mirror of https://github.com/mt-mods/pipeworks.git synced 2025-03-28 15:40:26 +01:00

Pumps and valves now fully participate in the auto-rotate/auto-route process.

These devices can only be connected to horizontal pipes or to each other.  Note
that only the device being placed and the pipes around it will adapt; if you
have a valve and pump next to one another and they won't connect, put a piece
of pipe at one end to show the auto-rotator which way they should go.  Removal
of a pipe or device will not change the orientation of surrounding devices.
This commit is contained in:
Vanessa Ezekowitz 2012-08-19 01:56:30 -04:00
parent f574235d1d
commit a6641f0d20
9 changed files with 418 additions and 256 deletions

autoplace.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
function pipe_autoroute(pos, state)
nctr = minetest.env:get_node(pos)
if (string.find(nctr.name, "pipeworks:pipe_") == nil) then return end
nxm = minetest.env:get_node({ x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z })
nxp = minetest.env:get_node({ x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z })
nym = minetest.env:get_node({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z })
nyp = minetest.env:get_node({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z })
nzm = minetest.env:get_node({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z-1 })
nzp = minetest.env:get_node({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z+1 })
if (string.find(nxm.name, "pipeworks:pipe_") ~= nil) then pxm=1 end
if (string.find(nxp.name, "pipeworks:pipe_") ~= nil) then pxp=1 end
if (string.find(nym.name, "pipeworks:pipe_") ~= nil) then pym=1 end
if (string.find(nyp.name, "pipeworks:pipe_") ~= nil) then pyp=1 end
if (string.find(nzm.name, "pipeworks:pipe_") ~= nil) then pzm=1 end
if (string.find(nzp.name, "pipeworks:pipe_") ~= nil) then pzp=1 end
pipe_checkfordevice(pos, "valve")
pipe_checkfordevice(pos, "pump")
nsurround = pxm..pxp..pym..pyp..pzm..pzp
if nsurround == "000000" then nsurround = "110000" end
minetest.env:add_node(pos, { name = "pipeworks:pipe_"..nsurround..state })
function pipe_device_autorotate(pos, state, bname)
local nctr = minetest.env:get_node(pos)
nxm = minetest.env:get_node({ x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z })
nxp = minetest.env:get_node({ x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z })
nzm = minetest.env:get_node({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z-1 })
nzp = minetest.env:get_node({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z+1 })
if (string.find(nxm.name, "pipeworks:pipe_") ~= nil) then pxm=1 end
if (string.find(nxp.name, "pipeworks:pipe_") ~= nil) then pxp=1 end
if (string.find(nzm.name, "pipeworks:pipe_") ~= nil) then pzm=1 end
if (string.find(nzp.name, "pipeworks:pipe_") ~= nil) then pzp=1 end
pipe_checkfordevice(pos, "pump")
pipe_checkfordevice(pos, "valve")
if (pxm+pxp) ~= 0 then
minetest.env:add_node(pos, { name = bname..state.."_x" })
if (pzm+pzp) ~= 0 then
minetest.env:add_node(pos, { name = bname..state.."_z" })
pipe_checkfordevice = function(pos, bname)
if (string.find(nxm.name, "pipeworks:"..bname.."_off_x") ~= nil) or
