mirror of https://github.com/Gael-de-Sailly/30-biomes.git synced 2025-02-03 14:00:21 +01:00

Use a CSV file for biome data.

Future modifications should be done using Calc, Excel or any other spreadsheet software.
I've chosen this format because it's a text format that is easily readable.
This commit is contained in:
Gael-de-Sailly 2016-04-05 14:30:18 +02:00
parent eefc06cb74
commit d95ae22814
5 changed files with 112 additions and 660 deletions

View File

@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-- 1
name = "gravel_beach",
node_top = "default:gravel",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:gravel",
depth_filler = 3,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = -7,
y_max = 6,
heat_point = 19,
humidity_point = 19,
-- 2
name = "sand_dunes",
node_top = "default:sand",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand",
depth_filler = 3,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = -5,
y_max = 5,
heat_point = 21,
humidity_point = 61,
-- 3
name = "mangrove",
node_top = "default:dirt",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 4,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = -4,
y_max = 0,
heat_point = 96,
humidity_point = 106,
-- 4
name = "desert_dunes",
node_top = "default:sand",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand",
depth_filler = 2,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = -5,
y_max = 6,
heat_point = 70,
humidity_point = 6,
-- 5
name = "hot_sand_dunes",
node_top = "default:sand",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand",
depth_filler = 3,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = -5,
y_max = 5,
heat_point = 106,
humidity_point = 49,
-- 6
name = "tundra_dunes",
node_dust = "default:snow",
node_top = "default:sand",
depth_top = 2,
node_filler = "default:gravel",
depth_filler = 1,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = -5,
y_max = 2,
heat_point = 5,
humidity_point = 21,
-- Glacier 2 without snow
name = "glacier_2_shore",
node_dust = "default:snowblock",
node_top = "default:ice",
depth_top = 4,
node_stone = "default:stone",
node_water_top = "default:ice",
depth_water_top = 6,
node_river_water = "default:ice",
y_min = -4,
y_max = 0,
heat_point = -19,
humidity_point = 40,
-- Glacier 3 without snow
name = "glacier_3_shore",
node_dust = "default:snowblock",
node_top = "default:ice",
depth_top = 12,
node_stone = "default:stone",
node_water_top = "default:ice",
depth_water_top = 6,
node_river_water = "default:ice",
y_min = -4,
y_max = 0,
heat_point = -27,
humidity_point = 80,
-- Swamp without grass
name = "swamp_shore",
node_top = "default:dirt",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 3,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = -3,
y_max = 0,
heat_point = 30,
humidity_point = 114,
-- Icy swamp without snow
name = "icy_swamp_shore",
node_dust = "default:snow",
node_top = "default:dirt",
depth_top = 3,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 3,
node_stone = "default:stone",
node_water_top = "default:ice",
depth_water_top = 1,
node_river_water = "default:ice",
y_min = -4,
y_max = 0,
heat_point = -10,
humidity_point = 107,
-- Hot swamp without grass
name = "hot_swamp_shore",
node_top = "default:dirt",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 4,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = -3,
y_max = 0,
heat_point = 83,
humidity_point = 116,

