2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
2024-08-11 15:38:55 +01:00
local S = minetest.get_translator("farming")
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
2023-04-28 09:18:54 +01:00
-- rice seed
2024-08-11 15:38:55 +01:00
2023-04-28 09:18:54 +01:00
minetest.register_node("farming:seed_rice", {
description = S("Rice Seed"),
tiles = {"farming_rice_seed.png"},
inventory_image = "farming_rice_seed.png",
wield_image = "farming_rice_seed.png",
drawtype = "signlike",
2023-08-31 07:53:19 +01:00
groups = {
2023-11-25 12:05:21 +00:00
handy = 1, compostability = 48, seed = 1, snappy = 3, attached_node = 1,
2023-08-31 07:53:19 +01:00
flammable = 4, growing = 1
2024-06-25 17:29:31 +01:00
_mcl_hardness = farming.mcl_hardness,
2024-02-29 17:06:28 +00:00
is_ground_content = false,
2023-04-28 09:18:54 +01:00
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "wallmounted",
walkable = false,
sunlight_propagates = true,
selection_box = farming.select,
next_plant = "farming:rice_1",
2024-08-11 15:38:55 +01:00
2023-04-28 09:18:54 +01:00
on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
return farming.place_seed(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, "farming:seed_rice")
2023-09-11 14:49:37 +01:00
2024-08-11 15:38:55 +01:00
2023-09-11 14:49:37 +01:00
on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "farming:rice_1", param2 = 3})
2023-04-28 09:18:54 +01:00
2024-08-11 15:38:55 +01:00
-- rice item
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
minetest.register_craftitem("farming:rice", {
description = S("Rice"),
inventory_image = "farming_rice.png",
2023-09-01 10:04:33 +01:00
groups = {seed = 2, food_rice = 1, flammable = 2, compostability = 65},
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
2023-04-28 09:18:54 +01:00
-- dry rice seed to give edible rice
2024-08-11 15:38:55 +01:00
2023-04-28 09:18:54 +01:00
type = "cooking",
cooktime = 1,
output = "farming:rice",
recipe = "farming:seed_rice"
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
2024-08-11 15:38:55 +01:00
-- crop definition
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
local def = {
drawtype = "plantlike",
tiles = {"farming_rice_1.png"},
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "meshoptions",
place_param2 = 3,
sunlight_propagates = true,
walkable = false,
buildable_to = true,
drop = "",
2023-04-28 08:56:10 +01:00
waving = 1,
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
selection_box = farming.select,
groups = {
2023-08-31 07:53:19 +01:00
handy = 1, snappy = 3, flammable = 4, plant = 1, attached_node = 1,
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
not_in_creative_inventory = 1, growing = 1
2024-06-25 17:29:31 +01:00
_mcl_hardness = farming.mcl_hardness,
2024-02-29 17:06:28 +00:00
is_ground_content = false,
2024-08-11 08:47:26 +01:00
sounds = farming.node_sound_leaves_defaults()
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
-- stage 1
2024-08-11 15:38:55 +01:00
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
minetest.register_node("farming:rice_1", table.copy(def))
-- stage 2
2024-08-11 15:38:55 +01:00
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
def.tiles = {"farming_rice_2.png"}
minetest.register_node("farming:rice_2", table.copy(def))
-- stage 3
2024-08-11 15:38:55 +01:00
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
def.tiles = {"farming_rice_3.png"}
minetest.register_node("farming:rice_3", table.copy(def))
-- stage 4
2024-08-11 15:38:55 +01:00
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
def.tiles = {"farming_rice_4.png"}
minetest.register_node("farming:rice_4", table.copy(def))
-- stage 5
2024-08-11 15:38:55 +01:00
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
def.tiles = {"farming_rice_5.png"}
def.drop = {
items = {
{items = {"farming:rice"}, rarity = 2}
minetest.register_node("farming:rice_5", table.copy(def))
-- stage 6
2024-08-11 15:38:55 +01:00
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
def.tiles = {"farming_rice_6.png"}
def.drop = {
items = {
{items = {"farming:rice"}, rarity = 2}
minetest.register_node("farming:rice_6", table.copy(def))
-- stage 7
2024-08-11 15:38:55 +01:00
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
def.tiles = {"farming_rice_7.png"}
def.drop = {
items = {
2023-04-28 09:18:54 +01:00
{items = {"farming:seed_rice"}, rarity = 1},
2023-04-28 09:25:26 +01:00
{items = {"farming:seed_rice"}, rarity = 2},
2023-04-28 09:18:54 +01:00
{items = {"farming:seed_rice"}, rarity = 3}
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
minetest.register_node("farming:rice_7", table.copy(def))
-- stage 8 (final)
2024-08-11 15:38:55 +01:00
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
def.tiles = {"farming_rice_8.png"}
def.groups.growing = nil
2022-09-15 08:03:41 +01:00
def.selection_box = farming.select_final
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
def.drop = {
items = {
2023-04-28 09:18:54 +01:00
{items = {"farming:seed_rice 2"}, rarity = 1},
2023-04-28 09:25:26 +01:00
{items = {"farming:seed_rice 2"}, rarity = 2},
{items = {"farming:seed_rice"}, rarity = 3}
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
minetest.register_node("farming:rice_8", table.copy(def))
-- add to registered_plants
2024-08-11 15:38:55 +01:00
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
farming.registered_plants["farming:rice"] = {
crop = "farming:rice",
2023-04-28 09:18:54 +01:00
seed = "farming:seed_rice",
2021-12-04 14:06:18 +00:00
minlight = farming.min_light,
maxlight = farming.max_light,
steps = 8