cutealien d03881b83a Reworking IRenderTarget interface to avoid constant memory allocations.
setTexture functions for single textures (more or less the usual case) IRenderTarget no longer need memory allocations 
on each call.
Also calling IRenderTarget::setTexture with a nullpointer no longer sets a rendertarget with an array which contains a single nullpointer but clears the array instead.

git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2021-08-26 16:45:20 +00:00

714 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt / Thomas Alten
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "SoftwareDriver2_compile_config.h"
#include "SoftwareDriver2_helper.h"
#include "CSoftwareTexture2.h"
#include "CSoftwareDriver2.h"
#include "CBlit.h"
#include "os.h"
namespace irr
namespace video
//! stretches srcRect src to dstRect dst, applying a sliding window box filter in linear color space (sRGB->linear->sRGB)
void Resample_subSampling(eBlitter op, video::IImage* dst, const core::rect<s32>* dstRect, const video::IImage* src, const core::rect<s32>* srcRect, size_t flags);
//nearest pow of 2 ( 257 will be 256 not 512 )
static inline core::dimension2d<u32> getOptimalSize(const core::dimension2d<u32>& original, const u32 allowNonPowerOfTwo, const u32 maxSize)
u32 w, h;
if (allowNonPowerOfTwo)
w = original.Width;
h = original.Height;
w = 1;
while (w * 2 < original.Width) w *= 2;
if (w * 2 - original.Width < original.Width - w) w *= 2;
h = 1;
while (h * 2 < original.Height) h *= 2;
if (h * 2 - original.Height < original.Height - h) h *= 2;
if (maxSize && w > maxSize) w = maxSize;
if (maxSize && h > maxSize) h = maxSize;
return core::dimension2d<u32>(w, h);
//! constructor
CSoftwareTexture2::CSoftwareTexture2(IImage* image, const io::path& name, u32 flags, CBurningVideoDriver* driver)
: ITexture(name
#if !defined(PATCH_SUPERTUX_8_0_1_with_1_9_0)
, ETT_2D
, MipMapLOD(0), Flags(flags), Driver(driver)
#ifdef _DEBUG
//set baseclass properties
IsRenderTarget = (Flags & IS_RENDERTARGET) != 0;
HasMipMaps = (Flags & GEN_MIPMAP) != 0;
MipMap0_Area[0] = 1;
MipMap0_Area[1] = 1;
LodBIAS = 1.f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size(MipMap); ++i) MipMap[i] = 0;
if (!image) return;
OriginalSize = image->getDimension();
OriginalColorFormat = image->getColorFormat();
#if defined(IRRLICHT_sRGB)
if (Flags & IMAGE_IS_LINEAR) image->set_sRGB(0);
//guessing linear image
if (name.find("light") >= 0 ||
name.find("bump") >= 0 ||
name.find("height") >= 0
bool isCompressed = IImage::isCompressedFormat(OriginalColorFormat);
if (isCompressed)
os::Printer::log("Texture compression not available.", ELL_ERROR);
//visual studio code warning
#if defined(PATCH_SUPERTUX_8_0_1_with_1_9_0)
if (IsRenderTarget && name.find("RaceGUI::markers") >= 0)
maxTexSize = 0;
core::dimension2d<u32> optSize(OriginalSize.getOptimalSize(
(Flags & ALLOW_NPOT) ? 0 : 1, // requirePowerOfTwo
false, // requireSquare
(Flags & ALLOW_NPOT) ? 1 : maxTexSize == SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_TEXTURE_MAXSIZE, // larger
