2017-03-17 19:35:19 -04:00
-- Advanced NPC spawner by Zorman2000
-- The advanced spawner will contain functionality to spawn NPC correctly on
-- mg_villages building. The spawn node will be the mg_villages:plotmarker.
-- This node will be replaced with one that will perform the following functions:
-- - Scan the current building, check if it is of type:
-- - House
-- - Farm
-- - Hut
-- - NOTE: All other types are unsupported as-of now
-- - If it's from any of the above types, the spawner will proceed to scan the
-- the building and find out:
-- - Number and positions of beds
-- - Number and positions of benches
-- - Number and positions of chests
-- - Position of furnaces
-- - Position of doors
-- - NOTE: Scanning will be implemented for first floors only in the first
-- version. It's expected to also include upper floors later.
-- - After that, it will store these information in the node's metadata.
-- - The spawner will analyze the information and will spawn (# of beds/2) or 1
-- NPC in that house. The NPCs will be spawned in intervals, for which the node
-- will create node timers for each NPC.
-- - When a NPC is spawned:
-- - The NPC will be given a schedule
-- - If in a farm, the NPC will have a "farmer schedule" with a 40% chance
-- - If in a house or hut, the NPC will have either a miner, woodcutter, cooker
-- or simple schedule with an equal chance each
-- - The NPC will be assigned a unique bed
-- - The NPC will know the location of one chest, one bench and one furnace
-- - A life timer for the NPC will be created (albeit a long one). Once the NPC's
-- timer is invoked, the NPC will be de-spawned (dies). The spawner should keep
-- track of these.
-- - If a NPC has died, the spawner will choose with 50% chance to spawn a new NPC.
-- This is the basic functionality expected for the spawner in version 1. Other things
-- such as scanning upper floors, spawning families of NPCs and creating relationships
-- among them, etc. will be for other versions.
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
-- Public API
npc.spawner = {}
-- Private API
local spawner = {}
2017-03-18 10:32:37 -04:00
-- This is the official list of support building types
-- from the mg_villages mod
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
npc.spawner.mg_villages_supported_building_types = {
2017-03-18 10:32:37 -04:00
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
npc.spawner.replace_activated = true
2017-03-27 11:08:18 -04:00
npc.spawner.replacement_interval = 60
npc.spawner.spawn_delay = 10
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
2017-03-27 14:47:31 -04:00
npc.spawner.spawn_data = {
status = {
2017-03-27 20:05:18 -04:00
["dead"] = 0,
["alive"] = 1
2017-03-27 14:47:31 -04:00
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
-- Scanning functions
2017-03-18 10:32:37 -04:00
2017-03-27 14:47:31 -04:00
-- Creates an array of {pos=<node_pos>, owner=''} for managing
-- which NPC owns what
function spawner.get_nodes_by_type(start_pos, end_pos, type)
local result = {}
local nodes = npc.places.find_node_in_area(start_pos, end_pos, type)
for _,node_pos in pairs(nodes) do
local entry = {}
entry["node_pos"] = node_pos
entry["owner"] = ''
table.insert(result, entry)
return result
2017-03-18 10:32:37 -04:00
-- Scans an area for the supported nodes: beds, benches,
-- furnaces, storage (e.g. chests) and openable (e.g. doors).
-- Returns a table with these classifications
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
function spawner.scan_area(start_pos, end_pos)
minetest.log("Scanning area for nodes...")
