Uplift and subsidence are determined with a noise, at every iteration.
There is no distinctive pattern like tectonic plates, just vertical movements
disturbing rivers from their equilibrium state, and thus creating more diversity.
More lakes and waterfalls especially.
Lake height is calculated for every basin, and there is a lake if lake height is higher than ground height. If it is lower, there is no lake.
In that case, it was previously raised to ground level, but since this can be done in Lua, we can write initial lakes height in the files.
This has the advantage of reducing file size, since there are bigger areas of equal values, that are more efficiently compressed.
use a local flow calculation, determine depressions, and link them using a minimum spanning tree (Boruvka's algorithm).
This is based on a paper by Cordonnier et al, 2019.
Since map preview is optional, an exception should not propagate to terrain calculation, so print an error message + traceback but keep the script running.