfinale
owned by @1=
Circular Saw is empty=Sega circolare, vuota
Circular Saw is working on @1=Sega circolare, in funzione su @1
#: init.lua
[moreblocks] loaded.=[moreblocks] caricato.
#: nodes.lua
All-faces Acacia Tree=
All-faces Aspen Tree=
All-faces Jungle Tree=
All-faces Pine Tree=
All-faces Tree=Albero su ogni lato
Cactus Brick=Mattoni di cactus
Cactus Checker=Scacchiera in cactus
Centered Wooden Tile=Mattonella in legno centrata
Checker Stone Tile=
Circle Stone Bricks=Mattoni concentrici in pietra
Clean Glass=Vetro pulito
Coal Checker=Scacchiera in carbone
Coal Glass=Vetro e carbone
Clean Super Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Super Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Glass=
Clean Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Glow Glass=
Coal Stone=Pietra in carbone
Coal Stone Bricks=Mattoni di pietra in carbone
Compressed Cobblestone=
Compressed Desert Cobblestone=
Compressed Dirt=
Copper Patina Block=
Empty Shelf=Scaffale Vuoto
Full Wooden Tile=Mattonella in legno pieno
Glow Glass=Vetro luminoso
Iron Checker=Scacchiera in ferro
Iron Glass=Vetro e ferro
Iron Stone=Pietra in ferro
Iron Stone Bricks=Mattoni di pietra in ferro
Plankstone=Pietra e legno
Split Stone Tile=Mattonella in pietra divisa
Stone Bricks=
Stone Tile=Mattonella in pietra
Super Glow Glass=Super vetro luminoso
Trap Desert Stone=
Trap Glass=Vetro trappola
Trap Glow Glass=Vetro luminoso trappola
Trap Obsidian=
Trap Obsidian Glass=
Trap Sandstone=
Trap Stone=Pietra trappola
Trap Super Glow Glass=Super vetro luminoso trappola
Wooden Tile=Mattonella in legno
Offset Wooden Tile=
Downwards Wooden Tile=
Leftwards Wooden Tile=
Rightwards Wooden Tile=
#: ownership.lua
Sorry, @1 owns that spot.=Spiacente, quel punto è di proprietà di @1
#: stairsplus/common.lua
@1 Microblock=Microblocco @1
@1 Slab=Lastra - @1
@1 Slope=
@1 Panel=Pannello - @1
@1 Stairs=Scale - @1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# textdomain: moreblocks
# Polish translation for More Blocks.
# Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
# This file is distributed under the same license as the More Blocks package.
# mat9117, 2019
# CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>, 2018.
#: circular_saw.lua
Circular Saw=Piła tarczowa
Input material=wejście@nmateriał
Recycle output=Przetwarzanie@nWyjście
owned by @1=Należy do @1
Circular Saw is empty=Piła tarczowa jest pusta
Circular Saw is working on @1=Piła tarczowa pracuje na @1
#: init.lua
[moreblocks] loaded.=[moreblocks] załadowane.
#: nodes.lua
All-faces Acacia Tree=Wielostronna tekstura akacji
All-faces Aspen Tree=Wielostronna tekstura osiki
All-faces Jungle Tree=Wielostronna tekstura drzewa dżunglowego
All-faces Pine Tree=Wielostronna tekstura sosny
All-faces Tree=Wielostronna tekstura drzewa
Cactus Brick=Kaktusowa cegła
Cactus Checker=Kaktusowa szachownica
Centered Wooden Tile=Wyśrodkowany drewniany kafelek
Checker Stone Tile=Kamienna szachownica
Circle Stone Bricks=Okrągłe kamienne cegły
Clean Glass=Czyste szkło
Coal Checker=Węglowa szachownica
Coal Glass=Szkło węglowe
Clean Super Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Super Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Glass=
