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Raw Normal View History

Copyright (C) 2021 Liso <anlismon@gmail.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "irrlichttypes_extrabloated.h"
#include "client/shadows/dynamicshadows.h"
class ShadowDepthShaderCB;
class shadowScreenQuad;
class shadowScreenQuadCB;
enum E_SHADOW_MODE : u8
struct NodeToApply
NodeToApply(scene::ISceneNode *n,
bool operator<(const NodeToApply &other) const { return node < other.node; };
scene::ISceneNode *node;
bool dirty{false};
class ShadowRenderer
static const int TEXTURE_LAYER_SHADOW = 3;
ShadowRenderer(IrrlichtDevice *device, Client *client);
void initialize();
/// Adds a directional light shadow map (Usually just one (the sun) except in
/// Tattoine ).
size_t addDirectionalLight();
DirectionalLight &getDirectionalLight(u32 index = 0);
size_t getDirectionalLightCount() const;
f32 getMaxShadowFar() const;
/// Adds a shadow to the scene node.
/// The shadow mode can be ESM_BOTH, or ESM_RECEIVE.
/// ESM_BOTH casts and receives shadows
/// ESM_RECEIVE only receives but does not cast shadows.
void addNodeToShadowList(scene::ISceneNode *node,
void removeNodeFromShadowList(scene::ISceneNode *node);
void update(video::ITexture *outputTarget = nullptr);
void setForceUpdateShadowMap() { m_force_update_shadow_map = true; }
void drawDebug();
video::ITexture *get_texture()
return shadowMapTextureFinal;
bool is_active() const { return m_shadows_enabled && shadowMapTextureFinal != nullptr; }
void setTimeOfDay(float isDay) { m_time_day = isDay; };
void setShadowIntensity(float shadow_intensity);
s32 getShadowSamples() const { return m_shadow_samples; }
float getShadowStrength() const { return m_shadows_enabled ? m_shadow_strength : 0.0f; }
float getTimeOfDay() const { return m_time_day; }
f32 getPerspectiveBiasXY() { return m_perspective_bias_xy; }
f32 getPerspectiveBiasZ() { return m_perspective_bias_z; }
video::ITexture *getSMTexture(const std::string &shadow_map_name,
video::ECOLOR_FORMAT texture_format,
bool force_creation = false);
void renderShadowMap(video::ITexture *target, DirectionalLight &light,
void renderShadowObjects(video::ITexture *target, DirectionalLight &light);
void mixShadowsQuad();
void updateSMTextures();
void disable();
void enable() { m_shadows_enabled = m_shadows_supported; }
// a bunch of variables
scene::ISceneManager *m_smgr{nullptr};
video::IVideoDriver *m_driver{nullptr};
Client *m_client{nullptr};
video::ITexture *shadowMapClientMap{nullptr};
video::ITexture *shadowMapClientMapFuture{nullptr};
video::ITexture *shadowMapTextureFinal{nullptr};
video::ITexture *shadowMapTextureDynamicObjects{nullptr};
video::ITexture *shadowMapTextureColors{nullptr};
std::vector<DirectionalLight> m_light_list;
std::vector<NodeToApply> m_shadow_node_array;
float m_shadow_strength;
float m_shadow_strength_gamma;
float m_shadow_map_max_distance;
float m_shadow_map_texture_size;
float m_time_day{0.0f};
int m_shadow_samples;
bool m_shadow_map_texture_32bit;
bool m_shadows_enabled;
bool m_shadows_supported;
bool m_shadow_map_colored;
bool m_force_update_shadow_map;
u8 m_map_shadow_update_frames; /* Use this number of frames to update map shaodw */
u8 m_current_frame{0}; /* Current frame */
f32 m_perspective_bias_xy;
f32 m_perspective_bias_z;
video::ECOLOR_FORMAT m_texture_format{video::ECOLOR_FORMAT::ECF_R16F};
video::ECOLOR_FORMAT m_texture_format_color{video::ECOLOR_FORMAT::ECF_R16G16};
// Shadow Shader stuff
void createShaders();
std::string readShaderFile(const std::string &path);
s32 depth_shader{-1};
s32 depth_shader_entities{-1};
s32 depth_shader_trans{-1};
s32 mixcsm_shader{-1};
ShadowDepthShaderCB *m_shadow_depth_cb{nullptr};
ShadowDepthShaderCB *m_shadow_depth_entity_cb{nullptr};
ShadowDepthShaderCB *m_shadow_depth_trans_cb{nullptr};
shadowScreenQuad *m_screen_quad{nullptr};
shadowScreenQuadCB *m_shadow_mix_cb{nullptr};
* @brief Create a shadow renderer if settings allow this.
Reduce exposure of various internals (#12885) * refactoring(StaticObjectList): don't expose m_active and m_stored anymore This prevents our old crap code where anyone can access to StaticObjectList. use proper modifiers. It also permits to do a short cleanup on MapBlock using a helper * refactoring(MapBlock): reduce a bit exposed m_active_blocks variable * refactoring: MapBlock::m_node_timers is now private We already had various helpers to perform this privatization, just use it. Also factorize the MapBlock stepping code for timers using already existing code and importing them from ServerEnvironment to MapBlock. It's currently done pretty straight forward without any inheritance as MapBlock is just used everywhere, maybe in a future we'll have ServerMapBlock over MapBlock. Currently for a simple function let's just use proper objects and add a comment warning * refactoring(Server): fix duplicated function for add/remove node * refactoring(guiFormSpecMenu): add removeAll function to prevent duplicated code * refactoring(ShadowRenderer) + perf: code quality + increase performance * All callers are already using the point and we should never test a function with nullptr node, it's a bug. Removed workaround which was hacky and fix the bug * Drop clientmap lookup from shadowrendered, just use directly its pointer and forbid to push it in the generic list * Reduce memory pressure on the renderShadowObject by preventing deallocating and reallocating multiple vectors on each node * refactoring(MapBlock): reduce exposure of MapBlock::m_static_objects It's not complete as some parts of the code are pretty nested, but it's better than before :) * fix: better working on new functions & drop unwanted 2 lines Co-authored-by: Jude Melton-Houghton <jwmhjwmh@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jude Melton-Houghton <jwmhjwmh@gmail.com>
2022-11-03 17:35:31 +01:00
* @param device Device to be used to render shadows.
* @param client Reference to the client context.
* @return A new ShadowRenderer instance or nullptr if shadows are disabled or not supported.
ShadowRenderer *createShadowRenderer(IrrlichtDevice *device, Client *client);