2020-01-03 19:05:16 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2014 Patryk Nadrowski
// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Amundis
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in Irrlicht.h
# include "COGLES2Driver.h"
# include "CNullDriver.h"
# include "IContextManager.h"
# include "COpenGLCoreTexture.h"
# include "COpenGLCoreRenderTarget.h"
# include "COpenGLCoreCacheHandler.h"
# include "COGLES2MaterialRenderer.h"
# include "COGLES2FixedPipelineRenderer.h"
# include "COGLES2Renderer2D.h"
# include "EVertexAttributes.h"
# include "CImage.h"
# include "os.h"
# include "EProfileIDs.h"
# include "IProfiler.h"
# include "android_native_app_glue.h"
# endif
2021-08-07 21:56:00 +02:00
# include "mt_opengl.h"
2020-01-03 19:05:16 +00:00
namespace irr
namespace video
COGLES2Driver : : COGLES2Driver ( const SIrrlichtCreationParameters & params , io : : IFileSystem * io , IContextManager * contextManager ) :
CNullDriver ( io , params . WindowSize ) , COGLES2ExtensionHandler ( ) , CacheHandler ( 0 ) ,
Params ( params ) , ResetRenderStates ( true ) , LockRenderStateMode ( false ) , AntiAlias ( params . AntiAlias ) ,
MaterialRenderer2DActive ( 0 ) , MaterialRenderer2DTexture ( 0 ) , MaterialRenderer2DNoTexture ( 0 ) ,
CurrentRenderMode ( ERM_NONE ) , Transformation3DChanged ( true ) ,
OGLES2ShaderPath ( params . OGLES2ShaderPath ) ,
ColorFormat ( ECF_R8G8B8 ) , ContextManager ( contextManager )
# ifdef _DEBUG
setDebugName ( " COGLES2Driver " ) ;
# endif
static bool initProfile = false ;
if ( ! initProfile )
initProfile = true ;
getProfiler ( ) . add ( EPID_ES2_END_SCENE , L " endScene " , L " ES2 " ) ;
getProfiler ( ) . add ( EPID_ES2_BEGIN_SCENE , L " beginScene " , L " ES2 " ) ;
getProfiler ( ) . add ( EPID_ES2_UPDATE_VERTEX_HW_BUF , L " upVertBuf " , L " ES2 " ) ;
getProfiler ( ) . add ( EPID_ES2_UPDATE_INDEX_HW_BUF , L " upIdxBuf " , L " ES2 " ) ;
getProfiler ( ) . add ( EPID_ES2_DRAW_PRIMITIVES , L " drawPrim " , L " ES2 " ) ;
getProfiler ( ) . add ( EPID_ES2_DRAW_2DIMAGE , L " draw2dImg " , L " ES2 " ) ;
getProfiler ( ) . add ( EPID_ES2_DRAW_2DIMAGE_BATCH , L " draw2dImgB " , L " ES2 " ) ;
getProfiler ( ) . add ( EPID_ES2_DRAW_2DRECTANGLE , L " draw2dRect " , L " ES2 " ) ;
getProfiler ( ) . add ( EPID_ES2_DRAW_2DLINE , L " draw2dLine " , L " ES2 " ) ;
getProfiler ( ) . add ( EPID_ES2_DRAW_3DLINE , L " draw3dLine " , L " ES2 " ) ;
getProfiler ( ) . add ( EPID_ES2_SET_RENDERSTATE_2D , L " rstate2d " , L " ES2 " ) ;
getProfiler ( ) . add ( EPID_ES2_SET_RENDERSTATE_3D , L " rstate3d " , L " ES2 " ) ;
getProfiler ( ) . add ( EPID_ES2_SET_RENDERSTATE_BASIC , L " rstateBasic " , L " ES2 " ) ;
getProfiler ( ) . add ( EPID_ES2_SET_RENDERSTATE_TEXTURE , L " rstateTex " , L " ES2 " ) ;
getProfiler ( ) . add ( EPID_ES2_DRAW_SHADOW , L " shadows " , L " ES2 " ) ;
if ( ! ContextManager )
return ;
ContextManager - > grab ( ) ;
ContextManager - > generateSurface ( ) ;
ContextManager - > generateContext ( ) ;
ExposedData = ContextManager - > getContext ( ) ;
ContextManager - > activateContext ( ExposedData , false ) ;
2021-08-07 21:56:00 +02:00
GL . LoadAllProcedures ( ContextManager ) ;
2020-01-03 19:05:16 +00:00
COGLES2Driver : : ~ COGLES2Driver ( )
RequestedLights . clear ( ) ;
deleteMaterialRenders ( ) ;
CacheHandler - > getTextureCache ( ) . clear ( ) ;
removeAllRenderTargets ( ) ;
deleteAllTextures ( ) ;
removeAllOcclusionQueries ( ) ;
removeAllHardwareBuffers ( ) ;
delete MaterialRenderer2DTexture ;
delete MaterialRenderer2DNoTexture ;
delete CacheHandler ;
if ( ContextManager )
ContextManager - > destroyContext ( ) ;
ContextManager - > destroySurface ( ) ;
ContextManager - > terminate ( ) ;
ContextManager - > drop ( ) ;
bool COGLES2Driver : : genericDriverInit ( const core : : dimension2d < u32 > & screenSize , bool stencilBuffer )
Name = glGetString ( GL_VERSION ) ;
printVersion ( ) ;
// print renderer information
VendorName = glGetString ( GL_VENDOR ) ;
os : : Printer : : log ( VendorName . c_str ( ) , ELL_INFORMATION ) ;
// load extensions
initExtensions ( ) ;
// reset cache handler
delete CacheHandler ;
CacheHandler = new COGLES2CacheHandler ( this ) ;
StencilBuffer = stencilBuffer ;
DriverAttributes - > setAttribute ( " MaxTextures " , ( s32 ) Feature . MaxTextureUnits ) ;
DriverAttributes - > setAttribute ( " MaxSupportedTextures " , ( s32 ) Feature . MaxTextureUnits ) ;
// DriverAttributes->setAttribute("MaxLights", MaxLights);
DriverAttributes - > setAttribute ( " MaxAnisotropy " , MaxAnisotropy ) ;
// DriverAttributes->setAttribute("MaxUserClipPlanes", MaxUserClipPlanes);
// DriverAttributes->setAttribute("MaxAuxBuffers", MaxAuxBuffers);
// DriverAttributes->setAttribute("MaxMultipleRenderTargets", MaxMultipleRenderTargets);
DriverAttributes - > setAttribute ( " MaxIndices " , ( s32 ) MaxIndices ) ;
DriverAttributes - > setAttribute ( " MaxTextureSize " , ( s32 ) MaxTextureSize ) ;
DriverAttributes - > setAttribute ( " MaxTextureLODBias " , MaxTextureLODBias ) ;
DriverAttributes - > setAttribute ( " Version " , Version ) ;
DriverAttributes - > setAttribute ( " AntiAlias " , AntiAlias ) ;
glPixelStorei ( GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT , 1 ) ;
UserClipPlane . reallocate ( 0 ) ;
for ( s32 i = 0 ; i < ETS_COUNT ; + + i )
setTransform ( static_cast < E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE > ( i ) , core : : IdentityMatrix ) ;
setAmbientLight ( SColorf ( 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f ) ) ;
glClearDepthf ( 1.0f ) ;
glFrontFace ( GL_CW ) ;
// create material renderers
createMaterialRenderers ( ) ;
// set the renderstates
setRenderStates3DMode ( ) ;
// set fog mode
setFog ( FogColor , FogType , FogStart , FogEnd , FogDensity , PixelFog , RangeFog ) ;
// create matrix for flipping textures
TextureFlipMatrix . buildTextureTransform ( 0.0f , core : : vector2df ( 0 , 0 ) , core : : vector2df ( 0 , 1.0f ) , core : : vector2df ( 1.0f , - 1.0f ) ) ;
// We need to reset once more at the beginning of the first rendering.
// This fixes problems with intermediate changes to the material during texture load.
ResetRenderStates = true ;
testGLError ( __LINE__ ) ;
return true ;
void COGLES2Driver : : loadShaderData ( const io : : path & vertexShaderName , const io : : path & fragmentShaderName , c8 * * vertexShaderData , c8 * * fragmentShaderData )
io : : path vsPath ( OGLES2ShaderPath ) ;
vsPath + = vertexShaderName ;
io : : path fsPath ( OGLES2ShaderPath ) ;
fsPath + = fragmentShaderName ;
* vertexShaderData = 0 ;
* fragmentShaderData = 0 ;
io : : IReadFile * vsFile = FileSystem - > createAndOpenFile ( vsPath ) ;
if ( ! vsFile )
core : : stringw warning ( L " Warning: Missing shader files needed to simulate fixed function materials: \n " ) ;
warning + = core : : stringw ( vsPath ) + L " \n " ;
warning + = L " Shaderpath can be changed in SIrrCreationParamters::OGLES2ShaderPath " ;
os : : Printer : : log ( warning . c_str ( ) , ELL_WARNING ) ;
return ;
io : : IReadFile * fsFile = FileSystem - > createAndOpenFile ( fsPath ) ;
if ( ! fsFile )
core : : stringw warning ( L " Warning: Missing shader files needed to simulate fixed function materials: \n " ) ;
warning + = core : : stringw ( fsPath ) + L " \n " ;
warning + = L " Shaderpath can be changed in SIrrCreationParamters::OGLES2ShaderPath " ;
os : : Printer : : log ( warning . c_str ( ) , ELL_WARNING ) ;
return ;
long size = vsFile - > getSize ( ) ;
if ( size )
* vertexShaderData = new c8 [ size + 1 ] ;
vsFile - > read ( * vertexShaderData , size ) ;
( * vertexShaderData ) [ size ] = 0 ;
size = fsFile - > getSize ( ) ;
if ( size )
// if both handles are the same we must reset the file
if ( fsFile = = vsFile )
fsFile - > seek ( 0 ) ;
* fragmentShaderData = new c8 [ size + 1 ] ;
fsFile - > read ( * fragmentShaderData , size ) ;
( * fragmentShaderData ) [ size ] = 0 ;
vsFile - > drop ( ) ;
fsFile - > drop ( ) ;
void COGLES2Driver : : createMaterialRenderers ( )
// Create callbacks.
COGLES2MaterialSolidCB * SolidCB = new COGLES2MaterialSolidCB ( ) ;
COGLES2MaterialSolid2CB * Solid2LayerCB = new COGLES2MaterialSolid2CB ( ) ;
COGLES2MaterialLightmapCB * LightmapCB = new COGLES2MaterialLightmapCB ( 1.f ) ;
COGLES2MaterialLightmapCB * LightmapAddCB = new COGLES2MaterialLightmapCB ( 1.f ) ;
COGLES2MaterialLightmapCB * LightmapM2CB = new COGLES2MaterialLightmapCB ( 2.f ) ;
COGLES2MaterialLightmapCB * LightmapM4CB = new COGLES2MaterialLightmapCB ( 4.f ) ;
COGLES2MaterialLightmapCB * LightmapLightingCB = new COGLES2MaterialLightmapCB ( 1.f ) ;
COGLES2MaterialLightmapCB * LightmapLightingM2CB = new COGLES2MaterialLightmapCB ( 2.f ) ;
COGLES2MaterialLightmapCB * LightmapLightingM4CB = new COGLES2MaterialLightmapCB ( 4.f ) ;
COGLES2MaterialSolid2CB * DetailMapCB = new COGLES2MaterialSolid2CB ( ) ;
COGLES2MaterialReflectionCB * SphereMapCB = new COGLES2MaterialReflectionCB ( ) ;
COGLES2MaterialReflectionCB * Reflection2LayerCB = new COGLES2MaterialReflectionCB ( ) ;
COGLES2MaterialSolidCB * TransparentAddColorCB = new COGLES2MaterialSolidCB ( ) ;
COGLES2MaterialSolidCB * TransparentAlphaChannelCB = new COGLES2MaterialSolidCB ( ) ;
COGLES2MaterialSolidCB * TransparentAlphaChannelRefCB = new COGLES2MaterialSolidCB ( ) ;
COGLES2MaterialSolidCB * TransparentVertexAlphaCB = new COGLES2MaterialSolidCB ( ) ;
COGLES2MaterialReflectionCB * TransparentReflection2LayerCB = new COGLES2MaterialReflectionCB ( ) ;
COGLES2MaterialOneTextureBlendCB * OneTextureBlendCB = new COGLES2MaterialOneTextureBlendCB ( ) ;
// Create built-in materials.