biomes.csv Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#Open this file with a spreadsheet software,,,,,,,,,,
#Use a leading '#' to disable a line,,,,,,,,,,
#Blank cells are ignored,,,,,,,,,,
#Main biomes,,,,,,,,,,
glacier_1,default:stone,,default:ice 2,default:snowblock,default:ice 2,default:ice,-6,31000,-11,20
glacier_2,default:stone,default:ice 4,default:snowblock 3,default:snowblock,default:ice 6,default:ice,1,31000,-19,40
glacier_3,default:stone,default:ice 12,default:snowblock 5,default:snowblock,default:ice 10,default:ice,1,31000,-27,80
taiga,default:stone,default:dirt 5,default:dirt_with_snow,default:snow,,,4,31000,11,67
tundra,default:stone,default:dirt 2,default:dirt_with_snow,,,,3,31000,4,32
coniferous_forest,default:stone,default:dirt 2,default:dirt_with_grass,,,,5,31000,22,71
gravel_desert,default:stone,default:gravel 2,default:gravel,,,,2,31000,20,-2
dry_tundra,default:stone,default:dirt 2,default:dirt_with_snow,,,,2,31000,4,12
swamp,default:stone,default:dirt 3,default:dirt_with_grass,,,,1,31000,30,114
icy_swamp,default:stone,default:dirt 3,default:dirt_with_snow,default:snow,default:ice,default:ice,1,31000,-10,107
mixed_forest,default:stone,default:dirt 2,default:dirt_with_grass,,,,5,31000,24,56
cold_deciduous_forest,default:stone,default:dirt 2,default:dirt_with_grass,,,,4,31000,31,48
deciduous_forest,default:stone,default:dirt 3,default:dirt_with_grass,,,,5,31000,45,65
desert,default:desert_stone,default:desert_sand 3,default:desert_sand,,,,7,31000,89,9
sandstone_grasslands,default:sandstone,default:dirt 2,default:dirt_with_grass,,,,3,31000,55,15
semi-tropical_forest,default:stone,default:dirt 3,default:dirt_with_grass,,,,4,31000,72,61
rainforest,default:stone,default:dirt 4,default:dirt_with_grass,,,,1,31000,89,76
orchard,default:stone,default:dirt 2,default:dirt_with_grass,,,,6,31000,40,40
hot_deciduous_forest,default:stone,default:dirt 2,default:dirt_with_grass,,,,5,31000,61,58
hot_swamp,default:stone,default:dirt 4,default:dirt_with_grass,,,,1,31000,83,116
#Beach biomes,,,,,,,,,,
gravel_beach,default:stone,default:gravel 3,default:gravel,,,,-7,6,19,19
sand_dunes,default:stone,default:sand 3,default:sand,,,,-5,5,21,61
mangrove,default:stone,default:dirt 4,default:dirt,,,,-4,0,96,106
desert_dunes,default:stone,default:sand 2,deault:sand,,,,-5,6,70,6
hot_sand_dunes,default:stone,default:sand 3,default:sand,,,,-5,5,106,49
tundra_dunes,default:stone,default:gravel,default:sand 2,default:snow,,,-5,2,5,21
glacier_2_shore,default:stone,,default:ice 4,default:snowblock,default:ice 6,default:ice,-4,0,-19,40
glacier_3_shore,default:stone,,default:ice 12,default:snowblock,default:ice 6,default:ice,-4,0,-27,80
swamp_shore,default:stone,default:dirt 3,default:dirt,,,,-3,0,30,114
icy_swamp_shore,default:stone,default:dirt 4,default:dirt 3,default:snow,default:ice,default:ice,-4,0,-10,107
hot_swamp_shore,default:stone,default:dirt 4,default:dirt,,,,-3,0,83,116
#Sea biomes,,,,,,,,,,
pack_ice,default:stone,,default:gravel,default:snow,default:ice 5,default:ice,-112,-6,-24,41
cold_sea,default:stone,,default:gravel 2,,,,-112,-6,20,47
tempered_sea,default:stone,,default:sand 2,,,,-112,-6,41,48
warm_sea,default:stone,default:sand 2,default:sand,,,,-112,-6,89,51
1 #Open this file with a spreadsheet software
2 #Use a leading '#' to disable a line
3 #Blank cells are ignored
5 #Name Stone Fill Top Dust Sea River Elev_min Elev_max Heat Humidity
7 #Main biomes
8 glacier_1 default:stone default:ice 2 default:snowblock default:ice 2 default:ice -6 31000 -11 20
9 glacier_2 default:stone default:ice 4 default:snowblock 3 default:snowblock default:ice 6 default:ice 1 31000 -19 40
