mirror of https://github.com/Uberi/Minetest-WorldEdit.git synced 2024-09-28 23:40:36 +02:00

//set appears to respect area ownership

hard depend on commonlib to soft depend on areas
This commit is contained in:
khonkhortisan 2014-04-19 17:15:25 -07:00
parent 11647fca93
commit c473fbb6c1
3 changed files with 49 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("/set", {
privs = {},
func = worldedit.privs(safe_region(function(name, param)
local pos1, pos2 = worldedit.pos1[name], worldedit.pos2[name]
if worldedit.can_edit_volume(VoxelArea:iterp(pos1, pos2)) then
if worldedit.can_edit_volume(name, {pos1, pos2}) then
local node = get_node(name, param)
local count = worldedit.set(pos1, pos2, node)
worldedit.player_notify(name, count .. " nodes set")

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@ -1 +1,2 @@

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@ -1,13 +1,22 @@
--if there's no protection mod, no worldedit means no editing, worldedit means editing anywhere (old behaviour)
--if there's a protection mod (and it's creative mode), no worldedit means editing only in your area, worldedit means editing in no-man's land too, and areas means editing anywhere.
--let the other mod load first
minetest.after(0, function()
--I would use mod.soft_depend from commonlib, but there are multiple mods that could create owned land
PROTECTION_MOD_EXISTS = minetest.is_protected == old_is_protected
PROTECTION_MOD_EXISTS = minetest.is_protected ~= old_is_protected
--else fall back to old behaviour, where
--worldedit privilege is permission to edit everything
mod.soft_depend("areas", function()
--mod.soft_depend("other protection mod goes here", function()
worldedit.privs replaces privs = {worldedit = true}, and also helps bypass volume permission checks.
@ -29,11 +38,9 @@ Returns:
--privs={worldedit=true [, server=true]}
--privs={worldedit=worldedit.priv() [, server=true]}
--instead, I had to wrap the rest of func = .
worldedit.privs = function(--[[name, ]]privsfunc--[[, param]])
--This runs a function for a chatcommand's func = ,
--or it can be used directly in an if statement.
worldedit.privs = function(privsfunc) --returns a function (the argument function wrapped in another) which takes the arguments (name, param).
if privsfunc == nil then
privsfunc = function(name, param) end
privsfunc = function() --[[no-op]] end
--this silly syntax was copied from safe_region, which is actually executed on chatcommand registration, and must return a function instead of the result of a function.
@ -44,13 +51,17 @@ worldedit.privs = function(--[[name, ]]privsfunc--[[, param]])
--The ability to set the whole world as owned by yourself is already potentially destructive, what's more destructive capability?
privsfunc(name, param)
return 2 --edit everywhere without checks
elseif not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") or not PROTECTION_MOD_EXISTS then
local is_creative = minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode")
if not is_creative or not PROTECTION_MOD_EXISTS then
--no protection mod, or not the kind of world where people can just create nodes out of thin air,
--worldedit privilege means editing anywhere
if minetest.check_player_privs(name, {worldedit=true}) then
privsfunc(name, param)
return 2 --edit everywhere without checks
--default chatcommand failure message
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You don't have permission to run this command (missing privileges: worldedit)\nReasons:".. (is_creative and "" or " (not creative mode)") .. (PROTECTION_MOD_EXISTS and "" or " (no protection mod)"))
--func(name, param) placeholder
return nil --edit nowhere
@ -69,13 +80,10 @@ end
--so the region is defined per-command on exec.
--//move has disconnected sections, so it's passed as a list of points.
--which are deduplicated.
worldedit.can_edit_volume = function(--[[name, ]]volume, volfunc--[[, param]])
worldedit.can_edit_volume = function(name, volume) --does not return a function like .privs does
--volume is before func, unlike safe_region having func before count
--because func may be removed to have can_edit_volume in an if statement
--like worldedit.privs can be
if volfunc == nil then
volfunc = function(name, param) end
--worldedit.privs was run once to prevent safe_region large area warnings,
--then safe_region was run to prevent unnecessary large-scale permission checks
@ -83,14 +91,14 @@ worldedit.can_edit_volume = function(--[[name, ]]volume, volfunc--[[, param]])
--then worldedit.privs is run again to attempt skipping checks (resusing the same code)
--then set is finally run.
return function(name, param)
--<==>--local returnfunc = function(name, param)
--worldedit.privs said that 'name' can use worldedit at least somewhere
-- return value 1 (or 2) before this function was run.
--Try skipping volume permission checks.
local wp = worldedit.privs()
local wp = worldedit.privs(nil)(name, nil)
if wp == 2 then
volfunc(name, param)
--volfunc(name, param)
return true
elseif wp == nil then
--safety feature in case worldedit.can_edit_volume is ever run alone, without being surrounded by worldedit.privs()
@ -106,7 +114,15 @@ worldedit.can_edit_volume = function(--[[name, ]]volume, volfunc--[[, param]])
local has_worldedit = minetest.check_player_privs(name, {worldedit=true})
--all or nothing here
for i in volume do
--volume may be a single region (//set) or two possibly overlapping regions (//move)
--an overlapping //move is checked twice - any attempt to make it more efficient (by combining the volumes into a single two-pos one) may take into account that the format is //move axis amount, and break if the format is changed to //move xamount yamount zamount
for v = 1,3,2 do --volume[1] and volume[2]
if volume[v] ~= nil then --volume[3] and volume[4]
volume[v], volume[v+1] = worldedit.sort_pos(volume[v], volume[v+1])
for y = volume[v].y, volume[v+1].y do
for z = volume[v].z, volume[v+1].z do
for x = volume[v].x, volume[v+1].x do
local node = {x=x, y=y, z=z}
THIS SECTION IGNORES the distinction of area that is owned by someone else, but still editable
this is treated as area owned by the editor, or no-man's land depending on if it's shared with one person or everyone
@ -117,11 +133,16 @@ worldedit.can_edit_volume = function(--[[name, ]]volume, volfunc--[[, param]])
--Is it owned?
if minetest.is_protected(i) then
if minetest.is_protected(node, "") then
--Is it someone else's?
if minetest.is_protected(i, name) then
if minetest.is_protected(node, name) then
--already checked the ability to make it mine (areas)
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Someone else owns at least part of what you want to edit")
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You don't have permission to run this command "..
"(Region "..minetest.pos_to_string(volume[1]).."-"..minetest.pos_to_string(volume[2])..
(volume[3] ~= nil and ("+"..minetest.pos_to_string(volume[3]).."-"..minetest.pos_to_string(volume[4])) or "")..
" overlaps (first match) areaname: (x, y, z)-(x, y, z) owned by playername)"..
"\nReasons: (missing areas privilege)"
--volfunc(name, param) placeholder
return false
@ -130,18 +151,22 @@ worldedit.can_edit_volume = function(--[[name, ]]volume, volfunc--[[, param]])
--no-man's land
--can I edit that?
elseif not has_worldedit then --use cached check
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You can only edit area in which you own a plot (missing worldedit privilege)")
elseif not has_worldedit then --using cached check
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You don't have permission to run this command (missing worldedit privilege)\nReasons: (At least part of this area is unowned (not owned by you)) (missing areas privilege)")
--volfunc(name, param) placeholder
return false
end -- for x
end -- for z
end -- for y
end -- if not nil
end -- for v
--the whole thing is
--a) owned by me, and/or
--b) owned by no one and I have the worldedit privilege.
--c) I have the areas privilege and it's possibly owned by someone else. (returned earlier)
volfunc(name, param)
--volfunc(name, param)
return true