2018-12-31 11:46:27 -07:00
All textures not specifically listed here are created by FaceDeer and released under both the MIT license and under the Creative Commons CC0 license.
dfcaverns_glow_worm - copied from caverealms
dfcaverns_glow_worm_animated - glow worm texture overlaid with rippling animation derived from default mod's water texture
dfcaverns_glow_mese - from caverealms glow_mese
dfcaverns_glow_ruby, dfcaverns_glow_ruby4x, dfcaverns_glow_ruby_quarter - from caverealms glow_ruby
dfcaverns_glow_ruby_ore - from caverealms glow_ruby_ore
2019-08-07 19:07:25 -06:00
dfcaverns_salt_crystal - from caverealms
dfcaverns_salty - from caverealms with modified alpha channel