core : : stringc VertexShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2Solid.vsh " ;
core : : stringc FragmentShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2Solid.fsh " ;
addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles ( VertexShader , " main " , EVST_VS_2_0 , FragmentShader , " main " , EPST_PS_2_0 , " " , " main " ,
EGST_GS_4_0 , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , SolidCB , EMT_SOLID , 0 ) ;
VertexShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2Solid2.vsh " ;
FragmentShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2Solid2Layer.fsh " ;
addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles ( VertexShader , " main " , EVST_VS_2_0 , FragmentShader , " main " , EPST_PS_2_0 , " " , " main " ,
EGST_GS_4_0 , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , Solid2LayerCB , EMT_SOLID , 0 ) ;
VertexShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2Solid2.vsh " ;
FragmentShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2LightmapModulate.fsh " ;
addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles ( VertexShader , " main " , EVST_VS_2_0 , FragmentShader , " main " , EPST_PS_2_0 , " " , " main " ,
EGST_GS_4_0 , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , LightmapCB , EMT_SOLID , 0 ) ;
FragmentShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2LightmapAdd.fsh " ;
addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles ( VertexShader , " main " , EVST_VS_2_0 , FragmentShader , " main " , EPST_PS_2_0 , " " , " main " ,
EGST_GS_4_0 , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , LightmapAddCB , EMT_SOLID , 0 ) ;
FragmentShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2LightmapModulate.fsh " ;
addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles ( VertexShader , " main " , EVST_VS_2_0 , FragmentShader , " main " , EPST_PS_2_0 , " " , " main " ,
EGST_GS_4_0 , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , LightmapM2CB , EMT_SOLID , 0 ) ;
addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles ( VertexShader , " main " , EVST_VS_2_0 , FragmentShader , " main " , EPST_PS_2_0 , " " , " main " ,
EGST_GS_4_0 , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , LightmapM4CB , EMT_SOLID , 0 ) ;
addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles ( VertexShader , " main " , EVST_VS_2_0 , FragmentShader , " main " , EPST_PS_2_0 , " " , " main " ,
EGST_GS_4_0 , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , LightmapLightingCB , EMT_SOLID , 0 ) ;
addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles ( VertexShader , " main " , EVST_VS_2_0 , FragmentShader , " main " , EPST_PS_2_0 , " " , " main " ,
EGST_GS_4_0 , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , LightmapLightingM2CB , EMT_SOLID , 0 ) ;
addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles ( VertexShader , " main " , EVST_VS_2_0 , FragmentShader , " main " , EPST_PS_2_0 , " " , " main " ,
EGST_GS_4_0 , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , LightmapLightingM4CB , EMT_SOLID , 0 ) ;
VertexShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2Solid2.vsh " ;
FragmentShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2DetailMap.fsh " ;
addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles ( VertexShader , " main " , EVST_VS_2_0 , FragmentShader , " main " , EPST_PS_2_0 , " " , " main " ,
EGST_GS_4_0 , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , DetailMapCB , EMT_SOLID , 0 ) ;
VertexShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2SphereMap.vsh " ;
FragmentShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2SphereMap.fsh " ;
addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles ( VertexShader , " main " , EVST_VS_2_0 , FragmentShader , " main " , EPST_PS_2_0 , " " , " main " ,
EGST_GS_4_0 , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , SphereMapCB , EMT_SOLID , 0 ) ;
VertexShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2Reflection2Layer.vsh " ;
FragmentShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2Reflection2Layer.fsh " ;
addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles ( VertexShader , " main " , EVST_VS_2_0 , FragmentShader , " main " , EPST_PS_2_0 , " " , " main " ,
EGST_GS_4_0 , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , Reflection2LayerCB , EMT_SOLID , 0 ) ;
VertexShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2Solid.vsh " ;
FragmentShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2Solid.fsh " ;
addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles ( VertexShader , " main " , EVST_VS_2_0 , FragmentShader , " main " , EPST_PS_2_0 , " " , " main " ,
EGST_GS_4_0 , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , TransparentAddColorCB , EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR , 0 ) ;
FragmentShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2TransparentAlphaChannel.fsh " ;
addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles ( VertexShader , " main " , EVST_VS_2_0 , FragmentShader , " main " , EPST_PS_2_0 , " " , " main " ,
EGST_GS_4_0 , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , TransparentAlphaChannelCB , EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL , 0 ) ;
FragmentShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2TransparentAlphaChannelRef.fsh " ;
addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles ( VertexShader , " main " , EVST_VS_2_0 , FragmentShader , " main " , EPST_PS_2_0 , " " , " main " ,
EGST_GS_4_0 , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , TransparentAlphaChannelRefCB , EMT_SOLID , 0 ) ;
FragmentShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2TransparentVertexAlpha.fsh " ;
addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles ( VertexShader , " main " , EVST_VS_2_0 , FragmentShader , " main " , EPST_PS_2_0 , " " , " main " ,
EGST_GS_4_0 , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , TransparentVertexAlphaCB , EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL , 0 ) ;
VertexShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2Reflection2Layer.vsh " ;
FragmentShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2Reflection2Layer.fsh " ;
addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles ( VertexShader , " main " , EVST_VS_2_0 , FragmentShader , " main " , EPST_PS_2_0 , " " , " main " ,
EGST_GS_4_0 , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , TransparentReflection2LayerCB , EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL , 0 ) ;
VertexShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2Solid.vsh " ;
FragmentShader = OGLES2ShaderPath + " COGLES2OneTextureBlend.fsh " ;
addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles ( VertexShader , " main " , EVST_VS_2_0 , FragmentShader , " main " , EPST_PS_2_0 , " " , " main " ,
EGST_GS_4_0 , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES , scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , OneTextureBlendCB , EMT_ONETEXTURE_BLEND , 0 ) ;
// Drop callbacks.
SolidCB - > drop ( ) ;
Solid2LayerCB - > drop ( ) ;
LightmapCB - > drop ( ) ;
LightmapAddCB - > drop ( ) ;
LightmapM2CB - > drop ( ) ;
LightmapM4CB - > drop ( ) ;
LightmapLightingCB - > drop ( ) ;
LightmapLightingM2CB - > drop ( ) ;
LightmapLightingM4CB - > drop ( ) ;
DetailMapCB - > drop ( ) ;
SphereMapCB - > drop ( ) ;
Reflection2LayerCB - > drop ( ) ;
TransparentAddColorCB - > drop ( ) ;
TransparentAlphaChannelCB - > drop ( ) ;
TransparentAlphaChannelRefCB - > drop ( ) ;
TransparentVertexAlphaCB - > drop ( ) ;
TransparentReflection2LayerCB - > drop ( ) ;
OneTextureBlendCB - > drop ( ) ;
// Create 2D material renderers
c8 * vs2DData = 0 ;
c8 * fs2DData = 0 ;
loadShaderData ( io : : path ( " COGLES2Renderer2D.vsh " ) , io : : path ( " COGLES2Renderer2D.fsh " ) , & vs2DData , & fs2DData ) ;
MaterialRenderer2DTexture = new COGLES2Renderer2D ( vs2DData , fs2DData , this , true ) ;
delete [ ] vs2DData ;
delete [ ] fs2DData ;
vs2DData = 0 ;
fs2DData = 0 ;
loadShaderData ( io : : path ( " COGLES2Renderer2D.vsh " ) , io : : path ( " COGLES2Renderer2D_noTex.fsh " ) , & vs2DData , & fs2DData ) ;
MaterialRenderer2DNoTexture = new COGLES2Renderer2D ( vs2DData , fs2DData , this , false ) ;
delete [ ] vs2DData ;
delete [ ] fs2DData ;
bool COGLES2Driver : : setMaterialTexture ( irr : : u32 layerIdx , const irr : : video : : ITexture * texture )
Material . TextureLayer [ layerIdx ] . Texture = const_cast < ITexture * > ( texture ) ; // function uses const-pointer for texture because all draw functions use const-pointers already
return CacheHandler - > getTextureCache ( ) . set ( 0 , texture ) ;
bool COGLES2Driver : : beginScene ( u16 clearFlag , SColor clearColor , f32 clearDepth , u8 clearStencil , const SExposedVideoData & videoData , core : : rect < s32 > * sourceRect )
IRR_PROFILE ( CProfileScope p1 ( EPID_ES2_BEGIN_SCENE ) ; )
CNullDriver : : beginScene ( clearFlag , clearColor , clearDepth , clearStencil , videoData , sourceRect ) ;
if ( ContextManager )
ContextManager - > activateContext ( videoData , true ) ;
clearBuffers ( clearFlag , clearColor , clearDepth , clearStencil ) ;
return true ;
bool COGLES2Driver : : endScene ( )
IRR_PROFILE ( CProfileScope p1 ( EPID_ES2_END_SCENE ) ; )
CNullDriver : : endScene ( ) ;
glFlush ( ) ;
if ( ContextManager )
return ContextManager - > swapBuffers ( ) ;
return false ;
//! Returns the transformation set by setTransform
const core : : matrix4 & COGLES2Driver : : getTransform ( E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE state ) const
return Matrices [ state ] ;
//! sets transformation
void COGLES2Driver : : setTransform ( E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE state , const core : : matrix4 & mat )
Matrices [ state ] = mat ;
Transformation3DChanged = true ;
bool COGLES2Driver : : updateVertexHardwareBuffer ( SHWBufferLink_opengl * HWBuffer )
if ( ! HWBuffer )
return false ;
const scene : : IMeshBuffer * mb = HWBuffer - > MeshBuffer ;
const void * vertices = mb - > getVertices ( ) ;
const u32 vertexCount = mb - > getVertexCount ( ) ;
const E_VERTEX_TYPE vType = mb - > getVertexType ( ) ;
const u32 vertexSize = getVertexPitchFromType ( vType ) ;
//buffer vertex data, and convert colours...
core : : array < c8 > buffer ( vertexSize * vertexCount ) ;
memcpy ( buffer . pointer ( ) , vertices , vertexSize * vertexCount ) ;
//get or create buffer
bool newBuffer = false ;
if ( ! HWBuffer - > vbo_verticesID )
glGenBuffers ( 1 , & HWBuffer - > vbo_verticesID ) ;
if ( ! HWBuffer - > vbo_verticesID ) return false ;
newBuffer = true ;
else if ( HWBuffer - > vbo_verticesSize < vertexCount * vertexSize )
newBuffer = true ;
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , HWBuffer - > vbo_verticesID ) ;
// copy data to graphics card
if ( ! newBuffer )
glBufferSubData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , 0 , vertexCount * vertexSize , buffer . const_pointer ( ) ) ;
HWBuffer - > vbo_verticesSize = vertexCount * vertexSize ;
if ( HWBuffer - > Mapped_Vertex = = scene : : EHM_STATIC )
glBufferData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , vertexCount * vertexSize , buffer . const_pointer ( ) , GL_STATIC_DRAW ) ;
glBufferData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , vertexCount * vertexSize , buffer . const_pointer ( ) , GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW ) ;
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , 0 ) ;
return ( ! testGLError ( __LINE__ ) ) ;
bool COGLES2Driver : : updateIndexHardwareBuffer ( SHWBufferLink_opengl * HWBuffer )
if ( ! HWBuffer )
return false ;
const scene : : IMeshBuffer * mb = HWBuffer - > MeshBuffer ;
const void * indices = mb - > getIndices ( ) ;
u32 indexCount = mb - > getIndexCount ( ) ;
GLenum indexSize ;
switch ( mb - > getIndexType ( ) )
case ( EIT_16BIT ) :
indexSize = sizeof ( u16 ) ;
break ;
case ( EIT_32BIT ) :
indexSize = sizeof ( u32 ) ;
break ;
default :
return false ;
//get or create buffer
bool newBuffer = false ;
if ( ! HWBuffer - > vbo_indicesID )
glGenBuffers ( 1 , & HWBuffer - > vbo_indicesID ) ;
if ( ! HWBuffer - > vbo_indicesID ) return false ;
newBuffer = true ;
else if ( HWBuffer - > vbo_indicesSize < indexCount * indexSize )
newBuffer = true ;
glBindBuffer ( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER , HWBuffer - > vbo_indicesID ) ;
// copy data to graphics card
if ( ! newBuffer )
glBufferSubData ( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER , 0 , indexCount * indexSize , indices ) ;
HWBuffer - > vbo_indicesSize = indexCount * indexSize ;
if ( HWBuffer - > Mapped_Index = = scene : : EHM_STATIC )
glBufferData ( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER , indexCount * indexSize , indices , GL_STATIC_DRAW ) ;
glBufferData ( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER , indexCount * indexSize , indices , GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW ) ;
glBindBuffer ( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER , 0 ) ;
return ( ! testGLError ( __LINE__ ) ) ;
//! updates hardware buffer if needed
bool COGLES2Driver : : updateHardwareBuffer ( SHWBufferLink * HWBuffer )
if ( ! HWBuffer )
return false ;
if ( HWBuffer - > Mapped_Vertex ! = scene : : EHM_NEVER )
if ( HWBuffer - > ChangedID_Vertex ! = HWBuffer - > MeshBuffer - > getChangedID_Vertex ( )
| | ! static_cast < SHWBufferLink_opengl * > ( HWBuffer ) - > vbo_verticesID )
HWBuffer - > ChangedID_Vertex = HWBuffer - > MeshBuffer - > getChangedID_Vertex ( ) ;
if ( ! updateVertexHardwareBuffer ( static_cast < SHWBufferLink_opengl * > ( HWBuffer ) ) )
return false ;
if ( HWBuffer - > Mapped_Index ! = scene : : EHM_NEVER )
if ( HWBuffer - > ChangedID_Index ! = HWBuffer - > MeshBuffer - > getChangedID_Index ( )
| | ! static_cast < SHWBufferLink_opengl * > ( HWBuffer ) - > vbo_indicesID )
HWBuffer - > ChangedID_Index = HWBuffer - > MeshBuffer - > getChangedID_Index ( ) ;
if ( ! updateIndexHardwareBuffer ( ( SHWBufferLink_opengl * ) HWBuffer ) )
return false ;
return true ;
//! Create hardware buffer from meshbuffer
