Zefram 7c4b7046cc Rationalise machine terminology
All electrically-powered machines now consistently indicate their
tier (supply voltage) in their names.  As this implies that they are
electrically powered, the furnaces no longer have "Electric" in their
names.  The fuel-fired equivalents of electric machines, which exist
for alloy furnace and furnace, now say "Fuel-Fired" to distinguish them.
(The fuel-fired alloy furnace used to say "Coal", which was inaccurate
because it uses any fuel.  The fuel-fired furnace, from the default mod,
used to just be called "Furnace", which is ambiguous.)

Electric power generators now consistently indicate their tier and have
the word "Generator" in their names.  This makes their purpose much
clearer, and makes obvious craft guide searches produce useful results.
The fuel-fired generators, previously just (ambiguously) called
"Generator", are now explicitly "Fuel-Fired".
2014-06-21 01:21:52 +02:00

189 lines
5.6 KiB

# German Translation for Technic Mod
# Deutsche Uebersetzung des Technic Mods
# by Xanthin
## Misc
[Technic] Loaded in %f seconds = [Technic] ist in %f Sekunden geladen
## Items
Silicon Wafer = Siliziumscheibe
Doped Silicon Wafer = Dotierte Siliziumscheibe
Enriched Uranium = Angereichertes Uran
Uranium Fuel = Uranbrennstoff
Diamond Drill Head = Diamantbohrkopf
Blue Energy Crystal = Blauer Energiekristall
Green Energy Crystal = Gruener Energiekristall
Red Energy Crystal = Roter Energiekristall
Fine Copper Wire = Feinkupferdraht
Copper Coil = Kupferspule
Electric Motor = Elektromotor
Low Voltage Transformer = Niederspannungstransformator
Medium Voltage Transformer = Mittelspannungstransformator
High Voltage Transformer = Hochspannungstransformator
Control Logic Unit = Steuer- und Regelungseinheit
Mixed Metal Ingot = Mischmetallbarren
Composite Plate = Verbundplatte
Copper Plate = Kupferplatte
Carbon Plate = Kohlefaserplatte
Graphite = Graphit
Carbon Cloth = Kohlefasergewebe
Raw Latex = Rohlatex
Rubber Fiber = Gummifaser
## Machine misc
Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty = Die Maschine kann nicht entfernt werden, weil sie noch nicht leer ist.
Inventory move disallowed due to protection = Das Inventar ist geschuetzt, Zugriff verweigert.
# $1: Machine name (Includes tier)
%s Active = %s ist eingeschaltet
%s Disabled = %s ist ausgeschaltet
%s Enabled =
%s Idle = %s ist bereit
%s Improperly Placed = %s ist falsch plaziert
%s Unpowered = %s hat keine Stromversorgung
%s Out Of Fuel = %s hat keinen Brennstoff
%s Has Bad Cabling = %s ist falsch verkabelt
%s Has No Network = %s hat kein Netzwerk
%s Finished = %s ist fertig
Enable/Disable = Einschalten/Ausschalten
Range = Reichweite
Upgrade Slots = Verbesserungsfaecher
In: = Rein:
Out: = Raus:
Slot %d = Fach %d
Mode: %s = Methode: %s
single items = Einzelstuecke
whole stacks = Ganzer Stapel
## Machine names
# $1: Tier
%s Alloy Furnace = %s Legierungsofen
%s Battery Box = %s Batteriebox
%s Cable = %s Kabel
%s CNC Machine = %s CNC-Maschine
%s Compressor = %s Kompressor
%s Extractor = %s Extraktor
%s Forcefield Emitter = %s Kraftfeld-Emitter
%s Furnace = %s Ofen
%s Grinder = %s Schleifmaschine
%s Music Player = %s Musikspieler
%s Quarry = %s Steinbruch
%s Tool Workshop = %s Werkzeugwerkstatt
Arrayed Solar %s Generator = %s Solaranlage
Fuel-Fired %s Generator = %s Kohle-Generator
Geothermal %s Generator = %s Geothermie-Generator
