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Font Lib API
This document describes Font Lib API. Font Lib creates textures for font display on entities.
Provided methods
font_lib.get_text_size(font_name, text)
Computes size for a given font and text
font_name: Font name of registered font to use
text: Text to be rendered
Returns: rendered text width, height
font_lib.make_line_texture(font_name, text, width, x, y)
Builds texture part for a text line
font_name: Font name of registered font to use
text: Text to be rendered
texturew: Width of the texture (extra text is not rendered)
x: Starting x position in texture
y: Vertical position of the line in texture
Returns: Texture string
font_lib.make_multiline_texture(font_name, text, width, height, maxlines, valign, color)
Builds texture for a multiline colored text
font_name: Font name of registered font to use
text: Text to be rendered
texturew: Width of the texture (extra text will be truncated)
textureh: Height of the texture
maxlines: Maximum number of lines
valign: Vertical text align ("top", "bottom" or "center")
color: Color of the text
Returns: Texture string
font_lib.register_font(font_name, height, widths)
Registers a new font in font_lib.
font_name: Name of the font to register (this name will be used to address the font later)
height: Height of the font in pixels (all font textures should have the same height)
widths : An array containing the width of each font texture, indexed by its UTF code
All textures corresponding to the indexes in widths array should be present in textures directory with a name matching the pattern :
<font_name>: Name of the font as given in the first argument
<utf_code>: UTF code of the char in 4 hexadecimal digits
To ease that declaration, a shell is provided to build a <font_name>.lua file from the texture files (see provided tools).
function font_lib.set_fallback_font(font_name)
Defines the fallback font to be used instead of given font if not registered.
font_name: Name of the font to be used as fallback font (has to be registered)
Provided tools
Still in early stage of development.
This script analyses textures in textures directory and creates a font_<font_name>.lua files with a call to register_font with images information.