Clean Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Glow Glass=
Coal Stone=Kamień węglowy
Coal Stone Bricks=Węglowe kamienne cegły
Compressed Cobblestone=Skompresowany bruk
Compressed Desert Cobblestone=
Compressed Dirt=Skompresowana ziemia
Copper Patina Block=Blok patynowanej miedzi
Empty Shelf=Pusta półka
Full Wooden Tile=Pełny drewniany kafelek
Glow Glass=Świecące szkło
Iron Checker=Żelazna szachownica
Iron Glass=Żelazne szkło
Iron Stone=Żelazny kamień
Iron Stone Bricks=Żelazne kamienne cegły
Split Stone Tile=Kamienny blok kafelkowy
Stone Bricks=Kamienne cegły
Stone Tile=Kamienny kafelek
Super Glow Glass=Super świecące szkło
Trap Desert Stone=Pułapka z pustynnego kamienia
Trap Glass=Szklana pułapka
Trap Glow Glass=Pułapka ze świecącego szkłą
Trap Obsidian=Obsydianowa pułapka
Trap Obsidian Glass=Pułapka z obsydianowego szkła
Trap Sandstone=Pułapka z piaskowca
Trap Stone=Kamienna pułapka
Trap Super Glow Glass=Pułapka z super świecącego szkła
Wooden Tile=Drewniany kafelek
Offset Wooden Tile=
Downwards Wooden Tile=Dolny drewniany kafelek
# @deprecated
Leftwards Wooden Tile=Lewy drewniany kafelek
# @deprecated
Rightwards Wooden Tile=Prawy drewniany kafelek
#: ownership.lua
Sorry, @1 owns that spot.=Przykro mi, to miejsce należy do @1
#: stairsplus/common.lua
@1 Microblock=@1 Mikroblok
@1 Slab=@1 Płyta
@1 Slope=@1 Spad
@1 Panel=@1 Panel
@1 Stairs=@1 Schody
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
# textdomain: moreblocks
# Russian translation for MOREBLOCKS minetest mod.
# Copyright (C) 2018 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
# This file is distributed under the same license as the MOREBLOCKS package.
# CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>, 2018.
#, fuzzy
#: circular_saw.lua
Circular Saw=циркулярная пила
Input material=Входной@nматериал
Recycle output=Пере-@nобработка
owned by @1=принадлежит @1
Circular Saw is empty=циркулярная пила пустая
Circular Saw is working on @1=циркулярная пила, @1 в обработке
#: init.lua
[MOD] moreblocks loaded.=[MOD] moreblocks загружен.
#: nodes.lua
All-faces Acacia Tree=всестороннее бревно акации
All-faces Aspen Tree=всестороннее бревно осины
All-faces Jungle Tree=всестороннее бревно дерева джунглей
All-faces Pine Tree=всестороннее бревно сосновое
All-faces Tree=всестороннее бревно дерева
Cactus Brick=кирпич из кактуса
Cactus Checker=мозаика из кактуса
Centered Wooden Tile=деревянная мозаика (центр)
Checker Stone Tile=каменная мозаика
Circle Stone Bricks=кольцевой камень
Clean Glass=чистое стекло
Coal Checker=угольная мозаика
Coal Glass=угольное стекло
Clean Super Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Super Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Glass=
Clean Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Glow Glass=
Coal Stone=угольный камень
Coal Stone Bricks=угольно-каменный кирпич
Compressed Cobblestone=прессованный булыжник
Compressed Desert Cobblestone=
Compressed Dirt=прессованная земля
Copper Patina Block=медный патинированный блок
Empty Shelf=пустые полки
Full Wooden Tile=деревянная мозаика
Glow Glass=светящееся стекло
Iron Checker=стальная мозаика
Iron Glass=металлизированное стекло
Iron Stone=железный камень
Iron Stone Bricks=железно-каменный кирпич
Plankstone=дерево-каменная мозаика
Split Stone Tile=каменная мозаика
Stone Bricks=каменный кирпич
Stone Tile=каменная плитка
Super Glow Glass=супер светящееся стекло
Trap Desert Stone=мнимый пустынный камень
Trap Glass=мнимое стекло
Trap Glow Glass=мнимое светящееся стекло
Trap Obsidian=мнимый обсидиан
Trap Obsidian Glass=мнимое обсидиановое стекло
Trap Sandstone=мнимый песчаник
Trap Stone=мнимый камень
Trap Super Glow Glass=мнимое супер светящееся стекло
Wooden Tile=деревянная мозаика
Offset Wooden Tile=деревянная мозаика (сверху)
# @deprecated
Downwards Wooden Tile=деревянная мозаика (снизу)
# @deprecated
Leftwards Wooden Tile=деревянная мозаика (слева)
# @deprecated
Rightwards Wooden Tile=деревянная мозаика (справа)
#: ownership.lua
Sorry, @1 owns that spot.=Извините, это принадлежит @1.