(string.find(nxm.name, "pipeworks:"..bname.."_on_x") ~= nil) then
if (string.find(nxp.name, "pipeworks:"..bname.."_off_x") ~= nil) or
(string.find(nxp.name, "pipeworks:"..bname.."_on_x") ~= nil) then
if (string.find(nzm.name, "pipeworks:"..bname.."_off_z") ~= nil) or
(string.find(nzm.name, "pipeworks:"..bname.."_on_z") ~= nil) then
if (string.find(nzp.name, "pipeworks:"..bname.."_off_z") ~= nil) or
(string.find(nzp.name, "pipeworks:"..bname.."_on_z") ~= nil) then
pipe_scanforobjects = function(pos)
pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_loaded")
pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_loaded")
pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z-1 }, "_loaded")
pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z+1 }, "_loaded")
pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_empty")
pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_empty")
pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z-1 }, "_empty")
pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z+1 }, "_empty")

devices.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
-- tables
minetest.register_alias("pipeworks:pump", "pipeworks:pump_off_x")
minetest.register_alias("pipeworks:pump_off", "pipeworks:pump_off_x")
minetest.register_alias("pipeworks:valve", "pipeworks:valve_off_x")
minetest.register_alias("pipeworks:valve_off", "pipeworks:valve_off_x")
pipe_pumpbody_x = {
{ -6/16, -8/16, -6/16, 6/16, 8/16, 6/16 }
pipe_pumpbody_z = {
{ -6/16, -8/16, -6/16, 6/16, 8/16, 6/16 }
pipe_valvebody_x = {
{ -4/16, -4/16, -4/16, 4/16, 4/16, 4/16 }
pipe_valvebody_z = {
{ -4/16, -4/16, -4/16, 4/16, 4/16, 4/16 }
pipe_valvehandle_on_x = {
{ -5/16, 4/16, -1/16, 0, 5/16, 1/16 }
pipe_valvehandle_on_z = {
{ -1/16, 4/16, -5/16, 1/16, 5/16, 0 }
pipe_valvehandle_off_x = {
{ -1/16, 4/16, -5/16, 1/16, 5/16, 0 }
pipe_valvehandle_off_z = {
{ -5/16, 4/16, -1/16, 0, 5/16, 1/16 }
-- Now define the nodes.
local states = { "on", "off" }
local dgroups = ""
for s in ipairs(states) do
if s == "off" then
dgroups = {snappy=3, pipe=1}
dgroups = {snappy=3, pipe=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1}
local pumpboxes = {}
pipe_addbox(pumpboxes, pipe_leftstub)
pipe_addbox(pumpboxes, pipe_pumpbody_x)
pipe_addbox(pumpboxes, pipe_rightstub)
local tilex = "pipeworks_pump_ends.png"
local tilez = "pipeworks_pump_"..states[s]..".png"
minetest.register_node("pipeworks:pump_"..states[s].."_x", {
description = "Pump Module ("..states[s]..")",
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
paramtype = "light",
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = { -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 }
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = pumpboxes
groups = dgroups,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
walkable = true,
stack_max = 99,
after_place_node = function(pos)
pipe_device_autorotate(pos, states[s], "pipeworks:pump_")
after_dig_node = function(pos)
drop = "pipeworks:pump_off_x"
local pumpboxes = {}
pipe_addbox(pumpboxes, pipe_frontstub)
pipe_addbox(pumpboxes, pipe_pumpbody_z)
pipe_addbox(pumpboxes, pipe_backstub)
minetest.register_node("pipeworks:pump_"..states[s].."_z", {
