Hector Franqui df56e44bbd Add workplaces support.
Workplaces are now usable nodes.
Plotmarkers around a building can be scanned and their information stored into current plotmarker.
Slightly optimize plotmarker search.
Add test "priest" occupation definition.
Fix lots of bugs in initialization code.
Add ability to determine occupation name out of surrounding workplaces.
Assign occupation to spawned NPC using simple algorithm.
Reduce log noise a bit.
Fix some warnings.
2017-08-29 14:54:57 -04:00

882 lines
38 KiB

-- Advanced NPC spawner by Zorman2000
-- The advanced spawner will contain functionality to spawn NPC correctly on
-- custom places, as well as in mg_villages building.
-- This works by using a special node to spawn NPCs on either a custom building or
-- on mg_villages building.
-- mg_villages functionality:
-- The spawn node for mg_villages will be the mg_villages:plotmarker.
-- Based on this node, the following things will be performed
-- - Scan the current building, check if it is of type:
-- - House
-- - Farm
-- - Hut
-- - NOTE: All other types are unsupported as-of now
-- - If it's from any of the above types, the spawner will proceed to scan the
-- the building and find out:
-- - Number and positions of beds
-- - Number and positions of benches
-- - Number and positions of chests
-- - Position of furnaces
-- - Position of doors
-- - NOTE: Scanning will be implemented for first floors only in the first
-- version. It's expected to also include upper floors later.
-- - After that, it will store these information in the node's metadata.
-- - The spawner will analyze the information and will spawn (# of beds/2) or 1
-- NPC in that house. The NPCs will be spawned in intervals, for which the node
-- will create node timers for each NPC.
-- - When a NPC is spawned:
-- - The NPC will be given a schedule
-- - If in a farm, the NPC will have a "farmer schedule" with a 40% chance
-- - If in a house or hut, the NPC will have either a miner, woodcutter, cooker
-- or simple schedule with an equal chance each
-- - The NPC will be assigned a unique bed
-- - The NPC will know the location of one chest, one bench and one furnace
-- - A life timer for the NPC will be created (albeit a long one). Once the NPC's
-- timer is invoked, the NPC will be de-spawned (dies). The spawner should keep
-- track of these.
-- - If a NPC has died, the spawner will choose with 50% chance to spawn a new NPC.
-- This is the basic functionality expected for the spawner in version 1. Other things
-- such as scanning upper floors, spawning families of NPCs and creating relationships
-- among them, etc. will be for other versions.
-- Public API
npc.spawner = {}
-- Private API
local spawner = {}
-- This is the official list of support building types
-- from the mg_villages mod
npc.spawner.mg_villages_supported_building_types = {
npc.spawner.replace_activated = true
npc.spawner.replacement_interval = 60
npc.spawner.spawn_delay = 10
npc.spawner.spawn_data = {
status = {
dead = 0,
alive = 1
age = {
adult = "adult",
child = "child"
-- Array of nodes that serve as plotmarker of a plot, and therefore
-- as auto-spawners
spawner.plotmarker_nodes = {}
-- Array of items that are used to spawn NPCs
spawner.spawn_eggs = {}
-- Scanning functions
-- This function scans a 3D area that encloses a building and tries to identify:
-- - Entrance door
-- - Beds
-- - Storage nodes (chests, etc.)
-- - Furnace nodes
-- - Sittable nodes
-- It will return a table with all information gathered
-- Playername should be provided if manual spawning
function npc.spawner.scan_area_for_spawn(start_pos, end_pos, player_name)
local result = {
building_type = "",
building_plot_info = {},
building_entrance = {},
building_usable_nodes = {},
building_npcs = {},
building_npc_stats = {}
-- Set building_type
result.building_type = "custom"
-- Get min pos and max pos
local minp, maxp = vector.sort(start_pos, end_pos)
-- Set plot info
result.building_plot_info = {
-- TODO: Check this and see if it is accurate!
xsize = maxp.x - minp.x,
ysize = maxp.y - minp.y,
zsize = maxp.z - minp.z,
start_pos = start_pos,
end_pos = end_pos
-- Scan building nodes
-- Scan building for nodes
local usable_nodes = npc.places.scan_area_for_usable_nodes(start_pos, end_pos)
-- Get all doors
local doors = usable_nodes.openable_type
-- Find entrance node - this is very tricky when no outside position
-- is given. So to this end, three things will happen:
-- - First, we will check for plotmarker nodes. A plotmarker node should
-- be set at the left of the front door of the building. If this node is
-- found, it will assume it is at that location and use it.
