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-- reimplementation of new_flow_logic branch: processing functions
-- written 2017 by thetaepsilon
local flowlogic = {}
flowlogic.helpers = {}
pipeworks.flowlogic = flowlogic
-- borrowed from above: might be useable to replace the above coords tables
local make_coords_offsets = function(pos, include_base)
local coords = {
if include_base then table.insert(coords, pos) end
return coords
-- local debuglog = function(msg) print("## "..msg) end
-- new version of liquid check
-- accepts a limit parameter to only delete water blocks that the receptacle can accept,
-- and returns it so that the receptacle can update it's pressure values.
local check_for_liquids_v2 = function(pos, limit)
local coords = make_coords_offsets(pos, false)
local total = 0
for index, tpos in ipairs(coords) do
if total >= limit then break end
local name = minetest.get_node(tpos).name
if name == "default:water_source" then
total = total + 1
return total
flowlogic.check_for_liquids_v2 = check_for_liquids_v2
local label_pressure = "pipeworks.water_pressure"
local label_haspressure = "pipeworks.is_pressure_node"
flowlogic.balance_pressure = function(pos, node)
-- debuglog("balance_pressure() "..node.name.." at "..pos.x.." "..pos.y.." "..pos.z)
-- check the pressure of all nearby nodes, and average it out.
-- for the moment, only balance neighbour nodes if it already has a pressure value.
-- XXX: maybe this could be used to add fluid behaviour to other mod's nodes too?
-- unconditionally include self in nodes to average over
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local currentpressure = meta:get_float(label_pressure)
meta:set_int(label_haspressure, 1)
local connections = { meta }
local totalv = currentpressure
local totalc = 1
-- then handle neighbours, but if not a pressure node don't consider them at all
for _, npos in ipairs(make_coords_offsets(pos, false)) do
local neighbour = minetest.get_meta(npos)
local haspressure = (neighbour:get_int(label_haspressure) ~= 0)
if haspressure then
local n = neighbour:get_float(label_pressure)
table.insert(connections, neighbour)
totalv = totalv + n
totalc = totalc + 1
local average = totalv / totalc
for _, targetmeta in ipairs(connections) do
targetmeta:set_float(label_pressure, average)
flowlogic.run_input = function(pos, node, maxpressure, intakefn)
-- intakefn allows a given input node to define it's own intake logic.
-- this function will calculate the maximum amount of water that can be taken in;
-- the intakefn will be given this and is expected to return the actual absorption amount.
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local currentpressure = meta:get_float(label_pressure)
local intake_limit = maxpressure - currentpressure
if intake_limit <= 0 then return end
local actual_intake = intakefn(pos, intake_limit)
if actual_intake <= 0 then return end
if actual_intake >= intake_limit then actual_intake = intake_limit end
local newpressure = actual_intake + currentpressure
-- debuglog("oldpressure "..currentpressure.." intake_limit "..intake_limit.." actual_intake "..actual_intake.." newpressure "..newpressure)
meta:set_float(label_pressure, newpressure)
-- flowlogic output helper for spigots
-- tries to place a water block in the world beneath the spigot.
-- threshold checking is assumed to be handled by the node registration;
-- see register_local_pipes.lua for the pipeworks default spigot.
flowlogic.helpers.output_spigot = function(pos, node, currentpressure)
local taken = 0
local below = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z}
local name = minetest.get_node(below).name
if (name == "air") or (name == "default:water_flowing") then
minetest.set_node(below, {name="default:water_source"})
taken = taken + 1
return taken
flowlogic.run_output = function(pos, node, threshold, outputfn)
-- callback for output devices.
-- takes care of checking a minimum pressure value and updating the node metadata.
-- the outputfn is provided the current pressure and returns the pressure "taken".
-- as an example, using this with the above spigot function,
-- the spigot function tries to output a water source if it will fit in the world.
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
-- sometimes I wonder if meta:get_* returning default values would ever be problematic.
-- though here it doesn't matter, an uninit'd node returns 0, which is fine for a new, empty node.
local currentpressure = meta:get_float(label_pressure)
if currentpressure > threshold then
local takenpressure = outputfn(pos, node, currentpressure)
local newpressure = currentpressure - takenpressure
if newpressure < 0 then currentpressure = 0 end
meta:set_float(label_pressure, newpressure)
flowlogic.run_spigot_output = function(pos, node)
-- try to output a water source node if there's enough pressure and space below.
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local currentpressure = meta:get_float(label_pressure)
if currentpressure > 1 then
local below = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z}
local name = minetest.get_node(below).name
if (name == "air") or (name == "default:water_flowing") then
minetest.set_node(below, {name="default:water_source"})
meta:set_float(label_pressure, currentpressure - 1)