Add dialogue API documentation (WIP)
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## Dialogues API
__How dialogues work__
Every time a NPC is spawned, it gets a number of dialogues assigned to it. These dialogues are randomly selected based on specific criteria. A dialogue is 'tagged' with different categories, which makes it possible to search by criteria.
__Registering dialogues and the dialogue definition__
Dialogues are registered when the mod is loaded at Minetest's start time. The registered dialogues are in the random data (if file is included, `data\dialogues_data.lua`) and any occupation definition that register dialogues. Dialogues are registered using the following API method:
The `def` argument is a Lua table that can have the following attributes:
dialogue = {
text = "",
-- ^ The "spoken" dialogue line
flag =
-- ^ If the flag with the specified name has the specified value
-- then this dialogue is valid
name = "",
-- Name of the flag
value = ""
-- Expected value of the flag. A flag can be a function. In such a case, it is
-- expected the function will return this value.
tags = {
-- Tags are an array of string that allow to classify dialogues
-- A dialogue can have as many tags as desired and can take any form.
-- However, for consistency, some predefined tags can be found at
-- npc.dialogue.tags.
-- Example:
responses = {
-- Array of responses the player can choose. A response can be of
-- two types: as [1] or as [2] (see example below)
[1] = {
text = "Yes",
-- Text displayed to the player
action_type = "dialogue",
-- Type of action that happens when the player chooses this response.
-- can be "dialogue" or "function". This example shows "dialogue"
action = {
text = "It's so beautiful, and big, and large, and infinite, and..."
-- A table containing a dialogue. This means you can include not only
-- text but also flag and responses as well. Dialogues are recursive.
[2] = {
text = "No",
action_type = "function",
action = function(self, player)
-- A function will have access to self, which is the NPC
-- and the player, which is the player ObjectRef. You can
-- pretty much do anything here. The example here is very simple,
-- just sending a chat message. But you can add items to players
-- or to NPCs and so on.
minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "Oh, ok...")
In the above definition, you can see that the `responses` array is actually an array of Lua tables defining more dialogue objects. Therefore, in this sense, dialogues can be recursive. You can have a dialogue have many responses which produces many dialogues.
Also, dialogues can do more than just showing text. A response can have parameter `action_type = "function"`, which means the `action` will actually define a function, `function(self, player)`. The player here is the full Player object in Minetest and not just the name.
You can see more examples in `data\dialogues_data.lua` and `data\occupations_data.lua`.
Tags are a fundamental part of the dialogue system. A dialogue definition can have as many tags as you want. When a new NPC is created, it will search dialogues that have *at least* one of the following tags:
* "unisex",
* "male" or "female", depending on the NPC's sex,
* "phase1" (this is for dialogues related to a NPC's relationship phase)
Dialogues can be searched using the following API function:
npc.dialogue.search_dialogue_by_tags(tags, find_all)
In the above function, `tags` is a Lua array of tags and `find_all` is a boolean value. If true, the function will only return those dialogues that have ___all___ the tags in the `tags` array. If false (or not given), it will return all dialogues that have ___at least___ one tag in the `tags` array.
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