mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 08:20:24 +01:00
tweak and tidy code (thanks MoNTE48)
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ local use_cmi = minetest.global_exists("cmi")
mobs = {
mod = "redo",
version = "20200519",
version = "20200521",
intllib = S,
invis = minetest.global_exists("invisibility") and invisibility or {}
@ -27,9 +27,11 @@ local cos = math.cos
local abs = math.abs
local min = math.min
local max = math.max
local atann = math.atan
local random = math.random
local floor = math.floor
local ceil = math.ceil
local rad = math.rad
local atann = math.atan
local atan = function(x)
if not x or x ~= x then
--error("atan bassed NaN")
@ -47,7 +49,6 @@ local peaceful_only = minetest.settings:get_bool("only_peaceful_mobs")
local disable_blood = minetest.settings:get_bool("mobs_disable_blood")
local mobs_drop_items = minetest.settings:get_bool("mobs_drop_items") ~= false
local mobs_griefing = minetest.settings:get_bool("mobs_griefing") ~= false
local creative = minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode")
local spawn_protected = minetest.settings:get_bool("mobs_spawn_protected") ~= false
local remove_far = minetest.settings:get_bool("remove_far_mobs") ~= false
local difficulty = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("mob_difficulty")) or 1.0
@ -163,7 +164,7 @@ function mob_class:mob_sound(sound)
if self.child then pitch = pitch * 1.5 end
-- a little random pitch to be different
pitch = pitch + math.random(-10, 10) * 0.005
pitch = pitch + random(-10, 10) * 0.005
if sound then
minetest.sound_play(sound, {
@ -532,7 +533,7 @@ function mob_class:attempt_flight_correction(override)
return false
local escape_target = flyable_nodes[math.random(1, #flyable_nodes)]
local escape_target = flyable_nodes[random(#flyable_nodes)]
local escape_direction = vector.direction(pos, escape_target)
@ -608,7 +609,7 @@ function mob_class:do_stay_near()
local searchnodes = self.stay_near[1]
local chance = self.stay_near[2] or 10
if random(1, chance) > 1 then
if random(chance) > 1 then
return false
@ -716,7 +717,7 @@ function mob_class:item_drop()
for n = 1, #self.drops do
if random(1, self.drops[n].chance) == 1 then
if random(self.drops[n].chance) == 1 then
num = random(self.drops[n].min or 0, self.drops[n].max or 1)
item = self.drops[n].name
@ -1315,11 +1316,12 @@ function mob_class:breed()
local pos = self.object:get_pos()
effect({x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z}, 8, "heart.png", 3, 4, 1, 0.1)
effect({x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z}, 8,
"heart.png", 3, 4, 1, 0.1)
local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 3)
local num = 0
local ent = nil
local ent
for n = 1, #objs do
@ -1333,12 +1335,12 @@ function mob_class:breed()
if ent.name == self.name then
canmate = true
local entname = string.split(ent.name,":")
local selfname = string.split(self.name,":")
local entname = ent.name:split(":")
local selfname = self.name:split(":")
if entname[1] == selfname[1] then
entname = string.split(entname[2],"_")
selfname = string.split(selfname[2],"_")
entname = entname[2]:split("_")
selfname = selfname[2]:split("_")
if entname[1] == selfname[1] then
canmate = true
@ -1446,7 +1448,7 @@ function mob_class:replace(pos)
or not self.replace_what
or self.child == true
or vel.y ~= 0
or random(1, self.replace_rate) > 1 then
or random(self.replace_rate) > 1 then
@ -1606,10 +1608,9 @@ function mob_class:smart_mobs(s, p, dist, dtime)
-- lets try find a path, first take care of positions
-- since pathfinder is very sensitive
if use_pathfind then
-- lets try find a path, first take care of positions
-- since pathfinder is very sensitive
local sheight = self.collisionbox[5] - self.collisionbox[2]
-- round position to center of node to avoid stuck in walls
-- also adjust height for player models!