description = "Pump Module ("..states[s]..", Z-axis)",
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
paramtype = "light",
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = { -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 }
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = pumpboxes
groups = {snappy=3, pipe=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
walkable = true,
stack_max = 99,
after_place_node = function(pos)
pipe_device_autorotate(pos, states[s], "pipeworks:pump_")
after_dig_node = function(pos)
drop = "pipeworks:pump_off_x"
local valveboxes = {}
pipe_addbox(valveboxes, pipe_leftstub)
pipe_addbox(valveboxes, pipe_valvebody_x)
if states[s] == "off" then
pipe_addbox(valveboxes, pipe_valvehandle_off_x)
pipe_addbox(valveboxes, pipe_valvehandle_on_x)
pipe_addbox(valveboxes, pipe_rightstub)
local tilex = "pipeworks_valvebody_ends.png"
local tilez = "pipeworks_valvebody_sides.png"
minetest.register_node("pipeworks:valve_"..states[s].."_x", {
description = "Valve ("..states[s]..")",
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
paramtype = "light",
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = { -8/16, -4/16, -5/16, 8/16, 5/16, 5/16 }
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = valveboxes
groups = dgroups,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
walkable = true,
stack_max = 99,
after_place_node = function(pos)
pipe_device_autorotate(pos, states[s], "pipeworks:valve_")
after_dig_node = function(pos)
drop = "pipeworks:valve_off_x"
local valveboxes = {}
pipe_addbox(valveboxes, pipe_frontstub)
pipe_addbox(valveboxes, pipe_valvebody_z)
if states[s] == "off" then
pipe_addbox(valveboxes, pipe_valvehandle_off_z)
pipe_addbox(valveboxes, pipe_valvehandle_on_z)
pipe_addbox(valveboxes, pipe_backstub)
minetest.register_node("pipeworks:valve_"..states[s].."_z", {
description = "Valve ("..states[s]..", Z-axis)",
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
paramtype = "light",
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = { -5/16, -4/16, -8/16, 5/16, 5/16, 8/16 }
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = valveboxes
groups = {snappy=3, pipe=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
walkable = true,
stack_max = 99,
after_place_node = function(pos)
pipe_device_autorotate(pos, states[s], "pipeworks:valve_")
after_dig_node = function(pos)
drop = "pipeworks:valve_off_x"
local axes = { "x", "z" }
for a in ipairs(axes) do
minetest.register_on_punchnode(function (pos, node)
if node.name=="pipeworks:valve_on_"..axes[a] then
minetest.env:add_node(pos, { name = "pipeworks:valve_off_"..axes[a] })
minetest.register_on_punchnode(function (pos, node)
if node.name=="pipeworks:valve_off_"..axes[a] then
minetest.env:add_node(pos, { name = "pipeworks:valve_on_"..axes[a] })
minetest.register_on_punchnode(function (pos, node)
if node.name=="pipeworks:pump_on_"..axes[a] then
minetest.env:add_node(pos, { name = "pipeworks:pump_off_"..axes[a] })
minetest.register_on_punchnode(function (pos, node)
if node.name=="pipeworks:pump_off_"..axes[a] then
minetest.env:add_node(pos, { name = "pipeworks:pump_on_"..axes[a] })
