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Raw Normal View History

Copyright (C) 2010-2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>
Copyright (C) 2017 numzero, Lobachevskiy Vitaliy <numzer0@yandex.ru>
Copyright (C) 2020 appgurueu, Lars Mueller <appgurulars@gmx.de>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include "secondstage.h"
#include "client/client.h"
#include "client/shader.h"
#include "client/tile.h"
#include "settings.h"
PostProcessingStep::PostProcessingStep(u32 _shader_id, const std::vector<u8> &_texture_map) :
shader_id(_shader_id), texture_map(_texture_map)
assert(texture_map.size() <= video::MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES);
void PostProcessingStep::configureMaterial()
material.UseMipMaps = false;
material.ZBuffer = true;
material.ZWriteEnable = video::EZW_ON;
for (u32 k = 0; k < texture_map.size(); ++k) {
material.TextureLayers[k].AnisotropicFilter = 0;
material.TextureLayers[k].MinFilter = video::ETMINF_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST;
material.TextureLayers[k].MagFilter = video::ETMAGF_NEAREST;
material.TextureLayers[k].TextureWrapU = video::ETC_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
material.TextureLayers[k].TextureWrapV = video::ETC_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
void PostProcessingStep::setRenderSource(RenderSource *_source)
source = _source;
void PostProcessingStep::setRenderTarget(RenderTarget *_target)
target = _target;
void PostProcessingStep::reset(PipelineContext &context)
void PostProcessingStep::run(PipelineContext &context)
if (target)
// attach the shader
material.MaterialType = context.client->getShaderSource()->getShaderInfo(shader_id).material;
auto driver = context.device->getVideoDriver();
for (u32 i = 0; i < texture_map.size(); i++)
material.TextureLayers[i].Texture = source->getTexture(texture_map[i]);
static const video::SColor color = video::SColor(0, 0, 0, 255);
static const video::S3DVertex vertices[4] = {
video::S3DVertex(1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0,
color, 1.0, 0.0),
video::S3DVertex(-1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0,
color, 0.0, 0.0),
video::S3DVertex(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0,
color, 0.0, 1.0),
video::S3DVertex(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0,
color, 1.0, 1.0),
static const u16 indices[6] = {0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0};
driver->drawVertexPrimitiveList(&vertices, 4, &indices, 2);
void PostProcessingStep::setBilinearFilter(u8 index, bool value)
assert(index < video::MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES);
material.TextureLayers[index].MinFilter = value ? video::ETMINF_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST : video::ETMINF_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST;
material.TextureLayers[index].MagFilter = value ? video::ETMAGF_LINEAR : video::ETMAGF_NEAREST;
RenderStep *addPostProcessing(RenderPipeline *pipeline, RenderStep *previousStep, v2f scale, Client *client)
auto buffer = pipeline->createOwned<TextureBuffer>();
auto driver = client->getSceneManager()->getVideoDriver();
// configure texture formats
video::ECOLOR_FORMAT color_format = video::ECF_A8R8G8B8;
if (driver->queryTextureFormat(video::ECF_A16B16G16R16F))
color_format = video::ECF_A16B16G16R16F;
video::ECOLOR_FORMAT depth_format = video::ECF_D16; // fallback depth format
if (driver->queryTextureFormat(video::ECF_D32))
depth_format = video::ECF_D32;
else if (driver->queryTextureFormat(video::ECF_D24S8))
depth_format = video::ECF_D24S8;
// init post-processing buffer
static const u8 TEXTURE_COLOR = 0;
static const u8 TEXTURE_DEPTH = 1;
static const u8 TEXTURE_BLOOM = 2;
static const u8 TEXTURE_EXPOSURE_1 = 3;
static const u8 TEXTURE_EXPOSURE_2 = 4;
static const u8 TEXTURE_FXAA = 5;
static const u8 TEXTURE_VOLUME = 6;
static const u8 TEXTURE_SCALE_DOWN = 10;
static const u8 TEXTURE_SCALE_UP = 20;
// Super-sampling is simply rendering into a larger texture.
// Downscaling is done by the final step when rendering to the screen.