10 glacier_3 default:stone default:ice 12 default:snowblock 5 default:snowblock default:ice 10 default:ice 1 31000 -27 80
11 taiga default:stone default:dirt 5 default:dirt_with_snow default:snow 4 31000 11 67
12 tundra default:stone default:dirt 2 default:dirt_with_snow 3 31000 4 32
13 coniferous_forest default:stone default:dirt 2 default:dirt_with_grass 5 31000 22 71
14 cold_gravel_desert default:stone default:gravel default:gravel default:snow -6 31000 -2 2
15 gravel_desert default:stone default:gravel 2 default:gravel 2 31000 20 -2
16 dry_tundra default:stone default:dirt 2 default:dirt_with_snow 2 31000 4 12
17 cold_desert default:stone 3 31000 32 -3
18 swamp default:stone default:dirt 3 default:dirt_with_grass 1 31000 30 114
19 icy_swamp default:stone default:dirt 3 default:dirt_with_snow default:snow default:ice default:ice 1 31000 -10 107
20 stone_grasslands default:stone default:dirt default:dirt_with_grass 4 31000 29 22
21 mixed_forest default:stone default:dirt 2 default:dirt_with_grass 5 31000 24 56
22 cold_deciduous_forest default:stone default:dirt 2 default:dirt_with_grass 4 31000 31 48
23 deciduous_forest default:stone default:dirt 3 default:dirt_with_grass 5 31000 45 65
24 bushes default:stone default:dirt default:dirt_with_grass 7 31000 43 30
25 scrub default:stone default:dirt default:dirt_with_dry_grass 8 31000 57 25
26 hot_pine_forest default:stone default:dirt default:dirt_with_grass 6 31000 65 35
27 desert default:desert_stone default:desert_sand 3 default:desert_sand 7 31000 89 9
28 sandstone_grasslands default:sandstone default:dirt 2 default:dirt_with_grass 3 31000 55 15
29 savanna default:stone default:dirt default:dirt_with_dry_grass 6 31000 80 24
30 desert_stone_grasslands default:desert_stone default:dirt default:dirt_with_grass 4 31000 90 41
31 red_savanna default:desert_stone default:dirt default:dirt_with_dry_grass 5 31000 90 31
32 semi-tropical_forest default:stone default:dirt 3 default:dirt_with_grass 4 31000 72 61
33 rainforest default:stone default:dirt 4 default:dirt_with_grass 1 31000 89 76
34 sandstone_desert default:sandstone default:desert_sand default:desert_sand 6 31000 60 0
35 orchard default:stone default:dirt 2 default:dirt_with_grass 6 31000 40 40
36 hot_deciduous_forest default:stone default:dirt 2 default:dirt_with_grass 5 31000 61 58
37 hot_swamp default:stone default:dirt 4 default:dirt_with_grass 1 31000 83 116
39 #Beach biomes
40 gravel_beach default:stone default:gravel 3 default:gravel -7 6 19 19
41 sand_dunes default:stone default:sand 3 default:sand -5 5 21 61
42 mangrove default:stone default:dirt 4 default:dirt -4 0 96 106
43 desert_dunes default:stone default:sand 2 deault:sand -5 6 70 6
44 hot_sand_dunes default:stone default:sand 3 default:sand -5 5 106 49
45 tundra_dunes default:stone default:gravel default:sand 2 default:snow -5 2 5 21
47 glacier_2_shore default:stone default:ice 4 default:snowblock default:ice 6 default:ice -4 0 -19 40
48 glacier_3_shore default:stone default:ice 12 default:snowblock default:ice 6 default:ice -4 0 -27 80
49 swamp_shore default:stone default:dirt 3 default:dirt -3 0 30 114
50 icy_swamp_shore default:stone default:dirt 4 default:dirt 3 default:snow default:ice default:ice -4 0 -10 107
51 hot_swamp_shore default:stone default:dirt 4 default:dirt -3 0 83 116
53 #Sea biomes
54 pack_ice default:stone default:gravel default:snow default:ice 5 default:ice -112 -6 -24 41
55 cold_sea default:stone default:gravel 2 -112 -6 20 47
56 tempered_sea default:stone default:sand 2 -112 -6 41 48
57 warm_sea default:stone default:sand 2 default:sand -112 -6 89 51
59 #Underground
60 underground default:stone -31000 -113 50 50

