damage_name="snareweed",-- a string used in logs to identify the type of damage dealt
interval=1,-- number of seconds between each damage check
range=5,-- range of the damage. Can be omitted if inverse_square_falloff is true, in that case it defaults to the range at which 1 point of damage is done.
inverse_square_falloff=false,-- if true, damage falls off with the inverse square of the distance. If false, damage is constant within the range.
damage=2,-- number of damage points dealt each interval
nodenames={"dfcaverns:snareweed"},-- nodes that cause this damage. Same format as the nodenames parameter for minetest.find_nodes_in_area
occlusion=false,-- if true, damaging effect only passes through air. Other nodes will cast "shadows".
above_only=true,-- if true, damage only propagates directly upward.
cumulative=false,-- if true, all nodes within range do damage. If false, only the nearest one does damage.