-- - Second, we are going to search for an entrance marker. The entrance marker
-- will be directly in the posiition of the entrance node, so no search
-- is needed.
-- - Third, will assume that the start_pos is always at the left side of
-- the front of the building, where the entrance is
local outside_pos = start_pos
-- Check if there is a plotmarker or spawner node
local candidate_nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area_under_air(start_pos, end_pos,
{"mg_villages:plotmarker", "advanced_npc:auto_spawner"})
if table.getn(candidate_nodes) > 0 then
-- Found plotmarker, use it as outside_pos. Ideally should be only one
outside_pos = candidate_nodes[1]
elseif npc.spawner_marker and player_name then
-- Get entrance from spawner marker1
if npc.spawner_marker.entrance_markers[player_name] then
outside_pos = npc.spawner_marker.entrance_markers[player_name]
-- Try to find entrance
local entrance = npc.places.find_entrance_from_openable_nodes(doors, outside_pos)
if entrance then
npc.log("INFO", "Found building entrance at: "..minetest.pos_to_string(entrance.node_pos))
-- Set building entrance
result.building_entrance = entrance
npc.log("ERROR", "Unable to find building entrance!")
-- Set node_data
result.building_usable_nodes = usable_nodes
-- Initialize NPC stats
-- Initialize NPC stats
local npc_stats = {
male = {
total = 0,
adult = 0,
child = 0
female = {
total = 0,
adult = 0,
child = 0
adult_total = 0,
child_total = 0
result.building_npc_stats = npc_stats
return result
-- Spawning functions
function npc.spawner.determine_npc_occupation(building_type, workplace_nodes, npcs)
local surrounding_buildings_map = {}
local current_building_map = {}
local current_building_npc_occupations = {}
-- Get all occupation names in the current building
for i = 1, #npcs do
if not npc.utils.array_contains(current_building_npc_occupations, npcs[i].occupation) then
table.insert(current_building_npc_occupations, npcs[i].occupations)
minetest.log("Occupation names in current building: "..dump(current_building_npc_occupations))
-- Classify workplaces
for i = 1, #workplace_nodes do
local workplace = workplace_nodes[i]
if workplace.surrounding_workplace == true then
surrounding_buildings_map[workplace.building_type] = workplace
current_building_map[workplace.building_type] = workplace
minetest.log("Surrounding workplaces map: "..dump(surrounding_buildings_map))
minetest.log("Current building type: "..dump(building_type))
-- Get occupation names for the buildings
local occupation_names = npc.occupations.get_for_building(
-- Determine occupation
-- First of all, iterate through all names, discard the default basic occupation.
-- Next, check if no-one in this builiding has this occupation name.
-- Next, check if the workplace node has no data assigned to it.
-- Finally, if not, return an table with the occupation name, and the selected
-- workplace node.
-- Note: Much more can be done here. This is a simplistic implementation,
-- given this is already complicated enough. For example, existing NPCs' occupation
-- can play a much more important role, not only taken in consideration for discarding.