(Flags & ALLOW_NPOT) ? 0 : maxTexSize // maxValue
core::dimension2d<u32> optSize(getOptimalSize(OriginalSize, Flags & ALLOW_NPOT, maxTexSize));
if (OriginalSize == optSize)
MipMap[0] = new CImage(ColorFormat, image->getDimension());
#if defined(IRRLICHT_sRGB)
MipMap[0]->set_sRGB((Flags & TEXTURE_IS_LINEAR) ? 0 : image->get_sRGB());
if (!isCompressed && image->getData())
MipMap[0] = new CImage(ColorFormat, optSize);
#if defined(IRRLICHT_sRGB)
MipMap[0]->set_sRGB((Flags & TEXTURE_IS_LINEAR) ? 0 : image->get_sRGB());
if (!isCompressed)
//image->copyToScalingBoxFilter ( MipMap[0],0, false );
Resample_subSampling(BLITTER_TEXTURE, MipMap[0], 0, image, 0, Flags);
// if Original Size is used for calculation ( 2D position, font) it will be wrong
//OriginalSize = optSize;
// Show Information about resizing
if (OriginalSize != optSize ||
( OriginalColorFormat != ColorFormat &&
!((OriginalColorFormat == ECF_R8G8B8 || OriginalColorFormat == ECF_A1R5G5B5) && ColorFormat == ECF_A8R8G8B8)
char buf[256];
core::stringw showName(name);
snprintf_irr(buf, sizeof(buf), "Burningvideo: Texture '%ls' reformat %ux%u,%s -> %ux%u,%s",
OriginalSize.Width, OriginalSize.Height, ColorFormatNames[OriginalColorFormat],
optSize.Width, optSize.Height, ColorFormatNames[ColorFormat]
os::Printer::log(buf, ELL_DEBUG);
//select highest mipmap 0
//! destructor
for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size(MipMap); ++i)
if (MipMap[i])
MipMap[i] = 0;
//! Regenerates the mip map levels of the texture. Useful after locking and
//! modifying the texture
#if !defined(PATCH_SUPERTUX_8_0_1_with_1_9_0)
void CSoftwareTexture2::regenerateMipMapLevels(void* data, u32 layer)
void CSoftwareTexture2::regenerateMipMapLevels(void* data)
size_t i;
// release
for (i = 1; i < array_size(MipMap); ++i)
if (MipMap[i])
MipMap[i] = 0;
core::dimension2d<u32> newSize;
if (HasMipMaps && ((Flags & GEN_MIPMAP_AUTO) || 0 == data))
//need memory also if autogen mipmap disabled
for (i = 1; i < array_size(MipMap); ++i)
const core::dimension2du& upperDim = MipMap[i - 1]->getDimension();
newSize.Width = core::s32_max(SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_MIPMAPPING_MIN_SIZE, upperDim.Width >> 1);
newSize.Height = core::s32_max(SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_MIPMAPPING_MIN_SIZE, upperDim.Height >> 1);
if (upperDim == newSize)
MipMap[i] = new CImage(ColorFormat, newSize);
#if defined(IRRLICHT_sRGB)
MipMap[i]->set_sRGB(MipMap[i - 1]->get_sRGB());
//MipMap[i]->fill ( 0xFFFF4040 );
//MipMap[i-1]->copyToScalingBoxFilter( MipMap[i], 0, false );
Resample_subSampling(BLITTER_TEXTURE, MipMap[i], 0, MipMap[0], 0, Flags);
else if (HasMipMaps && data)
//deactivated outside mipdata until TA knows how to handle this.
//query mipmap dimension
u8* mip_current = (u8*)data;
const u8* mip_end = (u8*)data;
core::dimension2d<u32> origSize = OriginalSize;
i = 1;
if (origSize.Width > 1) origSize.Width >>= 1;
if (origSize.Height > 1) origSize.Height >>= 1;
mip_end += IImage::getDataSizeFromFormat(OriginalColorFormat, origSize.Width, origSize.Height);