print("Pipeworks loaded!")

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dofile(minetest.get_modpath("pipeworks").."/oldpipes.lua")
minetest.register_alias("pipeworks:pipe", "pipeworks:pipe_000000_empty") minetest.register_alias("pipeworks:pipe", "pipeworks:pipe_000000_empty")
local leftstub = { pipe_leftstub = {
{ -32/64, -2/64, -6/64, 1/64, 2/64, 6/64 }, -- pipe segment against -X face { -32/64, -2/64, -6/64, 1/64, 2/64, 6/64 }, -- pipe segment against -X face
{ -32/64, -4/64, -5/64, 1/64, 4/64, 5/64 }, { -32/64, -4/64, -5/64, 1/64, 4/64, 5/64 },
{ -32/64, -5/64, -4/64, 1/64, 5/64, 4/64 }, { -32/64, -5/64, -4/64, 1/64, 5/64, 4/64 },
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ local leftstub = {
{ -32/64, -8/64, -3/64, -30/64, 8/64, 3/64 } { -32/64, -8/64, -3/64, -30/64, 8/64, 3/64 }
} }
local rightstub = { pipe_rightstub = {
{ -1/64, -2/64, -6/64, 32/64, 2/64, 6/64 }, -- pipe segment against +X face { -1/64, -2/64, -6/64, 32/64, 2/64, 6/64 }, -- pipe segment against +X face
{ -1/64, -4/64, -5/64, 32/64, 4/64, 5/64 }, { -1/64, -4/64, -5/64, 32/64, 4/64, 5/64 },
{ -1/64, -5/64, -4/64, 32/64, 5/64, 4/64 }, { -1/64, -5/64, -4/64, 32/64, 5/64, 4/64 },
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ local rightstub = {
{ 30/64, -8/64, -3/64, 32/64, 8/64, 3/64 } { 30/64, -8/64, -3/64, 32/64, 8/64, 3/64 }
} }
local bottomstub = { pipe_bottomstub = {
{ -2/64, -32/64, -6/64, 2/64, 1/64, 6/64 }, -- pipe segment against -Y face { -2/64, -32/64, -6/64, 2/64, 1/64, 6/64 }, -- pipe segment against -Y face
{ -4/64, -32/64, -5/64, 4/64, 1/64, 5/64 }, { -4/64, -32/64, -5/64, 4/64, 1/64, 5/64 },
{ -5/64, -32/64, -4/64, 5/64, 1/64, 4/64 }, { -5/64, -32/64, -4/64, 5/64, 1/64, 4/64 },
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ local bottomstub = {
} }
local topstub = { pipe_topstub = {
{ -2/64, -1/64, -6/64, 2/64, 32/64, 6/64 }, -- pipe segment against +Y face { -2/64, -1/64, -6/64, 2/64, 32/64, 6/64 }, -- pipe segment against +Y face
{ -4/64, -1/64, -5/64, 4/64, 32/64, 5/64 }, { -4/64, -1/64, -5/64, 4/64, 32/64, 5/64 },
{ -5/64, -1/64, -4/64, 5/64, 32/64, 4/64 }, { -5/64, -1/64, -4/64, 5/64, 32/64, 4/64 },
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ local topstub = {
{ -8/64, 30/64, -3/64, 8/64, 32/64, 3/64 } { -8/64, 30/64, -3/64, 8/64, 32/64, 3/64 }
} }
local frontstub = { pipe_frontstub = {
{ -6/64, -2/64, -32/64, 6/64, 2/64, 1/64 }, -- pipe segment against -Z face { -6/64, -2/64, -32/64, 6/64, 2/64, 1/64 }, -- pipe segment against -Z face
{ -5/64, -4/64, -32/64, 5/64, 4/64, 1/64 }, { -5/64, -4/64, -32/64, 5/64, 4/64, 1/64 },
{ -4/64, -5/64, -32/64, 4/64, 5/64, 1/64 }, { -4/64, -5/64, -32/64, 4/64, 5/64, 1/64 },
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ local frontstub = {
{ -3/64, -8/64, -32/64, 3/64, 8/64, -30/64 } { -3/64, -8/64, -32/64, 3/64, 8/64, -30/64 }
} }
local backstub = { pipe_backstub = {
{ -6/64, -2/64, -1/64, 6/64, 2/64, 32/64 }, -- pipe segment against -Z face { -6/64, -2/64, -1/64, 6/64, 2/64, 32/64 }, -- pipe segment against -Z face
{ -5/64, -4/64, -1/64, 5/64, 4/64, 32/64 }, { -5/64, -4/64, -1/64, 5/64, 4/64, 32/64 },
