Junglegrass is unchanged as a source of cotton seeds for now, but
probably should be removed as a source in future, as players get
used to the new source.
Part 1: All mods except default and xpanes.
Add license.txt files.
Add missing README.txt files.
Check and update copyright years for all contributors.
Improve text format and make more consistent.
Rename in game.conf and documentation
Update game_api.txt documentation for bucket API and tree functions
Fix tab, space and comment formatting in game_api.txt
Rename in mod READMEs
- API {farming.register_hoe(), farming.register_plant()}
- Fertilities -> Plant only grow on soil with a fitting fertility, e.g. Wheat only grows on grassland, while cotton grows in deserts and grassland)
- New soil: Desert Sand
- Place seeds instead of plants