#DarkAge MOD for MINETEST orginal by Master Gollum modyfied by addi
##Introduction: This mod adds a few new blocks that allows to create new buildings in a pre industrial landscape. Of course, feel free to use them in any other construction :P
It also provides more layers of stones. I tried not to turn mining in a rainbow, so don't expect to find them easily. There are two kinds of materials, stones, that spawns in layers at different deep and clay like materials (silt and mud) that you will find in water places. Silt and Mud are more easy to find than stone layers, but if you find one it will be a real mine, with all probability with hundreds of blocks.
I used mainly 4 square recipes to avoid collisions with other MODs, anyway I have not checked all them, so it is possible that another person is already using one or more of this combinations.
I also used Desert Sand and Desert Stone, because they almost are not used in the default version. Probably I will change this recipes in next releases.
##Release Notes Version 1.0.1
- fixed init.lua wich get broken by upload on github
Version 1.0
- a lot of more nodes because using moreblocks stairgen
- 2 sorts of medieval glass added
- chalk can crafted from chalk powder
- fixed some craft reziep conflicts
Version 0.3
- 29 Nodes + 3 Craft Items
- Furniture and building decoration
- Stone layers
Version 0.2
- 13 Nodes
- Sedimentary stones
Version 0.1
- 6 Nodes
PS: This document has been structured as the README.txt of PilzAdam in his Bed MOD.
###How to install: Unzip the archive an place it in minetest-base-directory/mods/minetest/ if you have a windows client or a linux run-in-place client. If you have a linux system-wide instalation place it in ~/.minetest/mods/minetest/. If you want to install this mod only in one world create the folder worldmods/ in your worlddirectory. For further information or help see: http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Installing_Mods
###Tunning: Comments the following lines to remove what you don't like: (To comment them just add -- at the beginning of their lines)
Stone Layers dofile(minetest.get_modpath("darkage").."/mapgen.lua") The stones will not spawn in the map.
Furniture Nodes dofile(minetest.get_modpath("darkage").."/furniture.lua") Only pure stones will be provided.
Adobe: Sand and Clay mixture with Straw to build houses or walls
Used from historical times, one of the first bricks
invented. I have to improve this texture, it is ugly :P
CRAFT -> 4
[Sand] [Sand]
[Clay Lumb] [Straw]
Basalt: a darken version of the default Stone
[Basalt Cobble]
Basalt Cobble: A darken version of the default Cobble
CRAFT -> 4
[Cobble] [Cobble]
[Coal Lump] [Coal Lump]
Chalk: a soft, white and porous sedimentary rock. It becomes
Chalk Powder when digged. Can't be craft, only found as
Chalk Powder: pile of chalk from digging Chalk stones. Can
be used to prepare plaster. See Cobblestone with Plaster.
Cobblestone with Plaster: Cobbles where has been applied a
layer of white plaster.
When digged it lost the plaster layer!
CRAFT -> 2
[Cobblestone] [Chalk Powder]
[Cobblestone] [Chalk Powder]
Dark Dirt: A darken version of the Dirt where the grass doesn't
grown, perfect for create a path in a forest. I was using
Gravel, but the noise walking was annoying to me (like
walking over iron coal with the nude feet :P), for this I
created this node.
CRAFT -> 4
[Dirt] [Dirt]
[Gravel] [Gravel]
Desert Stone Cobble: To add more uses to the Desert Stones.
I suppossed they are harder than regular Stones so it
cracks at 50% and releases the Cobbles or just regular
Desert Stones.
From dig Desert Stone
Desert Iron Ore: I know that others MODs add ores to the
Desert Stones, mine also does it, but just Iron, I supposed
the red color is because of the iron, so it goes with more
high probability than regular Stones and it doesn't add
Coal to them. It will not be a lot so you can keep it with
another MOD that does the same or just comment the lines that
does it.
Dry Leaves: Just a cube of Leaves toasted :P Well I found the
Leaves unuseful, so I thought to turn them into Straw, ok
it is not the same, but well, why not? Just dry them in a
Furnace and then put together to create the Straw
Gneiss: high grade metamorphic rock formed from Schist, very
common, and used in construction. It sometimes brokes in
Gneiss Cobble when being digged.
Gneiss Cobble: brick version of the gneiss.
From dig gneiss
Mud: mixture of water and some combination of soil, silt, and
clay. Used for build houses, specially in desertic regions.
It brokes in 4 Mud Lumps when digged.