@ -1637,7 +1638,8 @@ function mob_class:smart_mobs(s, p, dist, dtime)
local jumpheight = 0
if self.jump and self.jump_height >= 4 then
jumpheight = min(math.ceil(self.jump_height / 4), 4)
jumpheight = min(ceil(self.jump_height / 4), 4)
elseif self.stepheight > 0.5 then
jumpheight = 1
@ -1689,7 +1691,7 @@ function mob_class:smart_mobs(s, p, dist, dtime)
local sheight = math.ceil(self.collisionbox[5]) + 1
local sheight = ceil(self.collisionbox[5]) + 1
-- assume mob is 2 blocks high so it digs above its head
s.y = s.y + sheight
@ -1821,7 +1823,8 @@ function mob_class:general_attack()
if objs[n]:is_player() then
-- if player invisible or mob cannot attack then remove from list
if self.attack_players == false
if not damage_enabled
or self.attack_players == false
or (self.owner and self.type ~= "monster")
or mobs.invis[objs[n]:get_player_name()]
or not specific_attack(self.specific_attack, "player") then
@ -1874,7 +1877,7 @@ function mob_class:general_attack()
-- attack closest player or mob
if min_player and random(1, 100) > self.attack_chance then
if min_player and random(100) > self.attack_chance then
@ -2061,8 +2064,6 @@ function mob_class:follow_flop()
-- swimmers flop when out of their element, and swim again when back in
if self.fly then
local s = self.object:get_pos()
if not self:attempt_flight_correction() then
self.state = "flop"
@ -2115,7 +2116,7 @@ function mob_class:do_states(dtime)
if self.state == "stand" then
if random(1, 4) == 1 then
if random(4) == 1 then
local lp
local s = self.object:get_pos()
@ -2146,7 +2147,7 @@ function mob_class:do_states(dtime)
if self.order ~= "stand"
and self.walk_chance ~= 0
and self.facing_fence ~= true
and random(1, 100) <= self.walk_chance
and random(100) <= self.walk_chance
and self.at_cliff == false then
@ -2157,7 +2158,7 @@ function mob_class:do_states(dtime)
elseif self.state == "walk" then
local s = self.object:get_pos()
local lp = nil
local lp
-- is there something I need to avoid?
if self.water_damage > 0
@ -2203,7 +2204,7 @@ function mob_class:do_states(dtime)
yaw = self:set_yaw(yaw, 8)
-- otherwise randomly turn
elseif random(1, 100) <= 30 then
elseif random(100) <= 30 then
yaw = yaw + random(-0.5, 0.5)
@ -2219,7 +2220,7 @@ function mob_class:do_states(dtime)
-- stand for great fall in front
if self.facing_fence == true
or self.at_cliff
or random(1, 100) <= self.stand_chance then
or random(100) <= self.stand_chance then
-- don't stand if mob flies and keep_flying set
if (self.fly and not self.keep_flying)
@ -2273,7 +2274,8 @@ function mob_class:do_states(dtime)
or not self.attack
or not self.attack:get_pos()
or self.attack:get_hp() <= 0
or (self.attack:is_player() and mobs.invis[ self.attack:get_player_name() ]) then
or (self.attack:is_player()
and mobs.invis[ self.attack:get_player_name() ]) then
--print(" ** stop attacking **", dist, self.view_range)
@ -2323,7 +2325,7 @@ function mob_class:do_states(dtime)
self.timer = 0
self.blinktimer = 0
self.blinkstatus = false
-- walk right up to player unless the timer is active
@ -2540,9 +2542,11 @@ function mob_class:do_states(dtime)
-- punch player (or what player is attached to)
local attached = self.attack:get_attach()
if attached then
self.attack = attached
self.attack:punch(self.object, 1.0, {
full_punch_interval = 1.0,
damage_groups = {fleshy = self.damage}
@ -2568,8 +2572,6 @@ function mob_class:do_states(dtime)
p.y = p.y - .5
s.y = s.y + .5
local dist = get_distance(p, s)
local vec = {
x = p.x - s.x,
y = p.y - s.y,
@ -2582,7 +2584,7 @@ function mob_class:do_states(dtime)
if self.shoot_interval
and self.timer > self.shoot_interval
and random(1, 100) <= 60 then
and random(100) <= 60 then
self.timer = 0
@ -2847,7 +2849,7 @@ function mob_class:on_punch(hitter, tflp, tool_capabilities, dir, damage)
-- do we have a single blood texture or multiple?