#: stairsplus/common.lua
@1 Microblock=@1 (микроблок)
@1 Slab=@1 (плита)
@1 Slope=@1 (наклон)
@1 Panel=@1 (панель)
@1 Stairs=@1 (лестница)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
# textdomain: moreblocks
#: circular_saw.lua
Circular Saw=
Input material=
Recycle output=
owned by @1=
Circular Saw is empty=
Circular Saw is working on @1=
#: nodes.lua
All-faces Acacia Tree=
All-faces Aspen Tree=
All-faces Jungle Tree=
All-faces Pine Tree=
All-faces Tree=
Cactus Brick=
Cactus Checker=
Centered Wooden Tile=
Checker Stone Tile=
Circle Stone Bricks=
Clean Glass=
Coal Checker=
Coal Glass=
Clean Super Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Super Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Glass=
Clean Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Glow Glass=
Coal Stone=
Coal Stone Bricks=
Compressed Cobblestone=
Compressed Desert Cobblestone=
Compressed Dirt=
Copper Patina Block=
Empty Shelf=
Full Wooden Tile=
Glow Glass=
Iron Checker=
Iron Glass=
Iron Stone=
Iron Stone Bricks=
Split Stone Tile=
Stone Bricks=
Stone Tile=
Super Glow Glass=
Trap Desert Stone=
Trap Glass=
Trap Glow Glass=
Trap Obsidian=
Trap Obsidian Glass=
Trap Sandstone=
Trap Stone=
Trap Super Glow Glass=
Wooden Tile=
Offset Wooden Tile=
Downwards Wooden Tile=
Leftwards Wooden Tile=
Rightwards Wooden Tile=
#: ownership.lua
Sorry, @1 owns that spot.=
#: stairsplus/common.lua
@1 Microblock=
@1 Slab=
@1 Slope=
@1 Panel=
@1 Stairs=
#: stairsplus/registrations.lua
Brass Block=
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# textdomain: moreblocks
# zh_CN translation for More Blocks.
# Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
# This file is distributed under the same license as the More Blocks package.
# IFRFSX <IFRFSX@protonmail.com>, 2020.
#: circular_saw.lua
Circular Saw=圆锯
Input material=输入@n材料
Recycle output=回收@n输出物
owned by @1=属于@1所有
Circular Saw is empty=圆锯是空的
Circular Saw is working on @1=圆锯正在加工@1
#: nodes.lua
All-faces Acacia Tree=全切面相思树木方块
All-faces Aspen Tree=全切面白杨树木方块
All-faces Jungle Tree=全切面丛林树木方块
All-faces Pine Tree=全切面松树木方块
All-faces Tree=全切面树木方块
Cactus Brick=仙人掌砖
Cactus Checker=仙人掌棋盘方块
Centered Wooden Tile=居中的木瓦
Checker Stone Tile=棋盘石瓦
Circle Stone Bricks=圆石砖
Clean Glass=干净的玻璃
Coal Checker=棋盘煤块
Coal Glass=煤玻璃
Clean Super Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Super Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Glass=
