FaceDeer 98fb313eb1
Primordial cavern layer (#12)
* bring in the art assets from ClockGen's "better_caves_modpack" under CC BY 4.0,, code written from scratch.

* update mapgen_helper

* import ClockGen's giant mushroom schematics, make them and giant ferns growable

* add giant jungle mushroom, rough out actual cavern layer code framework

* fungal ceiling decorations

* decorate fungal floor a bit

* update mapgen_helper

* update primordial mushroom schematic placement to ensure it fits

* add giant mycelium fungoidal structure

* add giant mycelium to mapgen

* fix settings for giant mycelium

* make mycelium grow when players aren't present

* allow mycelium growth to pause when it hits unloaded areas

* add a use for giant mycelium

* make giant mushrooms edible, make jungle trees growable

* rough out the jungle biome

* Make a spectrum of jungle growth

* optimize pngs, add is_ground_content to everything

* use custom is_ground_content method

* fix a crash with veinstone, and simplify nvals_cave lookup now that overgen covers the same area

* more fixes for overgen support

* remove unintentional airspace from underside of slade

* fix for overgen crash in level 2

* primordial column material, add sealed shafts to underworld

* add seal block

* Set up puzzle seals to be able to dig a staircase shaft through the slade layer. TODO: the puzzle to guard the trigger.

* puzzle seals now fully functional. Need to add clues for decoding the keys next.

* add a small bit of anti-griefing - the seal breach bell only tolls globally 13 times per activation

* add flowers to the underworld warrior bones

* switch to a different key bell

* fancy up the puzzle seal temples with some custom blocks, add sub-slade grid passages

* add a clue to the seal formspec

* tweak background of inscription 2 so it's less obviously a copy of the background for inscription 1

* switch to compositing to save a few bytes

* fancy up the seal's upper surface with inscriptions to make the formspec feel consistent

* puzzle particle, bones were only spawning on top of structures

* fix ice/oil on level 3, tweak some loot probabilities

* add trail mod support

* remove deprecated files

* boost default plant growth delay, add growing selection boxes

* update map colours

* add named waypoints to the underworld

* try a more efficient way of changing the interiors of columns

* polishing up the Primordial layer

* update guide with some Primordial teasers

* updated magma sea screenshot

* update mapgen_helper and subterrane

* reduce density of megaflora a bit - was too hard to walk through

* spreading_dirt_type depends on light, create my own ABM instead

* add names to the glowing pits and some of the ruins

* separate setting for ruin markers

* record identity of slade-breachers

* make mycelia climbable

* update subterrane

* change surface tunnel detection to allow above-ground stalactites and stalagmites

* add rare thicker Goblin Caps, suitable for use as huts.

* better goblin cap schematics

* update colours

* make it slightly harder to dig down through amethyst sheathing of pits

* fixing up fungus light sensitivity, tree growth code

* fix a few minor bugs

* update deprecated functions

* add various eating sounds

* make mapping kit requirement more flexible

* update spindlestem growth code, remove deprecated functions

* fix leftover undefined variable

* add fireflies to primordial, spread out the post-mapgen node timer for plant matter a bit more.

* fix bones formspec

* add lbm to upgrade old bones

* fix slade undiggability

* make torchspines smokey and manually lightable

* fix drop definitions

* generate dry stalactites in near-surface caverns.

* caverns become far too smokey, alas

* add pitter patter of spore tree spores, alternate paper recipe

* new mapgen_helper metrics

* add smokey back to torchspine now that it can be dialed down a bit

* replace glowstone texture with a new animated one

* switch from ABM to node timer for mapgen mycelium growth

* make mapgen mycelium timer delay configurable

* improve the efficiency of giant mycelium growth using flat node array, fewer dereferences

* remove the smoke from torchspines again - it doesn't dissipate that deep underground

* give slade a more muted, gloomy hue to differentiate it from nether stone

* update screenshots with new slade colors

* update mapgen_helper
2020-02-12 23:49:17 -07:00
2020-02-12 23:49:17 -07:00
2020-02-12 23:49:17 -07:00
2020-02-12 23:49:17 -07:00
2020-02-12 23:49:17 -07:00
2020-02-12 23:49:17 -07:00
2020-02-12 23:49:17 -07:00
2020-02-12 23:49:17 -07:00
2020-02-12 23:49:17 -07:00
2020-02-12 23:49:17 -07:00
2017-03-07 23:45:35 -07:00
2018-12-31 11:46:27 -07:00
2018-12-31 11:46:27 -07:00
2020-02-12 23:49:17 -07:00
2018-12-31 11:46:27 -07:00
2018-12-31 11:46:27 -07:00
2019-08-18 22:20:07 -05:00

Inspired by the world of Dwarf Fortress, this mod adds a series of vast cavern layers to the depths of Minetest with a variety of biomes that are populated with the flora of Dwarf Fortress.

