mirror of https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game.git synced 2025-03-28 06:20:23 +01:00

Merge 'torches' mod as default:torch.

This merges the current state of the well-maintained and tested
`torches` mod as I've maintained it for the last 6 months.

This started out as a thorough cleanup of 3D torches by blockmen,
where some of the initial code still remains.

The models were redone entirely from scratch and have been extensively
tested with dozens of animated textures converted with mcimport,
and look a lot better than the original 3D Torches mod.

The ceiling torch is retained and functional. The `wieldlight`
addition that the torches mod has was removed, since it relies
on wieldview to look decent. This can stay external mod code.

I've opted to move the torch nodes to a separate file. It's not
a lot of code but nodes.lua is already huge, and I wanted to
retain the copyright header and some of the readme.txt notes,
and this was the easiest way of doing it.

This code passes "default:torch" to nodes with on_rightclick,
fixing problems with itemframes. Essentially it has a more
elaborate item_place() routine to make sure we're not passing
the wall torch to nodes that may display it.

The ceiling torch is a separate model and not the same as the
floor model. That does mean that there are 3 models in this
This commit is contained in:
Auke Kok 2016-10-11 21:05:10 -07:00 committed by Auke Kok
parent 09a229b412
commit 0bd2efcfc1
6 changed files with 320 additions and 54 deletions

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ dofile(default_path.."/functions.lua")

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# Blender v2.77 (sub 0) OBJ File: 'torch_ceiling.blend'
# www.blender.org
mtllib torch_ceiling.mtl
o Cube_Cube.001
v -0.062469 -0.047331 0.068152
v -0.062469 -0.559515 -0.164388
v -0.062469 0.004344 -0.045667
v -0.062469 -0.507839 -0.278206
v 0.062531 -0.047331 0.068152
v 0.062531 -0.559515 -0.164388
v 0.062531 0.004344 -0.045667
v 0.062531 -0.507839 -0.278206
v 0.353584 0.040000 0.363553
v 0.353584 -0.397500 0.363553
v -0.353522 0.040000 -0.343553
v -0.353522 -0.397500 -0.343553
v 0.353584 0.040000 -0.343553
v -0.353522 0.040000 0.363553
v 0.353584 -0.397500 -0.343553
v -0.353522 -0.397500 0.363553
vt 0.5625 0.5000
vt 0.5625 0.6250
vt 0.4375 0.6250
vt 0.4375 0.5000
vt 0.4375 0.0000
vt 0.5625 0.0000
vt 0.5625 0.1250
vt 0.4375 0.1250
vt 0.5625 0.6250
vt 0.4375 0.6250
vt 0.4375 0.6250
vt 0.4375 0.0000
vt 0.5625 0.6250
vt 0.5625 0.0000
vt 1.0000 0.5625
vt 1.0000 1.0000
vt 0.0000 1.0000
vt 0.0000 0.5625
vt 0.0000 0.5625
vt 1.0000 0.5625
vt 1.0000 1.0000
vt 0.0000 1.0000
vn 0.0000 0.9105 0.4134
vn -0.0000 -0.4134 0.9105
vn -1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
vn 0.7071 0.0000 -0.7071
vn 0.7071 0.0000 0.7071
usemtl Material.001
s off
f 3/1/1 1/2/1 5/3/1 7/4/1
f 8/5/1 4/6/1 2/7/1 6/8/1
f 3/9/2 4/6/2 8/5/2 7/10/2
f 1/11/3 3/9/3 4/6/3 2/12/3
f 5/13/2 1/11/2 2/12/2 6/14/2
f 7/10/3 8/5/3 6/14/3 5/13/3
usemtl Material.002
f 9/15/4 10/16/4 12/17/4 11/18/4
f 13/19/5 14/20/5 16/21/5 15/22/5