Clean Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Glow Glass=
Coal Stone=煤炭石
Coal Stone Bricks=煤炭石砖
Compressed Cobblestone=压缩圆石
Compressed Desert Cobblestone=
Compressed Dirt=压缩土
Copper Patina Block=铜绿方块
Empty Shelf=空书架
Full Wooden Tile=全木瓦
Glow Glass=发光玻璃
Iron Checker=棋盘铁方块
Iron Glass=铁玻璃
Iron Stone=铁石
Iron Stone Bricks=铁石砖
Split Stone Tile=裂石砖
Stone Bricks=石砖
Stone Tile=石瓦
Super Glow Glass=超级发光玻璃
Trap Desert Stone=陷阱沙漠石
Trap Glass=陷阱玻璃
Trap Glow Glass=陷阱发光玻璃
Trap Obsidian=陷阱黑耀石
Trap Obsidian Glass=陷阱黑耀石玻璃
Trap Sandstone=陷阱沙石
Trap Stone=陷阱石
Trap Super Glow Glass=陷阱超级发光玻璃
Wooden Tile=木瓦
Offset Wooden Tile=胶合木瓦
Downwards Wooden Tile=向下的木瓦
Leftwards Wooden Tile=向左的木瓦
Rightwards Wooden Tile=向右的木瓦
#: ownership.lua
Sorry, @1 owns that spot.=抱歉,那个位置是@1的。
#: stairsplus/common.lua
@1 Microblock=@1小方块
@1 Slab=@1台阶
@1 Slope=@1斜坡
@1 Panel=@1嵌板
@1 Stairs=@1楼梯
#: stairsplus/registrations.lua
Brass Block=
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# textdomain: moreblocks
# zh_TW translation for More Blocks.
# Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
# This file is distributed under the same license as the More Blocks package.
# IFRFSX <IFRFSX@protonmail.com>, 2020.
#: circular_saw.lua
Circular Saw=圓鋸
Input material=輸入@n材料
Recycle output=回收@n輸出物
owned by @1=屬於@1所有
Circular Saw is empty=圓鋸是空的
Circular Saw is working on @1=圓鋸正在加工@1
#: nodes.lua
All-faces Acacia Tree=全切面相思樹木方塊
All-faces Aspen Tree=全切面白楊樹木方塊
All-faces Jungle Tree=全切面叢林樹木方塊
All-faces Pine Tree=全切面松樹木方塊
All-faces Tree=全切面樹木方塊
Cactus Brick=仙人掌磚
Cactus Checker=仙人掌棋盤方塊
Centered Wooden Tile=居中的木瓦
Checker Stone Tile=棋盤石瓦
Circle Stone Bricks=圓石磚
Clean Glass=乾淨的玻璃
Coal Checker=棋盤煤塊
Coal Glass=煤玻璃
Clean Super Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Super Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Glass=
Clean Glow Glass=
Trap Clean Glow Glass=
Coal Stone=煤炭石
Coal Stone Bricks=煤炭石磚
Compressed Cobblestone=壓縮圓石
Compressed Desert Cobblestone=
Compressed Dirt=壓縮土
Copper Patina Block=銅綠方塊
Empty Shelf=空書架
Full Wooden Tile=全木瓦
Glow Glass=發光玻璃
Iron Checker=棋盤鐵方塊
Iron Glass=鐵玻璃
Iron Stone=鐵石
Iron Stone Bricks=鐵石磚
Split Stone Tile=裂石磚
Stone Bricks=石磚
Stone Tile=石瓦
Super Glow Glass=超級發光玻璃
Trap Desert Stone=陷阱沙漠石
Trap Glass=陷阱玻璃
Trap Glow Glass=陷阱發光玻璃
Trap Obsidian=陷阱黑耀石
Trap Obsidian Glass=陷阱黑耀石玻璃
Trap Sandstone=陷阱沙石
Trap Stone=陷阱石
Trap Super Glow Glass=陷阱超級發光玻璃
Wooden Tile=木瓦
Offset Wooden Tile=膠合木瓦
Downwards Wooden Tile=向下的木瓦
Leftwards Wooden Tile=向左的木瓦
Rightwards Wooden Tile=向右的木瓦
#: ownership.lua
Sorry, @1 owns that spot.=抱歉,那個位置是@1的。
#: stairsplus/common.lua
@1 Microblock=@1小方塊
@1 Slab=@1臺階
@1 Slope=@1斜坡
@1 Panel=@1嵌板
@1 Stairs=@1樓梯
#: stairsplus/registrations.lua
Brass Block=
@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
# Polish translation for More Blocks.
# Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
# This file is distributed under the same license as the More Blocks package.
# mat9117, 2019
# CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>, 2018.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: More Blocks\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-13 12:37+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: pl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw"
msgstr "Piła tarczowa"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Left-over"
msgstr "Resztki"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Max"
msgstr "Maks"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Set"
msgstr "Ustaw"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "owned by @1"
msgstr "Należy do @1"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw is empty"
msgstr "Piła tarczowa jest pusta"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw is working on @1"
msgstr "Piła tarczowa pracuje na @1"
#: init.lua
msgid "[moreblocks] loaded."
msgstr "[moreblocks] załadowane."
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Deprecated"
msgstr "Przestarzałe"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Acacia Tree"
msgstr "Wielostronna tekstura akacji"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Aspen Tree"
msgstr "Wielostronna tekstura osiki"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Jungle Tree"
msgstr "Wielostronna tekstura drzewa dżunglowego"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Pine Tree"
msgstr "Wielostronna tekstura sosny"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Tree"
msgstr "Wielostronna tekstura drzewa"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Cactus Brick"
msgstr "Kaktusowa cegła"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Cactus Checker"
msgstr "Kaktusowa szachownica"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Centered Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Wyśrodkowany drewniany kafelek"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Checker Stone Tile"
msgstr "Kamienna szachownica"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Circle Stone Bricks"
msgstr "Okrągłe kamienne cegły"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Clean Glass"
msgstr "Czyste szkło"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Checker"
msgstr "Węglowa szachownica"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Glass"
msgstr "Szkło węglowe"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Stone"
msgstr "Kamień węglowy"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Stone Bricks"
msgstr "Węglowe kamienne cegły"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Cobblestone"
msgstr "Skompresowany bruk"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Desert Cobblestone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Dirt"
msgstr "Skompresowana ziemia"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Copper Patina Block"
msgstr "Blok patynowanej miedzi"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Empty Shelf"
msgstr "Pusta półka"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Full Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Pełny drewniany kafelek"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Glow Glass"
msgstr "Świecące szkło"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Checker"
msgstr "Żelazna szachownica"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Glass"
msgstr "Żelazne szkło"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Stone"
msgstr "Żelazny kamień"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Stone Bricks"
msgstr "Żelazne kamienne cegły"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Plankstone"
msgstr "Deskokamień"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Rope"
msgstr "Lina"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Split Stone Tile"
msgstr "Kamienny blok kafelkowy"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Stone Bricks"
msgstr "Kamienne cegły"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Stone Tile"
msgstr "Kamienny kafelek"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Super Glow Glass"
msgstr "Super świecące szkło"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Sweeper"
msgstr "Miotła"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Smoła"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Desert Stone"
msgstr "Pułapka z pustynnego kamienia"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Glass"
msgstr "Szklana pułapka"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Glow Glass"
msgstr "Pułapka ze świecącego szkłą"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Obsidian"
msgstr "Obsydianowa pułapka"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Obsidian Glass"
msgstr "Pułapka z obsydianowego szkła"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Sandstone"
msgstr "Pułapka z piaskowca"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Stone"
msgstr "Kamienna pułapka"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Super Glow Glass"
msgstr "Pułapka z super świecącego szkła"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Drewniany kafelek"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Offset Wooden Tile"
msgstr ""
# @deprecated
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Downwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Dolny drewniany kafelek"
# @deprecated
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Leftwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Lewy drewniany kafelek"
# @deprecated
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Rightwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr "Prawy drewniany kafelek"
#: ownership.lua
msgid "Sorry, @1 owns that spot."