for i = 1, #occupation_names do
-- Check if this occupation name is the default occupation, and if it is, continue
if occupation_names[i] ~= npc.occupations.basic_name then
-- Check if someone already works on this
if not npc.utils.array_contains(current_building_npc_occupations, occupation_names[i]) then
-- Check if someone else already has this occupation at the same workplace
for j = 1, #workplace_nodes do
-- Get building types from occupation
local local_building_types =
npc.occupations.registered_occupations[occupation_names[i]].building_type or {}
local surrounding_building_types =
npc.occupations.registered_occupations[occupation_names[i]].surrounding_building_types or {}
minetest.log("Occupation btype: "..dump(local_building_types))
minetest.log("Surrounding btypes: "..dump(surrounding_building_types))
-- Check the workplace_node is of any of those building_types
if npc.utils.array_contains(local_building_types, workplace_nodes[j].building_type) or
npc.utils.array_contains(surrounding_building_types, workplace_nodes[j].building_type) then
minetest.log("Found corresponding node: "..dump(workplace_nodes[j]))
local meta = minetest.get_meta(workplace_nodes[j].node_pos)
local worker_data = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("worker_data") or "")
-- If no worker data is found, then create it
if not worker_data then
return {name=occupation_names[i], node=workplace_nodes[j]}
return nil
-- This function is called when the node timer for spawning NPC
-- is expired. Can be called manually by supplying either:
-- - Position of mg_villages plotmarker, or,
-- - position of custom building spawner
-- Prerequisite for calling this function is:
-- - In case of mg_villages, spawner.adapt_mg_villages_plotmarker(), or,
-- - in case of custom buildings, npc.spawner.scan_area_for_spawn()
function npc.spawner.spawn_npc_on_plotmarker(pos)
-- Get timer
local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
-- Get metadata
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
-- Get current NPC info
local area_info = {}
area_info["npcs"] = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("npcs"))
-- Get NPC stats
area_info["npc_stats"] = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("npc_stats"))
-- Get node data
area_info["entrance"] = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("entrance"))
area_info["node_data"] = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("node_data"))
-- Check amount of NPCs that should be spawned
area_info["npc_count"] = meta:get_int("npc_count")
area_info["spawned_npc_count"] = meta:get_int("spawned_npc_count")
-- Determine occupation
area_info["building_type"] = meta:get_string("building_type")
local nearby_plotmarkers = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("nearby_plotmarkers"))
local occupation_data = npc.spawner.determine_npc_occupation(
local metadata = npc.spawner.spawn_npc(pos, area_info,
-- Set all metadata back into the node
-- Increase NPC spawned count
area_info.spawned_npc_count = metadata.spawned_npc_count + 1
-- Store count into node
meta:set_int("spawned_npc_count", area_info.spawned_npc_count)
-- Store spawned NPC info
meta:set_string("npcs", minetest.serialize(metadata.npcs))
-- Store NPC stats
meta:set_string("npc_stats", minetest.serialize(metadata.npc_stats))
-- Check if there are more NPCs to spawn
if area_info.spawned_npc_count >= area_info.npc_count then
-- Stop timer
npc.log("INFO", "No more NPCs to spawn at this location")
-- Start another timer to spawn more NPC
local new_delay = math.random(npc.spawner.spawn_delay)
npc.log("INFO", "Spawning one more NPC in "..dump(npc.spawner.spawn_delay).."s")
-- This function spawns a NPC into the given pos.