Hydro %s Generator = %s Wassermuehle
Nuclear %s Generator Core = %s Reaktorkern
Small Solar %s Generator = %s Solarmodul
Wind %s Generator = %s Windmuehle
Injector = Injektor
Constructor Mk%d = Konstruktor Modell %d
Frame = Rahmen
Frame Motor = Rahmenmotor
Template = Schablone
Template (replacing) = Schablone (ersetzend)
Template motor = Schablonenmotor
Template tool = Schablonenwerkzeug
Battery Box = Batteriebox
Supply Converter = Stromumwandler
Switching Station = Schaltanlage
Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace = Kohle-Legierungsofen
Fuel-Fired Furnace = Kohle-Ofen
Wind Mill Frame = Windmuehlengeruest
Forcefield = Kraftfeld
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment = Brennstabfaecher
## Machine-specific
# $1: Pruduced EU
Charge = Aufladen
Discharge = Entladen
Power level = Energiestufe
# $1: Tier $2: current_charge $3: max_charge
%s Battery Box: %d/%d = %s Batteriebox: %d/%d
# $1: Machine name $2: Supply $3: Demand
%s. Supply: %d Demand: %d = %s. Versorgung: %d Bedarf: %d
Production at %d%% = Produktion bei %d%%
Choose Milling Program: = Waehle ein Fraesprogramm:
Slim Elements half / normal height: = Schmale Elemente von halber / normaler Hoehe:
Current track %s = Aktueller Titel %s
## CNC
Cylinder = Zylinder
Element Cross = Halbes Kreuzelement
Element Cross Double = Kreuzelement
Element Edge = Halbes Eckelement
Element Edge Double = Eckelement
Element End = Halbes Endelement
Element End Double = Endelement
Element Straight = Halbes aufrechtes Element
Element Straight Double = Aufrechtes Element
Element T = Halbes T-Element
Element T Double = T-Element
Horizontal Cylinder = Liegender Zylinder
One Curved Edge Block = Block mit einer abgerundeten Kante
Pyramid = Pyramide
Slope = Schraege
Slope Edge = Schraege mit Ecke
Slope Inner Edge = Schraege mit Innenecke
Slope Lying = Liegende Schraege
Slope Upside Down = Umgedrehte Schraege
Slope Upside Down Edge = Umgedrehte Schraege mit Ecke
Slope Upside Down Inner Edge = Umgedrehte Schraege mit Innenecke
Sphere = Kugel
Spike = Spitze
Stick = Stange
Two Curved Edge Block = Block mit zwei abgerundeten Kanten
Brick = Ziegel:
Cobble = Pflasterstein:
Dirt = Erde:
Leaves = Laub:
Sandstone = Sandstein:
Stone = Stein:
Tree = Baumstamm:
Wooden = Holz:
## Grinder Recipes
# $1: Name
%s Dust = %sstaub
Akalin = Akalin
Alatro = Alatro
Arol = Arol
Brass = Messing
Bronze = Bronze
Carbon Steel = Kohlenstoffstahl
Cast Iron = Gusseisen
Chromium = Chrom
Coal = Kohle
Copper = Kupfer
Gold = Gold
Mithril = Mithril
Silver = Silber
Stainless Steel = Edelstahl
Talinite = Talinite
Tin = Zinn
Wrought Iron = Schmiedeeisen
Zinc = Zink
## Tools
RE Battery = Akkubatterie
Water Can = Wasserkanister
Lava Can = Lavakanister
Chainsaw = Kettensaege
Flashlight = Taschenlampe
3 nodes deep. = 3 Bloecke tief.
3 nodes tall. = 3 Bloecke hoch.
3 nodes wide. = 3 Bloecke breit.
3x3 nodes. = 3x3 Bloecke.
Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk%d modes. = Halte die Shift-Taste beim Benutzen gedrueckt, um die Funktion des Bergbaubohrers Modell %d zu aendern.
Mining Drill Mk%d Mode %d = Bergbaubohrer Modell %d Funktion %d
Mining Drill Mk%d = Bergbaubohrer Modell %d
Mining Laser Mk%d = Bergbaulaser Modell %d
Single node. = Einzelblock
Sonic Screwdriver = Schallschraubendreher
Tree Tap = Baumzapfhahn
## Craft descriptions
Alloy cooking =
Grinding =
Compressing =
Extracting =