mirror of https://github.com/Splizard/minetest-mod-snow.git synced 2025-03-15 17:20:25 +01:00

changes in falling.lua

This commit is contained in:
HybridDog 2016-07-16 21:53:23 +02:00
parent b3cdf93212
commit 990ace49d8

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@ -89,34 +89,63 @@ local OCTAVES3 = 3 -- 3
local PERSISTENCE3 = 0.5 -- 0.5
local SCALE3 = 250 -- 250
--Get snow at position.
local rarity, perlin_scale
local function get_snow(pos)
--Legacy support.
if weather_legacy ~= "snow" then
return false
-- cache perlin noise tests
local perlin_scale, rarity
local cold_perl_values = {}
setmetatable(cold_perl_values, {__mode = "kv"})
local function cold_perlin_test(x, y)
if not cold_perl_values[y] then
cold_perl_values[y] = {}
setmetatable(cold_perl_values[y], {__mode = "kv"})
local v = cold_perl_values[y][x]
if v ~= nil then
return v
if not rarity then
rarity = snow.mapgen.smooth_rarity_min
perlin_scale = snow.mapgen.perlin_scale
local perlin1 = minetest.get_perlin(112,3, 0.5, perlin_scale)
if perlin1:get2d({x=pos.x, y=pos.z}) < rarity then
return false
v = minetest.get_perlin(112,3, 0.5, perlin_scale):get2d({x=x, y=y}) >= rarity
cold_perl_values[y][x] = v
return v
-- disable falling snow in desert
local desert_perl_values = {}
setmetatable(desert_perl_values, {__mode = "kv"})
local function is_desert(x, y)
if not desert_perl_values[y] then
desert_perl_values[y] = {}
setmetatable(desert_perl_values[y], {__mode = "kv"})
-- disable falling snow in desert
local desert_perlin = minetest.get_perlin(SEEDDIFF3, OCTAVES3, PERSISTENCE3, SCALE3)
local noise3 = desert_perlin:get2d({x=pos.x+150,y=pos.z+50}) -- Offsets must match minetest mapgen desert perlin.
if noise3 > 0.35 then -- Smooth transition 0.35 to 0.45.
return false
local v = desert_perl_values[y][x]
if v ~= nil then
return v
return true
-- Offsets must match minetest mapgen desert perlin.
-- Smooth transition 0.35 to 0.45.
v = minetest.get_perlin(SEEDDIFF3, OCTAVES3, PERSISTENCE3, SCALE3):get2d({x=x+150,y=y+50}) <= 0.35
desert_perl_values[y][x] = v
return v
--Get snow at position.
local function get_snow(pos)
return weather_legacy == "snow" --Legacy support.
and cold_perlin_test(pos.x, pos.z)
and not is_desert(pos.x, pos.z)
local addvectors = vector.add
--Returns a random position between minp and maxp.
-- TODO: make a fload random position
local function randpos(minp, maxp)
local x,z
if minp.x > maxp.x then