-- If area_info is given, updated area_info is returned at end
function npc.spawner.spawn_npc(pos, area_info, occupation_name)
-- Get current NPC info
local npc_table = area_info.npcs
-- Get NPC stats
local npc_stats = area_info.npc_stats
-- Get building entrance
local entrance = area_info.entrance
-- Get node data
local node_data = area_info.node_data
-- Check amount of NPCs that should be spawned
local npc_count = area_info.npc_count
local spawned_npc_count = area_info.spawned_npc_count
-- Check if we actually have these variables - if we don't, it is because
-- this is a manually spawned NPC
local can_spawn = false
if npc_count and spawned_npc_count then
npc.log("INFO", "Currently spawned "..dump(spawned_npc_count).." of "..dump(npc_count).." NPCs")
if spawned_npc_count < npc_count then
can_spawn = true
-- Manually spawned
can_spawn = true
if can_spawn then
npc.log("INFO", "Spawning NPC at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
-- Spawn a NPC
local ent = minetest.add_entity({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z}, "advanced_npc:npc")
if ent and ent:get_luaentity() then
ent:get_luaentity().initialized = false
-- Determine NPC occupation - use given or default
local occupation = occupation_name or "default_basic"
-- Initialize NPC
-- Call with stats if there are NPCs
if npc_table and #npc_table > 0 then
npc.initialize(ent, pos, false, npc_stats, occupation)
npc.initialize(ent, pos, nil, nil, occupation)
-- If entrance and node_data are present, assign nodes
if entrance and node_data then
npc.spawner.assign_places(ent:get_luaentity(), entrance, node_data, pos)
-- Store spawned NPC data and stats into node
local age =
if ent:get_luaentity().child then
age = npc.age.child
local entry = {
status = npc.spawner.spawn_data.status.alive,
name = ent:get_luaentity().name,
id = ent:get_luaentity().npc_id,
sex = ent:get_luaentity().sex,
age = age,
occupation = occupation,
born_day = minetest.get_day_count()
minetest.log("Area info: "..dump(area_info))
table.insert(area_info.npcs, entry)
-- Update and store stats
-- Increase total of NPCs for specific sex
npc_stats[ent:get_luaentity().sex].total =
npc_stats[ent:get_luaentity().sex].total + 1
-- Increase total number of NPCs by age
npc_stats[age.."_total"] = npc_stats[age.."_total"] + 1
-- Increase number of NPCs by age and sex
npc_stats[ent:get_luaentity().sex][age] =
npc_stats[ent:get_luaentity().sex][age] + 1
area_info.npc_stats = npc_stats
-- Return
npc.log("INFO", "Spawning successful!")
return area_info
npc.log("ERROR", "Spawning failed!")
return false
-- This function will assign places to every NPC that belongs to a specific
-- house/building. It will use the resources of the building and give them
-- until there's no more. Call this function after NPCs are initialized
-- The basic assumption:
-- - Tell the NPC where the furnaces are
-- - Assign a unique bed to the NPC
-- - If there are as many chests as beds, assign one to a NPC
-- - Else, just let the NPC know one of the chests, but not to be owned
-- - If there are as many benches as beds, assign one to a NPC
-- - Else, just let the NPC know one of the benches, but not own them
-- - Let the NPC know all doors to the house. Identify the front one as the entrance
-- Self is the NPC lua entity object, pos is the position of the NPC spawner.
-- Prerequisite for using this function is to have called either
-- - In case of mg_villages, spawner.adapt_mg_villages_plotmarker(), or,
-- - in case of custom buildings, npc.spawner.scan_area_for_spawn()
-- Both function set the required metadata for this function
-- For mg_villages, this will be the position of the plotmarker node.
function npc.spawner.assign_places(self, entrance, node_data, pos)
-- Assign plotmarker if position given
if pos then
npc.places.add_shared(self, npc.places.PLACE_TYPE.OTHER.HOME_PLOTMARKER,
-- Assign entrance door and related locations
if entrance ~= nil and entrance.node_pos ~= nil then
npc.places.add_shared(self, npc.places.PLACE_TYPE.OPENABLE.HOME_ENTRANCE_DOOR, npc.places.PLACE_TYPE.OPENABLE.HOME_ENTRANCE_DOOR, entrance.node_pos)
-- Find the position inside and outside the door
local entrance_inside = npc.places.find_node_behind_door(entrance.node_pos)
local entrance_outside = npc.places.find_node_in_front_of_door(entrance.node_pos)
-- Assign these places to NPC
npc.places.add_shared(self, npc.places.PLACE_TYPE.OTHER.HOME_INSIDE, npc.places.PLACE_TYPE.OTHER.HOME_INSIDE, entrance_inside)
npc.places.add_shared(self, npc.places.PLACE_TYPE.OTHER.HOME_OUTSIDE, npc.places.PLACE_TYPE.OTHER.HOME_OUTSIDE, entrance_outside)
-- Assign beds
if #node_data.bed_type > 0 then
-- Assign a specific sittable node to a NPC.
npc.places.add_owned_accessible_place(self, node_data.bed_type,
-- Store changes to node_data
--meta:set_string("node_data", minetest.serialize(node_data))
-- Assign sits
if #node_data.sittable_type > 0 then
-- Check if there are same or more amount of sits as beds
if #node_data.sittable_type >= #node_data.bed_type then
-- Assign a specific sittable node to a NPC.
npc.places.add_owned_accessible_place(self, node_data.sittable_type,
-- Store changes to node_data
--meta:set_string("node_data", minetest.serialize(node_data))
-- Add all sits to places as shared since NPC should be able to sit
-- at any accessible sit
npc.places.add_shared_accessible_place(self, node_data.sittable_type,
-- Assign furnaces
if #node_data.furnace_type > 0 then
-- Check if there are same or more amount of furnace as beds
if #node_data.furnace_type >= #node_data.bed_type then
-- Assign a specific furnace node to a NPC.
npc.places.add_owned_accessible_place(self, node_data.furnace_type,
-- Store changes to node_data
--meta:set_string("node_data", minetest.serialize(node_data))
-- Add all furnaces to places as shared since NPC should be able to use
-- any accessible furnace
npc.places.add_shared_accessible_place(self, node_data.furnace_type,
-- Assign storage nodes
if #node_data.storage_type > 0 then
-- Check if there are same or more amount of storage as beds
if #node_data.storage_type >= #node_data.bed_type then
-- Assign a specific storage node to a NPC.
npc.places.add_owned_accessible_place(self, node_data.storage_type,
-- Store changes to node_data
--meta:set_string("node_data", minetest.serialize(node_data))
-- Add all storage-types to places as shared since NPC should be able
-- to use other storaage nodes as well.
npc.places.add_shared_accessible_place(self, node_data.storage_type,
-- Assign workplace nodes
if #node_data.workplace_type > 0 then
local occupation = npc.occupations.registered_occupations[self.occupation_name]
npc.log("DEBUG", "Places for NPC "..self.npc_name..": "..dump(self.places_map))
-- Make NPC go into their house
-- If entrance is available let NPC
if entrance then
npc.add_action(self, npc.actions.cmd.FREEZE, {freeze = false})
return node_data
-- This function takes care of calculating how many NPCs will be spawn
-- Prerequisite for calling this function is:
-- - In case of mg_villages, spawner.adapt_mg_villages_plotmarker(), or,
-- - in case of custom buildings, npc.spawner.scan_area_for_spawn()
function npc.spawner.calculate_npc_spawning_on_plotmarker(pos)
-- Check node metadata
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
if meta:get_string("replaced") ~= "true" then
-- Get nodes for this building
local node_data = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("node_data"))
if node_data == nil then
npc.log("ERROR", "Mis-configured spawner at position: "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
-- Check number of beds
local beds_count = #node_data.bed_type--#spawner.filter_first_floor_nodes(node_data.bed_type, pos)
npc.log("DEBUG", "Found "..dump(beds_count).." beds in the building at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
local npc_count = 0
-- If number of beds is zero or beds/2 is less than one, spawn
-- a single NPC.
if beds_count == 0 or (beds_count > 0 and beds_count / 2 < 1) then
-- Spawn a single NPC
npc_count = 1
-- Spawn (beds_count/2) NPCs
npc_count = ((beds_count / 2) - ((beds_count / 2) % 1))
npc.log("INFO", "Will spawn "..dump(npc_count).." NPCs at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
-- Store amount of NPCs to spawn
meta:set_int("npc_count", npc_count)
-- Store amount of NPCs spawned
meta:set_int("spawned_npc_count", 0)
-- Start timer
local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
local delay = math.random(npc.spawner.spawn_delay)
-- Spawner nodes and items
-- The following are included:
-- - Auto-spawner: Basically a custom mg_villages:plotmarker that can be used
-- for custom buildings
-- - Manual spawner: This custom spawn item (egg) will show a formspec when used.
-- The formspec will allow the player to set the name of the NPC, the occupation
-- and the plot, entrance and workplace of the NPC. All of these are optional
-- and default values will be chosen whenever no input is provided.
-- Support code for mg_villages mods
if minetest.get_modpath("mg_villages") ~= nil then
-- This function creates a table of the scannable nodes inside
-- a mg_villages building. It needs the plotmarker position for a start
-- point and the building_data to get the x, y and z-coordinate size
-- of the building schematic
function spawner.scan_mg_villages_building(pos, building_data)
--minetest.log("Building data: "..dump(building_data))
-- Get area of the building
local x_size = building_data.bsizex
local y_size = building_data.ysize
local z_size = building_data.bsizez
local brotate = building_data.brotate
local start_pos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}
local x_sign, z_sign = 1, 1
-- Check plot direction
-- NOTE: Below values may be wrong, very wrong!
-- 0 - facing West, -X
-- 1 - facing North, +Z
-- 2 - facing East, +X
-- 3 - facing South -Z
if brotate == 0 then
x_sign, z_sign = 1, -1
elseif brotate == 1 then
x_sign, z_sign = -1, -1
local temp = z_size
z_size = x_size
x_size = temp
elseif brotate == 2 then
x_sign, z_sign = -1, 1
elseif brotate == 3 then
x_sign, z_sign = 1, 1
-- For debug:
-- Red is x marker
--minetest.set_node({x=pos.x + (x_sign * x_size),y=pos.y,z=pos.z}, {name = "wool:red"})
--minetest.get_meta({x=pos.x + (x_sign * x_size),y=pos.y,z=pos.z}):set_string("infotext", minetest.get_meta(pos):get_string("infotext")..", Axis: x, Sign: "..dump(x_sign))
-- Blue is z marker
--minetest.set_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z + (z_sign * z_size)}, {name = "wool:blue"})
--minetest.get_meta({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z + (z_sign * z_size)}):set_string("infotext", minetest.get_meta(pos):get_string("infotext")..", Axis: z, Sign: "..dump(z_sign))
npc.log("DEBUG", "Start pos: "..minetest.pos_to_string(start_pos))
npc.log("DEBUG", "Plot: "..dump(minetest.get_meta(start_pos):get_string("infotext")))
npc.log("DEBUG", "Brotate: "..dump(brotate))
npc.log("DEBUG", "X_sign: "..dump(x_sign))
npc.log("DEBUG", "X_adj: "..dump(x_sign*x_size))
npc.log("DEBUG", "Z_sign: "..dump(z_sign))
npc.log("DEBUG", "Z_adj: "..dump(z_sign*z_size))
local end_pos = {x=pos.x + (x_sign * x_size), y=pos.y + y_size, z=pos.z + (z_sign * z_size)}
-- For debug:
--minetest.set_node(start_pos, {name="default:mese_block"})
--minetest.set_node(end_pos, {name="default:mese_block"})
--minetest.get_meta(end_pos):set_string("infotext", minetest.get_meta(start_pos):get_string("infotext"))
npc.log("DEBUG", "Calculated end pos: "..minetest.pos_to_string(end_pos))
return npc.places.scan_area_for_usable_nodes(start_pos, end_pos)
-- This function "adapts" an existent mg_villages:plotmarker for NPC spawning.
-- The existing metadata will be kept, to allow compatibility. A new formspec
-- will appear on right-click, however it will as well allow to buy or manage
-- the plot. Also, the building is scanned for NPC-usable nodes and the amount
-- of NPCs to spawn and the interval is calculated.