{ -4/64, -5/64, -1/64, 4/64, 5/64, 32/64 }, { -4/64, -5/64, -1/64, 4/64, 5/64, 32/64 },
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ local backstub = {
{ -3/64, -8/64, 30/64, 3/64, 8/64, 32/64 } { -3/64, -8/64, 30/64, 3/64, 8/64, 32/64 }
} }
local selectboxes = { pipe_selectboxes = {
{ -32/64, -8/64, -8/64, 8/64, 8/64, 8/64 }, { -32/64, -8/64, -8/64, 8/64, 8/64, 8/64 },
{ -8/64 , -8/64, -8/64, 32/64, 8/64, 8/64 }, { -8/64 , -8/64, -8/64, 32/64, 8/64, 8/64 },
{ -8/64 , -32/64, -8/64, 8/64, 8/64, 8/64 }, { -8/64 , -32/64, -8/64, 8/64, 8/64, 8/64 },
@ -101,33 +101,16 @@ local selectboxes = {
{ -8/64 , -8/64, -8/64, 8/64, 8/64, 32/64 } { -8/64 , -8/64, -8/64, 8/64, 8/64, 32/64 }
} }
bendsphere = { pipe_bendsphere = {
{ -4/64, -4/64, -4/64, 4/64, 4/64, 4/64 }, { -4/64, -4/64, -4/64, 4/64, 4/64, 4/64 },
{ -5/64, -3/64, -3/64, 5/64, 3/64, 3/64 }, { -5/64, -3/64, -3/64, 5/64, 3/64, 3/64 },
{ -3/64, -5/64, -3/64, 3/64, 5/64, 3/64 }, { -3/64, -5/64, -3/64, 3/64, 5/64, 3/64 },
{ -3/64, -3/64, -5/64, 3/64, 3/64, 5/64 } { -3/64, -3/64, -5/64, 3/64, 3/64, 5/64 }
} }
pumpbody = { -- Functions
{ -6/16, -8/16, -6/16, 6/16, 8/16, 6/16 }
valvebody = { dbg = function(s)
{ -4/16, -4/16, -4/16, 4/16, 4/16, 4/16 }
valvehandle_on = {
{ -5/16, 4/16, -1/16, 0, 5/16, 1/16 }
valvehandle_off = {
{ -1/16, 4/16, -5/16, 1/16, 5/16, 0 }
-- Local Functions
local dbg = function(s)
if DEBUG == 1 then if DEBUG == 1 then
print('[PIPEWORKS] ' .. s) print('[PIPEWORKS] ' .. s)
end end
@ -142,45 +125,12 @@ function fix_newpipe_names(table, replacement)
return outtable return outtable
end end
local function addbox(t, b) function pipe_addbox(t, b)
for i in ipairs(b) for i in ipairs(b)
do table.insert(t, b[i]) do table.insert(t, b[i])
end end
end end
local function autoroute(pos, state)
local nctr = minetest.env:get_node(pos)
if (string.find(nctr.name, "pipeworks:pipe_") == nil) then return end
local pxm=0
local pxp=0
local pym=0
local pyp=0
local pzm=0
local pzp=0
local nxm = minetest.env:get_node({ x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z })
local nxp = minetest.env:get_node({ x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z })
local nym = minetest.env:get_node({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z })
local nyp = minetest.env:get_node({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z })
local nzm = minetest.env:get_node({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z-1 })
local nzp = minetest.env:get_node({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z+1 })
if (string.find(nxm.name, "pipeworks:pipe_") ~= nil) then pxm=1 end
if (string.find(nxp.name, "pipeworks:pipe_") ~= nil) then pxp=1 end
if (string.find(nym.name, "pipeworks:pipe_") ~= nil) then pym=1 end
if (string.find(nyp.name, "pipeworks:pipe_") ~= nil) then pyp=1 end
if (string.find(nzm.name, "pipeworks:pipe_") ~= nil) then pzm=1 end
if (string.find(nzp.name, "pipeworks:pipe_") ~= nil) then pzp=1 end
local nsurround = pxm..pxp..pym..pyp..pzm..pzp
if nsurround == "000000" then nsurround = "110000" end
minetest.env:add_node(pos, { name = "pipeworks:pipe_"..nsurround..state })
-- now define the nodes! -- now define the nodes!