2017-03-27 11:08:18 -04:00
minetest.log("Start pos: "..minetest.pos_to_string(start_pos))
minetest.log("End pos: "..minetest.pos_to_string(end_pos))
2017-03-18 10:32:37 -04:00
local result = {
bed_type = {},
sittable_type = {},
furnace_type = {},
storage_type = {},
openable_type = {}
2017-03-27 14:47:31 -04:00
result.bed_type = spawner.get_nodes_by_type(start_pos, end_pos, npc.places.nodes.BED_TYPE)
result.sittable_type = spawner.get_nodes_by_type(start_pos, end_pos, npc.places.nodes.SITTABLE_TYPE)
result.furnace_type = spawner.get_nodes_by_type(start_pos, end_pos, npc.places.nodes.FURNACE_TYPE)
result.storage_type = spawner.get_nodes_by_type(start_pos, end_pos, npc.places.nodes.STORAGE_TYPE)
result.openable_type = spawner.get_nodes_by_type(start_pos, end_pos, npc.places.nodes.OPENABLE_TYPE)
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
2017-03-23 10:20:08 -04:00
--minetest.log("Found nodes inside area: "..dump(result))
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
return result
2017-03-27 14:47:31 -04:00
-- This function will assign places to every NPC that belongs to a specific
-- house/building. It will use the resources of the house and give them
-- until there's no more. Call this function after NPCs are initialized
2017-03-27 20:05:18 -04:00
-- The basic assumption:
-- - Use only items that are up to y+3 (first floor of building) for now
-- - Tell the NPC where the furnaces are
-- - Assign a unique bed to the NPC
-- - If there are as many chests as beds, assign one to a NPC
-- - Else, just let the NPC know one of the chests, but not to be owned
-- - If there are as many benches as beds, assign one to a NPC
-- - Else, just let the NPC know one of the benches, but not own them
-- - Let the NPC know all doors to the house. Identify the front one as the entrance
2017-03-27 14:47:31 -04:00
function spawner.assign_places(pos, self)
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
-- This function is called when the node timer for spawning NPC
-- is expired
function npc.spawner.spawn_npc(pos)
-- Get timer
local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
-- Get metadata
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
-- Check amount of NPCs that should be spawned
local npc_count = meta:get_int("npc_count")
local spawned_npc_count = meta:get_int("spawned_npc_count")
minetest.log("Currently spawned "..dump(spawned_npc_count).." of "..dump(npc_count).." NPCs")
if spawned_npc_count < npc_count then
2017-03-27 11:08:18 -04:00
minetest.log("[advanced_npc] Spawning NPC at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
-- Spawn a NPC
2017-03-23 10:20:08 -04:00
local ent = minetest.add_entity(pos, "advanced_npc:npc")
if ent and ent:get_luaentity() then
2017-03-27 11:08:18 -04:00
ent:get_luaentity().initialized = false
npc.initialize(ent, pos)
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
-- Increase NPC spawned count
spawned_npc_count = spawned_npc_count + 1
-- Store count into node
meta:set_int("spawned_npc_count", spawned_npc_count)
2017-03-27 14:47:31 -04:00
-- Store spawned NPC data into node
local npc_table = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("npcs"))
-- TODO: Add more information here at some time...
local entry = {
status = npc.spawner.spawn_data.status.alive,
name = ent:get_luaentity().nametag,
id = ent:get_luaentity().npc_id,
born_day = minetest.get_day_count()
table.insert(npc_table, entry)
-- Store into metadata
meta:set_string("npcs", minetest.serialize(npc_table))
-- Temp
2017-03-27 11:08:18 -04:00
meta:set_string("infotext", meta:get_string("infotext")..", "..spawned_npc_count)
minetest.log("[advanced_npc] Spawning successful!")
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
-- Check if there are more NPCs to spawn
if spawned_npc_count >= npc_count then
-- Stop timer
2017-03-27 11:08:18 -04:00
minetest.log("[advanced_npc] No more NPCs to spawn at this location")
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
2017-03-23 10:20:08 -04:00
2017-03-27 11:08:18 -04:00
-- Start another timer to spawn more NPC
minetest.log("[advanced_npc] Spawning one more NPC in "..dump(npc.spawner.spawn_delay).."s")
2017-03-23 10:20:08 -04:00
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
return true
2017-03-27 11:08:18 -04:00
minetest.log("[advanced_npc] Spawning failed!")