if type(self.blood_texture) == "table" then
blood = self.blood_texture[random(1, #self.blood_texture)]
blood = self.blood_texture[random(#self.blood_texture)]
effect(pos, amount, blood, 1, 2, 1.75, nil, nil, true)
@ -2871,10 +2873,11 @@ function mob_class:on_punch(hitter, tflp, tool_capabilities, dir, damage)
if not self.object:get_luaentity() then return end
core.after(0.3, function()
minetest.after(0.3, function()
if not self.object:get_luaentity() then return end
end) ]]
@ -2942,7 +2945,7 @@ function mob_class:on_punch(hitter, tflp, tool_capabilities, dir, damage)
-- alert others to the attack
local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(
hitter:get_pos(), self.view_range)
local obj = nil
local obj
for n = 1, #objs do
@ -3002,7 +3005,7 @@ function mob_class:mob_staticdata()
-- used to rotate older mobs
if self.drawtype and self.drawtype == "side" then
self.rotate = math.rad(90)
self.rotate = rad(90)
if use_cmi then
@ -3077,7 +3080,7 @@ function mob_class:mob_activate(staticdata, def, dtime)
self.base_texture = def.textures and
def.textures[random(1, #def.textures)]
self.base_mesh = def.mesh
self.base_size = self.visual_size
self.base_colbox = self.collisionbox
@ -3385,7 +3388,7 @@ function mob_class:on_step(dtime, moveresult)
-- mob plays random sound at times
if random(1, 100) == 1 then
if random(100) == 1 then
@ -3457,7 +3460,7 @@ minetest.register_entity(name, setmetatable({
do_custom = def.do_custom,
jump_height = def.jump_height,
drawtype = def.drawtype, -- DEPRECATED, use rotate instead
rotate = math.rad(def.rotate or 0), -- 0=front 90=side 180=back 270=side2
rotate = rad(def.rotate or 0), -- 0=front 90=side 180=back 270=side2
glow = def.glow,
lifetimer = def.lifetimer,
hp_min = max(1, (def.hp_min or 5) * difficulty),
@ -3731,31 +3734,31 @@ function mobs:spawn_specific(name, nodes, neighbors, min_light, max_light,
-- do we have enough space to spawn mob? (thanks wuzzy)
local ent = minetest.registered_entities[name]
local width_x = max(1,
math.ceil(ent.collisionbox[4] - ent.collisionbox[1]))
ceil(ent.collisionbox[4] - ent.collisionbox[1]))
local min_x, max_x
if width_x % 2 == 0 then
max_x = math.floor(width_x / 2)
max_x = floor(width_x / 2)
min_x = -(max_x - 1)
max_x = math.floor(width_x / 2)
max_x = floor(width_x / 2)
min_x = -max_x
local width_z = max(1,
math.ceil(ent.collisionbox[6] - ent.collisionbox[3]))
ceil(ent.collisionbox[6] - ent.collisionbox[3]))
local min_z, max_z
if width_z % 2 == 0 then
max_z = math.floor(width_z / 2)
max_z = floor(width_z / 2)
min_z = -(max_z - 1)
max_z = math.floor(width_z / 2)
max_z = floor(width_z / 2)
min_z = -max_z
local max_y = max(0,
math.ceil(ent.collisionbox[5] - ent.collisionbox[2]) - 1)
ceil(ent.collisionbox[5] - ent.collisionbox[2]) - 1)
for y = 0, max_y do
for x = min_x, max_x do
@ -4015,7 +4018,7 @@ function mobs:register_egg(mob, desc, background, addegg, no_creative)
local grp = {spawn_egg = 1}
-- do NOT add this egg to creative inventory (e.g. dungeon master)
if creative and no_creative == true then
if no_creative == true then
grp.not_in_creative_inventory = 1
@ -4058,8 +4061,8 @@ function mobs:register_egg(mob, desc, background, addegg, no_creative)
pos.y = pos.y + 1
local data = itemstack:get_metadata()