function spawner.adapt_mg_villages_plotmarker(pos)
-- Get the meta at the current position
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local village_id = meta:get_string("village_id")
local plot_nr = meta:get_int("plot_nr")
local infotext = meta:get_string("infotext")
-- Check for nil values above
if (not village_id or (village_id and village_id == ""))
or (not plot_nr or (plot_nr and plot_nr == 0)) then
local all_data = npc.places.get_mg_villages_building_data(pos)
local building_data = all_data.building_data
local building_type = all_data.building_type
local building_pos_data = all_data.building_pos_dataS
--minetest.log("Found building data: "..dump(building_data))
-- Check if the building is of the support types
for _,value in pairs(npc.spawner.mg_villages_supported_building_types) do
if building_type == value then
npc.log("INFO", "Replacing mg_villages:plotmarker at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
-- Store plotmarker metadata again
meta:set_string("village_id", village_id)
meta:set_int("plot_nr", plot_nr)
meta:set_string("infotext", infotext)
-- Store building type in metadata
meta:set_string("building_type", building_type)
-- Store plot information
local plot_info = mg_villages.all_villages[village_id].to_add_data.bpos[plot_nr]
plot_info["ysize"] = building_data.ysize
-- minetest.log("Plot info at replacement time: "..dump(plot_info))
meta:set_string("plot_info", minetest.serialize(plot_info))
-- Scan building for nodes
local nodedata = spawner.scan_mg_villages_building(pos, plot_info)
-- Find building entrance
local doors = nodedata.openable_type
--minetest.log("Found "..dump(#doors).." openable nodes")
local entrance = npc.places.find_entrance_from_openable_nodes(doors, pos)
if entrance then
npc.log("INFO", "Found building entrance at: "..minetest.pos_to_string(entrance.node_pos))
npc.log("ERROR", "Unable to find building entrance!")
-- Store building entrance
meta:set_string("entrance", minetest.serialize(entrance))
-- Store nodedata into the spawner's metadata
meta:set_string("node_data", minetest.serialize(nodedata))
-- Find nearby plotmarkers, excluding current plotmarker
local nearby_plotmarkers = npc.places.find_plotmarkers(pos, 35, true)
--minetest.log("Found nearby plotmarkers: "..dump(nearby_plotmarkers))
meta:set_string("nearby_plotmarkers", minetest.serialize(nearby_plotmarkers))
-- Check if building position data is also available (recent mg_villages)
if building_pos_data then
meta:set_string("building_pos_data", minetest.serialize(building_pos_data))
-- Initialize NPCs
local npcs = {}
meta:set_string("npcs", minetest.serialize(npcs))
-- Initialize NPC stats
local npc_stats = {
male = {
total = 0,
adult = 0,
child = 0
female = {
total = 0,
adult = 0,
child = 0
adult_total = 0,
child_total = 0
meta:set_string("npc_stats", minetest.serialize(npc_stats))
-- Set replaced
meta:set_string("replaced", "true")
-- Calculate how many NPCs will spawn
-- Stop searching for building type
-- Node registration
-- This node is currently a slightly modified mg_villages:plotmarker
-- TODO: Change formspec to a more detailed one.
minetest.override_item("mg_villages:plotmarker", {
-- description = "Automatic NPC Spawner",
-- drawtype = "nodebox",
-- tiles = {"default_stone.png"},
-- paramtype = "light",
-- paramtype2 = "facedir",
-- node_box = {
-- type = "fixed",
-- fixed = {
-- {-0.5+2/16, -0.5, -0.5+2/16, 0.5-2/16, -0.5+2/16, 0.5-2/16},
-- --{-0.5+0/16, -0.5, -0.5+0/16, 0.5-0/16, -0.5+0/16, 0.5-0/16},
-- }
-- },
walkable = false,
groups = {cracky=3,stone=2},
on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
-- NOTE: This is temporary code for testing...