COGLES2Driver : : SHWBufferLink * COGLES2Driver : : createHardwareBuffer ( const scene : : IMeshBuffer * mb )
if ( ! mb | | ( mb - > getHardwareMappingHint_Index ( ) = = scene : : EHM_NEVER & & mb - > getHardwareMappingHint_Vertex ( ) = = scene : : EHM_NEVER ) )
return 0 ;
SHWBufferLink_opengl * HWBuffer = new SHWBufferLink_opengl ( mb ) ;
//add to map
HWBufferMap . insert ( HWBuffer - > MeshBuffer , HWBuffer ) ;
HWBuffer - > ChangedID_Vertex = HWBuffer - > MeshBuffer - > getChangedID_Vertex ( ) ;
HWBuffer - > ChangedID_Index = HWBuffer - > MeshBuffer - > getChangedID_Index ( ) ;
HWBuffer - > Mapped_Vertex = mb - > getHardwareMappingHint_Vertex ( ) ;
HWBuffer - > Mapped_Index = mb - > getHardwareMappingHint_Index ( ) ;
HWBuffer - > LastUsed = 0 ;
HWBuffer - > vbo_verticesID = 0 ;
HWBuffer - > vbo_indicesID = 0 ;
HWBuffer - > vbo_verticesSize = 0 ;
HWBuffer - > vbo_indicesSize = 0 ;
if ( ! updateHardwareBuffer ( HWBuffer ) )
deleteHardwareBuffer ( HWBuffer ) ;
return 0 ;
return HWBuffer ;
void COGLES2Driver : : deleteHardwareBuffer ( SHWBufferLink * _HWBuffer )
if ( ! _HWBuffer )
return ;
SHWBufferLink_opengl * HWBuffer = static_cast < SHWBufferLink_opengl * > ( _HWBuffer ) ;
if ( HWBuffer - > vbo_verticesID )
glDeleteBuffers ( 1 , & HWBuffer - > vbo_verticesID ) ;
HWBuffer - > vbo_verticesID = 0 ;
if ( HWBuffer - > vbo_indicesID )
glDeleteBuffers ( 1 , & HWBuffer - > vbo_indicesID ) ;
HWBuffer - > vbo_indicesID = 0 ;
CNullDriver : : deleteHardwareBuffer ( _HWBuffer ) ;
//! Draw hardware buffer
void COGLES2Driver : : drawHardwareBuffer ( SHWBufferLink * _HWBuffer )
if ( ! _HWBuffer )
return ;
SHWBufferLink_opengl * HWBuffer = static_cast < SHWBufferLink_opengl * > ( _HWBuffer ) ;
updateHardwareBuffer ( HWBuffer ) ; //check if update is needed
HWBuffer - > LastUsed = 0 ; //reset count
const scene : : IMeshBuffer * mb = HWBuffer - > MeshBuffer ;
const void * vertices = mb - > getVertices ( ) ;
const void * indexList = mb - > getIndices ( ) ;
if ( HWBuffer - > Mapped_Vertex ! = scene : : EHM_NEVER )
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , HWBuffer - > vbo_verticesID ) ;
vertices = 0 ;
if ( HWBuffer - > Mapped_Index ! = scene : : EHM_NEVER )
glBindBuffer ( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER , HWBuffer - > vbo_indicesID ) ;
indexList = 0 ;
drawVertexPrimitiveList ( vertices , mb - > getVertexCount ( ) ,
indexList , mb - > getPrimitiveCount ( ) ,
mb - > getVertexType ( ) , mb - > getPrimitiveType ( ) ,
mb - > getIndexType ( ) ) ;
if ( HWBuffer - > Mapped_Vertex ! = scene : : EHM_NEVER )
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , 0 ) ;
if ( HWBuffer - > Mapped_Index ! = scene : : EHM_NEVER )
glBindBuffer ( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER , 0 ) ;
IRenderTarget * COGLES2Driver : : addRenderTarget ( )
COGLES2RenderTarget * renderTarget = new COGLES2RenderTarget ( this ) ;
RenderTargets . push_back ( renderTarget ) ;
return renderTarget ;
// small helper function to create vertex buffer object adress offsets
static inline u8 * buffer_offset ( const long offset )
return ( ( u8 * ) 0 + offset ) ;
//! draws a vertex primitive list
void COGLES2Driver : : drawVertexPrimitiveList ( const void * vertices , u32 vertexCount ,
const void * indexList , u32 primitiveCount ,
E_VERTEX_TYPE vType , scene : : E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE pType , E_INDEX_TYPE iType )
if ( ! primitiveCount | | ! vertexCount )
return ;
if ( ! checkPrimitiveCount ( primitiveCount ) )
return ;
CNullDriver : : drawVertexPrimitiveList ( vertices , vertexCount , indexList , primitiveCount , vType , pType , iType ) ;
setRenderStates3DMode ( ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_NORMAL ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_TCOORD0 ) ;
switch ( vType )
if ( vertices )
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_POSITION , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Pos ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_NORMAL , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Normal ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_COLOR , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , true , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Color ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_TCOORD0 , 2 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . TCoords ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_POSITION , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , 0 ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_NORMAL , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , buffer_offset ( 12 ) ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_COLOR , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , true , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , buffer_offset ( 24 ) ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_TCOORD0 , 2 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , buffer_offset ( 28 ) ) ;
break ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_TCOORD1 ) ;
if ( vertices )
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_POSITION , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex2TCoords ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex2TCoords * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Pos ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_NORMAL , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex2TCoords ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex2TCoords * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Normal ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_COLOR , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , true , sizeof ( S3DVertex2TCoords ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex2TCoords * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Color ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_TCOORD0 , 2 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex2TCoords ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex2TCoords * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . TCoords ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_TCOORD1 , 2 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex2TCoords ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex2TCoords * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . TCoords2 ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_POSITION , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex2TCoords ) , buffer_offset ( 0 ) ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_NORMAL , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex2TCoords ) , buffer_offset ( 12 ) ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_COLOR , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , true , sizeof ( S3DVertex2TCoords ) , buffer_offset ( 24 ) ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_TCOORD0 , 2 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex2TCoords ) , buffer_offset ( 28 ) ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_TCOORD1 , 2 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex2TCoords ) , buffer_offset ( 36 ) ) ;
break ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_TANGENT ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_BINORMAL ) ;
if ( vertices )
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_POSITION , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertexTangents ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertexTangents * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Pos ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_NORMAL , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertexTangents ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertexTangents * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Normal ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_COLOR , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , true , sizeof ( S3DVertexTangents ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertexTangents * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Color ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_TCOORD0 , 2 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertexTangents ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertexTangents * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . TCoords ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_TANGENT , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertexTangents ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertexTangents * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Tangent ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_BINORMAL , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertexTangents ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertexTangents * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Binormal ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_POSITION , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertexTangents ) , buffer_offset ( 0 ) ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_NORMAL , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertexTangents ) , buffer_offset ( 12 ) ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_COLOR , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , true , sizeof ( S3DVertexTangents ) , buffer_offset ( 24 ) ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_TCOORD0 , 2 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertexTangents ) , buffer_offset ( 28 ) ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_TANGENT , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertexTangents ) , buffer_offset ( 36 ) ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_BINORMAL , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertexTangents ) , buffer_offset ( 48 ) ) ;
break ;
GLenum indexSize = 0 ;
switch ( iType )
case ( EIT_16BIT ) :
break ;
case ( EIT_32BIT ) :
# ifdef GL_OES_element_index_uint
# define GL_UNSIGNED_INT 0x1405
# endif
if ( FeatureAvailable [ COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_OES_element_index_uint ] )
indexSize = GL_UNSIGNED_INT ;
# endif
break ;
switch ( pType )
case scene : : EPT_POINTS :
case scene : : EPT_POINT_SPRITES :
glDrawArrays ( GL_POINTS , 0 , primitiveCount ) ;
break ;
case scene : : EPT_LINE_STRIP :
glDrawElements ( GL_LINE_STRIP , primitiveCount + 1 , indexSize , indexList ) ;
break ;
case scene : : EPT_LINE_LOOP :
glDrawElements ( GL_LINE_LOOP , primitiveCount , indexSize , indexList ) ;
break ;
case scene : : EPT_LINES :
glDrawElements ( GL_LINES , primitiveCount * 2 , indexSize , indexList ) ;
break ;
case scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP :
glDrawElements ( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP , primitiveCount + 2 , indexSize , indexList ) ;
break ;
case scene : : EPT_TRIANGLE_FAN :
glDrawElements ( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN , primitiveCount + 2 , indexSize , indexList ) ;
break ;
case scene : : EPT_TRIANGLES :
glDrawElements ( ( LastMaterial . Wireframe ) ? GL_LINES : ( LastMaterial . PointCloud ) ? GL_POINTS : GL_TRIANGLES , primitiveCount * 3 , indexSize , indexList ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
switch ( vType )
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_TCOORD1 ) ;
break ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_TANGENT ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_BINORMAL ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_NORMAL ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_TCOORD0 ) ;
void COGLES2Driver : : draw2DImage ( const video : : ITexture * texture , const core : : position2d < s32 > & destPos ,
const core : : rect < s32 > & sourceRect , const core : : rect < s32 > * clipRect , SColor color ,
bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture )
if ( ! texture )
return ;
if ( ! sourceRect . isValid ( ) )
return ;
IRR_PROFILE ( CProfileScope p1 ( EPID_ES2_DRAW_2DIMAGE ) ; )
core : : position2d < s32 > targetPos ( destPos ) ;
core : : position2d < s32 > sourcePos ( sourceRect . UpperLeftCorner ) ;
core : : dimension2d < s32 > sourceSize ( sourceRect . getSize ( ) ) ;
if ( clipRect )
if ( targetPos . X < clipRect - > UpperLeftCorner . X )
sourceSize . Width + = targetPos . X - clipRect - > UpperLeftCorner . X ;
if ( sourceSize . Width < = 0 )
return ;
sourcePos . X - = targetPos . X - clipRect - > UpperLeftCorner . X ;
targetPos . X = clipRect - > UpperLeftCorner . X ;
if ( targetPos . X + sourceSize . Width > clipRect - > LowerRightCorner . X )
sourceSize . Width - = ( targetPos . X + sourceSize . Width ) - clipRect - > LowerRightCorner . X ;
if ( sourceSize . Width < = 0 )
return ;
if ( targetPos . Y < clipRect - > UpperLeftCorner . Y )
sourceSize . Height + = targetPos . Y - clipRect - > UpperLeftCorner . Y ;
if ( sourceSize . Height < = 0 )
return ;
sourcePos . Y - = targetPos . Y - clipRect - > UpperLeftCorner . Y ;
targetPos . Y = clipRect - > UpperLeftCorner . Y ;
if ( targetPos . Y + sourceSize . Height > clipRect - > LowerRightCorner . Y )
sourceSize . Height - = ( targetPos . Y + sourceSize . Height ) - clipRect - > LowerRightCorner . Y ;
if ( sourceSize . Height < = 0 )
return ;
// clip these coordinates
if ( targetPos . X < 0 )
sourceSize . Width + = targetPos . X ;
if ( sourceSize . Width < = 0 )
return ;
sourcePos . X - = targetPos . X ;
targetPos . X = 0 ;
const core : : dimension2d < u32 > & renderTargetSize = getCurrentRenderTargetSize ( ) ;
if ( targetPos . X + sourceSize . Width > ( s32 ) renderTargetSize . Width )
sourceSize . Width - = ( targetPos . X + sourceSize . Width ) - renderTargetSize . Width ;
if ( sourceSize . Width < = 0 )
return ;
if ( targetPos . Y < 0 )
sourceSize . Height + = targetPos . Y ;
if ( sourceSize . Height < = 0 )
return ;
sourcePos . Y - = targetPos . Y ;
targetPos . Y = 0 ;
if ( targetPos . Y + sourceSize . Height > ( s32 ) renderTargetSize . Height )
sourceSize . Height - = ( targetPos . Y + sourceSize . Height ) - renderTargetSize . Height ;
if ( sourceSize . Height < = 0 )
return ;
// ok, we've clipped everything.
// now draw it.