local mob = minetest.add_entity(pos, mob, data)
local ent = mob and mob:get_luaentity()
local smob = minetest.add_entity(pos, mob, data)
local ent = smob and smob:get_luaentity()
if not ent then return end -- sanity check
@ -4117,8 +4120,8 @@ function mobs:register_egg(mob, desc, background, addegg, no_creative)
pos.y = pos.y + 1
local mob = minetest.add_entity(pos, mob)
local ent = mob and mob:get_luaentity()
local smob = minetest.add_entity(pos, mob)
local ent = smob and smob:get_luaentity()
if not ent then return end -- sanity check
@ -4248,7 +4251,7 @@ function mobs:capture_mob(self, clicker, chance_hand, chance_net,
-- calculate chance.. add to inventory if successful?
if chance and chance > 0 and random(1, 100) <= chance then
if chance and chance > 0 and random(100) <= chance then
-- default mob egg
local new_stack = ItemStack(mobname)
@ -4481,8 +4484,8 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
-- limit name entered to 64 characters long
if string.len(fields.name) > 64 then
fields.name = string.sub(fields.name, 1, 64)
if fields.name:len() > 64 then
fields.name = fields.name:sub(1, 64)
-- update nametag
@ -4527,8 +4530,6 @@ function mobs:alias_mob(old_name, new_name)
new_name, staticdata)
-- active_mobs = active_mobs - 1
@ -302,8 +302,6 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
and fields.name
and fields.name ~= "" then
local name = player:get_player_name()
-- does mob still exist?
if not tex_obj
or not tex_obj:get_luaentity() then
@ -318,8 +316,8 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
-- limit name entered to 64 characters long
if string.len(fields.name) > 64 then
fields.name = string.sub(fields.name, 1, 64)
if fields.name:len() > 64 then
fields.name = fields.name:sub(1, 64)
-- update texture
@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ minetest.register_node("mobs:spawner", {
-- text entry formspec
"field[text;" .. S("Mob MinLight MaxLight Amount PlayerDist") .. ";${command}]")
"field[text;" .. S("Mob MinLight MaxLight Amount PlayerDist")
.. ";${command}]")
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Spawner Not Active (enter settings)"))
meta:set_string("command", spawner_default)
@ -115,10 +116,10 @@ minetest.register_abm({
-- check objects inside 9x9 area around spawner
local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 9)
local count = 0
local ent = nil
local ent
-- count mob objects of same type in area
for k, obj in ipairs(objs) do
for _, obj in ipairs(objs) do
ent = obj:get_luaentity()
@ -136,9 +137,9 @@ minetest.register_abm({
if pla > 0 then
local in_range = 0
local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, pla)
local objsp = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, pla)
for _,oir in pairs(objs) do
for _, oir in pairs(objsp) do
if oir:is_player() then
@ -157,8 +158,7 @@ minetest.register_abm({
-- find air blocks within 5 nodes of spawner
local air = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(
{x = pos.x - 5, y = pos.y + yof, z = pos.z - 5},
{x = pos.x + 5, y = pos.y + yof, z = pos.z + 5},
{x = pos.x + 5, y = pos.y + yof, z = pos.z + 5}, {"air"})
-- spawn in random air block
if air and #air > 0 then
Reference in New Issue
Block a user