msgstr "Przykro mi, to miejsce należy do @1"
#: ownership.lua
msgid "someone"
msgstr "ktoś"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Microblock"
msgstr "%s Mikroblok"
#: stairsplus/common.lua stairsplus/slabs.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Slab"
msgstr "%s Płyta"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Slope"
msgstr "%s Spad"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Panel"
msgstr "%s Panel"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Stairs"
msgstr "%s Schody"
@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
# Russian translation for MOREBLOCKS minetest mod.
# Copyright (C) 2018 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
# This file is distributed under the same license as the MOREBLOCKS package.
# CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>, 2018.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: MOREBLOCKS MOD\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-13 23:30+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw"
msgstr "циркулярная пила"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Left-over"
msgstr "Остатки"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Max"
msgstr "Кол."
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Set"
msgstr "ОК"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "owned by @1"
msgstr "принадлежит @1"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw is empty"
msgstr "циркулярная пила пустая"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw is working on @1"
msgstr "циркулярная пила, @1 в обработке"
#: init.lua
msgid "[MOD] moreblocks loaded."
msgstr "[MOD] moreblocks загружен."
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Deprecated"
msgstr "устаревший"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Acacia Tree"
msgstr "всестороннее бревно акации"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Aspen Tree"
msgstr "всестороннее бревно осины"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Jungle Tree"
msgstr "всестороннее бревно дерева джунглей"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Pine Tree"
msgstr "всестороннее бревно сосновое"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Tree"
msgstr "всестороннее бревно дерева"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Cactus Brick"
msgstr "кирпич из кактуса"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Cactus Checker"
msgstr "мозаика из кактуса"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Centered Wooden Tile"
msgstr "деревянная мозаика (центр)"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Checker Stone Tile"
msgstr "каменная мозаика"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Circle Stone Bricks"
msgstr "кольцевой камень"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Clean Glass"
msgstr "чистое стекло"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Checker"
msgstr "угольная мозаика"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Glass"
msgstr "угольное стекло"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Stone"
msgstr "угольный камень"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Stone Bricks"
msgstr "угольно-каменный кирпич"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Cobblestone"
msgstr "прессованный булыжник"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Desert Cobblestone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Dirt"
msgstr "прессованная земля"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Copper Patina Block"
msgstr "медный патинированный блок"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Empty Shelf"
msgstr "пустые полки"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Full Wooden Tile"
msgstr "деревянная мозаика"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Glow Glass"
msgstr "светящееся стекло"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Checker"
msgstr "стальная мозаика"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Glass"
msgstr "металлизированное стекло"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Stone"
msgstr "железный камень"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Stone Bricks"
msgstr "железно-каменный кирпич"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Plankstone"
msgstr "дерево-каменная мозаика"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Rope"
msgstr "верёвка"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Split Stone Tile"
msgstr "каменная мозаика"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Stone Bricks"
msgstr "каменный кирпич"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Stone Tile"
msgstr "каменная плитка"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Super Glow Glass"
msgstr "супер светящееся стекло"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Sweeper"
msgstr "метёлка"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "смола"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Desert Stone"
msgstr "мнимый пустынный камень"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Glass"
msgstr "мнимое стекло"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Glow Glass"
msgstr "мнимое светящееся стекло"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Obsidian"
msgstr "мнимый обсидиан"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Obsidian Glass"
msgstr "мнимое обсидиановое стекло"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Sandstone"
msgstr "мнимый песчаник"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Stone"
msgstr "мнимый камень"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Super Glow Glass"
msgstr "мнимое супер светящееся стекло"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Wooden Tile"
msgstr "деревянная мозаика"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Offset Wooden Tile"
msgstr "деревянная мозаика (сверху)"
# @deprecated
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Downwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr "деревянная мозаика (снизу)"
# @deprecated
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Leftwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr "деревянная мозаика (слева)"
# @deprecated
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Rightwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr "деревянная мозаика (справа)"
#: ownership.lua
msgid "Sorry, @1 owns that spot."
msgstr "Извините, это принадлежит @1."