const std::string antialiasing = g_settings->get("antialiasing");
const bool enable_bloom = g_settings->getBool("enable_bloom");
const bool enable_auto_exposure = g_settings->getBool("enable_auto_exposure");
const bool enable_ssaa = antialiasing == "ssaa";
const bool enable_fxaa = antialiasing == "fxaa";
const bool enable_volumetric_light = g_settings->getBool("enable_volumetric_lighting") && enable_bloom;
if (enable_ssaa) {
u16 ssaa_scale = MYMAX(2, g_settings->getU16("fsaa"));
scale *= ssaa_scale;
buffer->setTexture(TEXTURE_COLOR, scale, "3d_render", color_format);
buffer->setTexture(TEXTURE_EXPOSURE_1, core::dimension2du(1,1), "exposure_1", color_format, /*clear:*/ true);
buffer->setTexture(TEXTURE_EXPOSURE_2, core::dimension2du(1,1), "exposure_2", color_format, /*clear:*/ true);
buffer->setTexture(TEXTURE_DEPTH, scale, "3d_depthmap", depth_format);
// attach buffer to the previous step
previousStep->setRenderTarget(pipeline->createOwned<TextureBufferOutput>(buffer, std::vector<u8> { TEXTURE_COLOR }, TEXTURE_DEPTH));
// shared variables
u32 shader_id;
// Number of mipmap levels of the bloom downsampling texture
const u8 MIPMAP_LEVELS = 4;
// post-processing stage
u8 source = TEXTURE_COLOR;
// common downsampling step for bloom or autoexposure
if (enable_bloom || enable_auto_exposure) {
v2f downscale = scale * 0.5;
for (u8 i = 0; i < MIPMAP_LEVELS; i++) {
buffer->setTexture(TEXTURE_SCALE_DOWN + i, downscale, std::string("downsample") + std::to_string(i), color_format);
if (enable_bloom)
buffer->setTexture(TEXTURE_SCALE_UP + i, downscale, std::string("upsample") + std::to_string(i), color_format);
downscale *= 0.5;
if (enable_bloom) {
buffer->setTexture(TEXTURE_BLOOM, scale, "bloom", color_format);
// get bright spots
u32 shader_id = client->getShaderSource()->getShader("extract_bloom", TILE_MATERIAL_PLAIN, NDT_MESH);
RenderStep *extract_bloom = pipeline->addStep<PostProcessingStep>(shader_id, std::vector<u8> { source, TEXTURE_EXPOSURE_1 });
extract_bloom->setRenderTarget(pipeline->createOwned<TextureBufferOutput>(buffer, TEXTURE_BLOOM));
if (enable_volumetric_light) {
buffer->setTexture(TEXTURE_VOLUME, scale, "volume", color_format);
shader_id = client->getShaderSource()->getShader("volumetric_light", TILE_MATERIAL_PLAIN, NDT_MESH);
auto volume = pipeline->addStep<PostProcessingStep>(shader_id, std::vector<u8> { source, TEXTURE_DEPTH });
volume->setRenderTarget(pipeline->createOwned<TextureBufferOutput>(buffer, TEXTURE_VOLUME));
// downsample
shader_id = client->getShaderSource()->getShader("bloom_downsample", TILE_MATERIAL_PLAIN, NDT_MESH);
for (u8 i = 0; i < MIPMAP_LEVELS; i++) {
auto step = pipeline->addStep<PostProcessingStep>(shader_id, std::vector<u8> { source });
step->setBilinearFilter(0, true);
step->setRenderTarget(pipeline->createOwned<TextureBufferOutput>(buffer, TEXTURE_SCALE_DOWN + i));
source = TEXTURE_SCALE_DOWN + i;
// Bloom pt 2
if (enable_bloom) {
// upsample
shader_id = client->getShaderSource()->getShader("bloom_upsample", TILE_MATERIAL_PLAIN, NDT_MESH);
for (u8 i = MIPMAP_LEVELS - 1; i > 0; i--) {
auto step = pipeline->addStep<PostProcessingStep>(shader_id, std::vector<u8> { u8(TEXTURE_SCALE_DOWN + i - 1), source });
step->setBilinearFilter(0, true);
step->setBilinearFilter(1, true);
step->setRenderTarget(pipeline->createOwned<TextureBufferOutput>(buffer, u8(TEXTURE_SCALE_UP + i - 1)));
source = TEXTURE_SCALE_UP + i - 1;
// Dynamic Exposure pt2
if (enable_auto_exposure) {
shader_id = client->getShaderSource()->getShader("update_exposure", TILE_MATERIAL_PLAIN, NDT_MESH);
auto update_exposure = pipeline->addStep<PostProcessingStep>(shader_id, std::vector<u8> { TEXTURE_EXPOSURE_1, u8(TEXTURE_SCALE_DOWN + MIPMAP_LEVELS - 1) });
update_exposure->setBilinearFilter(1, true);
update_exposure->setRenderTarget(pipeline->createOwned<TextureBufferOutput>(buffer, TEXTURE_EXPOSURE_2));
u8 final_stage_source = TEXTURE_COLOR;
if (enable_fxaa) {
final_stage_source = TEXTURE_FXAA;
buffer->setTexture(TEXTURE_FXAA, scale, "fxaa", color_format);
shader_id = client->getShaderSource()->getShader("fxaa", TILE_MATERIAL_PLAIN);
PostProcessingStep *effect = pipeline->createOwned<PostProcessingStep>(shader_id, std::vector<u8> { TEXTURE_COLOR });
effect->setBilinearFilter(0, true);
effect->setRenderTarget(pipeline->createOwned<TextureBufferOutput>(buffer, TEXTURE_FXAA));
// final merge
shader_id = client->getShaderSource()->getShader("second_stage", TILE_MATERIAL_PLAIN, NDT_MESH);
PostProcessingStep *effect = pipeline->createOwned<PostProcessingStep>(shader_id, std::vector<u8> { final_stage_source, TEXTURE_SCALE_UP, TEXTURE_EXPOSURE_2 });
if (enable_ssaa)
effect->setBilinearFilter(0, true);
effect->setBilinearFilter(1, true);
if (enable_auto_exposure) {
pipeline->addStep<SwapTexturesStep>(buffer, TEXTURE_EXPOSURE_1, TEXTURE_EXPOSURE_2);
return effect;