Cavern Layers

The underground is divided into a number of cavern "layers" with a variety of biomes and other features distributed throughout. As one goes deeper one will find increasingly bizzare flora and exotic environments that provide new challenges and opportunities for players.

The uppermost layer is home to relatively conventional tree-like fungal growths of Fungiwood and Tower-Cap mushrooms. These provide a source of underground wood. Also found in this region are plump helmets (an edible farmable mushroom), and cave wheat (a pale grass-like growth whose seeds can be ground for flour).

The next layer down has more exotic growths. Here you can find Goblin Cap mushrooms, the squatter cousins of the Tower Caps. Spore Trees sprout in the warmer and wetter corners of the caverns, raising a climbable three-dimensional mesh or hyphyae above the ground that emits a gentle rain of spore powder. Tunnel Tubes grow in the hottest regions - tall, curved stalks with fruiting bodies at the tips that burst violently when ripe. Smaller growths found here include plump helmets, cave wheat, pig tails (a fibrous fungus that can be grown and harvested for thread) and sweet pods (whose fruiting bodies can be milled for sugar or processed into syrup).

In the third cavern layer yet stranger forms of life flourish in the hostile conditions. The coal-black caverns of the Black Cap forests, rich with carbonaceous deposits that have accumulated over millions of years and lit by smouldering Torchspines, are found here. The frigid Nethercaps, blue-tinted mushrooms leaching heat out of their environment in ways that shouldn't be thermodynamically possible, fill their caverns with ice and snow. In the hotter areas the vicious Bloodthorn grows, with wicked spines that suck moisture from anything they can pierce. In caves too dry to support biological life enormous glowing crystals grow instead. Smaller plants that can be found here include quarry bushes (farmable for their spicy leaves) and dimple cups (whose eponymous parts can be ground to produce a brilliant blue dye).

After the third layer are the shores of the Sunless Sea, the ultimate destination of all water that flows downward through the twisty caves of Minetest. Familiar growths crowd its fertile shores, with Tower Cap, Goblin Cap, Fungiwood and Spore Trees able to take root in this relatively hospitable zone. The caverns of the Sunless Sea are vast in extent but are mostly flooded with water, and below the surface grows treacherous Snareweed and underwater citadels of softly-glowing Cave Coral. Twisting rivers connect the various caverns of the Sunless Sea.

Below the Sunless Sea are seas of a more dangerous sort: lakes of oil and the magma ocean. These caverns are filled with dangerous substances, though there are riches to be had as well; mineral growths fed by the heat and pressure and bountiful fuel sources.

At the very foundation of the world lies an ancient impenetrable realm. There are signs that life once existed here but it is now long gone. Its dead hollows rest on a layer of Slade, a dense material impervious to conventional mining efforts.

Other Features

The giant caverns generated by this mod differ slightly from the default giant caverns found in some mapgens, they use an additional source of noise to generate more ledges and horizontal floors. They also contain stalactites and stalagmites of various sizes - from single-node spikes decorating the default twisty tunnels to mountainous behemoths in the main caverns that can reach tens of meters in diameter and hundreds of meters in height.

The trees and plants mentioned above are all farmable, but in contrast to the usual farmable plants and trees they only grow in the absence of bright light. Attempting to plant them in sunlight will kill them. A set of recipes is added for cooking the edible ones into a variety of biscuits, stews, and roasts, and sweet pods can be refined into syrup.

Some of the other cave decorations provide dim bioluminescent lighting in some caverns. Cave moss and hanging glow-worms are most common. There is also non-glowing floor fungus found coating the stone in less hospitable biomes, capable of spreading to adjacent cobblestone structures like a slow-creeping infection.

A more comprehensive guide can be found here.

Synergies with other mods

"dynamic liquid" is recommended to provide Dwarf Fortress-like fluid dynamics and to deal with water that might spill into caverns.

"magma conduits" is recommended for a Dwarf Fortress like magmatic landscape. If not magma conduits, it is at least recommended that mapgen magma be disabled on whatever mapgen you're adding this mod to; mapgen magma is difficult for lua mapgens like this to tidy up and it will often spill into caverns setting large swaths of fungal forests on fire. Depending on the mapgen you're using this mod with you could do this by setting mgv5_lava_depth, mgv7_lava_depth, mgcarpathian_lava_depth, mgflat_lava_depth, mgfractal_lava_depth, or mgvalleys_lava_depth to -2800 (near the default depth of the magma sea).

The "doc" mod is supported to provide in-game documentation for all of the new items and nodes this mod adds.

"ropes" are very useful for navigating some of the large open spaces this mod provides.

"radiant damage" greatly increases the danger of the Magma Sea if heat radiance is enabled, as well as several of the rare crystals in the deeper layers that emit Mese radiation if that damage type is enabled.

Replicating Dwarf Fortress' underground flora in Minetest
Readme 21 MiB
Lua 98.1%
Python 1.9%