#: ownership.lua
msgid "someone"
msgstr "кому-то"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Microblock"
msgstr "%s (микроблок)"
#: stairsplus/common.lua stairsplus/slabs.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Slab"
msgstr "%s (плита)"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Slope"
msgstr "%s (наклон)"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Panel"
msgstr "%s (панель)"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Stairs"
msgstr "%s (лестница)"
@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
# Template translation for More Blocks.
# Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
# This file is distributed under the same license as the More Blocks package.
# CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>, 2018.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: More Blocks\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-13 12:37+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw"
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Left-over"
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Max"
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Set"
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "owned by @1"
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw is empty"
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw is working on @1"
msgstr ""
#: init.lua
msgid "[moreblocks] loaded."
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Deprecated"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Acacia Tree"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Aspen Tree"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Jungle Tree"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Pine Tree"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Tree"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Cactus Brick"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Cactus Checker"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Centered Wooden Tile"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Checker Stone Tile"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Circle Stone Bricks"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Clean Glass"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Checker"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Glass"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Stone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Stone Bricks"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Cobblestone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Desert Cobblestone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Dirt"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Copper Patina Block"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Empty Shelf"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Full Wooden Tile"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Glow Glass"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Checker"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Glass"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Stone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Stone Bricks"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Plankstone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Rope"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Split Stone Tile"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Stone Bricks"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Stone Tile"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Super Glow Glass"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Sweeper"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Desert Stone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Glass"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Glow Glass"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Obsidian"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Obsidian Glass"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Sandstone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Stone"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Super Glow Glass"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Wooden Tile"
msgstr ""
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Offset Wooden Tile"
msgstr ""
# @deprecated
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Downwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr ""
# @deprecated
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Leftwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr ""
# @deprecated
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Rightwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr ""
#: ownership.lua
msgid "Sorry, @1 owns that spot."
msgstr ""
#: ownership.lua
msgid "someone"
msgstr ""
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Microblock"
msgstr ""
#: stairsplus/common.lua stairsplus/slabs.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Slab"
msgstr ""
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Slope"
msgstr ""
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Panel"
msgstr ""
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Stairs"
msgstr ""
@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
# Template translation for More Blocks.
# Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
# This file is distributed under the same license as the More Blocks package.
# IFRFSX <IFRFSX@protonmail.com>, 2020.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: More Blocks\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-13 12:37+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw"
msgstr "圆锯"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Left-over"
msgstr "剩余材料"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Max"
msgstr "最大值"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Set"
msgstr "设置"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "owned by @1"
msgstr "属于@1所有"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw is empty"
msgstr "圆锯是空的"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw is working on @1"
msgstr "圆锯正在加工@1"
#: init.lua
msgid "[moreblocks] loaded."
msgstr "[moreblocks] 已加载"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Deprecated"
msgstr "弃用"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Acacia Tree"
msgstr "全切面相思树木方块"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Aspen Tree"
msgstr "全切面白杨树木方块"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Jungle Tree"
msgstr "全切面丛林树木方块"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Pine Tree"
msgstr "全切面松树木方块"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Tree"
msgstr "全切面树木方块"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Cactus Brick"
msgstr "仙人掌砖"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Cactus Checker"
msgstr "仙人掌棋盘方块"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Centered Wooden Tile"
msgstr "居中的木瓦"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Checker Stone Tile"
msgstr "棋盘石瓦"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Circle Stone Bricks"
msgstr "圆石砖"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Clean Glass"
msgstr "干净的玻璃"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Checker"
msgstr "棋盘煤块"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Glass"
msgstr "煤玻璃"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Stone"
msgstr "煤炭石"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Stone Bricks"
msgstr "煤炭石砖"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Cobblestone"
msgstr "压缩圆石"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Dirt"
msgstr "压缩土"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Copper Patina Block"
msgstr "铜绿方块"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Empty Shelf"
msgstr "空书架"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Full Wooden Tile"
msgstr "全木瓦"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Glow Glass"
msgstr "发光玻璃"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Checker"
msgstr "棋盘铁方块"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Glass"
msgstr "铁玻璃"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Stone"
msgstr "铁石"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Stone Bricks"
msgstr "铁石砖"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Plankstone"
msgstr "板石"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Rope"
msgstr "绳子"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Split Stone Tile"
msgstr "裂石砖"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Stone Bricks"
msgstr "石砖"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Stone Tile"
msgstr "石瓦"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Super Glow Glass"
msgstr "超级发光玻璃"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Sweeper"
msgstr "清扫器"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "焦油"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Desert Stone"
msgstr "陷阱沙漠石"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Glass"
msgstr "陷阱玻璃"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Glow Glass"
msgstr "陷阱发光玻璃"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Obsidian"
msgstr "陷阱黑耀石"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Obsidian Glass"
msgstr "陷阱黑耀石玻璃"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Sandstone"
msgstr "陷阱沙石"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Stone"
msgstr "陷阱石"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Super Glow Glass"
msgstr "陷阱超级发光玻璃"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Wooden Tile"
msgstr "木瓦"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Offset Wooden Tile"
msgstr "胶合木瓦"
# @deprecated
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Downwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr "向下的木瓦"
# @deprecated
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Leftwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr "向左的木瓦"
# @deprecated
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Rightwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr "向右的木瓦"
#: ownership.lua
msgid "Sorry, @1 owns that spot."