// texcoords need to be flipped horizontally for RTTs
const bool isRTT = texture - > isRenderTarget ( ) ;
const core : : dimension2d < u32 > & ss = texture - > getOriginalSize ( ) ;
const f32 invW = 1.f / static_cast < f32 > ( ss . Width ) ;
const f32 invH = 1.f / static_cast < f32 > ( ss . Height ) ;
const core : : rect < f32 > tcoords (
sourcePos . X * invW ,
( isRTT ? ( sourcePos . Y + sourceSize . Height ) : sourcePos . Y ) * invH ,
( sourcePos . X + sourceSize . Width ) * invW ,
( isRTT ? sourcePos . Y : ( sourcePos . Y + sourceSize . Height ) ) * invH ) ;
const core : : rect < s32 > poss ( targetPos , sourceSize ) ;
chooseMaterial2D ( ) ;
if ( ! setMaterialTexture ( 0 , texture ) )
return ;
setRenderStates2DMode ( color . getAlpha ( ) < 255 , true , useAlphaChannelOfTexture ) ;
f32 left = ( f32 ) poss . UpperLeftCorner . X / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Width * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 right = ( f32 ) poss . LowerRightCorner . X / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Width * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 down = 2.f - ( f32 ) poss . LowerRightCorner . Y / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Height * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 top = 2.f - ( f32 ) poss . UpperLeftCorner . Y / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Height * 2.f - 1.f ;
u16 indices [ ] = { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 } ;
S3DVertex vertices [ 4 ] ;
vertices [ 0 ] = S3DVertex ( left , top , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , color , tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . X , tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . Y ) ;
vertices [ 1 ] = S3DVertex ( right , top , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , color , tcoords . LowerRightCorner . X , tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . Y ) ;
vertices [ 2 ] = S3DVertex ( right , down , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , color , tcoords . LowerRightCorner . X , tcoords . LowerRightCorner . Y ) ;
vertices [ 3 ] = S3DVertex ( left , down , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , color , tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . X , tcoords . LowerRightCorner . Y ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_TCOORD0 ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_POSITION , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Pos ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_COLOR , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , true , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Color ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_TCOORD0 , 2 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . TCoords ) ;
glDrawElements ( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT , indices ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_TCOORD0 ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
void COGLES2Driver : : draw2DImage ( const video : : ITexture * texture , const core : : rect < s32 > & destRect ,
const core : : rect < s32 > & sourceRect , const core : : rect < s32 > * clipRect ,
const video : : SColor * const colors , bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture )
if ( ! texture )
return ;
IRR_PROFILE ( CProfileScope p1 ( EPID_ES2_DRAW_2DIMAGE ) ; )
// texcoords need to be flipped horizontally for RTTs
const bool isRTT = texture - > isRenderTarget ( ) ;
const core : : dimension2du & ss = texture - > getOriginalSize ( ) ;
const f32 invW = 1.f / static_cast < f32 > ( ss . Width ) ;
const f32 invH = 1.f / static_cast < f32 > ( ss . Height ) ;
const core : : rect < f32 > tcoords (
sourceRect . UpperLeftCorner . X * invW ,
( isRTT ? sourceRect . LowerRightCorner . Y : sourceRect . UpperLeftCorner . Y ) * invH ,
sourceRect . LowerRightCorner . X * invW ,
( isRTT ? sourceRect . UpperLeftCorner . Y : sourceRect . LowerRightCorner . Y ) * invH ) ;
const video : : SColor temp [ 4 ] =
} ;
const video : : SColor * const useColor = colors ? colors : temp ;
chooseMaterial2D ( ) ;
if ( ! setMaterialTexture ( 0 , texture ) )
return ;
setRenderStates2DMode ( useColor [ 0 ] . getAlpha ( ) < 255 | | useColor [ 1 ] . getAlpha ( ) < 255 | |
useColor [ 2 ] . getAlpha ( ) < 255 | | useColor [ 3 ] . getAlpha ( ) < 255 ,
true , useAlphaChannelOfTexture ) ;
const core : : dimension2d < u32 > & renderTargetSize = getCurrentRenderTargetSize ( ) ;
if ( clipRect )
if ( ! clipRect - > isValid ( ) )
return ;
glEnable ( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ) ;
glScissor ( clipRect - > UpperLeftCorner . X , renderTargetSize . Height - clipRect - > LowerRightCorner . Y ,
clipRect - > getWidth ( ) , clipRect - > getHeight ( ) ) ;
f32 left = ( f32 ) destRect . UpperLeftCorner . X / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Width * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 right = ( f32 ) destRect . LowerRightCorner . X / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Width * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 down = 2.f - ( f32 ) destRect . LowerRightCorner . Y / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Height * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 top = 2.f - ( f32 ) destRect . UpperLeftCorner . Y / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Height * 2.f - 1.f ;
u16 indices [ ] = { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 } ;
S3DVertex vertices [ 4 ] ;
vertices [ 0 ] = S3DVertex ( left , top , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , useColor [ 0 ] , tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . X , tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . Y ) ;
vertices [ 1 ] = S3DVertex ( right , top , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , useColor [ 3 ] , tcoords . LowerRightCorner . X , tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . Y ) ;
vertices [ 2 ] = S3DVertex ( right , down , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , useColor [ 2 ] , tcoords . LowerRightCorner . X , tcoords . LowerRightCorner . Y ) ;
vertices [ 3 ] = S3DVertex ( left , down , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , useColor [ 1 ] , tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . X , tcoords . LowerRightCorner . Y ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_TCOORD0 ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_POSITION , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Pos ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_COLOR , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , true , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Color ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_TCOORD0 , 2 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . TCoords ) ;
glDrawElements ( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT , indices ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_TCOORD0 ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
if ( clipRect )
glDisable ( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ) ;
testGLError ( __LINE__ ) ;
void COGLES2Driver : : draw2DImage ( const video : : ITexture * texture , u32 layer , bool flip )
if ( ! texture )
return ;
chooseMaterial2D ( ) ;
if ( ! setMaterialTexture ( 0 , texture ) )
return ;
setRenderStates2DMode ( false , true , true ) ;
u16 quad2DIndices [ ] = { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 } ;
S3DVertex quad2DVertices [ 4 ] ;
quad2DVertices [ 0 ] . Pos = core : : vector3df ( - 1.f , 1.f , 0.f ) ;
quad2DVertices [ 1 ] . Pos = core : : vector3df ( 1.f , 1.f , 0.f ) ;
quad2DVertices [ 2 ] . Pos = core : : vector3df ( 1.f , - 1.f , 0.f ) ;
quad2DVertices [ 3 ] . Pos = core : : vector3df ( - 1.f , - 1.f , 0.f ) ;
f32 modificator = ( flip ) ? 1.f : 0.f ;
quad2DVertices [ 0 ] . TCoords = core : : vector2df ( 0.f , 0.f + modificator ) ;
quad2DVertices [ 1 ] . TCoords = core : : vector2df ( 1.f , 0.f + modificator ) ;
quad2DVertices [ 2 ] . TCoords = core : : vector2df ( 1.f , 1.f - modificator ) ;
quad2DVertices [ 3 ] . TCoords = core : : vector2df ( 0.f , 1.f - modificator ) ;
quad2DVertices [ 0 ] . Color = SColor ( 0xFFFFFFFF ) ;
quad2DVertices [ 1 ] . Color = SColor ( 0xFFFFFFFF ) ;
quad2DVertices [ 2 ] . Color = SColor ( 0xFFFFFFFF ) ;
quad2DVertices [ 3 ] . Color = SColor ( 0xFFFFFFFF ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_TCOORD0 ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_POSITION , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( quad2DVertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Pos ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_COLOR , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , true , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( quad2DVertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Color ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_TCOORD0 , 2 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( quad2DVertices ) ) [ 0 ] . TCoords ) ;
glDrawElements ( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT , quad2DIndices ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_TCOORD0 ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
void COGLES2Driver : : draw2DImageBatch ( const video : : ITexture * texture ,
const core : : array < core : : position2d < s32 > > & positions ,
const core : : array < core : : rect < s32 > > & sourceRects ,
const core : : rect < s32 > * clipRect ,
SColor color , bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture )
if ( ! texture )
return ;
const irr : : u32 drawCount = core : : min_ < u32 > ( positions . size ( ) , sourceRects . size ( ) ) ;
core : : array < S3DVertex > vtx ( drawCount * 4 ) ;
core : : array < u16 > indices ( drawCount * 6 ) ;
for ( u32 i = 0 ; i < drawCount ; i + + )
core : : position2d < s32 > targetPos = positions [ i ] ;
core : : position2d < s32 > sourcePos = sourceRects [ i ] . UpperLeftCorner ;
// This needs to be signed as it may go negative.
core : : dimension2d < s32 > sourceSize ( sourceRects [ i ] . getSize ( ) ) ;
if ( clipRect )
if ( targetPos . X < clipRect - > UpperLeftCorner . X )
sourceSize . Width + = targetPos . X - clipRect - > UpperLeftCorner . X ;
if ( sourceSize . Width < = 0 )
continue ;
sourcePos . X - = targetPos . X - clipRect - > UpperLeftCorner . X ;
targetPos . X = clipRect - > UpperLeftCorner . X ;
if ( targetPos . X + ( s32 ) sourceSize . Width > clipRect - > LowerRightCorner . X )
sourceSize . Width - = ( targetPos . X + sourceSize . Width ) - clipRect - > LowerRightCorner . X ;
if ( sourceSize . Width < = 0 )
continue ;
if ( targetPos . Y < clipRect - > UpperLeftCorner . Y )
sourceSize . Height + = targetPos . Y - clipRect - > UpperLeftCorner . Y ;
if ( sourceSize . Height < = 0 )
continue ;
sourcePos . Y - = targetPos . Y - clipRect - > UpperLeftCorner . Y ;
targetPos . Y = clipRect - > UpperLeftCorner . Y ;
if ( targetPos . Y + ( s32 ) sourceSize . Height > clipRect - > LowerRightCorner . Y )
sourceSize . Height - = ( targetPos . Y + sourceSize . Height ) - clipRect - > LowerRightCorner . Y ;
if ( sourceSize . Height < = 0 )
continue ;
// clip these coordinates
if ( targetPos . X < 0 )
sourceSize . Width + = targetPos . X ;
if ( sourceSize . Width < = 0 )
continue ;
sourcePos . X - = targetPos . X ;
targetPos . X = 0 ;
const core : : dimension2d < u32 > & renderTargetSize = getCurrentRenderTargetSize ( ) ;
if ( targetPos . X + sourceSize . Width > ( s32 ) renderTargetSize . Width )
sourceSize . Width - = ( targetPos . X + sourceSize . Width ) - renderTargetSize . Width ;
if ( sourceSize . Width < = 0 )
continue ;
if ( targetPos . Y < 0 )
sourceSize . Height + = targetPos . Y ;
if ( sourceSize . Height < = 0 )
continue ;
sourcePos . Y - = targetPos . Y ;
targetPos . Y = 0 ;
if ( targetPos . Y + sourceSize . Height > ( s32 ) renderTargetSize . Height )
sourceSize . Height - = ( targetPos . Y + sourceSize . Height ) - renderTargetSize . Height ;
if ( sourceSize . Height < = 0 )
continue ;
// ok, we've clipped everything.
// now draw it.
