
41 lines
1.0 KiB

local ui = unified_inventory
ui.register_button("saw", {
type = "image",
image = "stairsplus_saw_button.png",
tooltip = "Circular Saw",
condition = function(player)
return invsaw.allow_use_saw(player)
-- this takes over 3 seconds on my machine O_O
--local old_get_formspec = ui.get_formspec
--function ui.get_formspec(player, page)
-- local fs = old_get_formspec(player, page)
-- if invsaw.can_use_saw(player) then
-- return fs
-- end
-- local start = minetest.get_us_time()
-- -- excise the button
-- local pre, post = fs:match(
-- "(.*)image_button%[%-?%d+%.?%d*,%-?%d+%.?%d*;%-?%d+%.?%d*,%-?%d+%.?%d*;stairsplus_saw_button.png[^%]]*](.*)"
-- )
-- if not pre and post then
-- pre, post = fs:match(
-- "(.*)image%[%-?%d+%.?%d*,%-?%d+%.?%d*;%-?%d+%.?%d*,%-?%d+%.?%d*;stairsplus_saw_button.png[^%]]*](.*)"
-- )
-- end
-- if pre and post then
-- fs = pre .. post
-- end
-- minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), ("took %s"):format((minetest.get_us_time() - start) / 1000000))
-- return fs