CRAFT -> 3
[Dirt] [Dirt]
[Clay Lump] [Silt Lump]
CRAFT -> 1
[Mud Lump] [Mud Lump]
[Mud Lump] [Mud Lump]
Old Red Sandstone: a light red sandstone, in fact it's
sandstone with iron that gives it this color.
CRAFT -> 4
[Sandstone] [Sandstone]
[Iron Lumb] [Sandstone]
[Old Red Sandstone Cobble]
Old Red Sandstone Cobble: Cobbles of Old Red Sandstone.
CRAFT -> 4
[Sandstone Cobble] [Sandstone Cobble]
[Iron Lumb] [Sandstone Cobble]
[Desert Stone] --> I think I will change it in the future
release with its own Cobbles.
Reinforced Cobble: brick with crossed wooden.
CRAFT -> 1
[Stick] [] [Stick]
[] [Cobble] []
[Stick] [] [Stick]
Sandstone Cobble: brick version of the Sandstone, good for buildings with a pale color.
Schist: medium grade metamorphic rock from Slate.
Silt: granular material of a size somewhere between sand and clay. It brokes in 4 Silt Lumps.
CRAFT -> 1
[Silt Lump] [Silt Lump]
[Silt Lump] [Silt Lump]
Slate: fine-grained, foliated, homogeneous metamorphic rock derived from an original shale-type sedimentary rock through low-grade regional metamorphism. It is used to build roof.
[Slate Cobble]
Slate Cobble: Cobble obtained from Slate From dig Slate
Slate Tale: Nice blue slate tales for roofs. They has been used as building traditional building material in zones where slate is easy to find. Note: It has stairs and slabs.
CRAFT -> 2
[Slate Cobble] [Slate Cobble]
[Slate Cobble] [Slate Cobble]
Straw: a cube of yellish straw, try them in the roofs they will be very nice. Used also as traditional building material from ancient times.
CRAFT -> 2
[Shrub] [Shrub]
[Shrub] [Shrub]
CRAFT -> 2
[Dry Leaves] [Dry Leaves]
[Dry Leaves] [Dry Leaves]
Straw Bale: a decoration item, looks great for a farm or a country side house.
CRAFT -> 1
[Straw] [Straw]
[Straw] [Straw]
Desert Stone: just the default block, it can be obtained now from Desert Sand. The idea is that Desert Sand is stonner than regular Sand, so it takes less to create a Desert Stone than a Sandstone.
CRAFT -> 2
[Sandstone] [Sandstone]
[Sandstone] [Sandstone]
##FURNITURE NODES Just started so they are few ones
Box: a more smaller container than the Chest, but it requires
less wood. As cheep as 4 woods and have 16 slots. The craft
is a little weird but I think it makes sense and avoids
collision with the recipe of Hardwood of the MOD
CRAFT -> 2
[Wood] [] [Wood]
[] [] []
[Wood] [] [Wood]
Chain: climbable chain.
CRAFT -> 2
[Steel Ingot]
[Steel Ingot]
[Steel Ingot]
Iron Bars: alternative window for the Glass.
CRAFT -> 3
[Steel Ingot] [] [Steel Ingot]
[Steel Ingot] [] [Steel Ingot]
[Steel Ingot] [] [Steel Ingot]
Iron Grille: alternative window for the Glass.
CRAFT -> 3
[] [Iron Bars] []
[Iron Bars] [] [Iron Bars]
[] [Iron Bars] []
Wood Bars: alternative window for the Glass.
CRAFT -> 3
[Stick] [] [Stick]
[Stick] [] [Stick]
[Stick] [] [Stick]
Wood Frame: alternative window for the Glass.
CRAFT -> 1
[Stick] [Stick] [Stick]
[Stick] [Glass] [Stick]
[Stick] [Stick] [Stick]
Medieval Glass: a good looking glass, with small tiles
CRAFT -> 8
[Glass] [steel_ingot] [Glass]
[steel_ingot] [Glass] [steel_ingot]
[Glass] [steel_ingot] [Glass]
CRAFT -> 1
[Medieval Glow Glass]
Medieval Glow Glass: a good looking glass, with small tiles wich are glowing by itself
CRAFT -> 8
[Medieval Glass]
##License: Sourcecode: WTFPL (see below) Graphics: WTFPL (see below)
#See also: http://minetest.net/
Version 2, December 2004
Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar sam@hocevar.net
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed.