zorman2000 554fde4643 Adds pathfinding library Jumper by Ronald Yonaba. This includes an implementation of the A* pathfinding algorithm which makes NPC now always get to their goal node.
Pathfinding: Adds functions that allows to map the Minetest 3D map to a 2D array to use by the pathfinding algorithm.
Actions: Use new code for find_path function. Improves door opening while walking on paths, and also now close them. Cottages fence gates and doors are also now supported in addition to the default doors and gates.
Changes to the Readme and the License.
2017-01-06 07:57:42 -05:00

4 lines
80 B

[submodule "Jumper"]
path = Jumper
url = https://github.com/Yonaba/Jumper.git