View File

@ -19,16 +19,56 @@ minetest.register_node("biomes:mud", {
sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults(),
dofile(path .. "/main_biomes.lua")
dofile(path .. "/beach_biomes.lua")
dofile(path .. "/sea_biomes.lua")
dofile(path .. "/decorations.lua")
for line in io.lines(path .. "/biomes.csv") do
local attribs = line:split(",", true)
local name, stone, fill, top, dust, sea, river, ymin, ymax, heat, humidity = unpack(attribs)
name = "underground",
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = -113,
y_max = -31000,
heat_point = 50,
humidity_point = 50,
if #name > 0 and name:sub(1,1) ~= "#" then
-- Register biome
local biome = {name=name}
if stone and #stone > 0 then
biome.stone = stone
if fill and #fill > 0 then
fill = fill:split("%s", false, 1, true)
biome.node_filler = fill[1]
biome.depth_filler = tonumber(fill[2] or 1)
if top and #top > 0 then
top = top:split("%s", false, 1, true)
biome.node_top = top[1]
biome.depth_top = tonumber(top[2] or 1)
if dust and #dust > 0 then
biome.node_dust = dust
if sea and #sea > 0 then
sea = sea:split("%s", false, 1, true)
biome.node_water_top = sea[1]
biome.depth_water_top = tonumber(sea[2] or 1)
if river and #river > 0 then
biome.node_river_water = river
biome.y_min = tonumber(ymin) or -31000
biome.y_max = tonumber(ymax) or 31000
biome.heat_point = tonumber(heat) or 50
biome.humidity_point = tonumber(humidity) or 50
local id = minetest.register_biome(biome)
print("Biome \"" .. name .. "\" registered with ID=" .. id .. ", temperature " .. biome.heat_point .. ", humidity " .. biome.humidity_point .. ".")
--dofile(path .. "/main_biomes.lua")
--dofile(path .. "/beach_biomes.lua")
--dofile(path .. "/sea_biomes.lua")
dofile(path .. "/decorations.lua")