msgstr "抱歉,那个位置是@1的。"
#: ownership.lua
msgid "someone"
msgstr "某人"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Microblock"
msgstr "%s 小方块"
#: stairsplus/common.lua stairsplus/slabs.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Slab"
msgstr "%s 台阶"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Slope"
msgstr "%s 斜坡"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Panel"
msgstr "%s 嵌板"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Stairs"
msgstr "%s 楼梯"
@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
# Template translation for More Blocks.
# Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
# This file is distributed under the same license as the More Blocks package.
# IFRFSX <IFRFSX@protonmail.com>, 2020.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: More Blocks\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-13 12:37+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: CodeXP <codexp@gmx.net>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw"
msgstr "圓鋸"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Left-over"
msgstr "剩餘材料"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Max"
msgstr "最大值"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Set"
msgstr "設置"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "owned by @1"
msgstr "屬於@1所有"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw is empty"
msgstr "圓鋸是空的"
#: circular_saw.lua
msgid "Circular Saw is working on @1"
msgstr "圓鋸正在加工@1"
#: init.lua
msgid "[moreblocks] loaded."
msgstr "[moreblocks] 已加載"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Deprecated"
msgstr "棄用"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Acacia Tree"
msgstr "全切面相思樹木方塊"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Aspen Tree"
msgstr "全切面白楊樹木方塊"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Jungle Tree"
msgstr "全切面叢林樹木方塊"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Pine Tree"
msgstr "全切面松樹木方塊"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "All-faces Tree"
msgstr "全切面樹木方塊"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Cactus Brick"
msgstr "仙人掌磚"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Cactus Checker"
msgstr "仙人掌棋盤方塊"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Centered Wooden Tile"
msgstr "居中的木瓦"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Checker Stone Tile"
msgstr "棋盤石瓦"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Circle Stone Bricks"
msgstr "圓石磚"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Clean Glass"
msgstr "乾淨的玻璃"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Checker"
msgstr "棋盤煤塊"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Glass"
msgstr "煤玻璃"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Stone"
msgstr "煤炭石"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Coal Stone Bricks"
msgstr "煤炭石磚"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Cobblestone"
msgstr "壓縮圓石"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Compressed Dirt"
msgstr "壓縮土"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Copper Patina Block"
msgstr "銅綠方塊"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Empty Shelf"
msgstr "空書架"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Full Wooden Tile"
msgstr "全木瓦"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Glow Glass"
msgstr "發光玻璃"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Checker"
msgstr "棋盤鐵方塊"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Glass"
msgstr "鐵玻璃"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Stone"
msgstr "鐵石"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Iron Stone Bricks"
msgstr "鐵石磚"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Plankstone"
msgstr "板石"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Rope"
msgstr "繩子"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Split Stone Tile"
msgstr "裂石磚"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Stone Bricks"
msgstr "石磚"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Stone Tile"
msgstr "石瓦"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Super Glow Glass"
msgstr "超級發光玻璃"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Sweeper"
msgstr "清掃器"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "焦油"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Desert Stone"
msgstr "陷阱沙漠石"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Glass"
msgstr "陷阱玻璃"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Glow Glass"
msgstr "陷阱發光玻璃"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Obsidian"
msgstr "陷阱黑耀石"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Obsidian Glass"
msgstr "陷阱黑耀石玻璃"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Sandstone"
msgstr "陷阱沙石"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Stone"
msgstr "陷阱石"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Trap Super Glow Glass"
msgstr "陷阱超級發光玻璃"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Wooden Tile"
msgstr "木瓦"
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Offset Wooden Tile"
msgstr "膠合木瓦"
# @deprecated
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Downwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr "向下的木瓦"
# @deprecated
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Leftwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr "向左的木瓦"
# @deprecated
#: nodes.lua
msgid "Rightwards Wooden Tile"
msgstr "向右的木瓦"
#: ownership.lua
msgid "Sorry, @1 owns that spot."