i += 1;
} while ((origSize.Width != 1 || origSize.Height != 1) && i < array_size(MipMap));
//TODO: this is not true
LodBIAS = i * 2.f;
origSize = OriginalSize;
for (i = 1; i < array_size(MipMap) && mip_current < mip_end; ++i)
const core::dimension2du& upperDim = MipMap[i - 1]->getDimension();
newSize.Width = core::s32_max(SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_MIPMAPPING_MIN_SIZE, upperDim.Width >> 1);
newSize.Height = core::s32_max(SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_MIPMAPPING_MIN_SIZE, upperDim.Height >> 1);
if (upperDim == newSize)
if (origSize.Width > 1) origSize.Width >>= 1;
if (origSize.Height > 1) origSize.Height >>= 1;
if (OriginalColorFormat != ColorFormat)
IImage* tmpImage = new CImage(OriginalColorFormat, origSize, mip_current, true, false);
MipMap[i] = new CImage(ColorFormat, newSize);
if (origSize == newSize)
if (origSize == newSize)
MipMap[i] = new CImage(ColorFormat, newSize, mip_current, false);
MipMap[i] = new CImage(ColorFormat, newSize);
IImage* tmpImage = new CImage(ColorFormat, origSize, mip_current, true, false);
mip_current += IImage::getDataSizeFromFormat(OriginalColorFormat, origSize.Width, origSize.Height);
#if 0
//visualize mipmap
for (i = 1; i < 0 && i < array_size(MipMap); ++i)
static u32 color[] = {
if (MipMap[i])
int border = 0;
const core::dimension2du& d = MipMap[i]->getDimension();
core::rect<s32> p(0, 0, d.Width, d.Height);
SColor c((color[i & 15] & 0x00FFFFFF) | 0xFF000000);
core::rect<s32> dclip(border, border, d.Width - border, d.Height - border);
Blit(BLITTER_TEXTURE_ALPHA_COLOR_BLEND, MipMap[i], &dclip, 0, MipMap[i], &p, c.color);
//save mipmap chain
if (0)
char buf[256];
const char* name = getName().getPath().c_str();
int filename = 0;
//int ext = -1;
i = 0;
while (name[i])
if (name[i] == '/' || name[i] == '\\') filename = (s32)i + 1;
//if (name[i] == '.') ext = i;
i += 1;
for (i = 0; i < array_size(MipMap); ++i)
if (MipMap[i])
snprintf_irr(buf, sizeof(buf), "mip/%s_%02d.png", name + filename, (s32)i);
Driver->writeImageToFile(MipMap[i], buf);
void CSoftwareTexture2::calcDerivative()
//reset current MipMap
MipMapLOD = 0;
if (MipMap[0])
const core::dimension2du& dim = MipMap[0]->getDimension();
MipMap0_Area[0] = dim.Width;
MipMap0_Area[1] = dim.Height; // screensize of a triangle
//TA: try to mimic openGL mipmap. ( don't do this!)
//if (MipMap0_Area[0] < 32) MipMap0_Area[0] = 32;
//if (MipMap0_Area[1] < 32) MipMap0_Area[1] = 32;
Size = dim; // MipMap[MipMapLOD]->getDimension();
Pitch = MipMap[MipMapLOD]->getPitch();
//preCalc mipmap texel center boundaries
for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size(MipMap); ++i)
CSoftwareTexture2_Bound& b = TexBound[i];
if (MipMap[i])
const core::dimension2du& dim = MipMap[i]->getDimension();
//f32 u = 1.f / dim.Width;
//f32 v = 1.f / dim.Height;
b.w = dim.Width - 1.f;
b.h = dim.Height - 1.f; = 0.f; //u*0.005f; = 0.f; //v*0.005f;
b.w = 0.f;
b.h = 0.f; = 0.f; = 0.f;
/* Software Render Target 2 */
CSoftwareRenderTarget2::CSoftwareRenderTarget2(CBurningVideoDriver* driver) : Driver(driver)