2017-03-23 10:20:08 -04:00
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
return false
2017-03-18 10:32:37 -04:00
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
-- This function takes care of calculating how many NPCs will be spawn
function spawner.calculate_npc_spawning(pos)
2017-03-23 10:20:08 -04:00
-- Check node
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
if node.name ~= "advanced_npc:plotmarker_auto_spawner" then
-- Check node metadata
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
-- Get nodes for this building
local node_data = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("node_data"))
if node_data == nil then
2017-03-27 11:08:18 -04:00
minetest.log("[advanced_npc] ERROR: Mis-configured advanced_npc:plotmarker_auto_spawner at position: "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
-- Check number of beds
local beds_count = #node_data.bed_type
2017-03-27 11:08:18 -04:00
minetest.log("[advanced_npc] INFO: Found "..dump(beds_count).." beds in the building at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
local npc_count = 0
-- If number of beds is zero or beds/2 is less than one, spawn
-- a single NPC.
if beds_count == 0 or (beds_count > 0 and beds_count / 2 < 1) then
-- Spawn a single NPC
npc_count = 1
-- Spawn beds_count/2 NPCs
npc_count = ((beds_count / 2) - ((beds_count / 2) % 1))
2017-03-27 11:08:18 -04:00
minetest.log("Will spawn "..dump(npc_count).." NPCs at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
-- Store amount of NPCs to spawn
meta:set_int("npc_count", npc_count)
-- Store amount of NPCs spawned
meta:set_int("spawned_npc_count", 0)
-- Start timer
local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
2017-03-23 10:20:08 -04:00
2017-03-18 10:32:37 -04:00
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
-- Support code for mg_villages mods
2017-03-18 10:32:37 -04:00
-- This function creates a table of the scannable nodes inside
-- a mg_villages building. It needs the plotmarker position for a start
-- point and the building_data to get the x, y and z-coordinate size
-- of the building schematic
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
function spawner.scan_mg_villages_building(pos, building_data)
2017-03-18 10:32:37 -04:00
-- Get area of the building
local x_size = building_data.sizex
local y_size = building_data.ysize
local z_size = building_data.sizez
local start_pos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}
local end_pos = {x=pos.x + x_size, y=pos.y + y_size, z=pos.z + z_size}
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
return spawner.scan_area(start_pos, end_pos)
2017-03-18 10:32:37 -04:00
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
-- This function replaces an existent mg_villages:plotmarker with
-- and advanced_npc:auto_spawner. The existing metadata will be kept,
-- to allow compatibility. A new formspec will appear on right-click,
-- however it will as well allow to buy or manage the plot.
-- Also, the building is scanned for NPC-usable nodes and the amount
-- of NPCs to spawn and the interval is calculated.
function spawner.replace_mg_villages_plotmarker(pos)
-- Get the meta at the current position
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local village_id = meta:get_string("village_id")
local plot_nr = meta:get_int("plot_nr")
local infotext = meta:get_string("infotext")
-- Following line from mg_villages mod, protection.lua
local btype = mg_villages.all_villages[village_id].to_add_data.bpos[plot_nr].btype
local building_data = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype]
local building_type = building_data.typ
-- Check if the building is of the support types
for _,value in pairs(npc.spawner.mg_villages_supported_building_types) do
if building_type == value then
2017-03-18 10:32:37 -04:00
2017-03-27 11:08:18 -04:00
minetest.log("Replacing mg_villages:plotmarker at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
-- Replace the plotmarker for auto-spawner
minetest.set_node(pos, {name="advanced_npc:plotmarker_auto_spawner"})
-- Store old plotmarker metadata again
meta:set_string("village_id", village_id)
meta:set_int("plot_nr", plot_nr)
meta:set_string("infotext", infotext)
-- Store building type in metadata
meta:set_string("building_type", building_type)
-- Scan building for nodes
local nodedata = spawner.scan_mg_villages_building(pos, building_data)
-- Store nodedata into the spawner's metadata
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
meta:set_string("node_data", minetest.serialize(nodedata))
2017-03-27 14:47:31 -04:00
-- Initialize NPCs
local npcs = {}
meta:set_string("npcs", minetest.serialize(npcs))
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
-- Stop searching for building type
-- Only register the node, the ABM and the LBM if mg_villages mod
-- is present
2017-03-18 10:32:37 -04:00
if minetest.get_modpath("mg_villages") ~= nil then
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
-- Node registration
-- This node is currently a slightly modified mg_villages:plotmarker
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
-- TODO: Change formspec to a more detailed one.