local nodedata = minetest.deserialize(minetest.get_meta(pos):get_string("node_data"))
--minetest.log("Node data: "..dump(nodedata))
--minetest.log("Entrance: "..dump(minetest.deserialize(minetest.get_meta(pos):get_string("entrance"))))
--minetest.log("First-floor beds: "..dump(spawner.filter_first_floor_nodes(nodedata.bed_type, pos)))
--local entrance = npc.places.find_entrance_from_openable_nodes(nodedata.openable_type, pos)
--minetest.log("Found entrance: "..dump(entrance))
minetest.log("Replaced: "..dump(minetest.get_meta(pos):get_string("replaced")))
-- for i = 1, #nodedata.bed_type do
-- nodedata.bed_type[i].owner = ""
-- end
-- minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("node_data", minetest.serialize(nodedata))
-- minetest.log("Cleared bed owners")
--minetest.log("NPC stats: "..dump(minetest.deserialize(minetest.get_meta(pos):get_string("npc_stats"))))
return mg_villages.plotmarker_formspec( pos, nil, {}, clicker )
-- on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender)
-- return mg_villages.plotmarker_formspec( pos, formname, fields, sender );
-- end,
on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
-- protect against digging
-- can_dig = function(pos, player)
-- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos);
-- if (meta and meta:get_string("village_id") ~= "" and meta:get_int("plot_nr") and meta:get_int("plot_nr") > 0 ) then
-- return false;
-- end
-- return true;
-- end
-- LBM Registration
-- Used to modify plotmarkers and replace them with advanced_npc:plotmarker_auto_spawner
-- minetest.register_lbm({
-- label = "Replace mg_villages:plotmarker with Advanced NPC auto spawners",
-- name = "advanced_npc:mg_villages_plotmarker_replacer",
-- nodenames = {"mg_villages:plotmarker"},
-- run_at_every_load = false,
-- action = function(pos, node)
-- -- Check if replacement is activated
-- if npc.spawner.replace_activated then
-- -- Replace mg_villages:plotmarker
-- spawner.replace_mg_villages_plotmarker(pos)
-- -- Set NPCs to spawn
-- spawner.calculate_npc_spawning(pos)
-- end
-- end
-- })
-- ABM Registration
label = "Replace mg_villages:plotmarker with Advanced NPC auto spawners",
nodenames = {"mg_villages:plotmarker"},
interval = 10,--npc.spawner.replacement_interval,
chance = 1,--5,
catch_up = true,
action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
-- Check if replacement is needed
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
if meta then
-- minetest.log("------ Plotmarker metadata -------")
-- local plot_nr = meta:get_int("plot_nr")
-- local village_id = meta:get_string("village_id")
-- minetest.log("Plot nr: "..dump(plot_nr)..", village ID: "..dump(village_id))
-- minetest.log(dump(mg_villages.get_plot_and_building_data( village_id, plot_nr )))
if minetest.get_meta(pos):get_string("replaced") == "true" then
-- Check if replacement is activated
if npc.spawner.replace_activated then
-- Replace mg_villages:plotmarker
--minetest.register_alias_force("mg_villages:plotmarker", )
-- Chat commands to manage spawners
minetest.register_chatcommand("restore_plotmarkers", {
description = "Replaces all advanced_npc:plotmarker_auto_spawner with mg_villages:plotmarker in the specified radius.",
privs = {server=true},
func = function(name, param)
-- Check if radius is null
if param == nil and type(param) ~= "number" then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Need to enter a radius as an integer number. Ex. /restore_plotmarkers 10 for a radius of 10")
-- Get player position
local pos = {}
for _,player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
if player:get_player_name() == name then
pos = player:get_pos()
-- Search for nodes
local radius = tonumber(param)
local start_pos = {x=pos.x - radius, y=pos.y - 5, z=pos.z - radius}
local end_pos = {x=pos.x + radius, y=pos.y + 5, z=pos.z + radius}
local nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area_under_air(start_pos, end_pos,
-- Check if we have nodes to replace
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Found "..dump(#nodes).." nodes to replace...")
if #nodes == 0 then
-- Replace all nodes
for i = 1, #nodes do
local meta = minetest.get_meta(nodes[i])
local village_id = meta:get_string("village_id")
local plot_nr = meta:get_int("plot_nr")
local infotext = meta:get_string("infotext")
-- Set metadata
meta = minetest.get_meta(nodes[i])
meta:set_string("village_id", village_id)
meta:set_int("plot_nr", plot_nr)
meta:set_string("infotext", infotext)
-- Clear NPC stats, NPC data and node data
meta:set_string("node_data", nil)
meta:set_string("npcs", nil)
meta:set_string("npc_stats", nil)
meta:set_string("replaced", "false")
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Finished replacement of "..dump(#nodes).." auto-spawners successfully")