#if defined(PATCH_SUPERTUX_8_0_1_with_1_9_0)
, IRenderTarget(0)
Textures[0] = 0;
if (Textures[0])
void CSoftwareRenderTarget2::setTextures(ITexture* const * textures, u32 numTextures, ITexture* depthStencil, const E_CUBE_SURFACE* cubeSurfaces, u32 numCubeSurfaces)
if (!Textures.equals(textures, numTextures))
ITexture* prevTexture = Textures[0];
bool textureDetected = false;
for (u32 i = 0; i < numTextures; ++i)
if (textures[i] && textures[i]->getDriverType() == EDT_BURNINGSVIDEO)
Textures[0] = textures[i];
textureDetected = true;
if (prevTexture)
if (!textureDetected)
Textures[0] = 0;
static const float srgb_8bit_to_linear_float[1 << 8] = {
0.0f, 3.03527e-4f, 6.07054e-4f, 9.10581e-4f,
0.001214108f, 0.001517635f, 0.001821162f, 0.0021246888f,
0.002428216f, 0.002731743f, 0.00303527f, 0.0033465358f,
0.0036765074f, 0.004024717f, 0.004391442f, 0.0047769537f,
0.005181517f, 0.005605392f, 0.0060488335f, 0.006512091f,
0.0069954107f, 0.007499032f, 0.008023193f, 0.008568126f,
0.009134059f, 0.009721218f, 0.010329823f, 0.010960095f,
0.011612245f, 0.012286489f, 0.0129830325f, 0.013702083f,
0.014443845f, 0.015208516f, 0.015996294f, 0.016807377f,
0.017641956f, 0.018500222f, 0.019382363f, 0.020288564f,
0.021219011f, 0.022173885f, 0.023153368f, 0.024157634f,
0.025186861f, 0.026241222f, 0.027320893f, 0.02842604f,
0.029556835f, 0.030713445f, 0.031896032f, 0.033104766f,
0.034339808f, 0.035601314f, 0.036889452f, 0.038204372f,
0.039546236f, 0.0409152f, 0.04231141f, 0.04373503f,
0.045186203f, 0.046665087f, 0.048171826f, 0.049706567f,
0.051269464f, 0.05286065f, 0.05448028f, 0.056128494f,
0.057805438f, 0.059511244f, 0.06124606f, 0.06301002f,
0.06480327f, 0.066625945f, 0.068478175f, 0.0703601f,
0.07227185f, 0.07421357f, 0.07618539f, 0.07818743f,
0.08021983f, 0.082282715f, 0.084376216f, 0.086500466f,
0.08865559f, 0.09084172f, 0.093058966f, 0.09530747f,
0.097587354f, 0.09989873f, 0.10224174f, 0.10461649f,
0.107023105f, 0.10946172f, 0.111932434f, 0.11443538f,
0.11697067f, 0.119538434f, 0.122138776f, 0.12477182f,
0.12743768f, 0.13013647f, 0.13286832f, 0.13563333f,
0.13843162f, 0.14126329f, 0.14412847f, 0.14702727f,
0.14995979f, 0.15292616f, 0.15592647f, 0.15896083f,
0.16202939f, 0.1651322f, 0.1682694f, 0.17144111f,
0.1746474f, 0.17788842f, 0.18116425f, 0.18447499f,
0.18782078f, 0.19120169f, 0.19461784f, 0.19806932f,
0.20155625f, 0.20507874f, 0.20863687f, 0.21223076f,
0.21586053f, 0.21952623f, 0.22322798f, 0.2269659f,
0.23074007f, 0.23455061f, 0.2383976f, 0.24228115f,
0.24620135f, 0.2501583f, 0.25415212f, 0.25818288f,
0.2622507f, 0.26635563f, 0.27049783f, 0.27467734f,
0.2788943f, 0.28314877f, 0.28744087f, 0.29177067f,
0.2961383f, 0.3005438f, 0.30498734f, 0.30946895f,
0.31398875f, 0.3185468f, 0.32314324f, 0.32777813f,
0.33245155f, 0.33716366f, 0.34191445f, 0.3467041f,
0.35153264f, 0.35640016f, 0.36130682f, 0.36625263f,
0.3712377f, 0.37626216f, 0.38132605f, 0.38642946f,
0.3915725f, 0.39675525f, 0.4019778f, 0.40724024f,
0.41254264f, 0.4178851f, 0.4232677f, 0.42869052f,
0.43415368f, 0.4396572f, 0.44520122f, 0.45078582f,