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
minetest.register_node("advanced_npc:plotmarker_auto_spawner", {
description = "Automatic NPC Spawner",
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {"default_stone.png"},
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-0.5+2/16, -0.5, -0.5+2/16, 0.5-2/16, -0.5+2/16, 0.5-2/16},
groups = {cracky=3,stone=2},
on_rightclick = function( pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
return mg_villages.plotmarker_formspec( pos, nil, {}, clicker )
on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender)
return mg_villages.plotmarker_formspec( pos, formname, fields, sender );
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
-- protect against digging
can_dig = function(pos, player)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos);
if (meta and meta:get_string("village_id") ~= "" and meta:get_int("plot_nr") and meta:get_int("plot_nr") > 0 ) then
return false;
return true;
-- LBM Registration
-- Used to modify plotmarkers and replace them with advanced_npc:plotmarker_auto_spawner
label = "Replace mg_villages:plotmarker with Advanced NPC auto spawners",
name = "advanced_npc:mg_villages_plotmarker_replacer",
nodenames = {"mg_villages:plotmarker"},
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
run_at_every_load = false,
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
action = function(pos, node)
-- Check if replacement is activated
if npc.spawner.replace_activated then
-- Replace mg_villages:plotmarker
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
-- Set NPCs to spawn
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
-- ABM Registration... for when LBM fails.
label = "Replace mg_villages:plotmarker with Advanced NPC auto spawners",
nodenames = {"mg_villages:plotmarker"},
2017-03-27 11:08:18 -04:00
interval = npc.spawner.replacement_interval,
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
chance = 1,
catch_up = true,
action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
-- Check if replacement is activated
if npc.spawner.replace_activated then
-- Replace mg_villages:plotmarker
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
-- Set NPCs to spawn
2017-03-18 12:58:36 -04:00
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
-- Chat commands to manage spawners
minetest.register_chatcommand("restore_plotmarkers", {
description = "Replaces all advanced_npc:plotmarker_auto_spawner with mg_villages:plotmarker in the specified radius.",
privs = {server=true},
func = function(name, param)
-- Check if radius is null
if param == nil then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Need to enter a radius as an integer number. Ex. /restore_plotmarkers 10 for a radius of 10")
-- Get player position
local pos = {}
for _,player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
if player:get_player_name() == name then
pos = player:get_pos()
-- Search for nodes
local radius = tonumber(param)
local start_pos = {x=pos.x - radius, y=pos.y - radius, z=pos.z - radius}
local end_pos = {x=pos.x + radius, y=pos.y + radius, z=pos.z + radius}
local nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area_under_air(start_pos, end_pos,
-- Check if we have nodes to replace
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Found "..dump(#nodes).." nodes to replace...")
if #nodes == 0 then
-- Replace all nodes
for i = 1, #nodes do
2017-03-27 11:08:18 -04:00
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00
local meta = minetest.get_meta(nodes[i])
local village_id = meta:get_string("village_id")
local plot_nr = meta:get_int("plot_nr")
local infotext = meta:get_string("infotext")
-- Replace node
minetest.set_node(nodes[i], {name="mg_villages:plotmarker"})
-- Set metadata
meta = minetest.get_meta(nodes[i])
meta:set_string("village_id", village_id)
meta:set_int("plot_nr", plot_nr)
meta:set_string("infotext", infotext)
2017-03-27 11:08:18 -04:00
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Finished replacement of "..dump(#nodes).." auto-spawners successfully")
2017-03-22 22:08:41 -04:00