Add a cube with its ground level centered at WorldEdit position 1 with dimensions <width> x <height> x <length>, composed of <node>.=
Add hollow sphere centered at WorldEdit position 1 with radius <radius>, composed of <node>=
Add sphere centered at WorldEdit position 1 with radius <radius>, composed of <node>=
Add hollow dome centered at WorldEdit position 1 with radius <radius>, composed of <node>=
Add dome centered at WorldEdit position 1 with radius <radius>, composed of <node>=
Add hollow cylinder at WorldEdit position 1 along the given axis with length <length>, base radius <radius1> (and top radius [radius2]), composed of <node>=
Add cylinder at WorldEdit position 1 along the given axis with length <length>, base radius <radius1> (and top radius [radius2]), composed of <node>=
Add hollow pyramid centered at WorldEdit position 1 along the given axis with height <height>, composed of <node>=
Add pyramid centered at WorldEdit position 1 along the given axis with height <height>, composed of <node>=
Add spiral centered at WorldEdit position 1 with side length <length>, height <height>, space between walls <space>, composed of <node>=
Copy the current WorldEdit region along the given axis by <amount> nodes=
Move the current WorldEdit region along the given axis by <amount> nodes=
@1 nodes moved=
Stack the current WorldEdit region along the given axis <count> times=
@1 nodes stacked=
Stack the current WorldEdit region <count> times by offset <x>, <y>, <z>=
invalid count: @1=
invalid increments: @1=
Scale the current WorldEdit positions and region by a factor of <stretchx>, <stretchy>, <stretchz> along the X, Y, and Z axes, repectively, with position 1 as the origin=
invalid scaling factors: @1=
@1 nodes stretched=
Transpose the current WorldEdit region along the given axes=
invalid usage: axes must be different=
@1 nodes transposed=
Flip the current WorldEdit region along the given axis=
@1 nodes flipped=
Rotate the current WorldEdit region around the given axis by angle <angle> (90 degree increment)=
invalid usage: angle must be multiple of 90=
@1 nodes rotated=
Rotate oriented nodes in the current WorldEdit region around the Y axis by angle <angle> (90 degree increment)=
@1 nodes oriented=
Fix the lighting in the current WorldEdit region=
@1 nodes updated=
Remove any fluid node within the current WorldEdit region=
Remove any plant, tree or foliage-like nodes in the selected region=
@1 nodes removed=
Hide all nodes in the current WorldEdit region non-destructively=
@1 nodes hidden=
Suppress all <node> in the current WorldEdit region non-destructively=
@1 nodes suppressed=
Highlight <node> in the current WorldEdit region by hiding everything else non-destructively=
@1 nodes highlighted=
Restores nodes hidden with WorldEdit in the current WorldEdit region=
@1 nodes restored=
Warning: The schematic contains excessive free space and WILL be misaligned when allocated or loaded. To avoid this, shrink your area to cover exactly the nodes to be saved.=
Save the current WorldEdit region to "(world folder)/schems/<file>.we"=