0.45641103f, 0.46207702f, 0.4677838f, 0.4735315f,
0.4793202f, 0.48514995f, 0.4910209f, 0.496933f,
0.5028865f, 0.50888133f, 0.5149177f, 0.5209956f,
0.52711517f, 0.53327644f, 0.5394795f, 0.5457245f,
0.55201143f, 0.55834043f, 0.5647115f, 0.57112485f,
0.57758045f, 0.58407843f, 0.59061885f, 0.5972018f,
0.60382736f, 0.61049557f, 0.6172066f, 0.62396044f,
0.63075715f, 0.6375969f, 0.6444797f, 0.65140563f,
0.65837485f, 0.66538733f, 0.67244315f, 0.6795425f,
0.6866853f, 0.6938718f, 0.7011019f, 0.7083758f,
0.71569353f, 0.7230551f, 0.73046076f, 0.73791045f,
0.74540424f, 0.7529422f, 0.7605245f, 0.76815116f,
0.7758222f, 0.7835378f, 0.791298f, 0.7991027f,
0.8069523f, 0.8148466f, 0.82278574f, 0.8307699f,
0.838799f, 0.8468732f, 0.8549926f, 0.8631572f,
0.8713671f, 0.8796224f, 0.8879231f, 0.8962694f,
0.9046612f, 0.91309863f, 0.92158186f, 0.9301109f,
0.9386857f, 0.9473065f, 0.9559733f, 0.9646863f,
0.9734453f, 0.9822506f, 0.9911021f, 1.0f,
int linear_to_srgb_8bit(const float x) {
if (x <= 0.f) return 0;
if (x >= 1.f) return 255;
const float *table = SRGB_8BIT_TO_LINEAR_FLOAT;
int y = 0;
for (int i = 128; i != 0; i >>= 1) {
if (table[y + i] <= x)
y += i;
if (x - table[y] <= table[y + 1] - x)
return y;
return y + 1;
u32 linear_to_srgb_8bit(const float v)
ieee754 c;
c.f = v;
const size_t x = c.u;
const u32* table = (u32*)srgb_8bit_to_linear_float;
u32 y = 0;
y += table[y + 128] <= x ? 128 : 0;
y += table[y + 64] <= x ? 64 : 0;
y += table[y + 32] <= x ? 32 : 0;
y += table[y + 16] <= x ? 16 : 0;
y += table[y + 8] <= x ? 8 : 0;
y += table[y + 4] <= x ? 4 : 0;
y += table[y + 2] <= x ? 2 : 0;
y += table[y + 1] <= x ? 1 : 0;
return y;
// 2D Region half open [x0;x1[
struct absrect2
s32 x0;
s32 y0;
s32 x1;
s32 y1;
static inline int clipTest(absrect2& o, const core::rect<s32>* a, const absrect2& b)
if (a == 0)
o.x0 = b.x0;
o.y0 = b.y0;
o.x1 = b.x1;
o.y1 = b.y1;
o.x0 = core::s32_max(a->UpperLeftCorner.X, b.x0);
o.x1 = core::s32_min(a->LowerRightCorner.X, b.x1);
o.y0 = core::s32_max(a->UpperLeftCorner.Y, b.y0);
o.y1 = core::s32_min(a->LowerRightCorner.Y, b.y1);
int clipTest = 0;
clipTest |= o.x0 >= o.x1 ? 1 : 0;
clipTest |= o.y0 >= o.y1 ? 2 : 0;
return clipTest;
//! stretches srcRect src to dstRect dst, applying a sliding window box filter in linear color space (sRGB->linear->sRGB)
// todo: texture jumps (mip selection problem)
void Resample_subSampling(eBlitter op, video::IImage* dst, const core::rect<s32>* dstRect,
const video::IImage* src, const core::rect<s32>* srcRect, size_t flags)
u8* dstData = (u8*)dst->getData();
const absrect2 dst_clip = { 0,0,(s32)dst->getDimension().Width,(s32)dst->getDimension().Height };
absrect2 dc;
if (clipTest(dc, dstRect, dst_clip) || !dstData) return;
const video::ECOLOR_FORMAT dstFormat = dst->getColorFormat();
const u8* srcData = (u8*)src->getData();
const absrect2 src_clip = { 0,0,(s32)src->getDimension().Width,(s32)src->getDimension().Height };
absrect2 sc;
if (clipTest(sc, srcRect, src_clip) || !srcData) return;
const video::ECOLOR_FORMAT srcFormat = src->getColorFormat();
#if defined(IRRLICHT_sRGB)
const int dst_sRGB = dst->get_sRGB();
const int src_sRGB = src->get_sRGB();
const int dst_sRGB = (flags & CSoftwareTexture2::TEXTURE_IS_LINEAR) ? 0 : 1;
const int src_sRGB = (flags & CSoftwareTexture2::IMAGE_IS_LINEAR) ? 0 : 1;
float scale[2];
scale[0] = (float)(sc.x1 - sc.x0) / (float)(dc.x1 - dc.x0);
scale[1] = (float)(sc.y1 - sc.y0) / (float)(dc.y1 - dc.y0);
const float rs = 1.f / (scale[0] * scale[1]);
float sum[4];
u32 sbgra = 0;
float f[4];
int fi[4];
f[3] = (float)sc.y0;
for (int dy = dc.y0; dy < dc.y1; ++dy)
f[1] = f[3];
f[3] = sc.y0 + (dy + 1 - dc.y0) * scale[1];
if (f[3] >= sc.y1) f[3] = sc.y1 - 0.001f; //todo:1.f/dim should be enough
f[2] = (float)sc.x0;
for (int dx = dc.x0; dx < dc.x1; ++dx)
f[0] = f[2];
f[2] = sc.x0 + (dx + 1 - dc.x0) * scale[0];
if (f[2] >= sc.x1) f[2] = sc.x1 - 0.001f;
//accumulate linear color
sum[0] = 0.f;
sum[1] = 0.f;
sum[2] = 0.f;
sum[3] = 0.f;
//sample border
fi[0] = (int)(f[0]);
fi[1] = (int)(f[1]);
fi[2] = (int)(f[2]);
fi[3] = (int)(f[3]);
float w[2];
for (int fy = fi[1]; fy <= fi[3]; ++fy)
w[1] = 1.f;
if (fy == fi[1]) w[1] -= f[1] - fy;
if (fy == fi[3]) w[1] -= fy + 1 - f[3];
for (int fx = fi[0]; fx <= fi[2]; ++fx)
w[0] = 1.f;
if (fx == fi[0]) w[0] -= f[0] - fx;
if (fx == fi[2]) w[0] -= fx + 1 - f[2];
const float ws = w[1] * w[0] * rs;
switch (srcFormat)
case video::ECF_A1R5G5B5: sbgra = video::A1R5G5B5toA8R8G8B8(*(u16*)(srcData + (fy * src_clip.x1) * 2 + (fx * 2))); break;
case video::ECF_R5G6B5: sbgra = video::R5G6B5toA8R8G8B8(*(u16*)(srcData + (fy * src_clip.x1) * 2 + (fx * 2))); break;
case video::ECF_A8R8G8B8: sbgra = *(u32*)(srcData + (fy * src_clip.x1) * 4 + (fx * 4)); break;
case video::ECF_R8G8B8:
const u8* p = srcData + (fy * src_clip.x1) * 3 + (fx * 3);
sbgra = 0xFF000000 | p[0] << 16 | p[1] << 8 | p[2];
} break;
default: break;
if (src_sRGB)
sum[0] += srgb_8bit_to_linear_float[(sbgra) & 0xFF] * ws;
sum[1] += srgb_8bit_to_linear_float[(sbgra >> 8) & 0xFF] * ws;
sum[2] += srgb_8bit_to_linear_float[(sbgra >> 16) & 0xFF] * ws;
sum[3] += ((sbgra >> 24) & 0xFF) * ws;
sum[0] += ((sbgra) & 0xFF) * ws;
sum[1] += ((sbgra >> 8) & 0xFF) * ws;
sum[2] += ((sbgra >> 16) & 0xFF) * ws;
sum[3] += ((sbgra >> 24) & 0xFF) * ws;
switch (op)
if (dst_sRGB)
sbgra = linear_to_srgb_8bit(sum[0]) |
linear_to_srgb_8bit(sum[1]) << 8 |
linear_to_srgb_8bit(sum[2]) << 16 |
(u32)(sum[3]) << 24;
sbgra = (u32)(sum[0]) |
(u32)(sum[1]) << 8 |
(u32)(sum[2]) << 16 |
(u32)(sum[3]) << 24;
switch (dstFormat)
case video::ECF_A8R8G8B8: *(u32*)(dstData + (dy * dst_clip.x1) * 4 + (dx * 4)) = sbgra; break;
case video::ECF_R8G8B8:
u8* p = dstData + (dy * dst_clip.x1) * 3 + (dx * 3);
p[2] = (sbgra) & 0xFF;
p[1] = (sbgra >> 8) & 0xFF;
p[0] = (sbgra >> 16) & 0xFF;
} break;
case video::ECF_A1R5G5B5: *(u16*)(dstData + (dy * dst_clip.x1) * 2 + (dx * 2)) = video::A8R8G8B8toA1R5G5B5(sbgra); break;
case video::ECF_R5G6B5: *(u16*)(dstData + (dy * dst_clip.x1) * 2 + (dx * 2)) = video::A8R8G8B8toR5G6B5(sbgra); break;
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace irr