msgstr "抱歉,那個位置是@1的。"
#: ownership.lua
msgid "someone"
msgstr "某人"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Microblock"
msgstr "%s 小方塊"
#: stairsplus/common.lua stairsplus/slabs.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Slab"
msgstr "%s 臺階"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Slope"
msgstr "%s 斜坡"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Panel"
msgstr "%s 嵌板"
#: stairsplus/common.lua
#, lua-format
msgid "%s Stairs"
msgstr "%s 樓梯"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
name = moreblocks
name = moreblocks
description = Adds various miscellaneous blocks to the game.
description = Adds various miscellaneous blocks to the game.
optional_depends = default,intllib,stairs,farming,wool,basic_materials
optional_depends = default,stairs,farming,wool,basic_materials
min_minetest_version = 5.0.0
min_minetest_version = 5.0.0
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ local function wood_tile_replace(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
return itemstack
return itemstack
local deprecated = (" (%s)"):format(S('Deprecated'))
local deprecated = (" ("..S('Deprecated')..")")
local nodes = {
local nodes = {
["wood_tile"] = {
["wood_tile"] = {
description = S("Wooden Tile"),
description = S("Wooden Tile"),
@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ Licensed under the zlib license. See LICENSE.md for more information.
local S = moreblocks.S
local S = moreblocks.S
local descriptions = {
local descriptions = {
["micro"] = S("%s Microblock"),
["micro"] = "Microblock",
["slab"] = S("%s Slab"),
["slab"] = "Slab",
["slope"] = S("%s Slope"),
["slope"] = "Slope",
["panel"] = S("%s Panel"),
["panel"] = "Panel",
["stair"] = S("%s Stairs"),
["stair"] = "Stairs",
-- Extends the standad rotate_node placement so that it takes into account
-- Extends the standad rotate_node placement so that it takes into account
@ -119,8 +119,9 @@ stairsplus.rotate_node_aux = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
stairsplus.register_single = function(category, alternate, info, modname, subname, recipeitem, fields)
stairsplus.register_single = function(category, alternate, info, modname, subname, recipeitem, fields)
local src_def = minetest.registered_nodes[recipeitem] or {}
local src_def = minetest.registered_nodes[recipeitem] or {}
local desc_base = descriptions[category]:format(fields.description)
local desc_base = S("@1 "..descriptions[category], fields.description)
local def = {}
local def = {}
if category ~= "slab" then
if category ~= "slab" then
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ More Blocks: registrations
Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors.
Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors.
Licensed under the zlib license. See LICENSE.md for more information.
Licensed under the zlib license. See LICENSE.md for more information.
local S = moreblocks.S
-- default registrations
-- default registrations
if minetest.get_modpath("default") then
if minetest.get_modpath("default") then
local default_nodes = { -- Default stairs/slabs/panels/microblocks:
local default_nodes = { -- Default stairs/slabs/panels/microblocks:
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ end
if minetest.get_modpath("basic_materials") then
if minetest.get_modpath("basic_materials") then
description = "Concrete",
description = S("Concrete"),
tiles = {"basic_materials_concrete_block.png",},
tiles = {"basic_materials_concrete_block.png",},
groups = {cracky=1, level=2, concrete=1},
groups = {cracky=1, level=2, concrete=1},
sounds = moreblocks.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
sounds = moreblocks.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ if minetest.get_modpath("basic_materials") then
stairsplus:register_all("gloopblocks", "cement", "basic_materials:cement_block", {
stairsplus:register_all("gloopblocks", "cement", "basic_materials:cement_block", {
description = "Cement",
description = S("Cement"),
tiles = {"basic_materials_cement_block.png"},
tiles = {"basic_materials_cement_block.png"},
groups = {cracky=2, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
groups = {cracky=2, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
sounds = moreblocks.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
sounds = moreblocks.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ if minetest.get_modpath("basic_materials") then
stairsplus:register_all("technic", "brass_block", "basic_materials:brass_block", {
stairsplus:register_all("technic", "brass_block", "basic_materials:brass_block", {
description="Brass Block",
description= S("Brass Block"),
groups={cracky=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
groups={cracky=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
@ -158,6 +158,6 @@ minetest.register_lbm({
minetest.log('action', "LBM replaced " .. node.name ..
minetest.log('action', "LBM replaced " .. node.name ..
" at " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
" at " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user