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# Blender v2.76 (sub 11) OBJ File: 'torch_floor.blend'
# www.blender.org
mtllib torch_floor.mtl
o Cube_Cube.001
v 0.062500 0.062500 -0.062500
v 0.062500 -0.500000 -0.062500
v 0.062500 0.062500 0.062500
v 0.062500 -0.500000 0.062500
v -0.062500 0.062500 -0.062500
v -0.062500 -0.500000 -0.062500
v -0.062500 0.062500 0.062500
v -0.062500 -0.500000 0.062500
v -0.353553 -0.500000 0.353553
v -0.353553 0.500000 0.353553
v 0.353553 -0.500000 -0.353553
v 0.353553 0.500000 -0.353553
v -0.353553 -0.500000 -0.353553
v 0.353553 -0.500000 0.353553
v -0.353553 0.500000 -0.353553
v 0.353553 0.500000 0.353553
vt 0.562500 0.500000
vt 0.562500 0.625000
vt 0.437500 0.625000
vt 0.437500 0.500000
vt 0.437500 0.000000
vt 0.562500 0.000000
vt 0.562500 0.125000
vt 0.437500 0.125000
vt 1.000000 0.000000
vt 1.000000 1.000000
vt 0.000000 1.000000
vt 0.000000 0.000000
vn 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
vn 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000
vn 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
vn -0.707100 0.000000 -0.707100
vn -0.707100 -0.000000 0.707100
g Cube_Cube.001_Cube_Cube.001_Material.001
usemtl Material.001
s off
f 3/1/1 1/2/1 5/3/1 7/4/1
f 8/5/1 4/6/1 2/7/1 6/8/1
f 3/2/2 4/6/2 8/5/2 7/3/2
f 1/3/3 3/2/3 4/6/3 2/5/3
f 5/2/2 1/3/2 2/5/2 6/6/2
f 7/3/3 8/5/3 6/6/3 5/2/3
g Cube_Cube.001_Cube_Cube.001_Material.002
usemtl Material.002
f 9/9/4 10/10/4 12/11/4 11/12/4
f 13/12/5 14/9/5 16/10/5 15/11/5

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# Blender v2.76 (sub 11) OBJ File: 'torch_wall.blend'
# www.blender.org
mtllib torch_wall.mtl
o Cube_Cube.001
v 0.062469 -0.195248 0.023570
v 0.062469 -0.476498 -0.463570
v 0.062469 -0.303502 0.086070
v 0.062469 -0.584752 -0.401070
v -0.062531 -0.195248 0.023570
v -0.062531 -0.476498 -0.463570
v -0.062531 -0.303502 0.086070
v -0.062531 -0.584752 -0.401070
v -0.353584 -0.613553 0.022500
v -0.353584 -0.613553 0.460000
v 0.353522 0.093553 0.022500
v 0.353522 0.093553 0.460000
v -0.353584 0.093553 0.022500
v 0.353522 -0.613553 0.022500
v -0.353584 0.093553 0.460000
v 0.353522 -0.613553 0.460000
v 0.353553 0.056811 -0.121957
v 0.353553 -0.224439 -0.609096
v -0.353553 -0.555561 0.231596
v -0.353553 -0.836811 -0.255543
v -0.353553 0.056811 -0.121957
v -0.353553 -0.224439 -0.609096
v 0.353553 -0.555561 0.231596
v 0.353553 -0.836811 -0.255543
vt 0.562500 0.500000
vt 0.562500 0.625000
vt 0.437500 0.625000
vt 0.437500 0.500000
vt 0.437500 0.000000
vt 0.562500 0.000000
vt 0.562500 0.125000
vt 0.437500 0.125000
vt 0.000000 0.562500
vt 0.000000 -0.000000
vt 1.000000 0.000000
vt 1.000000 0.562500
vt 1.000000 1.000000
vt 0.000000 1.000000
vn -0.000000 0.500000 0.866000
vn -0.000000 0.866000 -0.500000
vn 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
vn -0.707100 0.612400 -0.353600
vn -0.707100 -0.612400 0.353600
vn -0.707100 0.707100 -0.000000
vn -0.707100 -0.707100 -0.000000
g Cube_Cube.001_Cube_Cube.001_Material.001
usemtl Material.001
s off
f 3/1/1 1/2/1 5/3/1 7/4/1
f 8/5/1 4/6/1 2/7/1 6/8/1
f 3/2/2 4/6/2 8/5/2 7/3/2
f 1/3/3 3/2/3 4/6/3 2/5/3
f 5/2/2 1/3/2 2/5/2 6/6/2
f 7/3/3 8/5/3 6/6/3 5/2/3
f 17/9/4 18/10/4 20/11/4 19/12/4
f 21/9/5 22/10/5 24/11/5 23/12/5
g Cube_Cube.001_Cube_Cube.001_Material.002
usemtl Material.002
f 9/12/6 10/13/6 12/14/6 11/9/6
f 13/9/7 14/12/7 16/13/7 15/14/7