core : : rect < f32 > tcoords ;
tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . X = ( ( ( f32 ) sourcePos . X ) ) / texture - > getOriginalSize ( ) . Width ;
tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . Y = ( ( ( f32 ) sourcePos . Y ) ) / texture - > getOriginalSize ( ) . Height ;
tcoords . LowerRightCorner . X = tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . X + ( ( f32 ) ( sourceSize . Width ) / texture - > getOriginalSize ( ) . Width ) ;
tcoords . LowerRightCorner . Y = tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . Y + ( ( f32 ) ( sourceSize . Height ) / texture - > getOriginalSize ( ) . Height ) ;
const core : : rect < s32 > poss ( targetPos , sourceSize ) ;
chooseMaterial2D ( ) ;
if ( ! setMaterialTexture ( 0 , texture ) )
return ;
setRenderStates2DMode ( color . getAlpha ( ) < 255 , true , useAlphaChannelOfTexture ) ;
f32 left = ( f32 ) poss . UpperLeftCorner . X / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Width * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 right = ( f32 ) poss . LowerRightCorner . X / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Width * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 down = 2.f - ( f32 ) poss . LowerRightCorner . Y / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Height * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 top = 2.f - ( f32 ) poss . UpperLeftCorner . Y / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Height * 2.f - 1.f ;
vtx . push_back ( S3DVertex ( left , top , 0.0f ,
0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , color ,
tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . X , tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . Y ) ) ;
vtx . push_back ( S3DVertex ( right , top , 0.0f ,
0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , color ,
tcoords . LowerRightCorner . X , tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . Y ) ) ;
vtx . push_back ( S3DVertex ( right , down , 0.0f ,
0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , color ,
tcoords . LowerRightCorner . X , tcoords . LowerRightCorner . Y ) ) ;
vtx . push_back ( S3DVertex ( left , down , 0.0f ,
0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , color ,
tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . X , tcoords . LowerRightCorner . Y ) ) ;
const u32 curPos = vtx . size ( ) - 4 ;
indices . push_back ( 0 + curPos ) ;
indices . push_back ( 1 + curPos ) ;
indices . push_back ( 2 + curPos ) ;
indices . push_back ( 0 + curPos ) ;
indices . push_back ( 2 + curPos ) ;
indices . push_back ( 3 + curPos ) ;
if ( vtx . size ( ) )
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_TCOORD0 ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_POSITION , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & vtx [ 0 ] . Pos ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_COLOR , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , true , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & vtx [ 0 ] . Color ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_TCOORD0 , 2 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & vtx [ 0 ] . TCoords ) ;
glDrawElements ( GL_TRIANGLES , indices . size ( ) , GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT , indices . pointer ( ) ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_TCOORD0 ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
//! draws a set of 2d images, using a color and the alpha channel
void COGLES2Driver : : draw2DImageBatch ( const video : : ITexture * texture ,
const core : : position2d < s32 > & pos ,
const core : : array < core : : rect < s32 > > & sourceRects ,
const core : : array < s32 > & indices , s32 kerningWidth ,
const core : : rect < s32 > * clipRect , SColor color ,
bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture )
if ( ! texture )
return ;
chooseMaterial2D ( ) ;
if ( ! setMaterialTexture ( 0 , texture ) )
return ;
setRenderStates2DMode ( color . getAlpha ( ) < 255 , true , useAlphaChannelOfTexture ) ;
const core : : dimension2d < u32 > & renderTargetSize = getCurrentRenderTargetSize ( ) ;
if ( clipRect )
if ( ! clipRect - > isValid ( ) )
return ;
glEnable ( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ) ;
glScissor ( clipRect - > UpperLeftCorner . X , renderTargetSize . Height - clipRect - > LowerRightCorner . Y ,
clipRect - > getWidth ( ) , clipRect - > getHeight ( ) ) ;
const core : : dimension2du & ss = texture - > getOriginalSize ( ) ;
core : : position2d < s32 > targetPos ( pos ) ;
// texcoords need to be flipped horizontally for RTTs
const bool isRTT = texture - > isRenderTarget ( ) ;
const f32 invW = 1.f / static_cast < f32 > ( ss . Width ) ;
const f32 invH = 1.f / static_cast < f32 > ( ss . Height ) ;
core : : array < S3DVertex > vertices ;
core : : array < u16 > quadIndices ;
vertices . reallocate ( indices . size ( ) * 4 ) ;
quadIndices . reallocate ( indices . size ( ) * 3 ) ;
for ( u32 i = 0 ; i < indices . size ( ) ; + + i )
const s32 currentIndex = indices [ i ] ;
if ( ! sourceRects [ currentIndex ] . isValid ( ) )
break ;
const core : : rect < f32 > tcoords (
sourceRects [ currentIndex ] . UpperLeftCorner . X * invW ,
( isRTT ? sourceRects [ currentIndex ] . LowerRightCorner . Y : sourceRects [ currentIndex ] . UpperLeftCorner . Y ) * invH ,
sourceRects [ currentIndex ] . LowerRightCorner . X * invW ,
( isRTT ? sourceRects [ currentIndex ] . UpperLeftCorner . Y : sourceRects [ currentIndex ] . LowerRightCorner . Y ) * invH ) ;
const core : : rect < s32 > poss ( targetPos , sourceRects [ currentIndex ] . getSize ( ) ) ;
f32 left = ( f32 ) poss . UpperLeftCorner . X / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Width * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 right = ( f32 ) poss . LowerRightCorner . X / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Width * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 down = 2.f - ( f32 ) poss . LowerRightCorner . Y / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Height * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 top = 2.f - ( f32 ) poss . UpperLeftCorner . Y / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Height * 2.f - 1.f ;
const u32 vstart = vertices . size ( ) ;
vertices . push_back ( S3DVertex ( left , top , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , color , tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . X , tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . Y ) ) ;
vertices . push_back ( S3DVertex ( right , top , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , color , tcoords . LowerRightCorner . X , tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . Y ) ) ;
vertices . push_back ( S3DVertex ( right , down , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , color , tcoords . LowerRightCorner . X , tcoords . LowerRightCorner . Y ) ) ;
vertices . push_back ( S3DVertex ( left , down , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , color , tcoords . UpperLeftCorner . X , tcoords . LowerRightCorner . Y ) ) ;
quadIndices . push_back ( vstart ) ;
quadIndices . push_back ( vstart + 1 ) ;
quadIndices . push_back ( vstart + 2 ) ;
quadIndices . push_back ( vstart ) ;
quadIndices . push_back ( vstart + 2 ) ;
quadIndices . push_back ( vstart + 3 ) ;
targetPos . X + = sourceRects [ currentIndex ] . getWidth ( ) ;
if ( vertices . size ( ) )
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_TCOORD0 ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_POSITION , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & vertices [ 0 ] . Pos ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_COLOR , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , true , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & vertices [ 0 ] . Color ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_TCOORD0 , 2 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & vertices [ 0 ] . TCoords ) ;
glDrawElements ( GL_TRIANGLES , quadIndices . size ( ) , GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT , quadIndices . pointer ( ) ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_TCOORD0 ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
if ( clipRect )
glDisable ( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ) ;
testGLError ( __LINE__ ) ;
//! draw a 2d rectangle
void COGLES2Driver : : draw2DRectangle ( SColor color ,
const core : : rect < s32 > & position ,
const core : : rect < s32 > * clip )
chooseMaterial2D ( ) ;
setMaterialTexture ( 0 , 0 ) ;
setRenderStates2DMode ( color . getAlpha ( ) < 255 , false , false ) ;
core : : rect < s32 > pos = position ;
if ( clip )
pos . clipAgainst ( * clip ) ;
if ( ! pos . isValid ( ) )
return ;
const core : : dimension2d < u32 > & renderTargetSize = getCurrentRenderTargetSize ( ) ;
f32 left = ( f32 ) pos . UpperLeftCorner . X / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Width * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 right = ( f32 ) pos . LowerRightCorner . X / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Width * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 down = 2.f - ( f32 ) pos . LowerRightCorner . Y / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Height * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 top = 2.f - ( f32 ) pos . UpperLeftCorner . Y / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Height * 2.f - 1.f ;
u16 indices [ ] = { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 } ;
S3DVertex vertices [ 4 ] ;
vertices [ 0 ] = S3DVertex ( left , top , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , color , 0 , 0 ) ;
vertices [ 1 ] = S3DVertex ( right , top , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , color , 0 , 0 ) ;
vertices [ 2 ] = S3DVertex ( right , down , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , color , 0 , 0 ) ;
vertices [ 3 ] = S3DVertex ( left , down , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , color , 0 , 0 ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_POSITION , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Pos ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_COLOR , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , true , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Color ) ;
glDrawElements ( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT , indices ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
//! draw an 2d rectangle
void COGLES2Driver : : draw2DRectangle ( const core : : rect < s32 > & position ,
SColor colorLeftUp , SColor colorRightUp ,
SColor colorLeftDown , SColor colorRightDown ,
const core : : rect < s32 > * clip )
core : : rect < s32 > pos = position ;
if ( clip )
pos . clipAgainst ( * clip ) ;
if ( ! pos . isValid ( ) )
return ;
chooseMaterial2D ( ) ;
setMaterialTexture ( 0 , 0 ) ;
setRenderStates2DMode ( colorLeftUp . getAlpha ( ) < 255 | |
colorRightUp . getAlpha ( ) < 255 | |
colorLeftDown . getAlpha ( ) < 255 | |
colorRightDown . getAlpha ( ) < 255 , false , false ) ;
const core : : dimension2d < u32 > & renderTargetSize = getCurrentRenderTargetSize ( ) ;
f32 left = ( f32 ) pos . UpperLeftCorner . X / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Width * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 right = ( f32 ) pos . LowerRightCorner . X / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Width * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 down = 2.f - ( f32 ) pos . LowerRightCorner . Y / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Height * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 top = 2.f - ( f32 ) pos . UpperLeftCorner . Y / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Height * 2.f - 1.f ;
u16 indices [ ] = { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 } ;
S3DVertex vertices [ 4 ] ;
vertices [ 0 ] = S3DVertex ( left , top , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , colorLeftUp , 0 , 0 ) ;
vertices [ 1 ] = S3DVertex ( right , top , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , colorRightUp , 0 , 0 ) ;
vertices [ 2 ] = S3DVertex ( right , down , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , colorRightDown , 0 , 0 ) ;
vertices [ 3 ] = S3DVertex ( left , down , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , colorLeftDown , 0 , 0 ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_POSITION , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Pos ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_COLOR , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , true , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Color ) ;
glDrawElements ( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT , indices ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
//! Draws a 2d line.
void COGLES2Driver : : draw2DLine ( const core : : position2d < s32 > & start ,
const core : : position2d < s32 > & end , SColor color )
IRR_PROFILE ( CProfileScope p1 ( EPID_ES2_DRAW_2DLINE ) ; )
if ( start = = end )
drawPixel ( start . X , start . Y , color ) ;
chooseMaterial2D ( ) ;
setMaterialTexture ( 0 , 0 ) ;
setRenderStates2DMode ( color . getAlpha ( ) < 255 , false , false ) ;
const core : : dimension2d < u32 > & renderTargetSize = getCurrentRenderTargetSize ( ) ;
f32 startX = ( f32 ) start . X / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Width * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 endX = ( f32 ) end . X / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Width * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 startY = 2.f - ( f32 ) start . Y / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Height * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 endY = 2.f - ( f32 ) end . Y / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Height * 2.f - 1.f ;
u16 indices [ ] = { 0 , 1 } ;
S3DVertex vertices [ 2 ] ;
vertices [ 0 ] = S3DVertex ( startX , startY , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , color , 0 , 0 ) ;
vertices [ 1 ] = S3DVertex ( endX , endY , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , color , 1 , 1 ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_POSITION , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Pos ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_COLOR , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , true , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Color ) ;
glDrawElements ( GL_LINES , 2 , GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT , indices ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
//! Draws a pixel
void COGLES2Driver : : drawPixel ( u32 x , u32 y , const SColor & color )
const core : : dimension2d < u32 > & renderTargetSize = getCurrentRenderTargetSize ( ) ;
if ( x > ( u32 ) renderTargetSize . Width | | y > ( u32 ) renderTargetSize . Height )
return ;
chooseMaterial2D ( ) ;
setMaterialTexture ( 0 , 0 ) ;
setRenderStates2DMode ( color . getAlpha ( ) < 255 , false , false ) ;
f32 X = ( f32 ) x / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Width * 2.f - 1.f ;
f32 Y = 2.f - ( f32 ) y / ( f32 ) renderTargetSize . Height * 2.f - 1.f ;
S3DVertex vertices [ 1 ] ;
vertices [ 0 ] = S3DVertex ( X , Y , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , color , 0 , 0 ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_POSITION , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Pos ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_COLOR , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , true , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Color ) ;
glDrawArrays ( GL_POINTS , 0 , 1 ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
ITexture * COGLES2Driver : : createDeviceDependentTexture ( const io : : path & name , IImage * image )
core : : array < IImage * > imageArray ( 1 ) ;
imageArray . push_back ( image ) ;
COGLES2Texture * texture = new COGLES2Texture ( name , imageArray , ETT_2D , this ) ;
return texture ;
ITexture * COGLES2Driver : : createDeviceDependentTextureCubemap ( const io : : path & name , const core : : array < IImage * > & image )
COGLES2Texture * texture = new COGLES2Texture ( name , image , ETT_CUBEMAP , this ) ;
return texture ;
//! Sets a material.
void COGLES2Driver : : setMaterial ( const SMaterial & material )
Material = material ;
OverrideMaterial . apply ( Material ) ;
for ( u32 i = 0 ; i < Feature . MaxTextureUnits ; + + i )
CacheHandler - > getTextureCache ( ) . set ( i , material . getTexture ( i ) ) ;
setTransform ( ( E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE ) ( ETS_TEXTURE_0 + i ) , material . getTextureMatrix ( i ) ) ;
//! prints error if an error happened.
bool COGLES2Driver : : testGLError ( int code )
# ifdef _DEBUG
GLenum g = glGetError ( ) ;
switch ( g )
case GL_NO_ERROR :
return false ;
os : : Printer : : log ( " GL_INVALID_ENUM " , core : : stringc ( code ) . c_str ( ) , ELL_ERROR ) ;
break ;
os : : Printer : : log ( " GL_INVALID_VALUE " , core : : stringc ( code ) . c_str ( ) , ELL_ERROR ) ;
break ;
os : : Printer : : log ( " GL_INVALID_OPERATION " , core : : stringc ( code ) . c_str ( ) , ELL_ERROR ) ;
break ;
os : : Printer : : log ( " GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY " , core : : stringc ( code ) . c_str ( ) , ELL_ERROR ) ;
break ;
} ;
return true ;
# else
return false ;
# endif
//! prints error if an error happened.
bool COGLES2Driver : : testEGLError ( )
# if defined(EGL_VERSION_1_0) && defined(_DEBUG)
EGLint g = eglGetError ( ) ;
switch ( g )
return false ;
os : : Printer : : log ( " Not Initialized " , ELL_ERROR ) ;
break ;
os : : Printer : : log ( " Bad Access " , ELL_ERROR ) ;
break ;
os : : Printer : : log ( " Bad Alloc " , ELL_ERROR ) ;
break ;
os : : Printer : : log ( " Bad Attribute " , ELL_ERROR ) ;
break ;
os : : Printer : : log ( " Bad Context " , ELL_ERROR ) ;
break ;
os : : Printer : : log ( " Bad Config " , ELL_ERROR ) ;
break ;
os : : Printer : : log ( " Bad Current Surface " , ELL_ERROR ) ;
break ;
os : : Printer : : log ( " Bad Display " , ELL_ERROR ) ;
break ;
os : : Printer : : log ( " Bad Surface " , ELL_ERROR ) ;
break ;
os : : Printer : : log ( " Bad Match " , ELL_ERROR ) ;
break ;
os : : Printer : : log ( " Bad Parameter " , ELL_ERROR ) ;
break ;
os : : Printer : : log ( " Bad Native Pixmap " , ELL_ERROR ) ;
break ;
os : : Printer : : log ( " Bad Native Window " , ELL_ERROR ) ;
break ;
os : : Printer : : log ( " Context Lost " , ELL_ERROR ) ;
break ;
} ;
return true ;
# else
return false ;
# endif
void COGLES2Driver : : setRenderStates3DMode ( )
if ( LockRenderStateMode )
return ;
if ( CurrentRenderMode ! = ERM_3D )
// Reset Texture Stages
CacheHandler - > setBlend ( false ) ;
CacheHandler - > setBlendFunc ( GL_SRC_ALPHA , GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ) ;
ResetRenderStates = true ;
if ( ResetRenderStates | | LastMaterial ! = Material )
// unset old material
// unset last 3d material
if ( CurrentRenderMode = = ERM_2D & & MaterialRenderer2DActive )
MaterialRenderer2DActive - > OnUnsetMaterial ( ) ;
MaterialRenderer2DActive = 0 ;
else if ( LastMaterial . MaterialType ! = Material . MaterialType & &
static_cast < u32 > ( LastMaterial . MaterialType ) < MaterialRenderers . size ( ) )
MaterialRenderers [ LastMaterial . MaterialType ] . Renderer - > OnUnsetMaterial ( ) ;
// set new material.