for xm = 0, 1 do for xm = 0, 1 do
@ -189,55 +139,56 @@ for ym = 0, 1 do
for yp = 0, 1 do for yp = 0, 1 do
for zm = 0, 1 do for zm = 0, 1 do
for zp = 0, 1 do for zp = 0, 1 do
outboxes = {} local outboxes = {}
outsel = {} local outsel = {}
outimgs = {} local outimgs = {}
if yp==1 then if yp==1 then
addbox(outboxes, topstub) pipe_addbox(outboxes, pipe_topstub)
table.insert(outsel, selectboxes[4]) table.insert(outsel, pipe_selectboxes[4])
table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_pipe_end.png") table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_pipe_end.png")
else else
table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_plain.png") table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_plain.png")
end end
if ym==1 then if ym==1 then
addbox(outboxes, bottomstub) pipe_addbox(outboxes, pipe_bottomstub)
table.insert(outsel, selectboxes[3]) table.insert(outsel, pipe_selectboxes[3])
table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_pipe_end.png") table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_pipe_end.png")
else else
table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_plain.png") table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_plain.png")
end end
if xp==1 then if xp==1 then
addbox(outboxes, rightstub) pipe_addbox(outboxes, pipe_rightstub)
table.insert(outsel, selectboxes[2]) table.insert(outsel, pipe_selectboxes[2])
table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_pipe_end.png") table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_pipe_end.png")
else else
table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_plain.png") table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_plain.png")
end end
if xm==1 then if xm==1 then
addbox(outboxes, leftstub) pipe_addbox(outboxes, pipe_leftstub)
table.insert(outsel, selectboxes[1]) table.insert(outsel, pipe_selectboxes[1])
table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_pipe_end.png") table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_pipe_end.png")
else else
table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_plain.png") table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_plain.png")
end end
if zp==1 then if zp==1 then
addbox(outboxes, backstub) pipe_addbox(outboxes, pipe_backstub)
table.insert(outsel, selectboxes[6]) table.insert(outsel, pipe_selectboxes[6])
table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_pipe_end.png") table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_pipe_end.png")
else else
table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_plain.png") table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_plain.png")
end end
if zm==1 then if zm==1 then
addbox(outboxes, frontstub) pipe_addbox(outboxes, pipe_frontstub)
table.insert(outsel, selectboxes[5]) table.insert(outsel, pipe_selectboxes[5])
table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_pipe_end.png") table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_pipe_end.png")
else else
table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_plain.png") table.insert(outimgs, "pipeworks_plain.png")
end end
jx = xp+xm local jx = xp+xm
jy = yp+ym local jy = yp+ym
jz = zp+zm local jz = zp+zm
if (jx+jy+jz) == 1 then if (jx+jy+jz) == 1 then
if xm == 1 then if xm == 1 then
@ -267,7 +218,7 @@ for zp = 0, 1 do
end end
if (jx==1 and jy==1 and jz~=1) or (jx==1 and jy~=1 and jz==1) or (jx~= 1 and jy==1 and jz==1) then if (jx==1 and jy==1 and jz~=1) or (jx==1 and jy~=1 and jz==1) or (jx~= 1 and jy==1 and jz==1) then
addbox(outboxes, bendsphere) pipe_addbox(outboxes, pipe_bendsphere)
end end
if (jx==2 and jy~=2 and jz~=2) then if (jx==2 and jy~=2 and jz~=2) then
@ -284,7 +235,8 @@ for zp = 0, 1 do
table.insert(outimgs, 3, "pipeworks_windowed_XXXXX.png") table.insert(outimgs, 3, "pipeworks_windowed_XXXXX.png")
end end
pname = xm..xp..ym..yp..zm..zp local pname = xm..xp..ym..yp..zm..zp
local pgroups = ""
if pname ~= "110000" then if pname ~= "110000" then
pgroups = {snappy=3, pipe=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1} pgroups = {snappy=3, pipe=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1}
@ -313,21 +265,21 @@ for zp = 0, 1 do
stack_max = 99, stack_max = 99,
drop = "pipeworks:pipe_110000_empty", drop = "pipeworks:pipe_110000_empty",
after_place_node = function(pos) after_place_node = function(pos)
autoroute({ x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_empty") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_empty")
autoroute({ x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_empty") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_empty")
autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z }, "_empty") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z }, "_empty")
autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z }, "_empty") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z }, "_empty")
autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z-1 }, "_empty") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z-1 }, "_empty")
autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z+1 }, "_empty") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z+1 }, "_empty")
autoroute(pos, "_empty") pipe_autoroute(pos, "_empty")
end, end,
after_dig_node = function(pos) after_dig_node = function(pos)
autoroute({ x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_empty") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_empty")
autoroute({ x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_empty") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_empty")
autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z }, "_empty") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z }, "_empty")
autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z }, "_empty") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z }, "_empty")
autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z-1 }, "_empty") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z-1 }, "_empty")
autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z+1 }, "_empty") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z+1 }, "_empty")
end end
}) })
@ -350,21 +302,21 @@ for zp = 0, 1 do
stack_max = 99, stack_max = 99,
drop = "pipeworks:pipe_110000_loaded", drop = "pipeworks:pipe_110000_loaded",
after_place_node = function(pos) after_place_node = function(pos)
autoroute({ x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_loaded") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_loaded")
autoroute({ x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_loaded") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_loaded")
autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z }, "_loaded") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z }, "_loaded")
autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z }, "_loaded") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z }, "_loaded")
autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z-1 }, "_loaded") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z-1 }, "_loaded")
autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z+1 }, "_loaded") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z+1 }, "_loaded")
autoroute(pos, "_loaded") pipe_autoroute(pos, "_loaded")
end, end,
after_dig_node = function(pos) after_dig_node = function(pos)
autoroute({ x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_loaded") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_loaded")
autoroute({ x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_loaded") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y , z=pos.z }, "_loaded")
autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z }, "_loaded") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z }, "_loaded")
autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z }, "_loaded") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z }, "_loaded")
autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z-1 }, "_loaded") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z-1 }, "_loaded")
autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z+1 }, "_loaded") pipe_autoroute({ x=pos.x , y=pos.y , z=pos.z+1 }, "_loaded")
end end
}) })
end end
@ -374,154 +326,7 @@ end
end end
end end
-- the pump module dofile(minetest.get_modpath("pipeworks").."/devices.lua")
pumpboxes = {}
addbox(pumpboxes, leftstub)
addbox(pumpboxes, pumpbody)
addbox(pumpboxes, rightstub)
minetest.register_node("pipeworks:pump_on", {
description = "Pump Module (on)",
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
paramtype = "light",
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = { -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 }
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = pumpboxes
groups = {snappy=3, pipe=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
walkable = true,
stack_max = 99,
minetest.register_node("pipeworks:pump_off", {
description = "Pump Module (off)",
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
paramtype = "light",
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = { -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 }
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = pumpboxes
groups = {snappy=3, pipe=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
walkable = true,
stack_max = 99,
-- valve module
valveboxes = {}
addbox(valveboxes, leftstub)
addbox(valveboxes, valvebody)
addbox(valveboxes, valvehandle_off)
addbox(valveboxes, rightstub)
minetest.register_node("pipeworks:valve_off", {
description = "Valve (off)",
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
paramtype = "light",
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = { -5/16, -4/16, -5/16, 6/16, 8/16, 6/16 }
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = valveboxes
groups = {snappy=3, pipe=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
walkable = true,
stack_max = 99,
valveboxes = {}
addbox(valveboxes, leftstub)
addbox(valveboxes, valvebody)
addbox(valveboxes, valvehandle_on)
addbox(valveboxes, rightstub)
minetest.register_node("pipeworks:valve_on", {
description = "Valve (on)",
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
paramtype = "light",
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = { -5/16, -4/16, -5/16, 6/16, 8/16, 6/16 }
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = valveboxes
groups = {snappy=3, pipe=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
walkable = true,
stack_max = 99,
minetest.register_on_punchnode(function (pos, node)
if node.name=="pipeworks:valve_on" then
minetest.env:add_node(pos, { name = "pipeworks:valve_off" })
minetest.register_on_punchnode(function (pos, node)
if node.name=="pipeworks:valve_off" then
minetest.env:add_node(pos, { name = "pipeworks:valve_on" })
minetest.register_on_punchnode(function (pos, node)
if node.name=="pipeworks:pump_on" then
minetest.env:add_node(pos, { name = "pipeworks:pump_off" })
minetest.register_on_punchnode(function (pos, node)
if node.name=="pipeworks:pump_off" then
minetest.env:add_node(pos, { name = "pipeworks:pump_on" })
print("Pipeworks loaded!") print("Pipeworks loaded!")

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