@ -159,8 +159,6 @@ default:lava_flowing
Tools / "Advanced" crafting / Non-"natural"
@ -1592,58 +1590,6 @@ minetest.register_node("default:lava_flowing", {
-- Tools / "Advanced" crafting / Non-"natural"
minetest.register_node("default:torch", {
description = "Torch",
drawtype = "torchlike",
tiles = {
name = "default_torch_on_floor_animated.png",
animation = {
type = "vertical_frames",
aspect_w = 16,
aspect_h = 16,
length = 3.0
animation = {
type = "vertical_frames",
aspect_w = 16,
aspect_h = 16,
length = 3.0
animation = {
type = "vertical_frames",
aspect_w = 16,
aspect_h = 16,
length = 3.0
inventory_image = "default_torch_on_floor.png",
wield_image = "default_torch_on_floor.png",
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "wallmounted",
sunlight_propagates = true,
is_ground_content = false,
walkable = false,
light_source = default.LIGHT_MAX - 1,
selection_box = {
type = "wallmounted",
wall_top = {-0.1, 0.5 - 0.6, -0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1},
wall_bottom = {-0.1, -0.5, -0.1, 0.1, -0.5 + 0.6, 0.1},
wall_side = {-0.5, -0.3, -0.1, -0.5 + 0.3, 0.3, 0.1},
groups = {choppy = 2, dig_immediate = 3, flammable = 1, attached_node = 1},
legacy_wallmounted = true,
sounds = default.node_sound_defaults(),
local chest_formspec =
"size[8,9]" ..
default.gui_bg ..

mods/default/torch.lua Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
Torch mod - formerly mod "Torches"
(c) Copyright BlockMen (2013-2015)
(C) Copyright sofar <sofar@foo-projects.org> (2016)
This mod changes the default torch drawtype from "torchlike" to "mesh",
giving the torch a three dimensional appearance. The mesh contains the
proper pixel mapping to make the animation appear as a particle above
the torch, while in fact the animation is just the texture of the mesh.
(c) Copyright BlockMen (2013-2015)
Textures and Meshes/Models:
CC-BY 3.0 BlockMen
Note that the models were entirely done from scratch by sofar.
Licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 or higher.
You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation;
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
See LICENSE.txt and http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt
minetest.register_node("default:torch", {
description = "Torch",
drawtype = "mesh",
mesh = "torch_floor.obj",
inventory_image = "default_torch_on_floor.png",
wield_image = "default_torch_on_floor.png",
tiles = {{
name = "default_torch_on_floor_animated.png",
animation = {type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 16, aspect_h = 16, length = 3.3}
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "wallmounted",
sunlight_propagates = true,
walkable = false,
liquids_pointable = false,
light_source = 13,
groups = {choppy=2, dig_immediate=3, flammable=1, attached_node=1, torch=1},
drop = "default:torch",
selection_box = {
type = "wallmounted",
wall_bottom = {-1/16, -0.5, -1/16, 1/16, 2/16, 1/16},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
local under = pointed_thing.under
local node = minetest.get_node(under)
local def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
if def and def.on_rightclick and
((not placer) or (placer and not placer:get_player_control().sneak)) then
return def.on_rightclick(under, node, placer, itemstack,
pointed_thing) or itemstack
local above = pointed_thing.above
local wdir = minetest.dir_to_wallmounted(vector.subtract(under, above))
local fakestack = itemstack
if wdir == 0 then
elseif wdir == 1 then
itemstack = minetest.item_place(fakestack, placer, pointed_thing, wdir)
return itemstack
minetest.register_node("default:torch_wall", {
drawtype = "mesh",
mesh = "torch_wall.obj",
tiles = {{
name = "default_torch_on_floor_animated.png",
animation = {type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 16, aspect_h = 16, length = 3.3}
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "wallmounted",
sunlight_propagates = true,
walkable = false,
light_source = 13,
groups = {choppy=2, dig_immediate=3, flammable=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1, attached_node=1, torch=1},
drop = "default:torch",
selection_box = {
type = "wallmounted",
wall_side = {-0.5, -0.3, -0.1, -0.2, 0.3, 0.1},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("default:torch_ceiling", {
drawtype = "mesh",
mesh = "torch_ceiling.obj",
tiles = {{
name = "default_torch_on_floor_animated.png",
animation = {type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 16, aspect_h = 16, length = 3.3}
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "wallmounted",
sunlight_propagates = true,
walkable = false,
light_source = 13,
groups = {choppy=2, dig_immediate=3, flammable=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1, attached_node=1, torch=1},
drop = "default:torch",
selection_box = {
type = "wallmounted",
wall_top = {-0.1, -0.1, -0.25, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
name = "default:3dtorch",
nodenames = {"default:torch", "torches:floor", "torches:wall"},
action = function(pos, node)
if node.param2 == 0 then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "default:torch_ceiling",
param2 = node.param2})
elseif node.param2 == 1 then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "default:torch",
param2 = node.param2})
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "default:torch_wall",
param2 = node.param2})