if ( static_cast < u32 > ( Material . MaterialType ) < MaterialRenderers . size ( ) )
MaterialRenderers [ Material . MaterialType ] . Renderer - > OnSetMaterial (
Material , LastMaterial , ResetRenderStates , this ) ;
LastMaterial = Material ;
CacheHandler - > correctCacheMaterial ( LastMaterial ) ;
ResetRenderStates = false ;
if ( static_cast < u32 > ( Material . MaterialType ) < MaterialRenderers . size ( ) )
MaterialRenderers [ Material . MaterialType ] . Renderer - > OnRender ( this , video : : EVT_STANDARD ) ;
CurrentRenderMode = ERM_3D ;
//! Can be called by an IMaterialRenderer to make its work easier.
void COGLES2Driver : : setBasicRenderStates ( const SMaterial & material , const SMaterial & lastmaterial , bool resetAllRenderStates )
// ZBuffer
switch ( material . ZBuffer )
CacheHandler - > setDepthTest ( false ) ;
break ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthTest ( true ) ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthFunc ( GL_LEQUAL ) ;
break ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthTest ( true ) ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthFunc ( GL_EQUAL ) ;
break ;
case ECFN_LESS :
CacheHandler - > setDepthTest ( true ) ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthFunc ( GL_LESS ) ;
break ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthTest ( true ) ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthFunc ( GL_NOTEQUAL ) ;
break ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthTest ( true ) ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthFunc ( GL_GEQUAL ) ;
break ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthTest ( true ) ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthFunc ( GL_GREATER ) ;
break ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthTest ( true ) ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthFunc ( GL_ALWAYS ) ;
break ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthTest ( true ) ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthFunc ( GL_NEVER ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
// ZWrite
if ( getWriteZBuffer ( material ) )
CacheHandler - > setDepthMask ( true ) ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthMask ( false ) ;
// Back face culling
if ( ( material . FrontfaceCulling ) & & ( material . BackfaceCulling ) )
CacheHandler - > setCullFaceFunc ( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK ) ;
CacheHandler - > setCullFace ( true ) ;
else if ( material . BackfaceCulling )
CacheHandler - > setCullFaceFunc ( GL_BACK ) ;
CacheHandler - > setCullFace ( true ) ;
else if ( material . FrontfaceCulling )
CacheHandler - > setCullFaceFunc ( GL_FRONT ) ;
CacheHandler - > setCullFace ( true ) ;
CacheHandler - > setCullFace ( false ) ;
// Color Mask
CacheHandler - > setColorMask ( material . ColorMask ) ;
// Blend Equation
if ( material . BlendOperation = = EBO_NONE )
CacheHandler - > setBlend ( false ) ;
CacheHandler - > setBlend ( true ) ;
switch ( material . BlendOperation )
case EBO_ADD :
CacheHandler - > setBlendEquation ( GL_FUNC_ADD ) ;
break ;
CacheHandler - > setBlendEquation ( GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT ) ;
break ;
CacheHandler - > setBlendEquation ( GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
// Blend Factor
if ( IR ( material . BlendFactor ) & 0xFFFFFFFF // TODO: why the & 0xFFFFFFFF?
& & material . MaterialType ! = EMT_ONETEXTURE_BLEND
u32 alphaSource = 0 ;
unpack_textureBlendFuncSeparate ( srcRGBFact , dstRGBFact , srcAlphaFact , dstAlphaFact , modulo , alphaSource , material . BlendFactor ) ;
CacheHandler - > setBlendFuncSeparate ( getGLBlend ( srcRGBFact ) , getGLBlend ( dstRGBFact ) ,
getGLBlend ( srcAlphaFact ) , getGLBlend ( dstAlphaFact ) ) ;
// TODO: Polygon Offset. Not sure if it was left out deliberately or if it won't work with this driver.
if ( resetAllRenderStates | | lastmaterial . Thickness ! = material . Thickness )
glLineWidth ( core : : clamp ( static_cast < GLfloat > ( material . Thickness ) , DimAliasedLine [ 0 ] , DimAliasedLine [ 1 ] ) ) ;
// Anti aliasing
if ( resetAllRenderStates | | lastmaterial . AntiAliasing ! = material . AntiAliasing )
if ( material . AntiAliasing & EAAM_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE )
else if ( lastmaterial . AntiAliasing & EAAM_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE )
// Texture parameters
setTextureRenderStates ( material , resetAllRenderStates ) ;
//! Compare in SMaterial doesn't check texture parameters, so we should call this on each OnRender call.
void COGLES2Driver : : setTextureRenderStates ( const SMaterial & material , bool resetAllRenderstates )
// Set textures to TU/TIU and apply filters to them
for ( s32 i = Feature . MaxTextureUnits - 1 ; i > = 0 ; - - i )
const COGLES2Texture * tmpTexture = CacheHandler - > getTextureCache ( ) [ i ] ;
if ( ! tmpTexture )
continue ;
GLenum tmpTextureType = tmpTexture - > getOpenGLTextureType ( ) ;
CacheHandler - > setActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 + i ) ;
if ( resetAllRenderstates )
tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . IsCached = false ;
if ( ! tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . IsCached | | material . TextureLayer [ i ] . BilinearFilter ! = tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . BilinearFilter | |
material . TextureLayer [ i ] . TrilinearFilter ! = tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . TrilinearFilter )
glTexParameteri ( tmpTextureType , GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER ,
( material . TextureLayer [ i ] . BilinearFilter | | material . TextureLayer [ i ] . TrilinearFilter ) ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST ) ;
tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . BilinearFilter = material . TextureLayer [ i ] . BilinearFilter ;
tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . TrilinearFilter = material . TextureLayer [ i ] . TrilinearFilter ;
if ( material . UseMipMaps & & tmpTexture - > hasMipMaps ( ) )
if ( ! tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . IsCached | | material . TextureLayer [ i ] . BilinearFilter ! = tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . BilinearFilter | |
material . TextureLayer [ i ] . TrilinearFilter ! = tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . TrilinearFilter | | ! tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . MipMapStatus )
glTexParameteri ( tmpTextureType , GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER ,
material . TextureLayer [ i ] . TrilinearFilter ? GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR :
material . TextureLayer [ i ] . BilinearFilter ? GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST :
tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . BilinearFilter = material . TextureLayer [ i ] . BilinearFilter ;
tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . TrilinearFilter = material . TextureLayer [ i ] . TrilinearFilter ;
tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . MipMapStatus = true ;
if ( ! tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . IsCached | | material . TextureLayer [ i ] . BilinearFilter ! = tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . BilinearFilter | |
material . TextureLayer [ i ] . TrilinearFilter ! = tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . TrilinearFilter | | tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . MipMapStatus )
glTexParameteri ( tmpTextureType , GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER ,
( material . TextureLayer [ i ] . BilinearFilter | | material . TextureLayer [ i ] . TrilinearFilter ) ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST ) ;
tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . BilinearFilter = material . TextureLayer [ i ] . BilinearFilter ;
tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . TrilinearFilter = material . TextureLayer [ i ] . TrilinearFilter ;
tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . MipMapStatus = false ;
# ifdef GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
if ( FeatureAvailable [ COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic ] & &
( ! tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . IsCached | | material . TextureLayer [ i ] . AnisotropicFilter ! = tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . AnisotropicFilter ) )
glTexParameteri ( tmpTextureType , GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT ,
material . TextureLayer [ i ] . AnisotropicFilter > 1 ? core : : min_ ( MaxAnisotropy , material . TextureLayer [ i ] . AnisotropicFilter ) : 1 ) ;
tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . AnisotropicFilter = material . TextureLayer [ i ] . AnisotropicFilter ;
# endif
if ( ! tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . IsCached | | material . TextureLayer [ i ] . TextureWrapU ! = tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . WrapU )
glTexParameteri ( tmpTextureType , GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S , getTextureWrapMode ( material . TextureLayer [ i ] . TextureWrapU ) ) ;
tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . WrapU = material . TextureLayer [ i ] . TextureWrapU ;
if ( ! tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . IsCached | | material . TextureLayer [ i ] . TextureWrapV ! = tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . WrapV )
glTexParameteri ( tmpTextureType , GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T , getTextureWrapMode ( material . TextureLayer [ i ] . TextureWrapV ) ) ;
tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . WrapV = material . TextureLayer [ i ] . TextureWrapV ;
tmpTexture - > getStatesCache ( ) . IsCached = true ;
// Get OpenGL ES2.0 texture wrap mode from Irrlicht wrap mode.
GLint COGLES2Driver : : getTextureWrapMode ( u8 clamp ) const
switch ( clamp )
case ETC_CLAMP :
return GL_REPEAT ;
default :
return GL_REPEAT ;
//! sets the needed renderstates
void COGLES2Driver : : setRenderStates2DMode ( bool alpha , bool texture , bool alphaChannel )
if ( LockRenderStateMode )
return ;
COGLES2Renderer2D * nextActiveRenderer = texture ? MaterialRenderer2DTexture : MaterialRenderer2DNoTexture ;
if ( CurrentRenderMode ! = ERM_2D )
// unset last 3d material
if ( CurrentRenderMode = = ERM_3D )
if ( static_cast < u32 > ( LastMaterial . MaterialType ) < MaterialRenderers . size ( ) )
MaterialRenderers [ LastMaterial . MaterialType ] . Renderer - > OnUnsetMaterial ( ) ;
CurrentRenderMode = ERM_2D ;
else if ( MaterialRenderer2DActive & & MaterialRenderer2DActive ! = nextActiveRenderer )
MaterialRenderer2DActive - > OnUnsetMaterial ( ) ;
MaterialRenderer2DActive = nextActiveRenderer ;
MaterialRenderer2DActive - > OnSetMaterial ( Material , LastMaterial , true , 0 ) ;
LastMaterial = Material ;
CacheHandler - > correctCacheMaterial ( LastMaterial ) ;
// no alphaChannel without texture
alphaChannel & = texture ;
if ( alphaChannel | | alpha )
CacheHandler - > setBlend ( true ) ;
CacheHandler - > setBlendFunc ( GL_SRC_ALPHA , GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ) ;
CacheHandler - > setBlend ( false ) ;
Material . setTexture ( 0 , const_cast < COGLES2Texture * > ( CacheHandler - > getTextureCache ( ) . get ( 0 ) ) ) ;
setTransform ( ETS_TEXTURE_0 , core : : IdentityMatrix ) ;
if ( texture )
if ( OverrideMaterial2DEnabled )
setTextureRenderStates ( OverrideMaterial2D , false ) ;
setTextureRenderStates ( InitMaterial2D , false ) ;
MaterialRenderer2DActive - > OnRender ( this , video : : EVT_STANDARD ) ;
void COGLES2Driver : : chooseMaterial2D ( )
if ( ! OverrideMaterial2DEnabled )
Material = InitMaterial2D ;
if ( OverrideMaterial2DEnabled )
OverrideMaterial2D . Lighting = false ;
OverrideMaterial2D . ZWriteEnable = EZW_OFF ;
OverrideMaterial2D . ZBuffer = ECFN_DISABLED ; // it will be ECFN_DISABLED after merge
OverrideMaterial2D . Lighting = false ;
Material = OverrideMaterial2D ;
//! \return Returns the name of the video driver.
const wchar_t * COGLES2Driver : : getName ( ) const
return Name . c_str ( ) ;
//! deletes all dynamic lights there are
void COGLES2Driver : : deleteAllDynamicLights ( )
RequestedLights . clear ( ) ;
CNullDriver : : deleteAllDynamicLights ( ) ;
//! adds a dynamic light
s32 COGLES2Driver : : addDynamicLight ( const SLight & light )
CNullDriver : : addDynamicLight ( light ) ;
RequestedLights . push_back ( RequestedLight ( light ) ) ;
u32 newLightIndex = RequestedLights . size ( ) - 1 ;
return ( s32 ) newLightIndex ;
//! Turns a dynamic light on or off
//! \param lightIndex: the index returned by addDynamicLight
//! \param turnOn: true to turn the light on, false to turn it off
void COGLES2Driver : : turnLightOn ( s32 lightIndex , bool turnOn )
if ( lightIndex < 0 | | lightIndex > = ( s32 ) RequestedLights . size ( ) )
return ;
RequestedLight & requestedLight = RequestedLights [ lightIndex ] ;
requestedLight . DesireToBeOn = turnOn ;
//! returns the maximal amount of dynamic lights the device can handle
u32 COGLES2Driver : : getMaximalDynamicLightAmount ( ) const
return 8 ;
void COGLES2Driver : : setViewPort ( const core : : rect < s32 > & area )
core : : rect < s32 > vp = area ;
core : : rect < s32 > rendert ( 0 , 0 , getCurrentRenderTargetSize ( ) . Width , getCurrentRenderTargetSize ( ) . Height ) ;
vp . clipAgainst ( rendert ) ;
if ( vp . getHeight ( ) > 0 & & vp . getWidth ( ) > 0 )
CacheHandler - > setViewport ( vp . UpperLeftCorner . X , getCurrentRenderTargetSize ( ) . Height - vp . UpperLeftCorner . Y - vp . getHeight ( ) , vp . getWidth ( ) , vp . getHeight ( ) ) ;
ViewPort = vp ;
2021-06-21 14:16:38 -07:00
void COGLES2Driver : : setViewPortRaw ( u32 width , u32 height )
CacheHandler - > setViewport ( 0 , 0 , width , height ) ;
ViewPort = core : : recti ( 0 , 0 , width , height ) ;
2020-01-03 19:05:16 +00:00
//! Draws a shadow volume into the stencil buffer.