View File

@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-- 30 main biomes
-- 1
name = "glacier_1",
node_dust = "default:snowblock",
node_top = "default:ice",
depth_top = 2,
node_stone = "default:stone",
node_water_top = "default:ice",
depth_water_top = 2,
node_river_water = "default:ice",
y_min = -6,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = -11,
humidity_point = 20,
-- 2
name = "glacier_2",
node_dust = "default:snowblock",
node_top = "default:snowblock",
depth_top = 3,
node_filler = "default:ice",
depth_filler = 4,
node_stone = "default:stone",
node_water_top = "default:ice",
depth_water_top = 6,
node_river_water = "default:ice",
y_min = 1,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = -19,
humidity_point = 40,
-- 3
name = "glacier_3",
node_dust = "default:snowblock",
node_top = "default:snowblock",
depth_top = 5,
node_filler = "default:ice",
depth_filler = 12,
node_stone = "default:stone",
node_water_top = "default:ice",
depth_water_top = 10,
node_river_water = "default:ice",
y_min = 1,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = -27,
humidity_point = 80,
-- 4
name = "taiga",
node_dust = "default:snow",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_snow",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 5,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 4,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 11,
humidity_point = 67,
-- 5
name = "tundra",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_snow",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 2,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 3,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 4,
humidity_point = 32,
-- 6
name = "coniferous_forest",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 2,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 5,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 22,
humidity_point = 71,
-- 7
name = "cold_gravel_desert",
node_dust = "default:snow",
node_top = "default:gravel",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:gravel",
depth_filler = 1,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = -6,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = -2,
humidity_point = 2,
-- 8
name = "gravel_desert",
node_top = "default:gravel",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:gravel",
depth_filler = 2,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 2,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 20,
humidity_point = -2,
-- 9
name = "dry_tundra",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_snow",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 2,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 2,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 4,
humidity_point = 12,
-- 10
name = "cold_desert",
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 3,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 32,
humidity_point = -3,
-- 11
name = "swamp",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 3,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 1,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 30,
humidity_point = 114,
-- 12
name = "icy_swamp",
node_dust = "default:snow",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_snow",
depth_top = 3,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 3,
node_stone = "default:stone",
node_water_top = "default:ice",
depth_water_top = 1,
node_river_water = "default:ice",
y_min = 1,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = -10,
humidity_point = 107,
-- 13
name = "stone_grasslands",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 1,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 4,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 29,
humidity_point = 22,
-- 14
name = "mixed_forest",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 2,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 5,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 24,
humidity_point = 56,
-- 15
name = "cold_deciduous_forest",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 2,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 4,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 31,
humidity_point = 48,
-- 16
name = "deciduous_forest",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 3,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 5,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 45,
humidity_point = 65,
-- 17
name = "bushes",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 1,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 7,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 43,
humidity_point = 30,
-- 18
name = "scrub",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_dry_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 1,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 8,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 57,
humidity_point = 25,
-- 19
name = "hot_pine_forest",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 1,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 6,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 65,
humidity_point = 35,
-- 20
name = "desert",
node_top = "default:desert_sand",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:desert_sand",
depth_filler = 3,
node_stone = "default:desert_stone",
y_min = 7,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 89,
humidity_point = 9,
-- 21
name = "sandstone_grasslands",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 2,
node_stone = "default:sandstone",
y_min = 3,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 55,
humidity_point = 15,
-- 22
name = "savanna",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_dry_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 1,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 6,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 80,
humidity_point = 24,
-- 23
name = "desert_stone_grasslands",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 1,
node_stone = "default:desert_stone",
y_min = 4,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 90,
humidity_point = 41,
-- 24
name = "red_savanna",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_dry_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 1,
node_stone = "default:desert_stone",
y_min = 5,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 90,
humidity_point = 31,
-- 25
name = "semi-tropical_forest",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 3,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 4,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 72,
humidity_point = 61,
-- 26
name = "rainforest",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 4,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 1,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 89,
humidity_point = 76,
-- 27
name = "sandstone_desert",
node_top = "default:desert_sand",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:desert_sand",
depth_filler = 1,
node_stone = "default:sandstone",
y_min = 6,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 60,
humidity_point = 0,
-- 28
name = "orchard",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 2,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 6,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 40,
humidity_point = 40,
-- 29
name = "hot_deciduous_forest",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 2,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 5,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 61,
humidity_point = 58,
-- 30
name = "hot_swamp",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 4,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = 1,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 83,
humidity_point = 116,

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-- 1
name = "pack_ice",
node_dust = "default:snow",
node_top = "default:gravel",
depth_top = 1,
node_stone = "default:stone",
node_water_top = "default:ice",
depth_water_top = 5,
node_river_water = "default:ice",
y_min = -112,
y_max = -6,
heat_point = -24,
humidity_point = 41,
-- 2
name = "cold_sea",
node_top = "default:gravel",
depth_top = 2,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = -112,
y_max = -6,
heat_point = 20,
humidity_point = 47,
-- 3
name = "tempered_sea",
node_top = "default:sand",
depth_top = 2,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = -112,
y_max = -6,
heat_point = 41,
humidity_point = 48,
-- 4
name = "hot_sea",
node_top = "default:sand",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand",
depth_filler = 2,
node_stone = "default:stone",
y_min = -112,
y_max = -6,
heat_point = 89,
humidity_point = 51,