void COGLES2Driver : : drawStencilShadowVolume ( const core : : array < core : : vector3df > & triangles , bool zfail , u32 debugDataVisible )
IRR_PROFILE ( CProfileScope p1 ( EPID_ES2_DRAW_SHADOW ) ; )
const u32 count = triangles . size ( ) ;
if ( ! StencilBuffer | | ! count )
return ;
bool fog = Material . FogEnable ;
bool lighting = Material . Lighting ;
E_MATERIAL_TYPE materialType = Material . MaterialType ;
Material . FogEnable = false ;
Material . Lighting = false ;
Material . MaterialType = EMT_SOLID ; // Dedicated material in future.
setRenderStates3DMode ( ) ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthTest ( true ) ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthFunc ( GL_LESS ) ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthMask ( false ) ;
if ( ! ( debugDataVisible & ( scene : : EDS_SKELETON | scene : : EDS_MESH_WIRE_OVERLAY ) ) )
CacheHandler - > setColorMask ( ECP_NONE ) ;
glEnable ( GL_STENCIL_TEST ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_POSITION , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( core : : vector3df ) , triangles . const_pointer ( ) ) ;
glStencilMask ( ~ 0 ) ;
glStencilFunc ( GL_ALWAYS , 0 , ~ 0 ) ;
GLenum decr = GL_DECR ;
GLenum incr = GL_INCR ;
# if defined(GL_OES_stencil_wrap)
if ( FeatureAvailable [ IRR_OES_stencil_wrap ] )
# endif
CacheHandler - > setCullFace ( true ) ;
if ( zfail )
CacheHandler - > setCullFaceFunc ( GL_FRONT ) ;
glStencilOp ( GL_KEEP , incr , GL_KEEP ) ;
glDrawArrays ( GL_TRIANGLES , 0 , count ) ;
CacheHandler - > setCullFaceFunc ( GL_BACK ) ;
glStencilOp ( GL_KEEP , decr , GL_KEEP ) ;
glDrawArrays ( GL_TRIANGLES , 0 , count ) ;
else // zpass
CacheHandler - > setCullFaceFunc ( GL_BACK ) ;
glStencilOp ( GL_KEEP , GL_KEEP , incr ) ;
glDrawArrays ( GL_TRIANGLES , 0 , count ) ;
CacheHandler - > setCullFaceFunc ( GL_FRONT ) ;
glStencilOp ( GL_KEEP , GL_KEEP , decr ) ;
glDrawArrays ( GL_TRIANGLES , 0 , count ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
glDisable ( GL_STENCIL_TEST ) ;
Material . FogEnable = fog ;
Material . Lighting = lighting ;
Material . MaterialType = materialType ;
void COGLES2Driver : : drawStencilShadow ( bool clearStencilBuffer ,
video : : SColor leftUpEdge , video : : SColor rightUpEdge ,
video : : SColor leftDownEdge , video : : SColor rightDownEdge )
IRR_PROFILE ( CProfileScope p1 ( EPID_ES2_DRAW_SHADOW ) ; )
if ( ! StencilBuffer )
return ;
chooseMaterial2D ( ) ;
setMaterialTexture ( 0 , 0 ) ;
setRenderStates2DMode ( true , false , false ) ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthMask ( false ) ;
CacheHandler - > setColorMask ( ECP_ALL ) ;
CacheHandler - > setBlend ( true ) ;
CacheHandler - > setBlendFunc ( GL_SRC_ALPHA , GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ) ;
glEnable ( GL_STENCIL_TEST ) ;
glStencilFunc ( GL_NOTEQUAL , 0 , ~ 0 ) ;
glStencilOp ( GL_KEEP , GL_KEEP , GL_KEEP ) ;
u16 indices [ ] = { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 } ;
S3DVertex vertices [ 4 ] ;
vertices [ 0 ] = S3DVertex ( - 1.f , 1.f , 0.9f , 0 , 0 , 1 , leftDownEdge , 0 , 0 ) ;
vertices [ 1 ] = S3DVertex ( 1.f , 1.f , 0.9f , 0 , 0 , 1 , leftUpEdge , 0 , 0 ) ;
vertices [ 2 ] = S3DVertex ( 1.f , - 1.f , 0.9f , 0 , 0 , 1 , rightUpEdge , 0 , 0 ) ;
vertices [ 3 ] = S3DVertex ( - 1.f , - 1.f , 0.9f , 0 , 0 , 1 , rightDownEdge , 0 , 0 ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_POSITION , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Pos ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_COLOR , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , true , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Color ) ;
glDrawElements ( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT , indices ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
if ( clearStencilBuffer )
glDisable ( GL_STENCIL_TEST ) ;
//! Draws a 3d line.
void COGLES2Driver : : draw3DLine ( const core : : vector3df & start ,
const core : : vector3df & end , SColor color )
IRR_PROFILE ( CProfileScope p1 ( EPID_ES2_DRAW_3DLINE ) ; )
setRenderStates3DMode ( ) ;
u16 indices [ ] = { 0 , 1 } ;
S3DVertex vertices [ 2 ] ;
vertices [ 0 ] = S3DVertex ( start . X , start . Y , start . Z , 0 , 0 , 1 , color , 0 , 0 ) ;
vertices [ 1 ] = S3DVertex ( end . X , end . Y , end . Z , 0 , 0 , 1 , color , 0 , 0 ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_POSITION , 3 , GL_FLOAT , false , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Pos ) ;
glVertexAttribPointer ( EVA_COLOR , 4 , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , true , sizeof ( S3DVertex ) , & ( static_cast < const S3DVertex * > ( vertices ) ) [ 0 ] . Color ) ;
glDrawElements ( GL_LINES , 2 , GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT , indices ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_COLOR ) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( EVA_POSITION ) ;
//! Only used by the internal engine. Used to notify the driver that
//! the window was resized.
void COGLES2Driver : : OnResize ( const core : : dimension2d < u32 > & size )
CNullDriver : : OnResize ( size ) ;
CacheHandler - > setViewport ( 0 , 0 , size . Width , size . Height ) ;
Transformation3DChanged = true ;
//! Returns type of video driver
E_DRIVER_TYPE COGLES2Driver : : getDriverType ( ) const
return EDT_OGLES2 ;
//! returns color format
ECOLOR_FORMAT COGLES2Driver : : getColorFormat ( ) const
return ColorFormat ;
//! Get a vertex shader constant index.
s32 COGLES2Driver : : getVertexShaderConstantID ( const c8 * name )
return getPixelShaderConstantID ( name ) ;
//! Get a pixel shader constant index.
s32 COGLES2Driver : : getPixelShaderConstantID ( const c8 * name )
os : : Printer : : log ( " Error: Please call services->getPixelShaderConstantID(), not VideoDriver->getPixelShaderConstantID(). " ) ;
return - 1 ;
//! Sets a vertex shader constant.
void COGLES2Driver : : setVertexShaderConstant ( const f32 * data , s32 startRegister , s32 constantAmount )
os : : Printer : : log ( " Error: Please call services->setVertexShaderConstant(), not VideoDriver->setPixelShaderConstant(). " ) ;
//! Sets a pixel shader constant.
void COGLES2Driver : : setPixelShaderConstant ( const f32 * data , s32 startRegister , s32 constantAmount )
os : : Printer : : log ( " Error: Please call services->setPixelShaderConstant(), not VideoDriver->setPixelShaderConstant(). " ) ;
//! Sets a constant for the vertex shader based on an index.
bool COGLES2Driver : : setVertexShaderConstant ( s32 index , const f32 * floats , int count )
2020-06-11 20:27:29 +00:00
os : : Printer : : log ( " Error: Please call services->setVertexShaderConstant(), not VideoDriver->setVertexShaderConstant(). " ) ;
return false ;
2020-01-03 19:05:16 +00:00
//! Int interface for the above.
bool COGLES2Driver : : setVertexShaderConstant ( s32 index , const s32 * ints , int count )
2020-06-11 20:27:29 +00:00
os : : Printer : : log ( " Error: Please call services->setVertexShaderConstant(), not VideoDriver->setVertexShaderConstant(). " ) ;
return false ;
bool COGLES2Driver : : setVertexShaderConstant ( s32 index , const u32 * ints , int count )
os : : Printer : : log ( " Error: Please call services->setVertexShaderConstant(), not VideoDriver->setVertexShaderConstant(). " ) ;
return false ;
2020-01-03 19:05:16 +00:00
//! Sets a constant for the pixel shader based on an index.
bool COGLES2Driver : : setPixelShaderConstant ( s32 index , const f32 * floats , int count )
os : : Printer : : log ( " Error: Please call services->setPixelShaderConstant(), not VideoDriver->setPixelShaderConstant(). " ) ;
return false ;
//! Int interface for the above.
bool COGLES2Driver : : setPixelShaderConstant ( s32 index , const s32 * ints , int count )
os : : Printer : : log ( " Error: Please call services->setPixelShaderConstant(), not VideoDriver->setPixelShaderConstant(). " ) ;
return false ;
2020-06-11 20:27:29 +00:00
bool COGLES2Driver : : setPixelShaderConstant ( s32 index , const u32 * ints , int count )
os : : Printer : : log ( " Error: Please call services->setPixelShaderConstant(), not VideoDriver->setPixelShaderConstant(). " ) ;
return false ;
2020-01-03 19:05:16 +00:00
//! Adds a new material renderer to the VideoDriver, using pixel and/or
//! vertex shaders to render geometry.
s32 COGLES2Driver : : addShaderMaterial ( const c8 * vertexShaderProgram ,
const c8 * pixelShaderProgram ,
IShaderConstantSetCallBack * callback ,
E_MATERIAL_TYPE baseMaterial , s32 userData )
os : : Printer : : log ( " No shader support. " ) ;
return - 1 ;
//! Adds a new material renderer to the VideoDriver, using GLSL to render geometry.
s32 COGLES2Driver : : addHighLevelShaderMaterial (
const c8 * vertexShaderProgram ,
const c8 * vertexShaderEntryPointName ,
E_VERTEX_SHADER_TYPE vsCompileTarget ,
const c8 * pixelShaderProgram ,
const c8 * pixelShaderEntryPointName ,
E_PIXEL_SHADER_TYPE psCompileTarget ,
const c8 * geometryShaderProgram ,
const c8 * geometryShaderEntryPointName ,
scene : : E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE inType ,
scene : : E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE outType ,
u32 verticesOut ,
IShaderConstantSetCallBack * callback ,
E_MATERIAL_TYPE baseMaterial ,
s32 userData )
s32 nr = - 1 ;
COGLES2MaterialRenderer * r = new COGLES2MaterialRenderer (
this , nr , vertexShaderProgram ,
pixelShaderProgram ,
callback , baseMaterial , userData ) ;
r - > drop ( ) ;
return nr ;
//! Returns a pointer to the IVideoDriver interface. (Implementation for
//! IMaterialRendererServices)
IVideoDriver * COGLES2Driver : : getVideoDriver ( )
return this ;
//! Returns pointer to the IGPUProgrammingServices interface.
IGPUProgrammingServices * COGLES2Driver : : getGPUProgrammingServices ( )
return this ;
ITexture * COGLES2Driver : : addRenderTargetTexture ( const core : : dimension2d < u32 > & size ,
const io : : path & name , const ECOLOR_FORMAT format )
//disable mip-mapping
bool generateMipLevels = getTextureCreationFlag ( ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS ) ;
setTextureCreationFlag ( ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS , false ) ;
COGLES2Texture * renderTargetTexture = new COGLES2Texture ( name , size , ETT_2D , format , this ) ;
addTexture ( renderTargetTexture ) ;
renderTargetTexture - > drop ( ) ;
//restore mip-mapping
setTextureCreationFlag ( ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS , generateMipLevels ) ;
return renderTargetTexture ;
ITexture * COGLES2Driver : : addRenderTargetTextureCubemap ( const irr : : u32 sideLen , const io : : path & name , const ECOLOR_FORMAT format )
//disable mip-mapping
bool generateMipLevels = getTextureCreationFlag ( ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS ) ;
setTextureCreationFlag ( ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS , false ) ;
bool supportForFBO = ( Feature . ColorAttachment > 0 ) ;
const core : : dimension2d < u32 > size ( sideLen , sideLen ) ;
core : : dimension2du destSize ( size ) ;
if ( ! supportForFBO )
destSize = core : : dimension2d < u32 > ( core : : min_ ( size . Width , ScreenSize . Width ) , core : : min_ ( size . Height , ScreenSize . Height ) ) ;
destSize = destSize . getOptimalSize ( ( size = = size . getOptimalSize ( ) ) , false , false ) ;
COGLES2Texture * renderTargetTexture = new COGLES2Texture ( name , destSize , ETT_CUBEMAP , format , this ) ;
addTexture ( renderTargetTexture ) ;
renderTargetTexture - > drop ( ) ;
//restore mip-mapping
setTextureCreationFlag ( ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS , generateMipLevels ) ;
return renderTargetTexture ;
//! Returns the maximum amount of primitives
u32 COGLES2Driver : : getMaximalPrimitiveCount ( ) const
return 65535 ;
bool COGLES2Driver : : setRenderTargetEx ( IRenderTarget * target , u16 clearFlag , SColor clearColor , f32 clearDepth , u8 clearStencil )
if ( target & & target - > getDriverType ( ) ! = EDT_OGLES2 & & target - > getDriverType ( ) ! = EDT_WEBGL1 )
os : : Printer : : log ( " Fatal Error: Tried to set a render target not owned by OGLES2 driver. " , ELL_ERROR ) ;
return false ;
core : : dimension2d < u32 > destRenderTargetSize ( 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( target )
COGLES2RenderTarget * renderTarget = static_cast < COGLES2RenderTarget * > ( target ) ;
CacheHandler - > setFBO ( renderTarget - > getBufferID ( ) ) ;
renderTarget - > update ( ) ;
destRenderTargetSize = renderTarget - > getSize ( ) ;
2021-06-21 14:16:38 -07:00
setViewPortRaw ( destRenderTargetSize . Width , destRenderTargetSize . Height ) ;
2020-01-03 19:05:16 +00:00
CacheHandler - > setFBO ( 0 ) ;
destRenderTargetSize = core : : dimension2d < u32 > ( 0 , 0 ) ;
2021-06-21 14:16:38 -07:00
setViewPortRaw ( ScreenSize . Width , ScreenSize . Height ) ;
2020-01-03 19:05:16 +00:00
if ( CurrentRenderTargetSize ! = destRenderTargetSize )
CurrentRenderTargetSize = destRenderTargetSize ;
Transformation3DChanged = true ;
CurrentRenderTarget = target ;
clearBuffers ( clearFlag , clearColor , clearDepth , clearStencil ) ;
return true ;
void COGLES2Driver : : clearBuffers ( u16 flag , SColor color , f32 depth , u8 stencil )
GLbitfield mask = 0 ;
u8 colorMask = 0 ;
bool depthMask = false ;
CacheHandler - > getColorMask ( colorMask ) ;
CacheHandler - > getDepthMask ( depthMask ) ;
if ( flag & ECBF_COLOR )
CacheHandler - > setColorMask ( ECP_ALL ) ;
const f32 inv = 1.0f / 255.0f ;
glClearColor ( color . getRed ( ) * inv , color . getGreen ( ) * inv ,
color . getBlue ( ) * inv , color . getAlpha ( ) * inv ) ;
if ( flag & ECBF_DEPTH )
CacheHandler - > setDepthMask ( true ) ;
glClearDepthf ( depth ) ;
if ( flag & ECBF_STENCIL )
glClearStencil ( stencil ) ;
if ( mask )
glClear ( mask ) ;
CacheHandler - > setColorMask ( colorMask ) ;
CacheHandler - > setDepthMask ( depthMask ) ;
//! Returns an image created from the last rendered frame.
// We want to read the front buffer to get the latest render finished.
// This is not possible under ogl-es, though, so one has to call this method
// outside of the render loop only.
IImage * COGLES2Driver : : createScreenShot ( video : : ECOLOR_FORMAT format , video : : E_RENDER_TARGET target )
if ( target = = video : : ERT_MULTI_RENDER_TEXTURES | | target = = video : : ERT_RENDER_TEXTURE | | target = = video : : ERT_STEREO_BOTH_BUFFERS )
return 0 ;
GLint internalformat = GL_RGBA ;
// glGetIntegerv(GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT, &internalformat);
// there's a format we don't support ATM
if ( GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 = = type )
internalformat = GL_RGBA ;
IImage * newImage = 0 ;
if ( GL_RGBA = = internalformat )
if ( GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE = = type )
newImage = new CImage ( ECF_A8R8G8B8 , ScreenSize ) ;
newImage = new CImage ( ECF_A1R5G5B5 , ScreenSize ) ;
if ( GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE = = type )
newImage = new CImage ( ECF_R8G8B8 , ScreenSize ) ;
newImage = new CImage ( ECF_R5G6B5 , ScreenSize ) ;
if ( ! newImage )
return 0 ;
u8 * pixels = static_cast < u8 * > ( newImage - > getData ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pixels )
newImage - > drop ( ) ;
return 0 ;
glReadPixels ( 0 , 0 , ScreenSize . Width , ScreenSize . Height , internalformat , type , pixels ) ;
testGLError ( __LINE__ ) ;
// opengl images are horizontally flipped, so we have to fix that here.
const s32 pitch = newImage - > getPitch ( ) ;
u8 * p2 = pixels + ( ScreenSize . Height - 1 ) * pitch ;
u8 * tmpBuffer = new u8 [ pitch ] ;
for ( u32 i = 0 ; i < ScreenSize . Height ; i + = 2 )
memcpy ( tmpBuffer , pixels , pitch ) ;
memcpy ( pixels , p2 , pitch ) ;
memcpy ( p2 , tmpBuffer , pitch ) ;
pixels + = pitch ;
p2 - = pitch ;
delete [ ] tmpBuffer ;
2021-05-08 20:57:24 +02:00
// also GL_RGBA doesn't match the internal encoding of the image (which is BGRA)
if ( GL_RGBA = = internalformat & & GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE = = type )
pixels = static_cast < u8 * > ( newImage - > getData ( ) ) ;
for ( u32 i = 0 ; i < ScreenSize . Height ; i + + )
for ( u32 j = 0 ; j < ScreenSize . Width ; j + + )
u32 c = * ( u32 * ) ( pixels + 4 * j ) ;
* ( u32 * ) ( pixels + 4 * j ) = ( c & 0xFF00FF00 ) |
( ( c & 0x00FF0000 ) > > 16 ) | ( ( c & 0x000000FF ) < < 16 ) ;
pixels + = pitch ;
2020-01-03 19:05:16 +00:00
if ( testGLError ( __LINE__ ) )
newImage - > drop ( ) ;
return 0 ;
testGLError ( __LINE__ ) ;
return newImage ;
void COGLES2Driver : : removeTexture ( ITexture * texture )
CacheHandler - > getTextureCache ( ) . remove ( texture ) ;
CNullDriver : : removeTexture ( texture ) ;
//! Set/unset a clipping plane.
bool COGLES2Driver : : setClipPlane ( u32 index , const core : : plane3df & plane , bool enable )
if ( index > = UserClipPlane . size ( ) )
UserClipPlane . push_back ( SUserClipPlane ( ) ) ;
UserClipPlane [ index ] . Plane = plane ;
UserClipPlane [ index ] . Enabled = enable ;
return true ;
//! Enable/disable a clipping plane.
void COGLES2Driver : : enableClipPlane ( u32 index , bool enable )
UserClipPlane [ index ] . Enabled = enable ;
//! Get the ClipPlane Count
u32 COGLES2Driver : : getClipPlaneCount ( ) const
return UserClipPlane . size ( ) ;
const core : : plane3df & COGLES2Driver : : getClipPlane ( irr : : u32 index ) const
if ( index < UserClipPlane . size ( ) )
return UserClipPlane [ index ] . Plane ;
_IRR_DEBUG_BREAK_IF ( true ) // invalid index
static const core : : plane3df dummy ;
return dummy ;
core : : dimension2du COGLES2Driver : : getMaxTextureSize ( ) const
return core : : dimension2du ( MaxTextureSize , MaxTextureSize ) ;
GLenum COGLES2Driver : : getGLBlend ( E_BLEND_FACTOR factor ) const
static GLenum const blendTable [ ] =
} ;
return blendTable [ factor ] ;
GLenum COGLES2Driver : : getZBufferBits ( ) const
// TODO: never used, so not sure what this was really about (zbuffer used by device? Or for RTT's?)
GLenum bits = 0 ;
switch ( Params . ZBufferBits )
case 24 :
# if defined(GL_OES_depth24)
if ( queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_OES_depth24 ) )
# endif
break ;
case 32 :
# if defined(GL_OES_depth32)
if ( queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_OES_depth32 ) )
# endif
break ;
default :
break ;
return bits ;
bool COGLES2Driver : : getColorFormatParameters ( ECOLOR_FORMAT format , GLint & internalFormat , GLenum & pixelFormat ,
GLenum & pixelType , void ( * * converter ) ( const void * , s32 , void * ) ) const
bool supported = false ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGBA ;
pixelType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ;
* converter = 0 ;
switch ( format )
case ECF_A1R5G5B5 :
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGBA ;
pixelType = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 ;
* converter = CColorConverter : : convert_A1R5G5B5toR5G5B5A1 ;
break ;
case ECF_R5G6B5 :
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGB ;
pixelType = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 ;
break ;
case ECF_R8G8B8 :
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGB ;
pixelType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ;
break ;
case ECF_A8R8G8B8 :
supported = true ;
if ( queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888 ) | |
queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 ) | |
queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888 ) )
pixelFormat = GL_BGRA ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGBA ;
* converter = CColorConverter : : convert_A8R8G8B8toA8B8G8R8 ;
pixelType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ;
break ;
# ifdef GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
case ECF_DXT1 :
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGBA ;
break ;
# endif
# ifdef GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
case ECF_DXT2 :
case ECF_DXT3 :
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGBA ;
break ;
# endif
# ifdef GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
case ECF_DXT4 :
case ECF_DXT5 :
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGBA ;
break ;
# endif
# ifdef GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGB ;
break ;
# endif
# ifdef GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGBA ;
break ;
# endif
# ifdef GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGB ;
break ;
# endif
# ifdef GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGBA ;
break ;
# endif
# ifdef GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc2
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGBA ;
break ;
# endif
# ifdef GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc2
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGBA ;
break ;
# endif
# ifdef GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture
case ECF_ETC1 :
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGB ;
pixelType = GL_ETC1_RGB8_OES ;
break ;
# endif
# ifdef GL_ES_VERSION_3_0 // TO-DO - fix when extension name will be available
case ECF_ETC2_RGB :
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGB ;
break ;
# endif
# ifdef GL_ES_VERSION_3_0 // TO-DO - fix when extension name will be available
case ECF_ETC2_ARGB :
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGBA ;
break ;
# endif
case ECF_D16 :
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT ;
break ;
case ECF_D32 :
# if defined(GL_OES_depth32)
if ( queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_OES_depth32 ) )
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT ;
pixelType = GL_UNSIGNED_INT ;
# endif
break ;
case ECF_D24S8 :
# ifdef GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil
if ( queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil ) )
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_OES ;
pixelType = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_OES ;
# endif
break ;
case ECF_R8 :
# if defined(GL_EXT_texture_rg)
if ( queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_EXT_texture_rg ) )
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RED_EXT ;
pixelType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ;
# endif
break ;
case ECF_R8G8 :
# if defined(GL_EXT_texture_rg)
if ( queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_EXT_texture_rg ) )
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RG_EXT ;
pixelType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ;
# endif
break ;
case ECF_R16 :
break ;
case ECF_R16G16 :
break ;
case ECF_R16F :
# if defined(GL_OES_texture_half_float) && defined(GL_EXT_texture_rg)
if ( queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_EXT_texture_rg )
& & queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_OES_texture_half_float )
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RED_EXT ;
pixelType = GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES ;
# endif
break ;
case ECF_G16R16F :
# if defined(GL_OES_texture_half_float) && defined(GL_EXT_texture_rg)
if ( queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_EXT_texture_rg )
& & queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_OES_texture_half_float )
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RG_EXT ;
pixelType = GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES ;
# endif
break ;
case ECF_A16B16G16R16F :
# if defined(GL_OES_texture_half_float)
if ( queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_OES_texture_half_float ) )
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGBA ;
pixelType = GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES ;
# endif
break ;
case ECF_R32F :
# if defined(GL_OES_texture_float) && defined(GL_EXT_texture_rg)
if ( queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_EXT_texture_rg )
& & queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_OES_texture_float )
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RED_EXT ;
pixelType = GL_FLOAT ;
# endif
break ;
case ECF_G32R32F :
# if defined(GL_OES_texture_float) && defined(GL_EXT_texture_rg)
if ( queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_EXT_texture_rg )
& & queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_OES_texture_float )
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RG_EXT ;
pixelType = GL_FLOAT ;
# endif
break ;
case ECF_A32B32G32R32F :
# if defined(GL_OES_texture_float)
if ( queryGLESFeature ( COGLESCoreExtensionHandler : : IRR_GL_OES_texture_half_float ) )
supported = true ;
pixelFormat = GL_RGBA ;
pixelType = GL_FLOAT ;
# endif
break ;
default :
break ;
// ES 2.0 says internalFormat must match pixelFormat (chapter 3.7.1 in Spec).
// Doesn't mention if "match" means "equal" or some other way of matching, but
// some bug on Emscripten and browsing discussions by others lead me to believe
// it means they have to be equal. Note that this was different in OpenGL.
internalFormat = pixelFormat ;
if ( internalFormat = = GL_BGRA )
internalFormat = GL_RGBA ;
# endif
return supported ;
bool COGLES2Driver : : queryTextureFormat ( ECOLOR_FORMAT format ) const
GLint dummyInternalFormat ;
GLenum dummyPixelFormat ;
GLenum dummyPixelType ;
void ( * dummyConverter ) ( const void * , s32 , void * ) ;
return getColorFormatParameters ( format , dummyInternalFormat , dummyPixelFormat , dummyPixelType , & dummyConverter ) ;
bool COGLES2Driver : : needsTransparentRenderPass ( const irr : : video : : SMaterial & material ) const
return CNullDriver : : needsTransparentRenderPass ( material ) | | material . isAlphaBlendOperation ( ) ;
const SMaterial & COGLES2Driver : : getCurrentMaterial ( ) const
return Material ;
COGLES2CacheHandler * COGLES2Driver : : getCacheHandler ( ) const
return CacheHandler ;
} // end namespace
} // end namespace
namespace irr
namespace video
class IVideoDriver ;
class IContextManager ;
# endif
IVideoDriver * createOGLES2Driver ( const SIrrlichtCreationParameters & params , io : : IFileSystem * io , IContextManager * contextManager )
COGLES2Driver * driver = new COGLES2Driver ( params , io , contextManager ) ;
driver - > genericDriverInit ( params . WindowSize , params . Stencilbuffer ) ; // don't call in constructor, it uses virtual function calls of driver
return driver ;
# else
return 0 ;
} // end namespace
} // end namespace